Thinking Like A Climate: Governing A City in Times of Environmental Change / Hannah Knox
Thinking Like A Climate: Governing A City in Times of Environmental Change / Hannah Knox
Thinking Like A Climate: Governing A City in Times of Environmental Change / Hannah Knox
Abbreviations ix
Preface and Acknowledgments xi
Notes 273
References 285
Index 305
eu European Union
it information technology
How can we get people more involved in doing something about climate
change? This is the question being explored at a meeting of the steering
group that has responsibility for managing Manchester’s plan to reduce the
city’s carbon emissions. It is a Tuesday afternoon in June, and about twenty
of us are sitting, cabaret style, around tables in the breakout room of a local
art-house cinema in Manchester, England. The main agenda item for the
day is how to regalvanize Manchester’s carbon-reduction plan and get peo-
ple in the city to somehow rise to the challenge of tackling climate change.
Spread out on the tables are flip-chart pads scattered with thick colored
markers — ubiquitous tools of management meetings that have been pro-
vided to help us tackle this challenge. On one of the flip charts, the page
has been divided into four parts by two perpendicular lines. On the top
left-hand side, Linda, who is here in her role as a project manager for an en-
vironmental charity, has written “41%” — Manchester’s carbon-reduction
target. On the right-hand side, she has written “engagement.” The group
around the table is trying to list examples of engagement under this head-
ing, but it is not clear who engagement should focus on, or what the role of
Figure I.1 Diagramming the city.
2 · introduction
The doers end up in the middle with all the other sections partitioned off
into their own space. Colin comments that the doers don’t have their own
section. It is clear that this wasn’t intentional, and no one knows if it mat-
ters. As we continue talking, there is further confusion — is this a diagram
of the steering group or of the city as a whole? Are the doers the people who
are ensuring that the plan gets done or the people who are actually doing
it? There is a risk here that the doers get turned into the former, and that no
one ends up actually doing anything.
Suddenly our deliberations are interrupted by the clattering of hail and a
torrential downpour outside. There is a palpable hush in the room as people
glance, uneasily, at the rivulets of water streaming down the window and
the puddles forming rapidly on the decking outside. Inside the room we are
insulated from the storm, and yet the storm is also with us, forcing itself on
the proceedings and provoking a febrile atmosphere in the room.
Everyone in that room knows that a rainstorm is not climate change, but
there is a sense of an indescribable link between what the group is trying to
do and the weather battering at the windows. One person says that maybe
the doers should concentrate on building an ark. Another says, “Is this what
a postcarbon Manchester will be like?” As the rain comes down, we carry
on, glancing occasionally at the windows. Eventually the rain stops, and as
it does, the weather is forgotten, and the discussion continues on the ques-
tion of how to enthuse people into becoming committed to a plan that will
ensure that Manchester does its bit for tackling climate change.
This book takes as its starting point this moment when a storm intruded
on a bureaucratic gathering in Manchester, England, to open up a discus-
sion about the transgressions that occur when climate change confronts
political practice. In Manchester, when the rain clattered down on the
steering group meeting, the phenomenological experience of a downpour
drew people’s attention, in that moment, to a materialized form of weather
that rapped at the windows of democratic deliberation. But Manchester
is renowned for its rain. So why was this a moment of significant experi-
ence, and what did it have to do with the climate? What produced that
rainfall as a commentary on climate change as a state of being? For people
out on the street passing the room where we sat, that same downpour might
have been experienced as awkward, uncomfortable, or inconvenient. For
hikers out in the hills in hiking clothes, the rain might have been experi-
enced or remembered as a bracing walk or a memorable encounter with
the elements. As it was, in a meeting room surrounded by pens and paper,
4 · introduction
equate vernacular understanding of the science of climate change that they
had expertise in, and how people’s fact-based understanding of the climate
could be improved.
The thing that needed to be understood as scientific fact through en-
gagement with “brains,” then, was climate. Climate, unlike weather, is a
description of general prevailing conditions associated with a particular
geographical region. Historical uses of the term climate referred not only
to weather but also to the agriculture, flora, fauna, ways of living, and even
cultural temperament of a particular region (Hulme 2017). The study of
climate change is therefore a probabilistic study of general conditions at
global and regional scales, not the actual weather in a particular place at a
particular moment in time. And yet, confusingly, weather is still the stuff
from which climate is derived and an important medium through which it
is experienced. If we wish to study the relationship between climate and
politics, I therefore suggest that it is not sufficient to study how embodied
individuals are relating to changing weather, nor is it sufficient to under-
stand only how people are relating to and understanding scientific models.
Rather, studying climate change anthropologically demands that we at-
tend to what happens to people’s understanding of themselves and others
when confronted with climate as a “techno-nature” (Escobar 1999), as a
phenomenon that does not fall neatly into a category of either immediate
materiality or abstract representation. If we are to understand the kind of
challenge that climate change (as opposed to weather) poses to social re-
lations in different locations and among different groups of people, then I
suggest we need an anthropological approach to studying climate change
that acknowledges with climate scientists that climate is not weather but
that is also capable of treating climate as more than symbolic, modeled
representations that float free from weather’s materiality.
To address what happened in Manchester when climate change forced
itself on urban politics, I have had to learn to approach climate change not
as a cultural practice with ontological dimensions but as a material process
that exhibits epistemological qualities. As climate seeped into the imagina-
tion, and as imaginations helped to surface the often undesirable social ef-
fects of changing climate systems, I found people were not confronting na-
ture but instead experiencing themselves as entangled in a relational nexus
wherein processes of signification — both human and nonhuman — were
affecting one another. To capture this ecology of signs where climate
seemed to shimmer into view through repetitious traces in computer mod-
els, where those models entered into workplaces via online training pack-
6 · introduction
For Bateson, incorporating the data into his analysis qua data and not
something to be socially deconstructed is justified by reference to his no-
tion of an ecology of ideas. If we take nature “out there” to be material, and
interpretations “in here” to be ideational, then it is necessary to decide at
which point the material is transformed into the ideation — when the “raw”
becomes “cooked,” or when “reality” becomes “data.” But if we follow Bate-
son in concerning ourselves not with the question of whether something
is real but with its form, then things and data and their interpretation by
humans or machines can all be addressed on the plane of signs. The task
of the analyst thus becomes one of observing the interactions not only of a
community of people but of an ecology of ideas of which people and their
ideas are just one part.
A similar line of thinking is pursued by Eduardo Kohn in his recent
ethnography How Forests Think (2013), a study of the village of Ávila in
the Ecuadorian Amazon. To understand the way in which the lives of the
Runa Puma who live in Ávila are entangled with and produced through
interactions with the forest and its beings, Kohn argues that anthropology
needs to go beyond its primary concern with human symbolic meaning
making and linguistic communication, to study the way in which human
worlds are made out of interaction with the sign-producing functions of
other life-forms. Moving across the waking and dreaming life of the Runa
Puma and his own embodied (and disembodied) experiences as an ethnog-
rapher, Kohn shows that it is not only human beings who have a capacity
for signification but that human worlds are made through iconic and in-
dexical engagements with other beings that also use representational forms
to communicate and interact. Building in particular on the work of the
philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce and the more recent work of Terrence
Deacon, Kohn argues for what he calls an “anthropology beyond the hu-
man.” For Kohn, an anthropology beyond the human is an anthropology
that is capable of attending to the way that human worlds are made not only
through interaction between people but out of what he terms an “ecology of
selves.” An anthropology beyond the human is not a posthuman anthropol-
ogy but an attempt to extend anthropology’s remit to be able to attend to
representational capacities that the modern social sciences have tended to
bracket out as not central to human meaning-making processes.
