Magnetoresistive Sensor Development
Magnetoresistive Sensor Development
Magnetoresistive Sensor Development
This work is supported by the Seed Funding Program for Basic Research, S. H. Liou is with Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Seed Funding Program for Applied Research and Small Project Funding Nebraska-Lincoln, Theodore P Jorgensen Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588, USA
Program from the University of Hong Kong, ITF Tier 3 funding (ITS-104/13, (email: [email protected]).
ITS-214/14), and University Grants Committee of HK (AoE/P-04/08).
Alexey Ognev is with School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal
*Corresponding authors: Philip W. T. Pong (email: [email protected]) University, Vladivostok, 690950, Russia (email: [email protected]).
P. W. T. Pong, C. Zheng and K. Zhu are with Department of Electrical and S. N. Piramanayagam is with Division of Physics and Applied Physics,
Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). Technological University, 637371, Singapore (email: [email protected]).
S. Cardoso is with INESC-MN, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisbon, P. Ripka is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical
Portugal and Departamento de Física, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University, Prague 166 27, Czech Republic (email: [email protected]).
Universidade de Lisboa-UL, Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1000- 029 Lisbon, Portugal
(email: [email protected]). A. Samardak is with School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal
University, Vladivostok, 690950, Russia and Center for Spin-Orbitronic
J. Chang is with Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Materials, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Korea (email:
Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan (email: [email protected]). [email protected]).
J. Davies and P. Eames are with NVE Corporation, Eden Prairie, Minnesota K. H. Shin is with Department of Information and Communication
55344, USA (email: [email protected]; [email protected]). Engineering, Kyungsung University, Busan 608-736, Korea (email:
[email protected]).
P. P. Freitas is with INESC-MN, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisbon,
Portugal and INL International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Avenida S. Y. Tong and M. J. Tung are with Material and Chemical Engineering
Mestre José Veiga s/n, 4715-330 Braga, Portugal (email: pfreitas@inesc- Laboratory, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (email: [email protected]; [email protected]).
O. Kazakova is with National Physical Laboratory, Hampton Road, S. X. Wang is with Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford
Teddington TW11 0LW, United Kingdom (email: [email protected]). University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA and Department of Materials Science
and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA (email:
C. G. Kim is with Department of Emerging Materials Science, DGIST, [email protected]).
Daegu 42988, Korea (email: [email protected]).
S. Xue is with MultiDimension Technology Corporation, No. 7 Guangdong
D. Leung is with Department of Applied Physics, The Hong Kong Road, Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu 215634, China (email:
Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong (email: [email protected]).
[email protected]).
X. Yin is with Western Digital Corporation, 44100 Osgood Rd. Fremont,
CA., USA (email: [email protected]).
Keywords—magnetoresistive sensor, R&D guide, roadmap, power consumption and small physical dimension for position
smart living, Internet of Things. sensing (PS) [88-91] and human-computer interaction (HCI)
[92-101], low cost and mass manufacturability for large-scale
ACRONYMS non-destructive evaluation and monitoring (NDEM) systems
AHRS Attitude and heading reference system [102-122], to high accuracy and stability for navigation and
transportation systems [123-141]. However, there is a lack of
AMR Anisotropic magnetoresistive
both an overview of the development of MR sensor applications
AOB All-organic-based and a strategic guide for future implementation of MR sensor
APB All-polymeric-based technologies. These issues are resolved in this roadmap with the
AR Augmented reality main scientific and technological objectives as follows:
CTC Circulating tumor cells
1. To forecast MR sensor technology for the next 15 years
DOF Degree-of-freedom
and beyond so as to provide an R&D guide for industry,
EPO European Patent Office government, and academia.
FDA Food and drug administration
2. To provide a framework for public and private MR
GMR Giant magnetoresistive
sensor research and development (R&D) planning.
HCI Human-computer interaction
HPV Human Papillomavirus 3. To use our expertise to predict opportunities for using
IoT Internet-of-Things MR sensors to serve society in innovative ways in the next
15 years and beyond.
MTJ Magnetic tunnel junction
MFC Magnetic flux concentrator The paper is structured as follows. In Section II, the roadmap
MEMS Micro-electro-mechanical system development methodology is described. In Section III, the
current status of MR sensors is identified, and the MR sensors
MR Magnetoresistive
development trend is summarized. In Section IV, critical sensor
MCG Magnetocardiography parameters are identified and their timelines are established, in
MEG Magnetoencephalography order to gain insight into different possible sensor applications.
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration In Section V, possible future MR sensor applications are
NDEM Non-destructive evaluation and monitoring identified, and five roadmaps are developed according to the
corresponding application areas. These areas include
PS Position sensing
biomedical applications, flexible electronics, PS and HCI,
POC Point-of-care NDEM, and navigation and transportation. Finally, Section VI
SQUID Superconducting quantum interference device predicts the most likely future MR sensor applications.
STPO State Intellectual Property Office of China
TIPO Taiwan Intellectual Property Office In order to have a strategic guideline to follow, a 5-stage
TRL Technology readiness levels methodology for the roadmap development was established, as
illustrated in Figure 1.
TLC Technological life cycle
R&D Research and development In Stage 1, the roadmap taskforce was commissioned by the
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle Technical Committee of The IEEE Magnetic Society at the
IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag) 2014, in
USPTO United States Patent and Trademark Office
Dresden, Germany. Recruitment of taskforce members
UUV Unmanned underwater vehicle commenced.
VR Virtual reality
In Stage 2, the roadmap taskforce discussed the objective and
purpose of the roadmap during the 1 st taskforce meeting at the
I. INTRODUCTION Intermag 2015, in Beijing, China. The scope and objective of
the roadmap were defined, and more taskforce members were
In the field of magnetic field sensing, magnetoresistive recruited.
(MR) [1-4] sensors have attracted much interest owing to their
high sensitivity, low cost, low power consumption, and small In Stage 3, statistics of patents and publications related to MR
size [5-13]. The technological progress of MR sensors has sensors (non-recording) were analyzed. The publication data
resulted in a wide range of sensor applications, products, and were collected from the Web of Science by keyword search.
services. These application areas require MR sensors with The search fields were applied only in the Title and Abstract of
diverse properties, from high sensitivity and detectivity for publications in order to exclude unrelated topics. The related
biomedical applications[14-63], high mechanical flexibility and patent data were obtained from four patent databases compiled
compactness for wearable/portable electronics [64-87], low by the European Patent Office (EPO), United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO), State Intellectual Property Office services was launched out through the next 15 years and
of China (STPO), and Taiwan Intellectual Property Office beyond.
(TIPO). Based on the patent and publication data, a professional
assessment of relevant MR sensor parameters was made during
the 2nd taskforce meeting at the Joint Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (MMM)/Intermag 2016, in San Diego, USA. The
current status of MR sensor applications was then discussed,
and critical sensor parameters for non-recording applications
were identified.
In Stage 4, published articles and filed patents related to
fundamental MR sensor research were reviewed. A
professional assessment of critical milestones for selected
sensor parameters was made during the 3rd taskforce meeting at
MMM 2016, in New Orleans, USA. Timelines for MR sensor
development and for critical milestones of the sensor
parameters were established and forecasted.
In Stage 5, publications related to MR sensor applications
were analyzed. A professional assessment of future MR sensor
applications was made according to the forecasted critical
milestones for sensor parameters during the 4th taskforce
meeting at Intermag 2017, in Dublin, Ireland. Finally, a review
and prediction of likely MR sensor applications, products, and
services was then performed, and five roadmaps for MR sensor
applications were developed.
The maturity levels of MR sensor applications, products and
services were gauged by the technology readiness levels (TRL)
[142]. In this paper, the classification of TRL defined by
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was
adopted [143]. The TRL values of the historical MR sensor
applications were analyzed using the logistic model [144, 145].
As a commonly-used growth trend curve, the logistic model has
been widely utilized to describe the S-shaped feature of the
technological life cycle (TLC) [142, 146, 147], which typically
comprises four phases: emergence, growth, maturity, and
saturation, as exhibited in Figure 2. The formula of the logistic
growth curve is
Y (1)
1 aebt
where Y represents the indicator related to the TRL, t represents
the development time, the constants a, b, and L are the fitting
parameters. In the technology emergence phase (TRL 1-2),
fundamental investigation and basic research are conducted. In
the technology growth phase (TRL 3-4), researches are carried
out to prove the feasibility of the technology. In the technology
maturity phase (TRL 5-6), model/sub-model and full-scale tests
Fig. 1. Methodology for the roadmap development.
are demonstrated. In the final saturation phase (TRL 7-9),
systems are validated and related products are deployed into
market. In this review, we first fitted the logistic model with the
TRL levels of the historical MR sensor applications so that the
future trends could be predicted by extending the fitting curves
beyond 2018. New opportunities were predicted by utilizing the
extrapolated curve, forecasted milestones, and professional
judgements on critical sensor parameters. The global vision of
new MR sensor (non-recording) applications, products and
Fig. 2. Technological life cycle fitted with the logistic growth model to forecast future technological development.
Fig. 3. Statistics of common magnetic sensors from 1975 to 2017 in the selected patent databases compiled by EPO, USPTO, STPO, and TIPO. Inset
is the percentage of MR sensor patents among all types of magnetic field sensors. The list of keyword search queries for patent statistics is shown in
Table I.
