Assessment and Management of Fluid Overload in Children On Dialysis
Assessment and Management of Fluid Overload in Children On Dialysis
Assessment and Management of Fluid Overload in Children On Dialysis
Received: 30 November 2017 / Revised: 29 December 2017 / Accepted: 29 December 2017 / Published online: 9 March 2018
# The Author(s) 2018. This article is an open access publication
Dysregulation of intravascular fluid leads to chronic volume overload in children with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD).
Sequelae include left ventricular hypertrophy and remodeling and impaired cardiac function. As a result, cardiovascular com-
plications are the commonest cause of mortality in the pediatric dialysis population. The clinical need to optimize intravascular
volume in children with ESKD is clear; however, its assessment and management is the most challenging aspect of the pediatric
dialysis prescription. Minimizing chronic fluid overload is a key priority; however, excessive ultrafiltration is toxic to the
myocardium and can precipitate intradialytic symptoms. This review outlines emerging objective techniques to enhance the
assessment of fluid overload in children on dialysis and outlines evidence for current management strategies to address this
clinical problem.
level approaches 10% of the child’s bodyweight, which rep- Bioimpedance analysis (BIA)
resents severe fluid overload. Secondly, pre-dialytic blood
pressure is not solely determined by intravascular volume Bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) is a technique used to esti-
and is confounded by factors such as impaired cardiac func- mate total body water, extracellular water, lean and adipose
tion and physiological variation with exercise and stress. tissue mass and overhydration (OH). Various devices are
Thirdly, in the pediatric dialysis population, a proportion of available; however, the Fresenius body composition monitor
interdialytic weight gain should constitute nutritional weight (Fresenius Medical Care, 61,352 Bad Homburg, Germany) is
gain, which can be challenging to delineate from fluid over- the most widely used in dialysis patients. This device esti-
load. This is particularly pertinent for infants and young chil- mates hydration parameters from 50 different alternating cur-
dren, in whom nutritional weight gain can represent 5–10% rent frequencies between adhesive electrodes on the placed on
change in target weight per week. For these reasons, objective the hand and wrist and foot and ankle.
measures of fluid overload are needed to enhance regular clin- Limited data are available on the accuracy of BIS in quan-
ical assessments. A number of emerging techniques to facili- tifying fluid overload in children with ESKD. In a small study
tate objective measurement of fluid overload in pediatric dial- comparing BIS to deuterium and bromide dilution measure-
ysis patients are summarized in Fig. 1 and will now be ments in 16 children, BIS was not found to accurately estimate
discussed. total body water or extracellular water volume, albeit with
significant study limitations such as non-supervised ingestion biofeedback, which automatically adjusts the ultrafiltration rate
of deuterated water in patients’ homes [10]. Overhydration according to blood volume parameters, did not show any ben-
assessed using BIS was compared to systolic blood pressure efit in reducing symptomatic intradialytic hypotension [20].
in a retrospective analysis of 23 children; no correlation was Limited pediatric data are available on this technique. The
found [11]. A key limitation of this study was that blood slope of the relative blood volume curve in the first hour of
pressure was not normalized to account for patient height. hemodialysis was found to predict intradialytic symptoms in a
This issue was addressed in a study of 30 children with chron- single-centre pediatric study [7]. There are currently no stud-
ic kidney disease (CKD) and 13 controls, but again found no ies to support routine use of this technique in the assessment of
correlation between over-hydration measurements from BIS target weight in children on dialysis.
and systolic blood pressure Z score in children [12].
Indexed left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and the inci-
dence of pulmonary edema were compared between 18 teen- N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)
age dialysis patients (median 14.8 years) after the introduction
of single-frequency BIA, to data from 13 patients (median age NT-proBNP is a natriuretic peptide used as a biomarker to aid
15.6 years) in whom BIA was not used. Improvements in the diagnosis of cardiac failure in adult patients. It has also
LVMI and pulmonary edema were reported following the in- been shown to predict cardiac dysfunction in children and
troduction of BIA to guide target weight [13]. adolescents [21]. NT-proBNP is associated with mortality in
In summary, there are currently no data to support the use adults with ESKD [22], and pre-dialysis levels correlate with
of BIA to quantify fluid overload in the pediatric dialysis extracellular volume excess assessed by bioimpedance spec-
population. This technique may however have a role in guid- troscopy in this population [23]. There are currently no studies
ing assessment of target weight by evaluating trends in indi- evaluating the utility of this biomarker in the identification of
vidual patients. intravascular volume overload in children on dialysis.