Both Bateson and Kohn, then, deploy the language of signs, ideas,
minds, selves, and thought to describe the forms that emerge out of an in-
terplay between entities of which humans are just a part. “Thinking” in
8 · introduction
of knowing and managing the social order. The central location of the
study is Manchester, UK, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution and
a place that self-identifies as the “original modern” city.4 Where better to
look at the questions raised by the challenges of climate change than in the
city that defines itself as the place where this whole process began, where
coal was extracted and burned to fuel the manufacture of cotton, which
heralded the beginning of industrial capitalism?
This book centers on the practices and conversations of a loosely de-
fined group of officials and activists who were, and are, trying to work to-
gether to explicitly develop a future for Manchester as both a postindustrial
and low-carbon city. The people who appear in this book were linked, ei-
ther directly through a steering group or indirectly as partners, with a plan
for managing the city’s carbon emissions that was published in 2009 and
given the title Manchester: A Certain Future. The story of how this group
of people came to be tackling climate change will be told throughout the
book, but it is important to note at the outset that the Manchester: A Certain
Future plan was seen by its participants as very distinctive for the way it dis-
placed responsibility for tackling climate change from the local council to
“the city as a whole,” the plan being “a plan for everyone.” Accordingly, the
plan’s steering group members came from various organizations including
the city council, the three universities in the city, the National Health Ser-
vice, environmental charities and environmental pressure groups, an engi-
neering firm, a housing association, economic development organizations,
and freelancers working in the environmental sector. It was described to
me by one participant as akin to a proto – citizen’s panel. The members
of the steering committee and partner organizations were well educated
and established in professional positions in public and private-sector or-
ganizations, charities, and environmental nongovernmental organizations
(ngos). Their conversations and practices, and the relationships they were
involved in to tackle climate change, form the core focus for this study, al-
lowing us a window onto how climate change emerged in this late-liberal
political setting as a mode of questioning and unsettling urban politics as
political relations became deformed and reformed around the question of
what to do about rising carbon emissions.
My research for this book entailed spending time with this network of
people over a period of eight years. Research for this project began slowly in
2011, involved a focused fourteen-month period in 2012 – 2013, and has con-
tinued in short stints since then. The book also draws on additional field-
work conducted in 2017 – 2018, during which I looked at how people were
10 · introduction
practice were being shared; the space of technological networks: of the en-
ergy monitors, solar panels, and statistical models through which the job
of attempting to reduce carbon emissions was enacted. And, finally, Man-
chester was itself not just a geographical context for this research, but as we
see in the opening vignette, it, like the climate it was trying to engage, was
also a concept, an idea, and a thing that was being reworked in relation to
the project of carbon emissions reduction. Part of the challenge of reducing
carbon emissions at a city scale was reimagining just what kind of social,
environmental, and technical entity the city itself was. As the opening vi-
gnette hints, forging a local and situated response to models of rising tem-
peratures, increasing sea levels, and climbing measures of carbon dioxide
particles in the atmosphere required people not just to act but to interro-
gate and re-create the very forms and categories of social organization, like
“the city” and “the citizen,” that would be necessary to bring about the de-
sired change. Tracing climate change in this city was, to paraphrase Donna
Haraway, a matter of getting away from the “god tricks of self-certainty and
deathless communion” and paying attention to “counter-intuitive geome-
tries and emergent translations” (2003, 25). Part of that work of translation
revolved around the question of just what kind of collective entity would
be appropriate to tackling a problem like climate change, and whether the
city of Manchester might fulfill that role.
With the city providing the scale of analysis, and climate change provid-
ing the focus of people’s activities, one might imagine that the struggle fac-
ing city administrators would be one of convincing a skeptical citizenry
of the realities of climate change. But rarely in my research was the nature
of climate politics articulated in this way. The only time I heard anyone
speak of climate deniers or climate skepticism was during a conversation
with a housing-association employee when he mentioned that the director
of the housing association did not believe in climate change. Elsewhere,
whether the people being engaged by those trying to do something about
climate change were building managers or council employees, homeown-
ers or renters of council properties, the question of whether climate change
was real or human-made never came up in my ethnographic work.6
This was somewhat surprising to me given the very different render-
ing of the politics of climate that has until recently dominated the popu-
12 · introduction
Not as Threatening to Planet as Previously Thought, New Research Sug-
gests.”8 Although this was broadly in line with the press release that ac-
companied the report, some climate scientists I spoke to were horrified at
this headline. They were concerned that the message that would be taken
from the study was that everyone could relax about climate change, rather
than the message being that there is still a slim chance that a climate disas-
ter could be averted if everyone does everything they can to reduce carbon
emissions as quickly as possible. The fears of the scientists were confirmed
when the study was cited by a politician well known for his skepticism to-
ward climate science (and incidentally the former head of the Manchester
City Council), Graham Stringer, in an editorial in the tabloid paper the
Daily Mail. The headline read: “Now That’s an Inconvenient Truth” fol-
lowed by the subhead “Report shows the world isn’t as warm as the green
doom-mongers warned. So will energy bills come down? Fat chance, says
mp Graham Stringer.”9
A second incident occurred a few weeks earlier when another politician
who is known for his skepticism toward climate science, Lord Nigel Law-
son, was interviewed on the bbc Today program on Radio 4.10 In the inter-
view Lawson claimed that global temperatures had not risen over the past
decade, a claim that went unchallenged in the interview. If the first incident
was a debate over how to interpret the facts of climate science, this second
incident revolved around the responsibility of the bbc to provide impartial
reporting on climate science. The bbc has, until recently, faced repeated
criticism from climate scientists, who have argued that attempts to repre-
sent “both sides of the argument” have given undue weight to findings that
are not corroborated by most of the climate science community. Again, in
this case, the bbc appealed against initial complaints about the interview
with Lord Lawson, arguing that “Lawson’s stance was ‘reflected by the cur-
rent US administration’ and that offering space to ‘dissenting voices’ was
an important aspect of impartiality.”11 However, after the original com-
plaints escalated, the bbc admitted that the facts being reported were er-
roneous and Lawson should have been challenged by the interviewer.12 As
these examples demonstrate, even the most avowedly neutral media’s rep-
resentation of climate change has to tread carefully in this ongoing debate
between scientists and skeptics. The battle here is about whose facts count
and how those facts should be interpreted. But this is a rather different poli-
tics of climate change from that which I describe as being fought out in the
city. Here, instead of facts, what were at stake were methods of bureaucratic
organization, techniques of construction, engineering logics, and local so-
14 · introduction
concentrations in the atmosphere is alarming. Projections of the effects of
this change are also worsening, with the scientific consensus shifting in
recent months to a prediction that we are now on course for an average of
3 degrees of global warming by the end of the century (Raftery et al. 2017).