Magnetic field sensor Keyword
MR sensor (2) "magnetoresistance" AND "magnetic" AND “sensor” (2) "anisotropic" AND "magnetoresistance" AND "sensor"
AMR sensor (3) "planar Hall" AND "magnetoresistive" AND "sensor"
(1) "Hall" AND "magnetic" AND "sensor";
(4) "planar Hall" AND "magnetoresistance" AND "sensor"
Hall sensor (2) "Hall effect" AND "magnetic" AND "sensor";
(5) "planar Hall resistance" AND "sensor"
Fluxgate "fluxgate" AND "magnetic" AND "sensor"
(1) "tunnel" AND "magnetoresistive" AND "sensor"
(1) "magneto-optical" AND "magnetic" AND “sensor”
(2) "tunnel" AND "magnetoresistance" AND "sensor"
Magneto-optical sensor (2) "magnetic-optic" AND "magnetic" AND "sensor"
(3) "tunneling" AND "magnetoresistive" AND "sensor"
TMR sensor
(1) "superconducting quantum interference device" AND "magnetic" (4) "tunneling" AND "magnetoresistance" AND "sensor"
Superconducting quantum AND "sensor"
(5) "tunnelling" AND "magnetoresistive" AND "sensor"
interference devices (2) "SQUID" AND "magnetic" AND "sensor"
Continuous endeavors from scientists and engineers have as shown in Figure 5. According to the strength of the measured
opened up various applications of MR sensor techniques [29- field, MR sensor applications can be divided into three major
31, 33, 34, 37-46, 48, 50, 51, 53-55, 78, 97, 109, 120, 219-223] categories: 1) measuring the Earth’s magnetic field (~μT) [123-
125, 129-139, 224-233], 2) measuring small variations of 2001-2005 to 13% in 2006-2010) to detect Earth’s magnetic
magnetic field (from ~μT to ~nT) [107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, field and small variations of magnetic field. A series of satellites
116-121, 234], and 3) measuring ultralow magnetic field (lower were equipped with MR sensors for space exploration (4%)
than ~nT) [16, 18-21, 23-31, 33-35, 37-40, 42-44, 46, 48, 50, [134, 231, 232] by virtue of their reduced size and power
51, 53-56, 222, 235]. consumption [242-245]. MR sensors also exhibited their great
compatibility with emerging technologies, such as PS and HCI
In the earlier applications in the period of 2001-2005 (Figure (8%) in virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) [96, 246]
5(a)), MR sensors were frequently used as magnetic compasses and robotics [247].
to detect Earth’s magnetic field in navigation and transportation
(30%) [129, 130, 236, 237], among which 10% were In the period of 2011-2015 (Figure 5(c)), MR sensors
incorporated into autonomous vehicles, [126, 238] and continued to be widely used in the field of biomedical
wearable/portable devices (10%) [239, 240] as well. On the applications (45%) [48, 50, 51, 53-57]. Motivated by the
other hand, MR sensors were applied for non-destructive concept of a smart grid, more MR sensors were implemented in
power-grid monitoring (20%) [157, 241] and were utilized as power grid monitoring [110, 113, 116, 119] (increased from 4%
sensitive magnetic probes to detect ultra-low magnetic field in in 2006-2010 to 18% in 2011-2015) in order to detect small
biomedical applications (30%) [18, 20, 21, 24, 27, 29]. variations of the magnetic field and the magnetic field
generated by the currents of power cables. In order to push
In the period of 2006-2010 (Figure 5(b)), more MR sensors forward and realize MR sensor applications with existing and
(58%) were used to detect ultralow magnetic field owing to the emerging technologies, further enhancement of MR sensor
improvement of their sensing performance (e.g., sensitivity, performance reflected by the critical parameters is required.
detectivity). Especially, more biomedical applications with MR Next session explores the impact of these parameters on the (1)
sensors were explored (increased from 30% in 2001-2005 to sensitivity, (2) detectivity, (3) power consumption, (4)
54% in 2006-2011) [34-40, 42, 222]. With the development of mechanical flexibility, and (5) robustness.
flexible sensor substrates, a growing number of MR sensors
Fig. 6. Development trend for the sensitivity of MR sensors at room temperature from 1995 to 2032.
with high tolerable tensile strain [70, 73, 75] were integrated
into wearable/portable devices [96] (increased from 10% in
IV. DEVELOPMENT TIMELINES FOR CRITICAL MR SENSOR be obtained by selecting the thin-film materials [262, 267-271],
PARAMETERS optimizing the fabrication process [256, 272-274], and device
geometry including layer thicknesses [257, 275-277].
In order to gain deep insights into the technological
Suppression of saturation field can be achieved by
evolution, MR sensor development timescales were
incorporating the sensors with magnetic flux concentrators
established. Timelines of key sensor performance parameters
(MFCs) [249, 251, 254, 263], utilizing soft ferromagnetic
including sensitivity, detectivity, power consumption,
materials with low saturation field [262], and modifying sensor
mechanical flexibility, and robustness were investigated and
geometry [257] as well. Due to relatively high MR ratio of TMR
illustrated. Past achievements of these performance parameters
sensors (Figure 7), researchers and engineers favor the use of
were identified and their driving forces for sensor applications
TMR elements for applications requiring highly sensitive MR
were discussed. Forthcoming milestones were predicted based
sensors. For the TMR sensors with an AlOx barrier during the
on both the historical trends and fitted curves.
period of 1995-2002, TMR sensors with sensitivity from
A. Sensitivity several %/mT to almost two hundred %/mT were fabricated
[242, 269, 278-284]. After replacing the AlOx barrier with the
As one of the most fundamental and critical performance
crystalline MgO barrier, a rapid increase of MR ratio was
parameters of MR sensors, sensitivity has exhibited a
accomplished (Figure 7) [269, 270, 285-287], resulting in a
considerable growth in the last two decades [223, 243, 245,
notable enhancement of sensitivity to 300-1000 %/mT (Figure
248-266], as shown in Figure 6. The sensitivity [250, 254] of
6) [245, 250, 251, 253, 255]. By integrating MFCs into the
MR sensors is defined in the linear operation range of the
TMR sensors, the saturation field was greatly diminished and
magnetic transfer curve as
thus the sensitivity was significantly increased [249-251, 254,
263]. Another major improvement of sensitivity was achieved
by designing a sensor array with 64 MTJ junctions and
𝑆= (2) incorporating the sensor array with a MFC [245]. Sensitivity as
2𝜇0 𝐻𝑠𝑎𝑡
high as 3944 %/mT was obtained by utilizing this strategy
[245]. To further improve MR sensitivity to >10 4 %/mT, two
technological challenges (TC) will need to be solved:
where MR and Hsat represent the MR ratio and saturation field,
respectively. Both increased MR ratio and reduced saturation TC 1.1: accomplishment of >1000% MR ratio at room
field give rise to an improved sensitivity. Large MR ratio can temperature.
Fig. 7. Development trend of TMR ratio at room temperature for MTJs from 1995 to 2032.
TC 1.2: accomplishment of <0.1 mT saturation field combining the sensor with a Conetic MFC (gain: ~77 times) in
2 0 H sat at room temperature. 2011 [243]. In 2015, a factor of 400 times MFC was reported
for an MTJ bridge [315]. In 2017, Valadeiro et al. reported a
For TC 1.1, the half-metallic Heusler alloy is an attractive high gain (~400 times) MFC with a double layer architecture
choice of material due to high spin polarization [288-296]. As [310]. By using this type of MFC, the authors believe that the
shown in Figure 7, MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) saturation field will be further reduced from ~0.08 mT to ~0.01
with Heusler alloy electrodes achieved comparable TMR ratio mT in the near future. With the accomplishment of both TC 1.1
[267, 292, 297-302] as those MTJs with conventional and TC 1.2, one can expect high-performance TMR sensor with
ferromagnetic electrodes [264, 270, 303]. However, further sensitivity approaching ~104 %/mT (1st milestone of sensitivity:
enhancement of TMR was limited by the relatively large lattice Msens1) by ~2027 and ~105 %/mT (2nd milestone of sensitivity:
mismatch between the MgO barrier [286] and Heusler alloy Msens2) by ~2032 (see the forecasted milestones in Figure 6).
electrodes [304, 305]. This issue was resolved by replacing the It is worth mentioning that although the linear extrapolation
MgO barrier with a spinel MgAl2O4 barrier [271, 305-308]. of MR ratio over time in Figure 7 might be optimistic, the
Compared to the MgO barrier, smaller lattice spacing of the milestone of sensitivity mentioned above can still be possibly
MgAl2O4 barrier resulted in a much better lattice match of the achieved by advancing the progress of TC 1.2. At present, many
barrier/ferromagnetic layer interface [306, 307, 309]. experimental demonstrations already show gains of hundreds
Furthermore, a perfectly dislocation-free interface was obtained for MFCs. In fact, larger magnetic field amplification (∼1000
by utilizing the cation-disorder spinel (Mg-Al-O) barrier [271, or even higher) can be possibly achieved by implementing the
305] where its lattice spacing was tunable through modifying sensors inside tailor-made MFCs with their shape, dimensions
the Mg-Al compositions [305]. Therefore, a significantly and geometry (e.g., aspect ratio, the ratio of outer to inner
enhanced TMR ratio can be expected through utilizing the width), material (e.g., high-permeability material) and the gap
lattice-tuned Mg-Al-O barrier and optimizing the Heusler alloy length optimized [311, 312]. As such, the final goal combining
electrodes. To estimate the forthcoming milestone, the Msens1 and Msens2 is still expected.
historical data was fitted with a linear line and the future trend
was forecasted by extrapolating the fitted line. Based on the
fitting curve using the data points of spinel-based MTJs in
Figure 7, 800% TMR may be reached by ~2027, and finally
1000% TMR may be accomplished by ~2032. For TC 1.2, the
saturation field 2μ0Hsat around 0.08 mT was demonstrated by
Fig. 8. Development trend of the detectivity of MR sensors at room temperature from 1995 to 2032.