The next steps in optimizing assessment of fluid Reduction of dietary sodium intake
The rationale supporting dietary Na restriction in patients with
Currently, traditional markers of fluid overload such as ESKD is that they are primarily drinking in response to osmo-
blood pressure, physical examination and inter-dialytic metric thirst, due to activation of osmoreceptor cells in the hy-
weight gain remain the main stay of fluid assessment in pothalamus caused by increased extracellular fluid osmolality.
dialysis-dependent children. The emerging objective tech- The benefits of a low-salt diet in patients with ESKD have
niques discussed above have not yet been widely adopted been well demonstrated in adult studies [40–42]. Among them,
in pediatric clinical practice. One reason for this may be the a post-hoc analysis of 1770 patients in the hemodialysis study
currently paucity of robust, multi-centre data evidencing found that higher reported dietary sodium intake was indepen-
their clinical benefit in children. dently associated with greater ultrafiltration requirements and
The choice of numerous techniques may also present a greater all-cause mortality [40]. Two randomized crossover
barrier to clinical adoption. We compared lung ultrasound, trials compared an Na-restricted diet versus a free diet in adults
echocardiographic measurement of IVC parameters and with 3–4 CKD: extracellular fluid volume, measured by
bioimpedance spectroscopy in the assessment of fluid over- bioimpedance spectroscopy, significantly decreased with sodi-
load in children aged 0.8 to 14 years with ESKD [8]. Of the um restriction in both studies, together with blood pressure and
techniques evaluated in this study, lung ultrasound correlated body weight [41, 42].
best with fluid overload judged by acute increases in patient However, the possible detrimental effect of an overly re-
weight. Larger multi-centre studies are needed to confirm strictive diet on nutritional status needs to be born in mind.
these findings. The average dietary Na intake and its effect on fluid have
Further work is also needed to improve the user friendli- never been investigated in children on dialysis. As regards
ness of the above objective techniques for assessing fluid predialysis children, data from the CKiD Study showed that
overload. While progress is being made in this regard [32, the median Na intake in children with CKD 2–4 was 3089 mg/
33], more work is needed to increase usage by both health day, exceeding the recommended maximum daily intake for
professionals and patients and parents/carers. When these bar- all age groups, in adolescents in particular [43]. Fast foods
riers are overcome, objective assessment of fluid overload to were the largest single source of sodium, contributing 9.4%
enhance traditional clinical assessment is likely to become part of the total [44]. These data confirmed that pediatric patients
of routine care for children on dialysis. usually enter ESKD without having adapted to salt restriction.
Both the Kidney Dialysis Outcome Initiative (KDOQI) and
the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
guidelines recommend the restriction of Na intake for children
Management of fluid overload with CKD who have hypertension or pre-hypertension, on the
basis of the age-based recommended daily intake for healthy
The clinical approach to managing volume overload should children [45, 46]: upper limits for Na intake are 1500 mg/day
take into account the following evidence from adult and pedi- for children aged 2–3 years, 1900 mg/day for children aged 4–
atric studies: 8 years, 2200 mg/day for children and adolescents aged 9–
13 years and 2300 mg/day for the population aged ≥ 14 years.