This portends sea-level rises of two meters or more, powerful hurricanes,
the slowing or cessation of jet streams, droughts, fires, crop failures, wars,
and mass migration.14
For those climate scientists, concerned citizens, activists, and political
actors of different kinds whom I met in and around Manchester, who were
all trying to do something about climate change, the appearance of these
ever more dire facts and figures about a changing atmosphere seemed un-
relenting. These data were indicative not just of the level of change that was
necessary to mitigate them. Rather, their ongoing appearance continually
re-posed the question of why it is that the conventional means of attend-
ing to and responding to these facts about the world appear to prove inad-
equate when they are mobilized as a response to historical and ongoing
climate change (Marshall 2015). Why, people asked, is no one listening to
the numbers and acting accordingly? And how could things be different?
One response to this question was to attribute responsibility for a failure
to act on climate change to particular groups or individuals. Accusations
are frequently made by climate critics that the richest individuals, the big-
gest companies, the structure of our financial systems, and certain nation-
states are the agents that are failing in their duty to respond to the problem
of rising greenhouse gas emissions (Swyngedouw 2010a; Szerszynski 2010).
In Manchester a critical political engagement with the structural causes of
climate change manifested in activities such as the Shell Out! campaign
to prevent Royal Dutch Shell from sponsoring an exhibition at the Man-
chester Museum of Science and Industry, a campaign to get Manchester’s
pension fund to divest from fossil fuels, and the Energy Democracy Greater
Manchester campaign, which aimed to encourage Greater Manchester to
establish its own citizen-owned green energy company. Tackling climate
change through this kind of critical structural approach was complicated,
however, by the realization that even those who were trying to do some-
thing about climate change (and who were often part of the privileged
groups identified) — climate scientists, activists, public intellectuals —
often experienced themselves as unable to make the difference that seemed
necessary within their own lives. This inability to change things either in-
dividually or structurally was in turn read in the unrelenting rise in con-
centrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which suggested that in
16 · introduction
in spite of the possibility of telling the history of a city as a tale of political
ecology, the actual practice of managing the city as an object of governance
has tended, until recently, to operate through attention to urban popula-
tions, measures of economic activity, health, and planned urban infrastruc-
tures, rather than a direct engagement with the natural resources that lie
within or outside city borders or the environmental relations that make
certain forms of life and economy possible within the city.15
One of the critiques that has thus often been made of modern forms of
governing and accounting is that they work by excluding, as externalities,
relations between people and “the environment.” Marxist analyses, such as
Teresa Brennan’s (2000) highly insightful work on the problems inherent
to the modern economy, demonstrate, for example, how modern forms of
social organization that have conceptually bracketed nature out have led
to an exhaustion, both metaphorically and literally, of nature.16 Brennan
argues that economic value under capitalism is not created only through
labor power but also depends on the unacknowledged exhaustion of both
human bodies and natural resources. Similarly, in The Question concern-
ing Technology (1977), Martin Heidegger famously points to a peculiarly
modern and what he terms “technological” way of relating to nature that
frames an inert nature as a “standing reserve,” conceptually awaiting hu-
man exploitation. With nature externalized as something that human be-
ings can exploit, the metropolis, even when conceived of as political ecol-
ogy, becomes a performance of human domination over nature, a space
that is separated off, both geographically and conceptually, from the rug-
ged or rural locations where nature, as a standing reserve for human use,
patiently resides.
In recent years there have been significant moves in urban planning
around the world to reframe the place and value of nature in cities and to
explicitly bring nature back into urban politics. Utopian, master-planned
ecocity projects such as Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, Tianjin
in China, and Songdo in South Korea figure as the spectacular avant-garde
for a global conversation about how to bring questions of sustainability into
the design of cities. An attention to nature promises a way to balance hu-
man needs and ecological processes and to resolve problems ranging from
air pollution, to water quality, to carbon reduction, to preparedness for fu-
ture climatic changes. This newfound attention to nature and sustainability
has in turn fueled new directions in urban planning and design. Future cit-
ies, it now seems, are green and sustainable cities (Bulkeley et al. 2013; Lovell
2004; Miller 2005; Rademacher 2017; While, Jonas, and Gibbs 2004).
18 · introduction
that had emerged from climate models into existing governmental practice,
this was a problem of what I call “thinking like a climate.”
Building on a consensus that has emerged among climate scientists
about the anthropogenic causes of climate change, Manchester’s efforts at
tackling climate change have been conversant with other efforts that have
been made regionally, nationally, and internationally to genuinely incor-
porate the findings of science and their ecological implications into pol-
icy making and public engagement. My description of how this unfolded
in Manchester demonstrates that bringing climate into politics can be a
fraught and difficult process. As I show in the coming chapters, climate
change demanded nothing less than a reconsideration of the very prac-
tices through which knowledge was understood to be produced in science,
bureaucracy, activism, and business. Thinking like a climate was thus not
solely a matter of inculcating environmental thinking by engaging people
in institutional practices oriented to environmental governance, as de-
scribed by Arun Agrawal (2005) in his description of the production of
“environmentality” as a form of thought. Although climate change, like
environmentality, is a framing of socionatural relations that is produced
by science, economics, and bureaucratic practice, climate change as it ap-
peared in my ethnographic work exceeded the conventions of description
and social organization that underpin this form of economic and social
governance. By persistently bringing to the fore the entanglement of social
worlds and natural systems, climate change undermined any easy stabiliza-
tion of a world of nature “out there” that might be managed or contained.
Rather, what was produced in the act of trying to map and account for the
complexities of climate were provisional findings about extensive relations
that continually worked to destabilize conventional methods of account-
ing and that crossed settled institutional boundaries in awkward and often
controversial ways.17
Anthropocene Anthropology
20 · introduction
mushroom, which, in her alluring description, spread through the root sys-
tems of plantations but also extend their tendrils into the organization of
migrant labor, the buyers and sellers who people global commodity mar-
kets, and the olfactory sensibilities of Japanese greengrocers. Eben Kirk-
sey’s (2015) description of what he calls “emergent ecologies” similarly uses
the concept of the “ontological amphibian” to generate an anthropology of
the environment capable of bringing to ethnography the appearance of life-
forms that flourish in postindustrial, blasted landscapes.
In these descriptions there is no longer nature on the one hand and cul-
ture on the other; there are only hybrid nature/cultures whose relations
can be traced as an unfolding of forms of being that have reached their end
point in feral species, contaminated bodies, and biologically hybrid organ-
isms.18 The idea that nature is a social construct has moved from an episte-
mological to an ontological claim. Not only is nature a culturally specific
idea or a philosophical predisposition; it is also a thing that has been made
with humans as part of a process of mutual generation.19 This approach
thus undermines any pretheoretical separability of something called na-
ture from something called culture where one might be seen to be impact-
ing on the other.
These anthropological analyses of the Anthropocene challenge conven-
tional forms of anthropological theory by collapsing the gap between social
description and scientific description, folding scientific articulations of en-
vironmental relations into the study of hybrid forms. They do so in order
to recover the importance of relations that would previously have been ig-
nored in purely “social” analyses, expanding ethnography’s capacity to find
“theory” in the field by incorporating the biophysical relations inherent to
feral species into their descriptions of emerging worlds.