Fig. 9. Development trend of the superconducting critical temperature (Tc) of superconductors from 1967 to 2032.
It is also worth mentioning that the noise level of a TMR where D is the detectivity, S is the sensitivity, V is the applied
sensor (𝑆𝐵 ) is correlated with its MR ratios. The total field noise bias voltage and SV/V2 is the normalized noise level. From Eq.
power of a TMR sensor is given by [313] 5, both improvement of the sensitivity and suppression of the
sensor noise can enhance the detectivity. As discussed in
𝑆𝐵 = ( )2[𝑆𝑣 𝐴𝑚𝑝 + 𝑆𝑉 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡 + 𝑆𝑣 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐.1/𝑓 ] + 𝑆𝐵 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚.𝑚𝑎𝑔. + 𝑆𝐵 𝑚𝑎𝑔.1/𝑓 (3)
𝑑𝑉 Section A, incorporation of the MR sensor array with MFCs can
dramatically improve its sensitivity [245, 252], leading to a
𝑑𝐵 𝑅 2𝐵𝑠𝑎𝑡
considerable increase of the sensor detectivity. On the other
where is the MR ratio, N is the number of MTJs per leg, 𝑉𝐽 hand, the sensor detectivity can be greatly enhanced by
𝑅 reducing the sensor noise through optimization of sensor
is the voltage drop across each MTJ, 𝐵𝑠𝑎𝑡 is the free-layer fabrication, such as enlarging the sensor area [250, 315],
saturation field, 𝑆𝑣 𝐴𝑚𝑝 , 𝑆𝑉 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡 , 𝑆𝑣 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐.1/𝑓 , 𝑆𝐵 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑚.𝑚𝑎𝑔. modifying the annealing process [243, 258, 323], and soft-
and 𝑆𝐵 𝑚𝑎𝑔.1/𝑓 are amplifier noise voltage power, shot-noise pinning the sensing layer [249, 257]. Defect-free MR sensors
voltage power, electronic 1/f noise, thermal magnetic noise, and with relatively large sensing area can greatly reduce the 1/f
magnetic 1/f noise magnetization power respectively. The noise and a sensor detectivity of ~60 pT/Hz0.5 has been
overall noise level of MR sensor can be reduced by increasing successfully demonstrated at 10 Hz [257]. Applying hard-axis
MR ratio because the amplifier noise voltage power, shot-noise
bias field [263, 283] or orthogonally soft-pinning the sensing
voltage power, and electronic 1/f noise can be suppressed by a
∆𝑅 layer [249, 257] are effective techniques to stabilize the
larger MR ratio ( in Eq. (4)); however, the thermal magnetic magnetization of the sensing layer and suppress the sensor
noise and magnetic 1/f noise magnetization power do not noise. MultiDimension Technology released its highly-
change with the MR ratio ( in Eq. (4)). Further discussion on sensitive TMR sensors (TMR9001/9002) with detectivities of
noise and detectivity can be found in the next section. ~50 pT/Hz0.5 at 10 Hz in a commercial product, and ~20
pT/Hz0.5 at 10 Hz in a larger prototype device [327]. Owing to
unremitting research efforts, pT detectivities [243, 249, 252,
B. Detectivity 254, 257] has been achieved at room temperature and fT
To fabricate high-performance MR sensors for measuring detectivities has been demonstrated at low temperature (77 K)
ultra-low magnetic field, researchers endeavor not only to boost by using superconductor MFCs [28, 222]. There are other
their sensitivity but also to improve their detectivity which methods for reducing the low-frequency noise in MR sensors.
determines the smallest magnetic signal a sensor can detect [50, In the modulation technique, MFCs are deposited on micro-
222, 223, 243, 249-255, 257-260, 314-326], as shown in Figure electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) flaps which are driven to
8. The detectivity [250] of an MR sensor is associated with its oscillate at very high frequencies [328]. The advantage of
sensitivity and noise level, as expressed by modulation can only be achieved when the sensor element is
responsible for most of 1/f noise, not the other parts of the
1 𝑆𝑉 sensor system. Moreover, it is challenging to design a
𝐷= √ (5)
𝑆 𝑉2 successful fabrication route to combine the MEMS technology
Fig. 10. Noise reduction trend at room temperature in both the magnetization-transition region and parallel magnetization configuration from 1990 to
and magnetic sensor. Though the modulation based on MEMS higher gain (100-1000), as reported in [28, 222]. However, the
was presented, and several prototypes were fabricated with application of superconductor MFC is restricted by its relatively
electro-static combs, torsionators, and cantilevers, the low superconducting critical temperature (Tc) [28, 222, 223,
modulation efficiency is low [329]. In the chopping technique, 334-366], which is far below the room temperature, as shown
chopper switches are designed for the output of MR sensors in Figure 9. The highest known Tc values in the Cu-based and
[330]. The noise characteristics of the chopper switches are non-Cu-based superconductors are 133 K [367] and 109 K
dependent on charge leakage, parasitic capacitance, IC [358] at ambient pressure, respectively. Under high pressures,
substrate coupling noise, voltage stability of the drive signal, Tc values of certain superconducting materials can be notably
and the external electric field sensitive electrodes [331]. All increased [368-370] and even room-temperature
these factors need to be considered and optimized in order to superconductor MFCs can be realized. When high pressure is
suppress the noise. The methods of modulation and chopping applied, the Tc values around 200 K for non-Cu-based
still require research efforts to overcome these technical superconductors have been achieved [368, 369], which is much
challenges. higher than their Cu-based superconductor contenders (Tc ~164
K). To predict higher Tc values, a linear curve was fitted with
To accomplish fT/Hz0.5 detectivity at/near room the past data for the non-Cu-based superconductors in Figure 9.
temperature, two technological challenges (TC) have been From the extrapolated curve, one expects the emergence of non-
identified: Cu-based superconductors with higher Tc than their Cu-based
TC 2.1: development of high-gain (>1000) MFC at/near superconductor contenders by ~2022. The Tc value can possibly
room temperature. reach ~210 K by ~2027 and exceed ~245 K by ~2032, which is
approaching room temperature.
TC 2.2: accomplishment of ~10-14 1/Hz normalized noise
Regarding TC 2.2, suppression of the noise in the
level in low frequency range (typically <100 Hz) at/near room
magnetization-transition region is the primary task because the
sensor noise mainly originates from the magnetization
Regarding TC 2.1, high-temperature superconductor MFCs fluctuations during operation and its magnitude is considerably
are required to be developed. Comparing superconducting larger than that of the electrically originated noise (as exhibited
MFCs and SQUIDs, the SQUIDs have two disadvantages. in the parallel magnetization configuration) [255, 273, 371-
Firstly, the Josephson junction of SQUIDs is short-lived and 383], as shown in Figure 10. Since operation region of MR
complicated to fabricate because of poor reproducibility and sensors is where the magnetization of the sensing layer
low yield, and thus they are expensive [332]. Secondly, though undergoes a transition, we predict the noise reduction trend by
SQUIDs comprised of ceramic HTS materials could alleviate fitting and extrapolating the noise data for the magnetization-
the size, weight and power requirements, they have been found transition region with a linear line. Normalized noise level
to be difficult to work with because of anisotropic electrical around ~3×10-14 1/Hz can be expected by ~2027 and one can
properties and intrinsic noise [333]. Compared to the estimate noise level to go down to the order of ~1×10-15 1/Hz in
conventional MFCs using soft ferromagnetic materials [249, approximately 15 years (i.e., ~2032). Considering the
250, 254, 317, 326], superconductor MFCs exhibit a much forecasted accomplishments for both sensitivity and noise level
in the following 15 years, one expects that a detectivity of ~1 evaporated MgO barriers can provide about an order of
pT/Hz0.5 (1st Milestone of detectivity: Mdetc 1) can be achieved magnitude improvement in their signal-to-noise ratio compared
by ~2027. Incorporating MR sensors with near-room- to the conventional sputtered MgO tunnel barriers [380].
temperature superconductor MFC (gain: ~1000 times), a Frequency noise was investigated in MgO double-barrier MTJs
detectivity of ~10 fT/Hz0.5 (2nd Milestone of detectivity: Mdetc with TMR ratios up to 250% at room temperature, and the
2) is expected by ~2032 (see the forecasted milestones in Figure research disclosed that the double-barrier MTJs were useful for
8). improving the signal-to-noise ratio compared to single-barrier
MTJs under low bias. These methods are critical for the overall
It should be noted that the expected detectivity may not be
improvement in the field detectivity of MR-sensor devices and
achievable without the deployment of magnetic shielding
their applications.
because the external background magnetic field noise may
render the low-field detectivity useless. Magnetic shielding can
effectively eliminate background field noise and facilitate low-
C. Operational performance (power consumption, mechanical
field detection [384-395]. Magnetic shielding with high
flexibility, robustness)
shielding effectiveness can be fabricated with soft magnetic
materials such as Conetic alloy [395, 396] and multi-layered In addition to high-performance sensing, MR sensors have
structures [397-399]. The field reduction exceeded 25dB for other desirable capabilities, including low power consumption
combined active and passive shields in 2003 [400]. In 2007, a [242-245], high mechanical flexibility [83, 85], and high
shielding factor of 6 × 106 was measured in a nested set of three robustness [127, 128, 134, 135], as shown in Figure 11.
