Philippine College of Science and Technology: Instruction
Philippine College of Science and Technology: Instruction
Philippine College of Science and Technology: Instruction
This will be assessed with a maximum score of 100 points. The rubrics below will guide you on how your
answer will be rated.
25 20 15 10
Participation Consistently gives Gives best daily effort Puts forth best Off task, minimal to
Personal best effort daily, most of the time, effort some of the no activity and
Responsibility models a high level of good level of self- time, minimal self- requires ongoing
self-motivated, motivated during motivated intervention with
committed to physical fitness test. exercise for regarding to physical
improving personal physical fitness fitness test or
fitness and test. unprepared for the
encourages others. physical fitness test.
Performance/ Demonstrates Demonstrates A developing level Requires ongoing
Psychomotor consistent excellent improvement and of skill, strategy intervention to
understanding of understanding of and activity achieve development
skills, strategies and skills, strategies and development, and consistently
the value of activity activity inconsistent levels displays minimal
concepts. of on task effort to put.
Knowledge/ Excellent knowledge Good knowledge of A developing Requires ongoing
Cognitive of safety and physical safety and physical knowledge of intervention to
fitness test rules fitness test rules rules and physical achieve minimal
activity concepts knowledge of rules
Character/ Respectful of all Supportive of all On task and Requires ongoing
Affective classmates, teachers, students in online follows directions intervention to
helps others when class most of the some of the time. ensure safe
needed. Follows time, follow Inconsistent respectful interaction
safety rules, directions, an active attention to with regard to rules,
equipment with care listener, follows safety, rules and equipment and
and self-control safety rules, treats respectful others during online
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU),
Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)