The idea of the Anthropocene has thus helped to pull scientific under-
standings of ecological and geological relations into ethnography. The An-
thropocene was first proposed as a scientific term by geologists Paul Crut-
zen and Eugene Stoermer in 2000 to describe changes in the earth’s stratal
record that appeared to be occurring as a result of recent human activities.
While geological epochs are usually understood to emerge over very long
periods of time, the detection of markers of recent human activity in a wide
range geophysical processes has prompted questions about whether there
is a need for a new geological epoch — the Anthropocene — to be named.
Whether this Anthropocene should be traced back to the appearance of
modern humanity, to the emergence of industrial capitalism, or to the be-
ginnings of what has come to be termed the “great acceleration,” around the
22 · introduction
epistemological qualities of climate thus raise a crucial challenge when it
comes to building on Anthropocene ethnography to think about climate
change as a phenomenon that confronts everyday practices of governing.
I treat climate change, then, not as nature or culture but, in line with
Bateson and Kohn, as a pattern that is produced out of the interaction
among sign-producing entities. Climate change, like the forests that Kohn
describes, is the sum effect of interactions among iconic, indexical, and
symbolic modes of representation that extend beyond, but also include,
the human. In his seminal work Gaia, James Lovelock (1979) suggested,
polemically at the time, that the geophysical and chemical composition
of the earth was kept in equilibrium by the presence of life — that is, by
entities that have a capacity for (a Peircian form of) communication and
change. Anthropogenic climate change can be read, then, as an unusually
rapid rupturing of that equilibrium, a reorganization of the interactions of
“ideas” that Kohn describes in a forest setting, which in climate change is
detectable in the traces of carbon dioxide molecules (and those of other
greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere. This approach also allows us not just
to speak of climate change as that which precedes its detection in climate
models but also to extend our description of climate change into practices,
minds, and activities that ultimately aim to change the climate from within
by acting on and in an ecosystem of sign relations.
This approach resonates strongly with the program for ecological ur-
banism laid out by Mohsen Mostafavi and Gareth Doherty (Mostafavi
2010; Mostafavi and Doherty 2016). Also citing Bateson, alongside Félix
Guattari, Chantal Mouffe, and Henri Lefebvre, Mostafavi (2010) makes
a plea not just for a more ecological form of urban design but for a funda-
mental transformation in design thinking that can imagine “an urbanism
that is other than the status quo.” Mostafavi writes, “We might consider
the ecological paradigm not only on ourselves and on our social actions in
relation to the environment, but also on the very methods of thinking that
we apply to the development of the disciplines that provide the frameworks
for shaping those environments” (5). Mostafavi’s approach, like that I am
advocating in this book, is one that attends to how climate change and the
ecological relations of which it is an effect have the capacity to challenge
existing ways of thinking, to create new kinds of discipline, and, in his case,
to transform the practice of urban design.
To return to Bateson’s comments on data, attending to data traces is
crucial for an anthropological study of climate change that approaches it
in this way because these traces are the only way of engaging with a central
24 · introduction
research, my empirical focus necessarily bleeds into the question of how we
as anthropologists might learn from those who have been trying to think
like a climate, of whether we might have to do anthropology differently in
the face of climate change. There has not yet been a sustained conversa-
tion about the relationship between anthropological ways of knowing and
the implications of climate change. But my experience of trying to do an
ethnography of climate change, and the relative paucity of studies within
anthropology on climate change as I have characterized it here, suggests
that there is something inherent to anthropology as it currently operates
that produces a similar challenge in confronting climate change to that ex-
perienced by the bureaucrats and activists I worked with.
To gain some sense of the kinds of challenges anthropology might face
in addressing climate change through its extant practices and methods of
knowledge construction, we can learn from those in other related disci-
plines who have also begun to ask similar questions of their own disci-
plinary practice. In relation to the discipline of history, for example, Di-
pesh Chakrabarty (2009) argues that climate change poses a profound
challenge to the way in which history has constructed itself as a discipline
concerned with the story of human history, set against a backdrop of en-
vironmental transformation that has conventionally been deemed out-
side historical time. While historians have provided powerful accounts
of transformations in the social domain — globalization, colonialism, and
postcolonialism — climate change, Chakrabarty argues, posits another
kind of human that seems to sit outside history: the human as species. For
Chakrabarty, “climate change poses for us a question of a human collectivity, an
us, pointing to a figure of the universal that escapes our capacity to experience
the world” (222, emphasis added). If historical accounts are constructed by
attending to human experience, how, Chakrabarty asks, can the history
of the human as species — which is by definition nonphenomenological,
conceptual, incapable of being experienced — be brought into historical
The novelist Amitav Ghosh poses a similar set of questions regarding
the challenges of thinking like a climate within the field of literary fic-
tion in his recent book The Great Derangement (2016). Ghosh argues that
the global scale, abstractions, and catastrophic qualities of global climate
change challenge the literary conventions of the modern novel that privi-
lege the telling of sweeping social stories through an attention to the every-
day and the mundane. How will literature, Ghosh asks, have to change to
incorporate climate change into novels in a way that does not recategorize
26 · introduction
evidence of human experience, in all its variety and complexity, with the
form of being that climate science makes evident. Anthropology as the
ethnography of social groups risks becoming irrelevant in relation to dis-
cussions about climate change if it remains the study of situated local so-
cial practice without also attending to the way in which social worlds are
entangled with global ecological processes. If climate scientists are being
challenged by the need to attend to the social implications of their science,
should we as anthropologists not be equally challenged by the question of
how to incorporate evidence of the extended material effects of human ac-
tivities into our analyses of the making of human social worlds?
Forging an anthropology of climate change requires not only that an-
thropologists turn their attention to its manifestation in changes in weather
or rising sea levels through ethnographies of affected communities. It also
requires that we reconsider our own understandings of the way in which
human social worlds come into being and how these understandings are be-
ing challenged by the dynamics revealed by the science of climate change.
I explore this last point in the second half of the book when I introduce a
third version of the human that seems to be coming to the fore in the way in
which people are responding to the challenges of climate change in urban
settings — a version of human being that repositions social experience not
as based on normatively sustained cultural ideas but as constituted out of
practices of forging what might be seen as an “adequate” response. Rather
like the version of human interaction put forward in Bateson’s ecology of
mind, Thinking Like a Climate here surfaces a version of social experience
that privileges affective, engaged responses to objects, data, models, and
signs. In Manchester this mode of human being was materialized through
relations with things as diverse as bees, eco – show homes, weather cham-
bers, Raspberry Pi computers, thermographic images, and data hacks. Such
objects and practices were forms that were provoked by climate change and
its challenge to modern ways of knowing. They were both local and global
in their constitution, both in place but also constituted by relations that
invoked faraway places and possible future times.