shields, and a shielding factor of up to 1013 was predicted when
Power consumption is critical in certain applications
five shields were used [401]. In the work of Komack’s group
where power supply is limited, such as MR elements used in
[402], a magnetometer with single-channel sensitivity of 0.75
spacecrafts [226, 229], MR sensors integrated into portable
ft/Hz0.5 was demonstrated by using a ferrite shield, limited only
devices [96, 98, 99], and also MR sensors for the Internet-of-
by the magnetization noise of ferrite and photon shot noise. In
Things (IoT) [408, 409]. As exhibited in Figure 11(a), an MR
the high-temperature superconducting area, shielding factors as
sensor with power consumption of 0.1 mW was demonstrated
high as 95% were observed for three-layer hybrid shielding
in 1998 [242]. After more than 10 years of development, a
structures in 2016 [403]. A group reported that 98% attenuation
sensitive 64-element MTJ sensor was fabricated by Liou et al.
of the magnetic field was achieved by more than five layers of
in 2011 and each MTJ element only dissipated ~16 μW of
the coated conductor tape wound with the same orientation and
power [243]. The power consumption of MR sensors was then
angle to cover the gaps of an inner layer achieves in 2018 [385].
further reduced to ~3 μW by Yin et al. in 2014 [245]. In the
Some researchers are now making use of computational
same year (2014), Honeywell released two nano-powered MR
intelligence to optimize a series of shielding parameters such as
sensors (SM353LT, SM351LT) in which power consumptions
material, shape, thickness, and the number of layers for a higher
were as low as ~510 nW and ~590 nW, respectively [244]. By
shielding effectiveness [404-406].
fitting the historical development over the last two decades with
Besides, it is worth mentioning that the influence of MR ratio a linear line, one can expect MR sensors with ultralow power
and noise are discussed separately in Section IV(A) and (B), consumption of ~1 nW (Milestone of power consumption:
respectively. The discussion in Section IV(A) on sensitivity and Mpow) in ~2022.
MR ratio is purely based on %/mT as derived from Eq. 2 which
Another operational parameter is the mechanical flexibility
does not take into account the noise. The detailed discussion on
of MR sensors [64-87], which is crucial for MR sensors
noise is provided in Section IV(B) which elaborates on
installed in flexible devices or for MR sensors sustaining
detectivity from the point of view of noise level (T/Hz0.5). In
mechanical strains. The development trend of the mechanical
fact, a good MR sensor needs both good MR ratio and low noise
flexibility of MR sensor can be divided into three levels,
level. Now the researchers are working on the realization of the
namely, moderately flexible (fabricated on a planar substrate),
ultra-sensitive and high-resolution MR sensors by reducing
highly flexible (bendable or able to be elongated), and
their intrinsic noise without sacrificing MR ratios. The authors
extremely flexible (twistable) in Figure 11(b). In “Moderately
in Ref. [407] worked on a TMR device with CoFeB-MgO-
flexible” level, MR sensors deposited on/in different flexible
CoFeB structures with MR ratios up to 600% at room
temperature. They showed that the voltage-induced magnetic
anisotropy modulation could be used to control and reduce
magnetic noise in TMR sensors with perpendicular anisotropy.
The magnetic noise was reduced by around one order of
magnitude. In Ref. [320], the yoke-shaped TMR sensors based
on MgO-barrier MTJs were designed. Their field sensitivity
was up to 27%/mT, while the field detectivity reached 3.6
nT/Hz0.5 at 10 Hz and 460 pT/Hz0.5 at 1k Hz through designing
a nearly-perpendicular configuration of two ferromagnetic
electrodes. The TMR sensors fabricated with electron-beam
Fig. 11. Development trend of (a) power consumption, (b) mechanical flexibility, and (c) robustness of MR sensors from 1990 to 2032. PDMS represents
poly(dimethylsiloxane) membranes.
materials in a planar substrate were fabricated [64-66, 68, 70]. Since then, MR sensors grown on a variety of planar substrates
Parkin et al. fabricated the first flexible GMR multilayer sensor were realized, such as mylar, kapton, ultem, polypropylene
on a kapton substrate in 1992 [64]. In 1994, growth of GMR sulfide, polystyrene, and poly (2-vinyl pyridine) [65, 66, 68,
nanowires in etched polycarbonate membranes were reported. 70]. After these achievements, mechanical flexibility of MR
sensors was tested and characterized through bending and In another published work in 2012, a systematic gamma
elongation in the period of 2008 to 2017 (highly flexible) [73, irradiation test of MR sensors was carried out [135]. AMR
78, 80, 85-87]. MR sensors with tolerable tensile strains of sensors were tested to be robust against radiation doses of 200
2.7%, 4.5%, 29% were recorded in 2008 [73], 2011 [78], and krad with a dose rate of 5 krad/h. In 2015, X-Ray irradiation test
2012 [80], respectively. Bending experiments were performed of TMR sensors was performed by Freitas’ group under total
on both multilayer (1000 bending/unbending cycles) and spin- dose level of 43 krad with a much higher dose rate of 36 krad/h
valve (500 bending/unbending cycles) GMR sensors [73, 80]. [141]. The device sensitivity exhibited a slight reduction during
The GMR sensors exhibited no changes in both resistance and the irradiation and recovered afterwards. From Figure 11(c),
MR ratio after bending/unbending tests. In 2014, Bedoya-Pinto since there has been steady progress in robustness level in the
et al. fabricated flexible TMR sensors on kapton substrates and past two decades (from “Moderately robust” in 2000 to “Highly
obtained TMR ratio of 12% in bent state [85]. In 2015, Freitas’ robust” in 2010), we can expect MR sensors will be
group incorporated MR sensors into micromachined silicon demonstrated to be extremely robust (Milestone of robustness:
probes, which exhibited constant MR ratio and no significant Mrob) by ~2020. The achievement of Mrob will enable advanced
changes in their noise level under a continuous tensile stress applications that critically rely on sensor robustness (e.g., MR
[86]. In 2017, the same group fabricated high-performance MTJ sensor with high stability and long lifetime operating in hostile
sensing devices (TMR above 150%) on flexible polyimide environments).
substrates [87]. Under controlled mechanical stress conditions,
TMR value showed subtle variation (~1%) and sensitivity These achievements indicate that MR sensors are promising
changed by 7.5% when the curvature radius of the device was candidates for a wide range of applications where power saving,
reduced down to 5 mm upon bending. These works mechanical flexibility, and robustness are of significant
unambiguously demonstrated the mechanical flexibility of MR importance.
sensors, elevating the mechanical flexibility level from
“Moderately flexible” to “Highly flexible”. From Figure 11(b), V. MR SENSOR APPLICATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
it requires around 10 years to develop MR sensors from Continuous research and engineering efforts on MR sensors
“Moderately flexible” to “Highly flexible” and each stage lasts have remarkably improved their sensitivity, detectivity,
for around 10 years. We therefore expect that the future mechanical flexibility, power consumption, and robustness as
milestone of mechanical flexibility (Mflex: “Extremely discussed in Section IV, opening up a wide range of
flexible”) will be reached in ~2028 with further improvements applications [29-31, 33, 34, 37-46, 48, 50, 51, 53-55, 78, 97,
on stability of flexible MR sensors and their tolerable tensile 109, 120, 219-223] as shown in Figure 5. Main MR sensor
strain. In this stage, the MR sensors are expected to maintain applications can be categorized into five areas, including
the MR ratio even after twisting, and thus can be made into biomedical applications, flexible electronics, PS and HCI,
almost any shape [66, 410]. This extremely flexible NDEM, navigation and transportation. To shed light on the
performance of MR sensors will allow many future use of future directions of MR sensor applications, five roadmaps for
organic electronics for bio-applications by forming the MR these five application areas were developed. The historical data
sensors on organic substrate [53]. from literature analysis was fitted with the logistic growth
model to obtain the fitted trend curve. The fitted curve was then
In addition to the mentioned operational parameters, the
further adjusted and fine-tuned based on the critical milestones
robustness of MR sensors is one of the paramount issues,
for sensor parameters developed in Section IV and the
especially for sensors operating in hostile environments.
consensus of the professional judgements reached during the
Similarly, the development trend of the robustness of MR
taskforce meetings and subsequent communications. Roadmaps
sensors is summarized into three levels, namely, moderately
predicting new opportunities for MR sensor technology in
robust (only thermal endurance), highly robust (multi-degree
different application areas were created based on these
environment endurance such as temperature, irradiation, and
extrapolated trend curves. Speculations about new MR
vibration), and extremely robust (high endurance in multi-
applications, products, and services were presented for the next
degree environment) in Figure 11(c). In “moderately robust”
15 years and beyond.
level during the period of 2000 to 2001, basic tests on
robustness of MR sensors were conducted on their thermal A. Biomedical applications
stability. In 2000, Lenssen et al. tested the thermal and magnetic
Regarding MR sensor applications in the biomedical field,
stability of GMR sensors at high temperatures (>200°C) and
the detectivity of MR sensors is a paramount issue because the
large magnetic field (>200 kA/m) [127]. In 2001, GMR sensors
generated biomagnetic signals are usually rather small, ranging
operating with high stability at 170°C for ~4000 h were reported
from nT to fT [14-46, 48-58, 222]. The roadmap is shown in
[128]. In “highly robust” level, the robustness of MR sensors
Figure 12. Biomedical applications for MR sensor technology
was systematically validated in multi-degree environments. For
can be categorized into two scenarios (Sbiomed):
example, the application of MR sensors was validated in
aerospace by performing the up-screening tests and irradiation Sbiomed1. MR sensors to detect magnetic signals generated
tests in 2010 [134]. The up-screening tests included a series of from bio-functionalized nanoparticles/nanostructures
tests, such as vibration, outgassing, and temperature-aging.
