Es Fleetguard Coolnat LT15070 Spesifcation
Es Fleetguard Coolnat LT15070 Spesifcation
Es Fleetguard Coolnat LT15070 Spesifcation
Lifetime Heavy Duty Fully Formulated Antifreeze/Coolant
Genuine Performance
■■ Life-of-the-Engine, 1,000,000 mile
■■ Provides antifreeze and antiboil protection
■■ Superior liner pitting and corrosion protection
■■ Superior aluminum and solder protection
■■ Compatible with gaskets, elastomers and other non-
metallics in the engine
■■ Optimizes cooling system performance and water
pump life
■■ Contains proprietary scale inhibitors
Genuine Versatility
■■ Compatible with all other antifreeze/coolants
■■ Choose from EG & PG formulations
■■ Available in concentrate, 50/50 and 60/40
■■ For all Heavy Duty diesel and gas engines
Genuine Serviceability
■■ Additive levels easily maintained via DCA4 liquid, or
DCA4 chemical filters
■■ Easy to use test strips monitor glycol and additive
levels providing protection against coolant dilution
* All premix part numbers are 50% glycol / 50% water (50/50) unless otherwise noted. When noted, the first number indicates % glycol followed by the % water.
* Currently available in US only.