This responsive version of human being that we find emerging out of the
everyday practices of thinking like a climate offers, I suggest, a potentially
productive direction for a future anthropology of climate change. Anthro-
pologists, with their training in attending to relations that cut across con-
ventional ways of knowing, are well equipped to take on board the impli-
cations of a perplexed, uncertain, responsive lived humanity that seems to
28 · introduction
epistemologically — that is, how as anthropologists we might learn to think
like a climate by recognizing climate change as an idea that has material as
much as theoretical dimensions. For anthropology, this material inflection
means that reflexivity in the face of climate change will require not only a
revision of our ideas in light of the ideas of others but a reconsideration of
the human and nonhuman relations through which anthropology has been
conducted in the past, and through which it will have to be redesigned in the
To delve into the nature and effects of thinking like a climate for both those
involved in urban governance and those involved in anthropology, the
book proceeds in two parts. Part I unravels and explores what happened
when a group of people in Manchester were compelled by the findings of
climate science to think like a climate, and elaborates on how the forms
and patterns of climate were evidenced, presented, and circulated, center-
ing on the practices, technologies, and material agencies through which
global climatic processes were made measurable, detectable, and scalable.
These chapters focus on the techniques and methods through which local
climate futures came to be imagined, the difficulties encountered in local-
izing modeled climatic change, and the implications of these challenges for
the development of an appropriate response to climate change.
Before each chapter I provide a series of stories through which I map out
the origins, form, and institutional positioning of climate change in the city.
These stories have been compiled out of many conversations I had and offer
a series of narratives about the form climate change has come to take in the
city of Manchester. For those readers who are interested in understanding
some of the detail about how climate change was approached in the city,
perhaps to compare it to similar attempts to tackle climate change in other
kinds of places, these dialogues offer a way of moving quickly through the
text. For those who are more concerned with the theoretical points that
the book aims to elaborate, these dialogues can be skipped over or read
separately from the chapters, which delve in more depth into how climate
change came to manifest in and around Manchester as a form of thought.
Here I focus in turn on various qualities of climate change: its globality,
its capacity to be apportioned into units of responsibility, its invocation of
30 · introduction
engaged anthropology that is not just advocacy, nor even public anthro-
pology, but a materially responsive anthropology that, as it learns to be
affected, cultivates new grounds for anthropological inquiry in a climate-
changing world.
An Origin Story
It was nearly thirty years ago, in 1994, that climate change first took cen-
ter stage in the city of Manchester. This first appearance of climate change
took the form of a conference called the Global Forum on Cities. The forum
took place just two years after climate change had been raised to global
prominence by the 1992 Rio Summit and was meant to be a follow-up to
the “global forum” of ngos that had been run as a fringe event at the Rio
conference. There was great hope that the conference would bring Man-
chester to the heart of global climate policy making and climate change to
the heart of city politics. The Manchester Global Forum on Cities was sup-
posed to highlight the role of cities in global climate change and to explore
how they could get involved in helping keep the climate stable.
Although this marked an origin point for climate talk in the city, it did
not create the legacy that was hoped for. Many key groups like Green-
peace, Friends of the Earth, and the World Bank didn’t turn up, and various
people wrote after the event lamenting this failed opportunity for Man-
chester to lead the way in climate change policy. One person who attended
the event wrote an account shortly after that described what went wrong:
Perched on a high stool in the café on the ground floor of one of Man-
chester’s premier office developments and the temporary home of Man-
chester City Council, I am talking to Richard Sharland, the head of the
environmental strategy team. It is our first meeting, and Richard seems to
be assessing my understanding of the landscape of climate politics in the
city. He has been in his position for two years, having joined the council
as an outsider who had previously worked for an environmental charity.
He had been headhunted for his capacity to navigate the tricky world of
bureaucratic climate politics and to operate as something of an outsider to
the council and its bureaucratic preoccupations. Richard’s hand rests on a
white-and-green report — Manchester: A Certain Future. Pulling it toward
us, he says to me that this report holds them to two objectives. Then he puts
me on the spot: “Do you know what they are?” I have already seen so many
initiatives and activities related to climate change in the city that I am ini-
tially taken aback, but he quickly responds with a critical, “You should do,
with the research you’re doing!” The first, he clarifies, is 41% — we need to
reduce our carbon emissions by 41%. Immediately I am back with him. I
am acutely aware of this number that keeps cropping up in every discussion
and meeting I attend, drawing ideas and activities into itself as the thing
that everyone keeps saying they are aiming for. I realize that I have just
failed to properly play my part in the rhetorical ploy he had set up, however,
for the point Richard wanted to make was that while everyone remembers
the first objective — to reduce carbon emissions by 41% — they always for-
get the second: cultural change.
Later chapters will address the second objective of cultural change, but
for now I want to stick with that first, ubiquitous, supposedly memorable
What’s in a Percentage?
I am several months into my fieldwork with the local authority when the cli-
mate scientist Kevin Anderson comes to talk to the council’s elected repre-
sentatives. There had been rumors for some time among the environment
team members at the city council that Kevin, then the director of the Man-
chester Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, was to address the
city’s councillors. As a well-respected and well-k nown climate scientist at the
University of Manchester, Kevin loomed large in the work of making climate
change relevant to the city. He was described to me by a climate scientist
working in another part of the United Kingdom as “the scariest man in Brit-
Work to arrive at the 41% number can be traced back to 2008, when a series
of reports were commissioned and written in the city that established cli-
mate change as an issue that the local authority should be thinking about.
The production of these reports coincided with the introduction of a series
of national government indicators that made visible local authority prog-
ress toward targets in areas ranging from child protection to levels of unem-
ployment benefits being claimed. From a list of 198 indicators local councils
had been obliged to choose 35 against which their performance would be
measured by the national government. Of the 198 there were three indica-
tors related to climate change. National Indicator 185 measured reductions
in carbon dioxide emissions by local authority operations, National Indica-
tor 186 measured “per capita CO 2 emissions in the local authority area,” and
National Indicator 188 related to measures put in place to adapt to climate
change.7 Two-thirds of local authorities in the United Kingdom signed up
for National Indicator 186, making it the fifth most popular out of the total
list of 198 indicators.8
Manchester City Council was one of the local authorities that signed up
for National Indicator 186. There had been some attempts to think about
the city’s carbon emissions before 2007, with a report produced in 2005
by Quantum Strategy and Technology and Partners (2005) on a potential
green-energy revolution in the city and also a digital model that visualized
a green future for the city that was developed by the engineering consul-
tancy firm Arup in 2006, but the sense among the city’s officers and coun-
cillors with whom I spent time was that very little really happened on the
problem of reducing carbon emissions until 2007, when councillor Neil
Swannick managed to get the council to commit £1 million toward the aim
of carbon emissions reductions.9 In early 2008 Neil then penned a docu-
ment outlining a set of “principles” that the city council needed to stick to
in thinking about its role in reducing carbon emissions (Manchester City
Council 2008). While the document looks very similar to many subsequent
accounts of carbon emissions reductions in the city, citing the same kind of
percentage reductions described earlier in this chapter, Neil explained to
me in an interview that his intention in writing this document was explic-
itly political and aimed at “opening up a debate” where there had been no
space for debate before, with him “pushing as hard as [he] could to get the
most ambitious plans into play.”
sion of the sectoral breakdown from the list above to a new division into
“transport,” “buildings,” and “energy.” Within “buildings” this was further
disaggregated into “domestic, commercial, and public,” resulting in charts
that divided the city up into a series of “wedges” and that ultimately became
the core of the climate-change-reduction work in Manchester.
While this discussion might seem a rather convoluted description of
analytical practices, what it reveals is the details of a process by which the
problem of climate change, indexed by accumulating carbon emissions,
rising temperatures, and their translation into the idea of carbon budgets,
was being crafted into forms of proportionality that were adequate to the
problem of governing a city.