1. Higher IDWG is associated with higher blood pressure But how can dietary Na restriction be achieved? Simply
and LVMI in children on hemodialysis (HD) [34, 35]; asking the parents not to add salt at the table or while cooking
2. Rapid ultrafiltration rates are associated with an increased is not enough, as this source accounts for less than 15% of total
risk of intradialytic morbidity, myocardial stunning and Na intake, while salt added by manufacturers during food pro-
even increased mortality in adults on dialysis [5, 36, 37]; cessing and Na occurring naturally in foods provide almost 75
3. Missed target weights are associated with increased car- and 10% of the total ingested Na, respectively. Continuous
diovascular morbidity and mortality in adults with ESKD dietary counselling from an expert pediatric dietician is there-
[38]. fore mandatory to help children and their families to choose the
right foods. The major obstacle to a low-salt diet in children is
The only way to successfully manage fluid overload is non-compliance, due to the common perception that low-salt
therefore to control IDWG, ultrafiltration rates and foods are tasteless. When facing this problem, it should be
postdialysis fluid overload simultaneously [39]. remembered that sodium intake has all the characteristics of a
As summarized in Fig. 2, a rational approach to fluid over- true addiction, as salt sensing of the tongue is strictly depen-
load in children on maintenance dialysis should include reduc- dent on the amount of ingested Na and adaptation of the taste
tion of dietary sodium intake and optimization of both medi- receptors is a long process: only after several months of eating
cation and dialysis schedules. a low-salt diet will salt-rich food be perceived as too salty.
Pediatr Nephrol (2019) 34:233–242 237
Dietary sodium intake
sodium- containing drugs
Peritoneal dialysis: - change dwell time and volumes (consider adapted PD)
- low-sodium bags (not yet available)
- icodextrin daytime exchange
Occasional salt-rich food intake hinders this process; therefore, treated with sodium polystyrene sulfonate than in those treated
the consumption of Na-rich food during dialysis should be with calcium polystyrene sulfonate, suggesting that the latter
discouraged. A major multidisciplinary effort is needed to help can be safer in patients at risk of fluid overload [51].
the child and their parents adapt to Na restriction.
Optimization of PD prescription
Adaptation of PD exchanges
The mechanisms of fluid removal and transport during PD
The role of diuretics in patients with ESKD and residual renal have traditionally been described by the 3-pore model [52].
function is debated. Trials in adults on continuous ambulatory According to this model, fluid transport is dependent on two
PD showed that diuretic use increases urinary water and sodi- opposing forces, the intraperitoneal osmotic pressure and the
um excretion, thus reducing IDWG, the need for aggressive hydrostatic pressure gradient, the latter depending on the dif-
ultrafiltration and the incidence of intradialytic hypotensive ference between intravascular and intraperitoneal hydrostatic
episodes, with a positive effect on residual renal function pres- pressure. As the osmotic agent during overnight PD ex-
ervation and myocardial protection [47–49]. changes is usually glucose, which is progressively reabsorbed
during the dwell, the osmotic-driven free water transport
Sodium-containing drugs through ultrasmall pores is highest during the first phase of a
dwell; short dwells result in lower glucose reabsorption and
Avoidance of Na-containing drugs can help minimize thirst in improved total free water ultrafiltration. The intraperitoneal
children with ESKD. Examples include Na bicarbonate (1 g hydrostatic pressure is strictly dependent on dwell volume,
contains 275 mg of Na) and sodium polystyrene powder (1 g with smaller fill volumes being associated with lower intra-
contains 100 mg of Na). Data from the DOPPS showed that peritoneal pressure and higher ultrafiltration. Based on these
patients prescribed a Na-based exchange resin had greater principles, short dwells with low fill volumes are usually pre-
IDWG and higher plasma Na than those who were not pre- scribed during standard automated PD to optimize fluid re-
scribed this treatment [50]. A recent randomized crossover trial moval. With this PD schedule, a better ultrafiltration comes
on 20 predialysis adult patients with hyperkalemia showed that at the price of lower solute removal, Na in particular. Sodium
plasma Na and atrial natriuretic peptide were higher in patients removal during PD is mainly dependent on the Na
238 Pediatr Nephrol (2019) 34:233–242
and improved pre-HD systolic and diastolic blood pressure Considering all the available evidence, intensified HD
(from 133 to 127 and from 84 to 73 mmHg, respectively) [63]. schedules may be considered the best strategy to counteract
Taking all these data into account, a reasonable approach volume overload in patients with fluid-dependent cardiovas-
could be to prescribe a dialysate Na of 138 mEq/l in most cular impairment.