Sbiomed2. MR sensors to directly detect magnetic signals groundwork and revealed the feasibility of adopting MR
generated from human organs (e.g., brain, heart, muscles, etc.) sensors in biomedical research and indicated that MR sensors
can be utilized to develop biomedical technology (TRL 3-4).
In Sbiomed1, as MR sensor technology improved and matured
after the basic technology research stage (TRL 1-2) from 1975 After 2004, further development of biomedical technology
to 1990, the feasibility of applying MR sensors in biomedical with MR sensors then proceeded and focused on detecting
research was investigated during the period from 1990 to 2004 magnetic signals generated from biofunctionalized magnetic
[16, 18-21, 23, 24, 26, 27]. In 1998, the measurements of nanoparticles/nanostructures [29-31, 33, 34, 37-39, 41-46, 48,
intermolecular forces between DNA-DNA, antibody-antigen, 51, 53-55, 191, 222].
or ligand-receptor pairs were demonstrated by using GMR
In the period of 2005 to 2008, the detection of bio-
sensors [16]. In 2001, the detection of DNA hybridization was
functionalized nanoparticles/nanostructures with MR sensors
achieved by using GMR sensor arrays [18]. The feasibility of
was demonstrated in both in-vitro and in-vivo conditions [29-
adopting MR sensors in biomedical applications was
31, 33, 34]. In 2005, cystic fibrosis related DNAs were
preliminarily proved and TRL reached 3.
successfully detected with spin-valve GMR sensors by using an
This technology was then further developed by several AC magnetic field focusing technique [29, 30]. Grancharov et
groups. In 2002, a group from the Instituto de Engenharia de al. successfully detected protein-functionalized and DNA-
Sistemas e Computadores and Instituto Superior Tecnico functionalized monodisperse nanoparticles with a TMR bio-
introduced a method to control the movement of nano/micro- sensor [31]. These results suggested that MR bio-sensors were
sized magnetic labels and demonstrated the detection of single validated in laboratory environment and TRL 5 was achieved.
microspheres bonded with biomolecules [19]. In addition,
Since then, bio-sensing applications with MR sensors were
AMR sensors were used to detect micro-sized nanoparticles and
developed in relevant environments [35-37, 39, 42, 43, 48, 51,
an AMR-based bio-sensor prototype was proposed in 2002
55]. At the 29th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
[21]. In 2003, the biological binding of single streptavidin
Society conference in 2007, an AMR-based biomagnetic
functionalized magnetic microspheres on the surface of GMR
prototype was demonstrated to evaluate the gastric activity
sensors was detected by Graham et al. from INESC-MN
contractions and in-vivo tests were performed [35, 36]. In 2008,
(former INESC) and IST [23]. In the same year, Wang’s group
a portable bio-sensing prototype was developed and the
in Stanford successfully detected the presence of magnetic
detection of magnetic nanoparticles was demonstrated [37]. In
particles (Dynabead, 2.8 μm in diameter) with micro-scaled
the same year, Wang’s group developed a GMR-based biochip
spin-valve GMR sensors [60]. All these works laid the
Fig. 12. Roadmap for MR sensors in biomedical applications from 1970 to 2032.
for DNA detection and human papillomavirus (HPV) technologies. With the achievement of Msens1 (~104 %/mT) and
genotyping [61]. Their work also showed real-time signal Mdetc1 (~1 pT/Hz0.5) in ~2027, MR sensors can be used to
responses of multiple DNA fragments, which demonstrated the accurately detect the real-time magnetic signals from
multiplex detection capability of the GMR-based biochip. magnetically-labeled DNA fragments or entities. After
These works revealed that MR-based bio-sensing prototypes improving the multiplexing features [41, 45, 61] and localized
were tested and implemented in practical environment and TRL detection ability of MR sensors [34], we expect that
6 was reached. commercialized genotyping products with MR sensors will be
released and the corresponding TRL of level 8-9 will be
After 2008, bio-sensing chips/systems with MR sensors were
developed and thus MR sensor-based biomedical technology
was elevated to a higher level. In 2009, a portable GMR The development of genotyping applications with MR
platform was demonstrated to detect magnetically-labelled sensors will promisingly facilitate the diagnosis and treatment
DNA by Germano et al. [39]. Furthermore, Wang’s group of genetic diseases. Continuous efforts on synthesis of various
developed a multiplex GMR-based bio-sensing platform for bio-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles or nanostructures
protein detection in blood and cell lysates [62]. The developed [23, 31, 40] will stimulate the application of highly-sensitive
platform exhibited an extensive linear dynamic range over six MR sensors in molecular diagnosis [15, 25]. However, the MR-
orders of magnitude and a protein detecting resolution down to based molecular diagnosis systems are required to be validated
attomolar level. In 2014, the detection and characterization of and their commercialization requires Food and Drug
circulating tumor cells (CTCs) were conducted with a GMR- Administration (FDA) clearance from the government of the
based biochip and CTCs were detected in the blood samples targeting market. We therefore expect that MR-based molecular
from lung cancer patients [54]. In 2018, the detection of diagnosis products or services will be commercially available a
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin bacteria was also carried out with an few years later than genotyping and its maturity will reach a
MR-based bio-sensing platform for tuberculosis diagnosis [63]. slightly lower TRL of level ~8 in 2030. This accomplishment
These works elevated the laboratory achievements of MR bio- can promisingly offer personalized diagnosis and possibly lead
sensor technology to the clinical/near-clinical level (TRL ~7). to optimized therapies for individual patients.
Compared to MR sensor applications in Sbiomed1, the On the other hand, a more challenging category of
requirements of MR detectivity is much higher in Sbiomed2, application, MR-sensor-based MEG requires fT range
which is attributed to the fact that the generated magnetic detectivity and therefore will be developed after the
signals from human organs are merely in the range of pT (e.g., achievement of Msens1 (~104 %/mT) and Mdetc1 (~1 pT/Hz0.5) in
magnetic field produced by heart) to fT (e.g., magnetic field ~2027. Through further improvement of sensitivity and
produced by brain) [14]. For the biomagnetic signals produced detectivity towards Msens2 (~105 %/mT) and Mdetc2 (~10
from human organs, two most-investigated signals are fT/Hz0.5) respectively, one can expect the implementation of
generated from the heart and brain. These signals contain MR-sensor-based MEG applications (TRL~8) with elaboration
valuable information and lead to two application areas, on clinical level around or after 2032.
magnetocardiography (MCG) [17, 22, 50] and
magnetoencephalography (MEG) [14], respectively. Seven Apart from MR sensing elements, the other key factors such
years after the detectivity of pT range was reached in 2004 [28], as magnetic labels, surface chemistry, microfluidic systems and
MCG biomagnetic signals from healthy volunteers were electronics setup are critical to achieve high-performance,
recorded and a magnetocardiography MCG signal distribution automated, portable point-of-care bioanalytical assays [411].
was mapped with a highly sensitive (pT) GMR sensor in 2011 The size of the MR sensing element and the bio-molecule
[50]. These technology demonstrations indicated that bio- binding capacity of the magnetic particles need to be carefully
sensing subsystems/systems with MR sensors were validated in designed [9]. A reliable biochip platform needs a fine control of
operational environments, and TRL 7 was achieved. the surface chemistry in order to achieve immobilization
efficiency and specificity and avoid corrosive effect. A
To predict and outline the future biomedical applications, the microfluidic system is required to establish mechanism for
above historical biomedical developments summarized from sample delivery protocol and controlled washing [411]. Last but
the published literature were analyzed using the logistic growth not the least, the system miniaturization of signal processing
model and the extrapolated trend curve was established (Figure and system automation will be implemented with electronics
12). Adjustment of the curve was then performed based on the microsystems for building point-of-care devices [412, 413].
critical milestones for sensitivity and detectivity derived in
Sections IV(A) and IV(B) and the professional assessment B. Mechanically flexible electronics
consensed by the roadmap taskforce. Likely biomedical Flexible electronic devices have gained increasing interest
applications with MR sensors were then predicted and their due to the promising potential applications offered by their
TRL levels were estimated. pliable surface geometries [78, 81, 83, 85]. MR-based devices
Synthesis of DNA-functionalized or even DNA-bases- have been implemented on various types of flexible substrates,
functionalized nanoparticles will possibly enable such as stretchable and deformable polymeric materials [64, 70,
commercialized genotyping applications [49] with MR sensor
75, 78, 81, 85], and even papers [79, 83]. This roadmap is After 2006, the mechanical flexibility of MR sensors was
shown in Figure 13. tested through the bending and strain experiments [73, 78, 80,
85]. In 2008, tensile strain measurement was carried out on the
The flexible MR sensors are required to be robust against
GMR sensors on polyester substrates and the stress was applied
mechanical bending or stretching and withstand many cycles of
to the GMR sensors by performing in-plane elongation [73].
deformations without the degradation of sensing performance.