What emerged from this work of aligning a climatological version of
a proportionate response with council-led demarcations of their own re-
sponsibilities was a select number of areas of intervention on which po-
litical and practical work could operate — namely, buildings, energy, and
Climate change is arguably one of the most important issues facing hu-
manity, and yet within anthropology, as in politics, it remains a marginal
concern. This book has explored in detail some of the conceptual and cul-
tural reasons why climate change has appeared so impossible to deal with
as a core facet of modern forms of governing and organization by focus-
ing on existing methods of government and management centered on one
particular place: Manchester, England. The knowledge practices and tech-
niques I have described are not things that are in the gift of an ethnographer
to change — the power of spreadsheets, the logic of proportionality, the
ethical foundations of biopolitical modes of governance, the assessment
and management of risk. Indeed, I have written this book not as a critique
but as a redescription that aims to bring these practices into view in order
for them to become available for discussion. While it is clear that these
techniques are unsettled when they come into confrontation with climate
change, the same techniques are also powerful ways of ordering the world
in which we live, producing value, wealth, spheres of responsibility, the op-
erations of government, and a settlement between the state, the market,
and the public. At the same time, as I have tried to show, these forms have
histories, they have been formed and forged out of particular conditions,
and thus they have the potential to change.
If climate change is a question that challenges political and administra-
tive practice, it is also a phenomenon that should pose similar challenges to
anthropology. The barriers that currently exist to incorporating the study
of climate change as a core part of anthropology are not just that it has not
been fashionable, or that it is abstract, or that it is probabilistic, or that it
lies in the future; instead, I would argue that difficulty with studying cli-
mate change is that it poses a profound challenge to the way in which an-
thropological knowledge of human being is constructed. This ethnogra-
phy has been not only a description of the problem of climate change for
those trying to govern it in the context of a city, then, but also an attempt to
experiment with a way of doing anthropology that refashions our modes of
thought when climate change meets anthropology. It has been an exercise
in responding to the question of how we might need to change anthropol-
ogy in order to make it able to respond to what I have been calling “think-
ing like a climate.”
The answer to this question for me has come not from an abstract or a
priori theoretical position but in keeping with an anthropological commit-
ment to ethnographic theory: that is, an attention to how the world as we
find it through ethnographic fieldwork might require from us a revision of
what anthropology is as a human endeavor and what it should be. In some
senses the book has been a demonstration of what anthropology can bring
to the study of climate change. But as should by now be clear, the form of
ethnography that has emerged in this book to answer this question is one
that has necessarily found itself going beyond the human. While some of
the people I met found themselves caught in institutional and epistemic
260 · Conclusion
webs that they experienced as binding them, making movement and ac-
tion impossible, others were more like the spider in this analogy, moving
across the surface of the web and trying to refashion and restructure it by
tweaking and tinkering with the lines and the links. This refashioning was
not “resolving climate change”; indeed, some might reasonably accuse it
of being a marginal activity, bringing to mind the question I heard more
than once during fieldwork, “Are we just ‘fiddling while Rome burns’?”
This very construction, however, returns us to the epistemological bind
with which we began — one where actions should be based on representa-
tional evidence and directed by strong leaders, and where acting globally
or in relation to the global accounting of climate change is the only kind
of action that counts. Rather than skipping over the tweaking and tinker-
ing because of its seeming irrelevance in the face of a big problem that has
been responded to primarily through a politics of apportioning and the
attendant concern with what constitutes a proportional response, I want
to stay with this practice of trialing and tinkering, in order to think about
whether there is anything that we might learn from it about how to refash-
ion anthropology so as to create new openings between our discipline and
the climate-changed world into which we are entering.
I ended the previous chapter by arguing that an awareness of ecosys-
temic interconnections created through embodied, machinic, and digital
sensors surfaces what I call “responsive personhood.” This responsive per-
sonhood is a way of being whereby the figure and form of the climate in-
vite people to pay attention to signals in the environment and to generate
techniques through which to ask of that environment questions that will
elicit more signals. Unlike neoliberal personhood, which privileges the in-
dividual as a choice-making subject that is able to exercise style and taste
in public, responsive personhood emerges as a rearguard response to acts
of technical probing that reveal signs to which those who are participants
in this process find themselves required to respond. The form of response
might look like choice — and of course there is no single fixed line between
ecological consumerism and a responsive personhood that creates an aes-
thetic effect ripe for commercial exploitation. Nonetheless, the experience
of social action on which responsive personhood rests is importantly dif-
ferent from green consumption, because it is a form of acting that is nega-
tive rather than positive and in that respect directly challenges the myth
of unfettered choice. I do not mean by this that it focuses on regulation
rather than markets. Rather, I mean that once one is confronted with the
form of thought that is the climate, one will experience a reduction in the
262 · Conclusion
“Almost done” he said. “Transportation. Ride your bike or use public
transportation. Buy a low emissions vehicle. Sorry, no buying anything,
you said. Properly inflate your tires and maintain your car.”
“My husband’s truck is on its third engine. Is that properly maintaining?”
“I would say so, definitely.”
She had a feeling that Leighton Akins would not find the bank. He
and his low-emission vehicle would just head on out of here. She and
Dimmit Slaughter would claim their place among his tales of adversity.
“Okay, this is the last one,” he said. “Fly less.”
“Fly less?” she repeated.
He looked at his paper as if receiving orders from some higher author-
ity. “That’s all she wrote. Fly less.” (454)
While Dellarobia might be seen as very different from the mainly
middle-class (or, as one couple I interviewed described themselves, upper-
working-class), educated people who constitute most of the people I talk
about in this book, what I want to take from this example is not that the
poor hold the answer to climate change, nor that it is anthropology’s job to
interpret their plight as a better way of living in the world, but rather that
they share with responsive persons engaging climate change the visceral
experience of a curtailment of choice that comes from living in conditions
that resist the myth of free will by exposing its limitations.
The difference between people like Dellarobia and the responsive per-
sons who are also experiencing a restriction of choice in relation to climate
change is that the poor are positioned as requiring assistance to help them
become proper choice-making subjects as they are also asked to reduce
their carbon emissions, whereas the responsive are often seen as already
having made a choice to become responsive. Take, for example, discus-
sions about the choice that some have made to not have children because
of the ecological and moral consequences of that decision, set against accu-
sations of irresponsibility against those who have children but should not
have made that choice owing to their individual inability to be sufficiently
economically productive to provide for them without relying on “hand-
outs” from the state.
Where a similarity does exist between these different subject positions
it is in the potential for both to experience social opprobrium: the poor as
those who are rendered feckless as a result of failing to enact themselves
as properly choice-embracing subjects, and the responsive as those who
risk having read or interpreted the data wrong and are therefore charged
264 · Conclusion
rated off as existing only in a symbolic human register. If we are to take this
proposition seriously, it must mean that the knowledge that we produce
as anthropologists is also actually produced in relation to other forms of
thought. If, as for the bureaucrats I studied, this has been a way of knowing
that has until recently bracketed out climate change as a matter that exists
outside our own practices of knowledge production, we too might want to
reset the anthropology of climate change by considering what thinking
like a climate could do to the production of anthropological knowledge in
an age of climate change. This would be a way of being an anthropologist
that would require that we too attend to how we are affected by material
relations in our own everyday practice of doing anthropology. It would de-
mand an anthropology that does not exist only in the terrain of symbols,
collecting stories about other cultural ways of responding to environmen-
tal change, but sinks itself into the ecology of signs that I have been describ-
ing. This not only brings climate change into the frame of anthropological
knowledge production but also demands that we move beyond critiques of
anthropological knowledge as “mere” representation, to rethink the way
in which our representational practice might be entangled, interpellated,
and formed through more material and energetic forms of representation
and thought.
