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Department of Electrical Engineering EE472: RF & Microwave Engineering

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Department of Electrical Engineering

EE472: RF & Microwave Engineering

Course Instructor: Dr. M. Qasim

Date: 16-Nov-2020

Lab Engineer: Junaid Ashraf Semester: 7th

Lab 4: Design and Analysis of Microstrip Transmission Line

Components at RF & Microwave Frequencies Using ADS

Report Viva Total

Name Roll Number
Marks/10 Marks/5 Marks/15

Checked on: __________________________

Signature: __________________________
4.1 Learning Outcomes
After completing this Lab, the student will be able to
 Understand what is the transmission line model in RF & Microwave Circuits
 Understand what is the physical transmission line model in RF & Microwave Circuits

4.2 Equipment
 PC with Multisim software

4.3 Theory & Background

4.3.1 Transmission line Model
Transmission lines play an important role in designing RF and microwave networks. As we
know at high frequency wavelength of the signal is smaller than the dimension of the
components, even a small piece of wire acts as an inductor and affects the performance of the
network. We will see model of a transition line and analytically define several important
transmission line parameters such as transmission and reflection constant, phase constant ,
voltage standing wave ratio, return loss, velocity factor and group delay. There are some
popular transmission line such as: coaxial lines, Microstrip lines, strip lines and waveguides.
Q1. Measure and simulate the implemented a RLC series circuit using ADS. Also measure
the reflection coefficients and VSWR from 100−1000 MHz in 100 MHz step size. Set the
value ofR=55 Ω, L=15 nH ∧C=20 pF . Fill out the following table. [0.5 Mark]

Freq . VSWR 1 dB (S (1,1)) S(1,1)

VSWR 1−1
ReflCoef = ( 4.1)
Mismatch=1−( ReflCoef )∗( ReflCoef ) (4.2)
PwrLoss= (1−Mismatch )∗100 (4.3)
Freq . VSWR 1 Mismatch Powerloss ReflCoef

4.3.2 Physical Transmission line Model

Free space can be used for the propagation of radio signals across long distances but may not
be as useful for the point to point connection and isolation of specific RF signals.
Transmission media in FR and microwave circuit and system design are microstrip, coaxial
and waveguide transmission line. Everyone has different mode of operations like pure TEM,
quasi TEM and non TEM propagation modes.
Q2. Consider the model of a one inch and a three inch length of the waveguide as used in
the X Band satellite transmit system. Display the S-Parameter of the waveguides from
4 ¿ 8 GHz .Attach plot of S21 for one inch length and S21 for three inch length results in row1,
row2. [0.5
Q3. In ADS measure the input impedance of a loss less quarter wave short circuited
transmission line at 1500 MHz . [0.5

Freq. Zin 1(polar ) Zin1(phaser )

Q4. Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave short circuited microstrip
transmission line at 1500 MHz and implement the circuit on ADS. [0.5
Freq. Zin 1(polar ) Zin1(phaser )

Q5. Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave open circuited ideal transmission line
at 1500 MHz.

Freq. Zin 1(polar ) Zin1(phaser )

Q6. Calculate the input impedance of a quarter wave open circuited microstrip
transmission line using termination with end effects at 1500 MHz.
[0.5 Mark]
Freq. Zin 1(polar ) Zin1(phaser )

4.4Lab Tasks
[6 Marks]
Q1. Calculate the VSWR of a satellite antenna with a return loss of11.4 dB.

Q2. The input reflection coefficient of a transistor is measured to be 0.22 at an angle of32°
. Determine the input VSWR of the device using ADS.

Q3. Determine the impedance of a quarter wave transformer to match a 20 Ω load to a

50 Ω source using ADS.
Q4. Design the quarter wave transformer to match a 20 Ω load to a 50 Ω using microstrip
transmission line using ADS. The frequency of operation is 2.05 GHz. The dielectric constant
is 3 with a thickness/Height of 0.03 inch. Determine the length and width of the microstrip

Q5. A series RLC load, R=75Ω ,L=10 nH and C=25 pF is connected to a 50 Ω

transmission line. Setup a linear analysis in ADS to sweep the frequency form 200 MHz to
2000 MHz in 200 MHz steps. Display the input reflection Coefficient and VSWR in a Table.
Freq. S11 VSWR

Q6. Determine the physical length of a λ g /4 open circuit microstrip transmission line with
an impedance of 20 Ω. The frequency of operation is10 GHz. Use a microstrip dielectric
constant of 2.2 and a thickness of0.01 inches. Determine using ADS whether an end effect
model element should be used.
[1 Mark]
Assessment Rubrics
EE472: RF & Microwave Engineering – Lab ___
Method: Lab reports and instructor observation during lab sessions

Outcome Assessed:
a. Ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (P).
b. Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams (A).
c. Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice (P).

Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet

Performance Marks
(4-5) (3-2) expectation (1)
Selects relevant Needs guidance to Incapable of
equipment to the select relevant selecting relevant
experiment, develops equipment to the equipment to
1. Realization of setup diagrams of experiment and to conduct the
Experiment [a, c] equipment develop equipment experiment,
connections or wiring. connection or wiring equipment
diagrams. connection or wiring
diagrams are
Actively engages and Cooperates with other Distracts or
cooperates with other group members in a discourages other
2. Teamwork [b] group members in an reasonable manner. group members
effective manner. from conducting the
Does proper Calibrates equipment, Unable to calibrate
calibration of examines equipment appropriate
equipment, carefully moving parts, and equipment, and
3. Conducting examines equipment operates the equipment operation
Experiment [a, c] moving parts, and equipment with minor is substantially
ensures smooth error. wrong.
operation and process.

Respectfully and Observes safety rules Disregards safety

4. Laboratory carefully observes and procedures with rules and
Safety Rules [a] safety rules and minor deviation. procedures.
Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Does not meet
Performance Marks
(5-4) (3-2) expectation (1)
Plans data collection to Plans data collection Does not know how to
achieve experimental to achieve plan data collection to
5. Data objectives, and experimental achieve experimental
conducts an orderly objectives, and goals; data collected is
Collection [a] and a complete data collects complete data incomplete and
collection. with minor error. contain errors.

Accurately conducts Conducts simple Unable to conduct

simple computations computations and simple statistical
and statistical analysis statistical analysis analysis on collected
using collected data; using collected data data; no attempt to
correlates with minor error; correlate experimental
experimental results to reasonably correlates results with known
6. Data Analysis known theoretical experimental results to theoretical values;
[a] values; accounts for known theoretical incapable of
measurement errors values; attempts to explaining
and parameters that account for measurement errors or
affect experimental measurement errors parameters that affect
results. and parameters that the experimental
affect experimental results.
Uses computer to Uses computer to Does not know how to
7. Computer collect and analyze collect and analyze use computer to
Use [a] data effectively. data with minor error. collect and analyze


Lab Engineer: Faculty:

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

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