The sensors exhibited great stability and withstood 1000
The emergence and growth of the flexible MR sensor
bending/unbending cycles with no degradation of GMR ratio.
technology took place in the period of 1992-2007 [64-72]. In
In 2011, multilayer GMR sensors on free-standing
1992, Parkin et al. investigated the GMR effect in Co/Cu
polydimethylsiloxane membranes revealed a high GMR of 50%
multilayers deposited on a Kapton polyimide substrate by
and the GMR effect was preserved with tensile strain up to 4.5%
magnetron sputtering [64]. In 1994, growth of GMR nanowires
[78]. These works demonstrated the mechanical flexibility of
in etched polycarbonate membranes were reported by Piraux et
MR sensors and pushed the TRL towards level ~5.
al. [65]. Two years later (1996), Parkin successfully fabricated
spin-valve GMR sensors on other flexible organic films (mylar, The mechanical flexibility of MR sensor was then further
a transparent film, and ultem polyimide) [66]. These works built enhanced. In 2012, the tolerable tensile strain as high as 29%
the foundation and proved the feasibility of manufacturing was achieved by depositing spin valves on pre-stretched and
flexible MR sensors, pushing the TRL of the flexible MR sensor pre-wrinkled polydimethylsiloxane substrates [80]. In 2014,
technology towards level 3. Bedoya-Pinto et al. successfully deposited TMR sensors on
This technology was then further developed by several
groups. In 2002, Yan et al. deposited GMR multilayers on
flexible polypyrrole films [68]. The mechanical flexibility of
the prepared GMR film was tested by cutting it into various
shapes. In 2006, Uhrmann et al. reported the mechanical
flexibility of GMR spin valves grown on polyimide substrates
and the sensors were elastic up to an elongation of 3% [70].
These studies further proved the feasibility of flexible MR
sensor technology and TRL 4 was reached.
Fig. 13. Roadmap for MR sensor applications in flexible electronics from 1970 to 2032.
Fig. 14. Roadmap for MR sensor applications in PS and HCI from 1970 to 2032.
kapton substrates and demonstrated the preservation of TMR An important step forward for the APB or AOB MR devices
effect in bent states [85]. Also, flexible MR sensors prepared was the demonstration of MR effect in an organic spin valve
with printable magneto-sensitive inks were reported by where the organic V[TCNE]x (x ~ 2, TCNE:
Karnaushenko et al. [79]. The printable MR inks were prepared tetracyanoethylene) served as ferromagnetic layers and the
by a process including magnetron sputtering, rinsing, ball rubrene (C42H28) was used as the insulating barrier [77]. After
milling, and mixing. The prepared inks were then painted on the achievement of Mrob (extremely robust) in ~2020 and the
various substrates (e.g., papers, polymers, and ceramics) and development of sensor mechanical flexibility towards Mflex
the fabricated sensors with GMR response up to 8% were (extremely flexible) in ~2028, one can expect the realization of
demonstrated. This fabricated GMR sensor was integrated into APB or AOB MR system (TRL 7-8) in ~2023 with higher
a paper-based electronic circuit and acted as a magnetic switch mechanical flexibility as well as better robustness through
of the whole circuit, which confirmed the functionality of performing necessary deformation and bending evaluations.
flexible sensing systems/subsystems with MR sensors. These
The implementation of APB or AOB MR sensors will lead to
works revealed that the mechanical flexibility of MR sensors
the achievement of fabricating MR sensors with higher
was validated in practical environments and TRL reached level
mechanical flexibility as well as better robustness, promoting
6 and approached early stage of level 7.
the application of MR sensors in wearable, portable, and
The enhancement of mechanical flexibility will enable the printable electronics. Particularly, the printable MR sensors will
applications of MR sensors in wearable and portable revolutionize the field of magnetoelectronics offering low-cost
electronics. Most of the reported flexible MR sensors were and large-scale production in manufacturing processes.
composed of a flexible polymeric substrate and a conventional Through research efforts on the synthesis and optimization of
MR multilayer structure [53, 64, 66, 68, 70-73, 75, 78, 80, 84, MR inks, paints, and pastes, we expect that the printable MR
85]. Although the polymeric substrate was robust against sensors with high processability (TRL~8) can be accomplished
mechanical deformations, the MR response of the multilayer in a short period (in ~2025).
tended to degrade after many bending cycles [73], which
Then hybrid magnetoelectronic devices can be developed by
essentially limited its sensing performance. To resolve this
integrating printed MR sensors in a purpose-designed electronic
issue, all-polymeric-based (APB) or all-organic-based (AOB)
circuit (e.g., authorization, monitoring, data recording, etc.).
MR devices are required to be developed, which is a promising
The integrated MR sensor can serve as a magnetic-information
pathway toward highly deformable and bendable MR sensors.
acquisition element or a magnetically-manipulable option in the
hybrid magnetoelectronic devices. However, the proposed a head-motion-controlled wheelchair with an MR-
implementation of actual hybrid magnetoelectronic systems based tilt sensor integrated into the headgear [94]. The
(TRL-9) will be expected within five years (in ~2030) after the comfortability and safety of the developed wheelchair were
demonstration of the high processability of printable MR tested and verified. Basic biomechanical motions were captured
sensors. The development of printable MR sensors can and processed in these works, which proved the feasibility of
promisingly reduce the fabrication cost, weight, and physical integrating MR sensors into PS and HCI and raised the
dimension of MR sensors by replacing conventional substrates corresponding TRL to 3-4.
(Si) with standard printing materials (paper, polymer,
This technology was further investigated and the acquisition
ceramics), promoting the high-volume production of printable
and analysis of more complicated biomechanical motions and
postures were carried out [95-101, 414]. In 2004, Bonnet et al.
C. Position sensing (PS) and human-computer interaction introduced a novel method to evaluate the postural stability with
(HCI) an orientation sensor containing GMR magnetometers and
accelerometers [95]. By virtue of the high sensitivity of the
Owing to the high sensitivity, low power consumption and orientation sensor, subtle postural variations were captured and
small physical dimension, MR sensors have been considered as could be utilized in clinical balance assessments. In 2006, Bae
promising magnetic sensors embedded in PS applications [88- et al. were able to track the wrist gestures and control the
91] and HCI systems [94-101, 414]. This roadmap is shown in movements of the robot with GMR-based wearable gloves [96].
Figure 14. These works demonstrated the operation of HCI prototypes
In PS applications, MR-based linear and angular sensors are with MR sensors and boosted the TRL to 5-6.
used to acquire incremental or absolute scale data from The HCI systems/subsystems were then developed and the
magnetic linear rulers, code wheels, and human body [88-91, TRL was elevated to a higher level. In 2009, the acquisition of
94, 96, 97, 100, 101]. Through software development and three-dimensional mandibular movements was realized by
integration of computer interface, the obtained information can using a GMR-based device by Santos et al. [97]. A computer
be processed and further utilized in HCI implementations. application was developed to analyze the movements and
In the period of 2002 to 2003, the feasibility of integrating generate diagnosis reports. In the period of 2013 to 2014, a 3
MR sensors into PS and HCI was investigated [92-94]. In 2002, degree-of-freedom (DOF) finger tracking system was
an MR-sensor-based steering controller for outdoor mobile demonstrated by using a commercially available 3-axis MR
robot was designed [92]. A computer simulation was performed sensor [100, 101]. Both finger joint position and finger
to verify the performance of the controller. In 2003, Chen et al. movement configurations (stationary joint, flexing joint, etc.)
Fig. 15. Roadmap for MR sensor applications in NDEM from 1970 to 2032.
were captured and evaluated. These works validated the require a tremendous amount of tests and assessments and
operational performance of the MR-sensor-based HCI further improvement of MR sensor performance (Msens2, ~105
systems/subsystems and suggested that the TRL entered level %/mT; Mdetc2, ~10 fT/Hz0.5). We therefore estimate that the full
7. maturity (i.e., TRL 8-9) of the MR-based man-controlled robots
will be accomplished around 2032.
Based on past developments and professional consensus of
the roadmap taskforce members, the future potential MR-based D. Non-destructive evaluation and monitoring (NDEM)
HCI applications were predicted. As demonstrated in the
Compared to destructive sensing devices, NDEM with MR
reported HCI systems with MR sensor description,
sensors can be easily installed and accessed by end users,
biomechanical movements of various body parts can be
enabling effective acquisition of magnetic or magnetic-related
effectively captured and recorded by processing and analyzing
information from the subsystems/systems under monitoring
the acquired magnetic data. This type of biomechanical data
[102-104, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116-122]. This
will likely be used in the field of AR and VR. With the
roadmap is shown in Figure 15.
achievement of enhanced sensitivity (Msens1, ~104 %/mT) and
detectivity (Mdetc1, ~1 pT/Hz0.5) in ~2027, one can expect that The feasibility of utilizing MR sensors in NDEM was first
AR/VR devices integrated with high-performance MR sensors tested by several groups in 2002. The MR-sensor-based NDEM
(TRL ~8) will be available. of subsurface mechanical and chemical damages in metallic or
magnetic components was introduced, especially, to investigate
Commonly-used joysticks will then be replaced by
the components used in high-standard products (e.g., aircrafts)
wearable MR-based controllers to realize uncumbersome HCI
[102-104]. A GMR-based inspection probe was developed to
interfaces. MR sensors can also be integrated into artificial
detect the subsurface fatigue cracks and holes under airframe
limbs of disabilities and the obtained biomechanical signals can
fasteners [104]. The functionality of the developed probe was
be processed to assist their desired movements.
studied by both finite-element-method simulation and
Further improvement of sensitivity and detectivity will experiment. In the same year, a GMR-based gradiometer was
enable accurate detection of biomechanical signals and introduced to measure the tensile stress of the SS400 steels
reduction of power consumption (Mpow, ~1 pW) will extend the [102]. Ray Rempt from the Boeing company also proposed an
lifetime of the artificial limbs with MR sensors, which will push 8-element MR scanner for inspecting the subsurface corrosion
forward its maturity level to 8-9 in around 2028. Furthermore, of the airframe [103]. The stress damages in the steels were
the implementation of MR-based man-controlled robots will be evaluated and visualized by interpreting the sensor data with a
possibly realized by collecting and processing all the signal processing algorithm. These results suggested that the
biomechanical movements. However, such technology will feasibility of NDEM technique with MR
Fig. 16. Roadmap for MR sensor applications in navigation and transportation from 1970 to 2032.