I began this book with the description of a meeting where people stood
in groups confronted with the blank space of a sheet of paper on which
a vision of a city that might be able to respond to a problem like climate
change was to be drawn. I also described how in this meeting the event of a
rainstorm caused all of us in the room to turn, in synchronization, toward
the window and to pause, as an audience collectively affected, to consider
an event whose facticity was defined by the limits of its ontological mean-
ing. The weather erroneously symbolized climate change (weather is not
climate), but at the same time it performed another kind of representation,
highlighting an analogical relationship between particular weather in the
here and now and a future climate-changed world. Climate as an ecology of
signs created the conditions within which matter could powerfully, affec-
tively represent the future in the present, even though its relations to that
future were untraceable and its concrete meaning unspeakable. It was an
event produced by an ecology of signs that we all turned toward the win-
dow, and the room hushed.
In the previous chapter, we experienced another kind of turning toward,
this time oriented to data traces emerging from a renewed attention to en-
ergy recast as a problem of public concern by its role in the processes of
266 · Conclusion
In contrast, my ethnographic work hints at a different kind of thing
that is being turned toward. Instead of turning to face Gaia, what I found
was a turning toward data, material traces, and information. In these data,
as in weather and in documents and plants, the idea of the climate with
which we found ourselves confronted was composed out of ambivalent
signs that anticipated a future that itself reframed our understanding of
the present in which we found ourselves. Moreover, this attention to these
material traces — on screens, in insulation, in the air as it moves through a
house — a lso entailed turning away from something else.
During work with the EcoCities project, I collaborated on an exhibition
for the Manchester Museum as part of the Manchester Histories Festival,
where historical information was to be provided as a way of orienting peo-
ple to what climate futures people might face. The exhibition was called
Looking Back, Projecting Forward. To look back implied not facing Gaia but
facing the state of the world before Gaia and keeping that in view while
moving (projecting), but not necessarily looking, forward. Another project
I was involved in tried to understand the future of energy by creating an
energy walk that excavated the history of energy infrastructure in the city.
Here we ended up even more explicitly evoking the idea of the future as
something that was approached blindly, the traces of which we might dis-
cern in an excavation of the past. The walk ended with words from Rebecca
Solnit’s book Hope in the Dark: “Hope locates itself in the premises that we
don’t know what will happen and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is
room to act” (2016, xii).
During the writing of this book and in reflecting on these ethnographic
moments, I have repeatedly been reminded of a description once provided
to me by anthropologist Wendy Coxshall of the way in which the Andean
people with whom she worked described the future as lying not ahead of
them but behind them (personal communication; see also Núñez and
Sweetser 2006). In a manner reminiscent of Walter Benjamin’s ([1936] 1992)
famous description of Paul Klee’s painting Angelus Novus, they described
themselves, both through their use of linguistic terms and through ges-
tures, as moving backward into the future. Marisol de la Cadena also refer-
ences this Andean orientation to the future when she describes the mean-
ing of the Quechua word qhipaq: “It means behind and refers to something
that is on or at our back, that cannot be seen and is therefore unknown;
speakers of Quechua explain its use as ‘after’ or what comes after” (2015,
129). This image kept coming to me as I came to be part of the experience
268 · Conclusion
cial worlds as if they existed in a state that remains unchanged by climate
change, and more about how to narrativize, activate, and aestheticize social
practices and relations in ways that might tell a different kind of story about
what climate change is as a contact zone of practices and ideas, and what we
might mean when we say it has human or cultural dimensions.
To point to an anthropology of climate change that focuses on con-
tact zones is a way of arguing the need to conceive, analytically, of climate
change not so much as an external environmental force acting on diverse
human worlds but as an encounter: between climate thinking and other
ways of being in the world. I have focused on those who were working hard
to bring climate change into their way of being in the world, but as we know
from the anthropological record, encounters between different ways of
worlding are rarely benign, the transition rarely smooth. The information
wars described by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway (2010), which have
worked to systematically undermine climate science through the produc-
tion of counterfacts, point to the oppositional politics of encounter. The
impossibility of reconciling climate thinking with fossil fuel production or
the centrality of fossil-f ueled infrastructures to the economic policies of na-
tional governments points to some of the profound and troubling silences
that encounters with climate thinking reveal; and this does not even touch
on the more aggressive and violent dimensions of encounters between cli-
mate thinking and other modes of being: from the vitriol that some right-
wing commentators exhibit toward teenage climate activist Greta Thun-
berg to the assassinations of environmental activists in Latin America.
Encounters are the bread and butter of anthropology, the ground on which
anthropologists have trodden many times before. A focus on encounter is
therefore an important element of what an anthropological approach can
bring to the study of climate change as we seek to understand its implica-
tions in different times and places and at different scales and intervene in
mitigating its worst effects.
The second way in which material reflexivity has manifested in my re-
search feels both much more prosaic and also much more profound and dif-
ficult to reconcile than a move toward more collaborative, creative ways of
doing and designing ethnographic study in such contact zones. During the
course of researching this book, I have become increasingly aware of my
own visceral encounter with climate change as an anthropologist. I have
sat on planes and wondered about the social, technical, and economic in-
frastructure of fossil fuel – based air travel as I fly to workshops. I spent one
flight listening to Bruno Latour’s Gifford Lectures, while looking down on
270 · Conclusion
our geographies of knowledge production, and how are these sustained by
flying? How does flying become part of the reproduction of anthropology
as a colonial, extractive discipline? What more local ways of knowing are
being missed, and how might these come to be revalued if the choice to
fly is curtailed? These questions pertain not only to the research relation-
ships that we forge when we travel to distant field sites, flying in and out of
people’s lives, making relations in one place, and circulating that knowl-
edge in other discursive domains. They also pertain to those anthropo-
logical domains themselves. As those like Anand Pandian (2019) who are
experimenting with a new virtual form for the anthropology symposium
are also aware, air travel currently sustains the structure of our academic
conferences; the nature of the interaction we have there; our expectations
of what it means to travel, know, and experience the world; and indeed
our very sense of what the world within which anthropology as a disci-
pline operates looks like. The flood of questions that surge forth from a
simple experiment in not flying anymore, it turns out, has the potential
to create fertile ground for an anthropology that requires reinvigoration,
new questions, and new ways to connect conceptual discussions to climate
change as an issue of public concern. In recent years many anthropologists
have lamented publicly and privately that the discipline they love has lost
touch, that ethnographic knowledge somehow fails to translate into the
quantitative, goal-oriented, evidence-based forms of policy and manage-
ment that dominate public discourse. Surprisingly, the unlikely figure of
climate change — which we might have been forgiven for aligning with the
reductive methods of the natural sciences, the models of economics, prac-
tices of regulation, and supranational governance — reappears here as an
entity with which anthropology might be able to grapple after all. For cli-
mate change as I have described it in this book — w ith its demand to experi-
ment, its invitation to find new forms of reflexivity and responsiveness and
to reconsider the past in light of a troubling future that awaits us — might
no longer be seen as an intractable problem outside the remit of anthropol-
ogy and its commitment to studying the local and the present. Indeed, as I
hope I have shown, we might just find in the injunction to think like a cli-
mate a means by which anthropology could begin to find new questions,
new field sites, and new methods, as we, too, find ourselves coming to terms
with what it means to live in a climate-changing world.
