Es Fleetguard Coolnat LT15070 Spesifcation

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ES Compleat ™

Lifetime Heavy Duty Fully Formulated Antifreeze/Coolant

Genuine Performance
■■ Life-of-the-Engine, 1,000,000 mile
■■ Provides antifreeze and antiboil protection
■■ Superior liner pitting and corrosion protection
■■ Superior aluminum and solder protection
■■ Compatible with gaskets, elastomers and other non-
metallics in the engine
■■ Optimizes cooling system performance and water
pump life
■■ Contains proprietary scale inhibitors

Genuine Versatility
■■ Compatible with all other antifreeze/coolants
■■ Choose from EG & PG formulations
■■ Available in concentrate, 50/50 and 60/40
■■ For all Heavy Duty diesel and gas engines

Genuine Serviceability
■■ Additive levels easily maintained via DCA4 liquid, or
DCA4 chemical filters
■■ Easy to use test strips monitor glycol and additive
levels providing protection against coolant dilution

* Ensure proper additive levels and coolant pH through coolant testing

and the addition of SCAs or new coolant if necessary. Testing your
coolant every 150,000-miles or 4,000-hours is recommended to
identify system contamination and to screen for engine problems.
Use ES Compleat to provide superior engine protection, extend service intervals...
ES Compleat is available in the following part numbers

EG Concentrate *EG PreMix PG Concentrate *PG PreMix

Bulk *CC2827
275 Gal. Tote (1040 L) CC2823 CC2834 CC2833 CC2838
275 Gal. Tote (1040 L) CC2907 60/40 CC2872 60/40
55 Gal. Drum (208 L) CC2821 CC2826 CC2831 CC2836
55 Gal. Drum (208 L) CC2863 60/40 CC2865 60/40
5 Gal. Pail (19 L) CC2847 CC2848 CC2849 CC2850
6/ 1 Gal. Bottle (3.78 L) CC2820 CC2825 CC2830 CC2835
6/ 1 Qt. Bottle (.94 L)
12/ 1 Pint Bottle (.47 L)

* All premix part numbers are 50% glycol / 50% water (50/50) unless otherwise noted. When noted, the first number indicates % glycol followed by the % water.
* Currently available in US only.

... and to simplify your cooling system maintenance program.

Protect your engine against wear Monitor your Cooling System
Coolant filtration is proven to reduce wear and optimize These quick and accurate tools are all you need:
cooling system performance. This is especially important for ■■ Dip and read test strips to easily test your coolant and water –
coolants that stay in the engine longer. In addition, chemical recommended at least 2 times per year
filters provide a convenient method for maintaining proper
■■ Test freeze point and additive levels (CC36050)
■■ Test glycol and water quality (CC2602 & CC2718)
additive levels in the coolant.
■■ Refractometers (CC36049) that easily determine freeze point
Avoid Unnecessary Drains ■■ Monitor™ Coolant Analysis (CC2700) for when more detailed
analysis is required – recommended 1 time per year
The useful life of a coolant ends when:
■■ The chemical additives in the coolant are outside acceptable Restore your Cooling System
limits – typically caused by topping off with a concentrate or
Cummins® recommended cooling system cleaner Restore
water only.
(CC2610) removes oil and grease. To also remove rust,
■■ Contaminants in coolant exceed published condemnation limits –
which is likely only in unusual circumstances. Our cooling system corrosion, scale, solder bloom, use Restore Plus (CC2638).
monitoring tools can help to determine if the coolant in your
engine meets these limits.

Connect with us online: Ordering Information:

facebook /CumminsFiltration For complete ordering information, see our
youtube /FleetguardFiltration Coolant Products Brochure (LT15108) available
twitter /Fleetguard For technical details, refer to the Fleetguard

Technical Information Catalog or visit Fleetschool.
LT15070NA - Rev 6, ©2014 Cummins Filtration Inc., Printed in USA

Nothing Guards Like Fleetguard.

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