children treated with HD; lower dialysate Na should be con-
sidered in the case of severe difficulties in controlling IDWG
and fluid excess, while prescription of higher dialysate Na
should be restricted to children at high risk of intradialytic
Notwithstanding recent advances in the management of
children with ESKD, adequate control of fluid remains
Convective therapies
an on-going clinical challenge. Both the assessment of
target weight and body composition, and the management
The benefits of convective therapies over standard bicarbonate
of fluid overload are still largely based on adult studies as
HD have been investigated by some large randomized con-
limited pediatric data are available. Given the lack of a
trolled trials and meta-analyses in adults, which showed that
gold-standard method for body composition analysis, the
high-volume on-line hemodiafiltration (HDF), with a convec-
prescription of target weight relies on a multi-parameter
tive volume of at least 17–23 l/session in the post-dilution
assessment, which can be enhanced with objective tech-
mode, is associated with improved overall survival compared
niques including relative blood volume monitoring,
to bicarbonate HD, mainly resulting from reduced cardiovas-
bioimpedance analysis and lung ultrasound. The approach
cular mortality [64]. Different mechanisms have been advo-
to fluid overload should include dietary counselling aimed
cated to explain these findings, including a lower incidence of
at salt restriction, consideration of diuretics, minimizing
intradialytic hypotension and better Na management with con-
sodium-containing drugs and optimization of the dialysis
vective therapies.
schedule, focusing on both sodium and fluid removal.
Pediatric data comparing HD and HDF are still lacking.
Multi-centre pediatric studies are urgently needed to improve
Preliminary data from the HDF-Heart-Height (3H) study dem-
our knowledge in this field, in order to mitigate the short- and
onstrated that prevalent pediatric patients treated with HDF
long-term cardiovascular sequelae of fluid overload in chil-
were less likely to have fluid overload compared to those
dren on maintenance dialysis.
treated with bicarbonate HD according to bioimpedance spec-
troscopy. Although no difference in IDWG was observed,
children on HDF required fewer rescue sessions [65].
Based on the available evidence, until the definitive results Multiple choice questions (answers are
of the 3H study are published, high volume online HDF provided following the reference list)
should be considered the dialysis modality of choice in chil-
dren on extracorporeal dialysis at risk of fluid overload and 1. Physical examination of a 30 kg child by an experienced
cardiovascular impairment. physician will detect signs of fluid overload when the
level approaches:
Intensified HD/HDF a. 500 ml
b. 1 litres
In several adult clinical trials, intensified HD or HDF sched- c. 2 litres
ules (daily or nocturnal, home or in-centre HD or HDF) have d. 3 litres
been associated with clear clinical cardiovascular benefits, in
particular, a lower need for aggressive ultrafiltration, lower 2. In order to minimize fluid overload in children on hemo-
IDWG, reduced intradialytic events and myocardial toxicity, dialysis, the ultrafiltration rate should be increased until:
better blood pressure control and reduced LVMI [66, 67]. a. Intradialytic symptoms occur
Remarkably, a post hoc analysis carried out by the Frequent b. Intradialytic hypotension occurs
Hemodialysis Network trial showed that the improvement in c. Myocardial stunning is evident on speckle tracking
left ventricular mass observed in cases of more frequent dial- echocardiography
ysis was likely caused by extracellular volume reduction di- d. None of the above
rectly and not only via an effect on blood pressure [67].
Some pediatric single-centre studies, which enrolled a total 3. In children on peritoneal dialysis, sodium clearance can
of more than 40 patients, confirmed the beneficial effect of be enhanced by the following measures:
daily and nocturnal HD or HDF on intermediate cardiovascu- a. Shortening the dwell time to short cycles
lar outcomes, such as blood pressure and LVMI [68–70]. b. Addition of an icodextrin daytime exchange
240 Pediatr Nephrol (2019) 34:233–242
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