1. These have generally taken the form of articles and edited collections rather than full-
length ethnographies, although see Callison (2014), Marino (2015), and Orlove (2002)
for examples of ethnographic monographs on weather and climate change. For an over-
view of anthropological research on climate change, see Crate (2011), Crate et al. (2009),
and Hulme (2017).
2. For an exploration of the relationship between depression and digestion, see Wilson
3. We might also put this argument alongside the idea of the extended mind as proposed
by Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998), work inspired by Henri Bergson ([1896] 1988)
on the materiality of memory, and the work of medical anthropologists such as Margaret
Lock (2013) and Elizabeth Wilson (2015), who have begun to explore how “thinking” is
not “located” in the mind of humans but produced out of interactions among the mind,
the microbiome, the gut, the genetic code, and wider environmental conditions. If hu-
man thought does not take place inside the head, then the possibility emerges that we
might extend the notion of thought to nonhuman entities.
4. This term has been used in marketing materials, comes up in public discussions, and
was used as the title for a book about the city by public commentator Charles Leadbeater
5. City authorities have played a prominent role in climate change mitigation since at
least the early 2000s, and there are now many networks such as c40 cities and the eu
Covenant of Mayors that aim to link cities and their work on climate change. For a more
general discussion of cities and climate change, see Bulkeley and Betsill (2004), Bulkeley
and Castán Broto (2012), and Bulkeley et al. (2013).
6. This is not to say that no climate deniers exist in Manchester. Comments on the coun-
cil leader’s blog posts and on online discussion forums do occasionally come from cli-
mate skeptics. But these tended to be seen as outliers, and dealing with such comments
was not deemed a significant part of the challenge of tackling climate change in the city.
7. See Grundmann (2013) for detailed discussion of Climategate and issues it raised about
scientific credibility.
8. Henry Bodkin, “Climate Change Not as Threatening to Planet as Previously Thought,
New Research Suggests,” Telegraph, September 18, 2017.
9. Graham Stringer, editorial, Daily Mail, September 20, 2017.
10. The Today Programme, bbc Radio 4, August 10, 2017.
11. Damian Carrington, “bbc Apologises over Interview with Climate Denier Lord Law-
son,” Guardian, October 24, 2017,
/oct/24/bbc-apologises-over-i nterview-climate-sceptic-lord-n igel-lawson.
12. Subsequent to this event, in August 2018, fifty-seven scientists and public figures sent
a public letter to the bbc stating that they would refuse to be interviewed if they were to
be forced to share a platform with a climate skeptic. In September 2018 the bbc sent a
briefing to editorial staff warning them to be aware of false balance and stating, “You do
not need a denier to balance the debate.” Damian Carrington, “bbc Admits ‘We Get
Climate Change Coverage Wrong Too Often,’ ” Guardian, September 7, 2018, https://
-w rong-too-often.
13. Live data on global average carbon emissions can be found at Earth’s CO 2 Home Page,
accessed February 7, 2020,
14. These possibilities are discussed in the ipcc’s Climate Change 2014 — Impacts, Adap-
tation and Vulnerability report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014).
15. On natural resources and the city, see, for example, John Pickstone’s (2005) histori-
cal work on urban governance in Manchester and more recent studies such as Peck and
Ward (2002) and Lewis and Symons (2018).
16. Given that Karl Marx himself was seen to be largely silent on the problem of nature
in his writings, much ink has been spilled exploring how nature and natural processes
might figure in Marxist analyses of economic relations. While some have critiqued the
exteriorization of nature, others working within the Marxist tradition have been accused
of themselves reproducing the separation of nature from culture in their descriptions
(see Castree 2000 for an overview of this debate).
17. It is for these reasons that within planning literature, climate change is often termed
a “wicked problem” or even a “superwicked problem” (Lazarus 2009; Rittel and Webber
1973). Earth scientist Chris Rapley recently referred to climate change as a “mischievous
demon” that seems as if it had been deliberately sent to try us in the most difficult ways
possible (personal communication, May 18, 2017). More prosaically, talk of the kinds of
changes required to tackle climate change, along with a host of other Anthropocenic
questions, uses the language of infrastructural lock-i n (Unruh 2000), a need for “multi-
level transitions” (Geels 2012), or Margaret Atwood’s (2015) observation that climate
change should really be called “everything change.”
1. European Council, “The 2030 Climate and Energy Framework,” accessed February 13,
2020, nd
-energy-f ramework/.
2. For ethnographic accounts on responses to a changing climate, see Aporta (2002),
Cruikshank (2001), T. Huber and Pedersen (1998), Laidler (2006), and Vedwan and
Rhoades (2001).
3. noaa National Centers for Environmental Information, “State of the Climate: Global
Climate Report for April 2017,” May 2017,
1. European Council, “The 2030 Climate and Energy Framework,” accessed February 13,
2020, nd
-energy-f ramework/.
2. For ethnographic accounts on responses to a changing climate, see Aporta (2002),
Cruikshank (2001), T. Huber and Pedersen (1998), Laidler (2006), and Vedwan and
Rhoades (2001).
3. noaa National Centers for Environmental Information, “State of the Climate: Global
Climate Report for April 2017,” May 2017,
1. In a fascinating study Julie Sze (2015) explores a similar Arup vision for the global
ecocity of Dongtan in China. She highlights the power of engineering “dreams” of sus-
tainable urban futures and traces how such dreams play out within particular histories
of state development as people attempt to repair the failures of past projects of mod-
ernization but use sustainability as a way of reproducing the same developmentalist
2. This focus on buildings is not restricted to Manchester. As Jeremy Rifkin points out
in The Third Industrial Revolution, “in the United States, approximately 50% of total en-
ergy and 74.9% of electricity is consumed by buildings” (2011, 79) — not by people but by
3. These included two schemes known as the Community Energy Saving Programme
and the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target. It also included the establishment of
working groups to try to find ways of achieving carbon reductions in domestic
houses, attempts at behavior change through carbon-l iteracy training, and the devel-
opment of relationships with energy companies to find ways of reducing fuel bills for
1. This extends discussions such as the recent piece in Hau by Tim Ingold (2014) on eth-
nography and anthropology and a response to this piece by Susan MacDougal (2016).
2. Bruno Latour, “Inside the ‘Planetary Boundaries’: Gaia’s Estate,” Gifford Lecture, Feb-
ruary 28, 2013, video, timestamp 14:42, posted March 4, 2013, by the University of Edin-
K5SJnT-PeKfFf WzZ1&index=6.
3. For some provisional answers to these questions, see Bhimull (2017).
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