components/breadboards was validated in practical conditions. With the further improvement of MR sensor sensitivity and
The maturity of NDEM with MR sensors reached TRL 3-4. detectivity to Msens2 (~105 %/mT) and Mdetc2 (~10 fT/Hz0.5) in
~2032, another promising field of application is a large-scale
Another promising application of the non-destructive MR
geomagnetic monitoring system, which will be utilized to
sensors is the evaluation and monitoring of the power grids.
monitor subtle geomagnetic disturbances related to some
Abundant studies demonstrated the feasibility of using MR
geomagnetic hazards, such as seismic activities [109]. MR
sensors for monitoring both the high-voltage overhead
sensors can be installed on a large seismically-active zone to
transmission lines and underground power cables [106, 110,
monitor abnormal geomagnetic changes that are associated with
111, 113, 114, 116-121]. In 2011, a proof-of-concept laboratory
seismic activities. With the assistance of a reference permanent
setup was constructed to determine the phase current and line
magnet, MR sensors can also be used as displacement sensors
position of transmission lines by Sun et al. [110]. In 2012, Pai
to detect the abnormal disturbances related to foreshock
et al. introduced an MR-based power meter to measure near-
patterns or plate dynamics [109]. However, the implementation
field voltage and current waveforms of a power cord [114].
of a reliable geomagnetic monitoring system with MR sensors
Accuracy of power measurement better than 5% was
(TRL 8-9) requires a long-term investigation of geomagnetism
accomplished. These works demonstrated the operation
and cooperation between geological and magnetic societies,
performance of NDEM prototype with MR sensors and
which will take more time to progress and will be realized
indicated the achievement of TRL 5-6.
around 2032.
Further studies were performed to establish MR-sensor-
based NDEM systems/subsystems. Pong’s group proposed and
developed several novel MR-based platforms to monitor the
E. Navigation and transportation
loading voltages and currents of power lines [111, 116-118,
120, 121]. The MR-based monitoring platforms were able to MR-based magnetometers have been widely used in
characterize the fault location [111] and operation state of the navigation and transportation systems as well [123-126, 129-
power lines by extracting the loading current data [116]. 133, 136-139]. This roadmap is shown in Figure 16.
Utilizing the capacitive-coupling between the power lines and In the period of 1997 to 2005, the feasibility of applying MR
induction bars, the voltages of the power lines were accurately sensors in navigation and transportation was investigated. In
evaluated and the ability of high-frequency transient 1997, MR sensors provided a solid-state solution for building
measurement was demonstrated [120]. The phase current of the compass navigation systems for their high sensitivity, good
power line was reconstructed by analyzing the magnetic field repeatability and small size [123]. In 1998, an electronic
from the power lines. The feasibility and accuracy of the compass with MR sensor was introduced [140]. The compass
proposed method were verified by a scaled laboratory platform reading was tilt compensated and the disturbance from nearby
and then validated by performing an on-site experiment in a ferrous materials was corrected. In 2005, an AMR-based
substation [121]. The MR-assisted voltage monitoring system navigation system was proposed [130]. With calibration of
was validated with a scaled testbed [234]. These achievements sensor’s triplet deviation, the introduced navigation system
demonstrated that the validation of MR-sensor-based NDEM provided information about actual azimuth, roll and pitch with
systems in practical environment and marked the maturity of improved accuracy. In 2005, a dead-reckoning navigation
NDEM technology with MR sensors (TRL 7-8). system was developed for pedestrians with an array of
Continuous efforts on improving sensing performance of accelerometers and MR sensors. MR sensors became capable
MR sensors will promote the development of MR-based of collecting more informative data by virtue of the
NDEM systems. The maturity of this application will enable development and commercialization of 3-axis/3D MR-based
large-scale evaluation of key parameters of power grids, such magnetometers [131, 133, 136]. Commercial dead-reckoning
as current [106, 113, 114, 116], voltage [114, 119, 120], phase and inertial navigation systems using MR sensors have also
[110, 116, 117], power flow [114, 119], power quality [119], been developed. For example, the Lord Sensing introduced
load [117, 119], transmission and distribution line conditions attitude and head reference systems (e.g. Lord MicroStrain
[111, 116, 117, 120]. By analyzing and processing the power 3DM-GX5-35) with MR sensors to provide attitude and
grid parameters, the real-time state of power grids can be navigation solutions [419]. The Honeywell introduced inertial
evaluated, enabling the prompt determination and response of navigation system (e.g. TALIN 2000) with MR sensors to
power faults or abnormal conditions in a wide area. After the provide navigation, pointing and weapon stabilization [420].
achievement of Msens1 (~104 %/mT) and Mdetc1 (~1 pT/Hz0.5) in All these works proved the feasibility of applying MR sensors
~2027, the implementation of the large-scale power grid in the fields of navigation and transportation (TRL 3-4).
monitoring systems with MR sensors (TRL 7-8) will be The technology was further developed and demonstrated
expected. The full establishment of these systems (TRL 8-9) from 2007 to 2010. In 2007, by integrating the 3-axis MR
will require a large quantity of supporting facilities (e.g., energy sensor with accelerometers and gyroscopes, a real-time attitude
harvesting for outdoor sensors [415, 416], and a common time and heading reference system (AHRS) was reported by
source for synchronized measurements [417, 418]), and Cordoba et al. [131]. The constructed system was equipped in
therefore will be realized in a long-term period (after ~2027). unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and accurate attitude angle
measurements were performed for the UAVs operating in both vehicles, which marked the later stage of TRL 6 for navigation
accelerated and non-accelerated conditions. To validate the and transportation systems with MR sensor technology.
AHRS in various dynamic conditions, Lai et al. designed and
Considering that the AHRS with MR sensors has already
constructed a 3-axis rotating platform in 2010 [133], which was
been validated in several operating conditions [131], one can
able to simulate dynamic conditions in the operation of different
expect the integration of AHRS with MR sensors (TRL 7-8)
unmanned vehicles (unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs),
into UUVs and UAVs by ~2027 with the achievement of Msens1
UAVs, self-driving vehicles). Another promising application of
(~104 %mT), Mdetc1 (~1 pT/Hz0.5). However, the
MR-based magnetometers is the vehicle detection and
implementation of crash-proof and self-driving vehicles with
monitoring [129, 132, 138, 139], which makes use of the local
MR sensors would be much more difficult. MR sensors
magnetic field disturbance caused by moving vehicles. In 2002,
equipped in these vehicles are required to possess ultra-high
a GMR-based vehicle detection and monitoring module was
sensing performance. The detected magnetic disturbance from
introduced [129]. The local magnetic field disturbance was
all the surrounding vehicles and objects are required to be
successfully detected and the speed of the car was measured on
considered and analysed to avoid possible risks. Therefore, one
site. These works demonstrated the implementation of MR
can expect that the realization of crash-proof and self-driving
sensors in navigation and transportation systems in relevant
vehicles with MR sensors (TRL 7-9) around or after 2032 with
conditions and the accomplishment of TRL 5-6.
the achievement of Msens2 (~105 %/mT), Mdetc2 (~10 fT/Hz0.5).
With the enhancement of the sensing ability of MR sensors, Since the complexity of crash-proof vehicles is lower and
the functionalization and performance of the MR-based vehicle technologically less complicated than that of self-driving
detection systems were remarkably improved [137-139]. In vehicles, the authors believe that the crash-proof vehicles with
2013, Zhou et al. reported the real-time location estimation of MR sensors will be implemented a few years earlier than self-
vehicles by utilizing an AMR array [138]. In 2015, the driving vehicles in ~2030.
classification of various types of vehicles was achieved by
analyzing the characteristics of the detected field disturbance VI. OUTLOOK AND PERSPECTIVES
signals [139]. These works demonstrated the possibility of The field of MR sensors is now rapidly evolving from
achieving high-level autonomous vehicles with MR sensors, science to technology. The proliferation of MR devices with
Fig. 17. Contribution and impact of MR sensor technology in the concept of smart living, including smart home, smart healthcare, smart grid, and smart
such as UUVs, UAVs, crash-proof vehicles, and self-driving high operational and sensing performance is opening up a
variety of applications based on MR technologies, such as time whenever/wherever they are needed, facilitating the
biomedical applications, flexible electronics, PS and HCI, implementation of pervasive healthcare.
NDEM, and navigation and transportation. The widespread
Regarding the smart grid, MR sensors can be deployed in
utilization of MR sensors will also offer more data and
large-scale for monitoring transmission and distribution
information (magnetic or magnetic-related) to the Internet of
networks. MR sensors or sensor arrays are used to monitor the
Things (IoT) [421-424], enriching and upgrading the context of
real-time power grid parameters, such as current [106, 113, 114,
smart living [425-428], such as smart home [427, 429-431],
116], voltage [114, 119, 120], phase [110, 116, 117], power
smart healthcare [425, 432-434], smart grid [105-108, 118], and
flow [114, 119], power quality [119], load [117, 119],
smart transportation [435-438], as shown in Figure 17. One of
transmission and distribution line conditions [111, 116, 117,
the key supporting features of smart living is the acquisition and
120]. Power grid abnormal conditions (e.g., fault, sagging,
utilization of sufficient data and information from the “Things”,
overload, and imbalance) can be evaluated and pinpointed
which requires a large amount of networked sensors for
based on analysis of measured power grid parameters [111, 116,
information collection and processing [430]. Therefore, the
117]. Necessary actions can then be performed by operation
robust MR sensors with low cost, low power consumption,
staff and predictive decisions can be made for ensuring efficient
small physical dimension, and superb sensing performance can
and reliable transmission and distribution of power in smart
be excellent candidates as networked sensors in each aspect of
cities. The establishment of the large-scale MR-based NDEM
smart living.
power-grid monitoring system will provide more dynamic and
A smart home is a residence equipped with sensor and pervasive monitoring information. This is critical for systematic
communication technologies that monitor the household evaluation of the existing power grid system and makes the
appliances/resident behavior and provide proactive services integration of renewable energy possible.
