DBMS Fast Preparation Material

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Lec-1 Introduction to DBMS + DBMS Vs File system

Let me introduce yourself with database Management System. Database is generally

word which we use with storing of something in our day to day life. Database is nothing
but collection of data. For an example it can be the university database which can contain
student information course information or faculty information. It also represents the
relationship with each other. Like which students enrolled in which courses.

So I hope you are aware of the database and its system. File system is also having same
concept but it has some drawback and lack of functionalities that is in database
management system.

To understand the difference between them let’s take an example.

A company has a large collection of data on employees, departments, products, sales, and
so on. This data is accessed concurrently by several employees. Question about the data
must be answered quickly, changes made by the user on data must be consistently, and
access to certain part of data must be restricted.

We can try to store data in operating system devices. It has following drawbacks.

1) We probably do not have 500GB of main memory to hold data. We must

therefore have to store all the data into the tapes or disks.
2) Suppose if we have storage but we can not waste that 32-bit computer to store that
3) We must have to make a program that gives us preferred output and can able to
perform any changes to data instantly.
4) In windows or any other fie system there is only password protected security is
provided that is not sufficient to store this kind of data.
5) In operating system one user at a time can access or perform task on the data so
other have to wait or denied if there is something being done on that data.
6) Ultimately the file opens and than close so we will run the process for so many
times in file system so it may chance to lost the data or control over the operating

SO Database is providing this all facilities so we can say it’s a good as compared to file

That’s It.
Our next topic is : “Advantage of DBMS”.

Till than good bye and if you have any query related to this question you can ask me
every night at 11:00 to 12:00 on face book.

Have a good day……


1) Application of DBMS.

 Database is collection of data. It contains information about one particular

enterprise. A database Management system consist of a collection of interrelated
data and a set of programs to access those data.
 It is designed to manage large bodies of information. The database system must
provide the safety of the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts of
unauthorized access. If the data is to be shared among several users, the system
must maintain consistency.
 When we use DBMS we can change data without a bit change to the already
existing database.

2) Advantages of DBMS.

 Redundancy can be reduced……. (Explain redundancy)

 Inconsistency can be avoided…… (Explain consistency)
 Data can be shared….(How explain)
 Integrity can be maintained…. (Integrity means the data in the database is
accurate. Centralize control on the data. Permission to access the data.)
 Security can be enforced.

3) Instances and schemas

The collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment is called

an instance of the database.

The overall design of the database is called the database schema.

Types of database schemas

1) Physical schema: Describes the database design at physical level.
2) Logical schema: at logical level.
3) Subschema: it may have several subschemas at view level, called as subschema’s
that describes different views of the database.

4) Database system Architecture Levels.

Explain data abstraction

1) physical level
2) logical level
3) view level
4) Database administrator:

A person who has central control over the database is called the DBA.

Functions of DBA:
 Schema definition: The DBA creates the original database schema by executing set
of DDL.
 Schema and physical organization modification: The DBA carries out changes to the
schema and physical organization to reflect the changing needs of the organization or to
alter the physical organization to improve performance.
 Granting of authorization for data access: By granting different types of
authorization, the DBA can regulate different users accessing different parts of database.
 Routine maintenance : Examples of database administrator’s routine maintenance
activities are.

 Periodic Back ups.

 Free disk space available on disk checking.
 Monitoring jobs running on the database.

5) Database Languages:
Refer korth( page no -9)

6) Database architecture (page 24 in korth)

Chapter -2

Look at the keys once and try to explain with example.

(korth page 42)

Q-2 fundamental Relational algebra Operations.

1) Select Operation
2) Union operation


Please refer all basic structures of the SQl querries like.

Explain and all that.

Please do the assignment too.

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