[425, 433]. Pervasive MR sensors can be embedded in
For the smart transportation aspect, smart sensor networks
household products, monitoring the states (e.g., on, off,
with a large amount of MR sensors can be deployed on roads
standby) of household products [119]. The evaluated data can
and vehicles and integrated into a wireless sensor network. The
also be stored in the cloud and accessible to the residents on
spatial and temporal distribution of vehicles correlates with
their smartphones, personal computers, and wearable devices.
magnetic field and can be collected by MR sensors, because a
The wasteful usage of each household appliance can then be
vehicle induces perturbation in the local Earth’s magnetic field
identified and avoided via adaptive control or remote control by
as it passes by a sensor [129, 138, 139]. As such, dynamic traffic
residents. With the integration of IoT platform, a pervasive
information including vehicle speed [129], vehicle location
home energy management system will be developed and
[138], occupancy rate [129, 139], and traffic flow volume [129,
implemented. Furthermore, the acquired usage data of
139] can be obtained and processed by the server. The traffic
household products and residents’ behavior can be analyzed
data can then be analyzed by a traffic management center and
and used to learn the life pattern of the resident. Customized
utilized to establish a large-scale traffic monitoring and
household services (e.g., personalized household appliance
management system. With the improvement of stability and
automation) can therefore be delivered to the residents.
efficiency of this type of system, crash-proof and self-driving
MR devices can also be used as smart-healthcare sensors to vehicles can be further developed, promoting the development
support independent living of the disabled and elderly, as well of autonomous vehicle transportation systems.
as to relieve the workload from family caregivers. Real-time
physiological state or movement will be monitored with Through establishment of international standards as well as
wearable/portable MR sensors [94-97, 100, 101]. Abnormal cooperation across institutions, more revolutionary MR-related
situations will be immediately alerted so that necessary products and technologies may be developed and sustainable
assistance can be provided in time. With the development of MR industries can be established, which will in turn enrich and
MR-based MCG or MEG sensors [50], they can be attached on upgrade the content of smart living in the coming 15 years and
the bodies of patients with cardiac or encephalic diseases. beyond.
Timely warning can be sent to the corresponding server when a
cardiac or encephalic event is detected. Medical assistances and VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
actions can then be taken by doctors and therapists. Also, low- The roadmap of MR sensors (non-recording) was developed
cost, small-size, and highly wearable/portable MR biomedical in this paper. The past and current statuses of MR sensors were
sensors can be integrated into point-of-care (POC) devices [51], identified by analyzing the patent and publication statistics, and
which can be widely distributed in hospitals, homes, and in the timescales of MR sensors were established and predicted.
outdoor areas. Immediate clinical services can be delivered to MR devices are expected to proliferate with high sensing and
patients when diagnosis is completed using these POC devices. operational performance in the area of biomedical applications,
With the help of the POC technology and IoT platform, flexible electronics, PS and HCI, NDEM, and navigation and
patients’ past and present healthcare data will be monitored and transportation. However, more investment on MR sensors is
recorded. These healthcare data will be accessible to clinicians needed to reduce their costs in order to compete with Hall-effect
or authorized entities. Based on the analysis and evaluation of sensors. Tens of millions of Hall effect devices are made each
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[436] L. Schewel and D. M. Kammen, "Smart transportation: Synergizing Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon in
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[439] Zettlex, "Magnetic position sensors", 2018. Available: Spintronics group since 2006. She is an Associated Professor at [Accessed: Sep-6-2018] the Physics Department (IST) since 2015, and is responsible for
student coordination (over 46 master students, 4 PhD students
and 10 post-doctoral fellows). She is co-author of over 260
publications (researcher ID: B-6199-2013). Her research
interests include advanced thin films, spintronic sensors,
microfabrication processes in large area wafers, and sensors for
robotics, biomedical and industrial applications.
He has been working at the Department From 1999 to 2000, he had worked for
of Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT). He has
Engineering, Czech Technical University (CTU) since 1990. In been with Kyungsung University as a Professor in the
1990–1994 he was a visiting researcher at the Danish Technical Department of Information Communication Engineering since
University. In 2001 he was a Marie Curie Advanced Researcher September 2000. From 2006 to 2007, he had been an Associate
Fellow at University of Galway, Ireland. In 2005 –2006: he was Professor of Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan. He
a Visiting Scientist at the Institute for the Protection and the was the Chief Technical Officer of CNK Co. from 2001 to
Security of the Citizen, Ispra, Italy. Now he is a full Professor 2003, and the Technical Advisor of Shilla Industrial Co. from
at CTU, lecturing in Measurements, Engineering Magnetism 2015 to 2017. He is the author of three books, more than 100
and Sensors. His main research interests are magnetic technical papers in the research field of micro magnetic devices,
measurements and magnetic sensors, especially fluxgate. He is high frequency devices and sensor engineering.
Dr. Shin is an Editor of the Journal of Magnetics. His awards Asian Union of Magnetic Societies (AUMS). He served as a
and honors include the Takei Award from the Japanese Program Co-Chair of the international conferences Intermag
Magnetics Society and Best Paper Award from the Korean 2011, ÍSAMMA 2013, and IcAUMS 2014.
Magnetics Society. He served for Korean government as a
member of Smart Sensor Development Strategy Committee, Shan X. Wang (M’88–SM’06–F’09)
2014 and IoT Sensor Roadmap Committee, 2015. received the B.S. degree in Physics from
the University of Science and Technology
of China, Hefei, China, in 1986, the M.S.
degree in Physics from Iowa State
Shi-Yuan Tong was born in Taichung, University, Ames, IA, USA, in 1988, and
Taiwan in 1977. He received the B.S. the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and
degree of Materials Science and Computer Engineering from Carnegie
Engineering from Feng Chia University in Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 1993.
1999, the M.S. degree from National
Taiwan University in 2001 and the Ph.D. He currently serves as a Professor and Associate Chair of
degree in Materials Science and Materials Science & Engineering and jointly Professor of
Engineering from National Tsing Hua Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, and by courtesy,
University in 2013. a Professor of Radiology at Stanford School of Medicine. He
directs the Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology, and is a Co-
He worked as a Research Assistant in Center for Condensed Principal Investigator of the Center for Cancer Nanotechnology
Matter Sciences in Taipei for a short time and since 2002, he Excellence for Translational Diagnostics (CCNE-TD) at
starts joining the Electromagnetic Material and Device Lab. Stanford University. He has over 270 publications, and holds
which located at Industrial Technology Research Institute in 56 issued or pending patents in the areas of magnetic
Hsinchu. He is a researcher working on the circuit design, nanotechnology, biosensors, nanofabrication, spintronics,
device fabrication and measurement integration of high- power management, and information storage.
frequency magnetic materials which can be applied in the field
of power modules, electromagnetic suppressing and sensors. He Dr. Wang was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical
has published more than 8 journal papers, 3 patents and some and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, 2009) and a Fellow of
research results have been applied into the industry. American Physical Society (APS, 2012) for his seminal
contributions to magnetic materials and nanosensors. He has
Dr. Tong is a member of Taiwan Association and Magnetic received numerous other awards, including most recently the
Technology and he also received the best essay award from Bold Epic Innovation (BEI) Award in the XPRIZE Qualcomm
Taiwan Materials Society in 2016. Tricorder Competition (April, 2017).
Mean-Jue Tung received the Bachelor's Songsheng Xue was born in China, in
and Master's degree in Chemistry from the 1964. He received the B.S. degree in
Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan Optical Instrumentation from Zhejiang
in 1983 and 1985, respectively, and the University, Hangzhou, China, in 1985, and
Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering from the the Ph.D. degree in Material Science from
National Chiao Tung University/Hsinchu the Chinese Academy of Sciences in
in 2000. Shanghai, China, in 1991.
Dr. Tung entered the Taiwan Industrial He engaged in the postdoctoral research
Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in 1987 and engaged in in Physics at Laval University, Canada, in 1992. From 1994 to
magnetic materials research. He is currently a Principal 1995, He was a Research Assistant with the Department of ECE
Researcher at Materials and Chemical Research Institute/ITRI at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. From 1995 to 2010, He
as the Deputy Director of the Electronic Materials Research worked in Seagate Technology, Oplink Communication,
Department and Supervisor of the Division of Electromagnetic Honeywell and held positions as Engineer, Manager and
Material and Components. The research topics are the Director.
development of soft magnetic materials, sensors and
components, MRAM related topics and power electronics In 2010, Dr. Xue founded MultiDimension Technology
applications. He filed a total of 45 patents, has 10 patents for Corporation in Zhangjiagang city, Jiangsu, China, and held
licensing and sale, published 134 papers. Most of the research position as the President and CEO of the company since then.
results were transferred to Taiwanese companies for mass He is the author of more than 30 articles, and the inventor for
production. more than 100 inventions.