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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil)

Research Unit
Indira Gandhi national Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi- 110 068

Electronic version of the prospectus is
for download at:

IGNOU is a Central University established by an Act of Parliament in 1985
(Act No 50 of 1985). IGNOU’s Degrees/ Diplomas/ Certificates are
recognized by all the member institutions of the Association of Indian
Universities (AIU) and are at par with Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates of all
Indian Universities/ Deemed Universities/ Institutions.

Applications for admission to M.Phil/Ph.D Programmes should be submitted on prescribed

form(s) at the following address:
The Director, Research Unit, Block 6, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi-110068, Email:
Phone: 011-2954326,29571523/1525 Fax: 011-29534229

• Filled-in applications received up to 28th Feb,2011 shall be considered for July, 2011.
• No application shall be entertained after 28th Feb,2011 as the University has scheduled
Entrance Test for ‘Category B’(even for ‘Category A’, if faculty desires for various
academic reasons) on 15th May,2011.
• Candidates can even download the soft copy of the Prospectus available on the IGNOU
website or take a photocopy of the format and submit filled-in application form(s) along with a
Demand Draft of Rs 750/- (in favour of IGNOU, payable at New Delhi) towards cost of
prospectus & application fee.

Note : Schedule for Jan 2012 admission cycle will be announced during June/July 2011.
No application for 2012 admission cycle will be accepted till an Advertisement for
Jan. 2012 admission cycle is placed on the website by the Research Unit.

1. About the University…………………………………………………………………………14
2. Research Unit………………………………………………………………………………...15
3. Research Degree Programmes………………………………………………………...……..16
4. Procedures for admitting students……………………………………………………...…….17
i) Ph.D Programmes with Integrated Mode
ii) Eligibility criteria for M.Phil/Ph.D Programmes
iii) Process for selection of M.Phil/Ph.D candidates
iv) Course Work for M.Phil/Ph.D candidates
v) Research supervisors
vi) Status of research candidates
vii) Progress of research candidates
viii) Cancellation of M.Phil/Ph.D registration
ix) Evaluation of Course Work
x) Submission and evaluation of M.Phil Dissertation
xi) Submission and evaluation of Ph.D Thesis
xii) Conduct of Research Degree Programmes
2. Ph.D Programmes on offer for July 2011/Jan 2012…………………………………….……
3. M.Phil/ Ph.D Programme Coordinators…………………………………………………….113
4. i) Guidelines to fill-in Application Forms…………………………………………….…...117
ii) Important instructions for issuing hall tickets/ Invitation for EntranceTest/
Presentation of Research Synopsis by Candidates..…..……….…………………..
iii) List of State Codes, Educational Qualifications & State Board Codes………...………119
iv) University Rules ………………………………………………………………….……122
5. i) Application forms for M.Phil/ Ph.D Programmes (Form 1 and Form 2)………………127
ii) Hall Ticket for Category A & B candidates…………………………………………….133
iii) Components of Research Proposal……………………………………………….……..135

1 . A b o u t th e U n iv e rs ity
The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985. IGNOU offers
various academic programmes that lead to Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees. It develops and produces
courses for delivery through open and distance education mode. IGNOU is also actively involved in research,
training and extension education activities.

How IGNOU is different from other universities

 national and international reach
 need based leaner centric programmes of study
 flexible admission rules in terms of eligibility, choice of courses, pace and place of study
 diverse learner groups
 use of latest educational and communication technologies
 student support services through the network of Regional Centres and Study Centres
 cost-effective programmes
 modular nature of programmes
 resource sharing, collaboration and networking with other universities
 multiple media instructional packages
 collaboration with industry/professional institutions in the development & delivery of programmes
 convergence with formal higher learning institutions
 institutionalization of community colleges

Present Status of the University

The University in a relatively short time, contributed significantly to higher education, community education
and continous professional development. Apart from Schools of Studies for launching various academic
programmes and courses university has also established various Centres and Chairs. Some of the Centres are
Extension Education, National Centre for Differently Abled, National Centre for Innovation in Distance
Education, Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education and Inter University Consortium (for
technology enabled education and development). Among Chairs – Tagore Chair for Indian Literature, Raman
Chair for Science Education, Chair for Industry-Academy Interfacing, Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Contemporary
Studies, Chairs for Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Sustainable Development, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Chair for
Social Change, ISRO Chair on Satellite Communication and Development.

The University offers variety of academic programmes ranging from professional, technical and vocational and
continuing education covering disciplines of Management, Information and Computer Sciences. Engineering,
Agriculture, Health Sciences, Pure Sciences, Education, Law, Journalism and Mass Communication, Tourism
and Hospitality Services, Social Work, Vocational Education and Training, Rural Development, Women
Studies, Child Care, Extension and Development, Performing and Visual Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities,
Translation and Training, Foreign Languages, Inter-Disciplinary and Trans- Disciplinary Studies, etc.

The University began its journey with just two academic programmes viz., Diploma in Distance Education and
Diploma in Management with 4800 students in 1987. Today, IGNOU has evolved in to the world’s largest
university, with most diverse courses, offering more than 330 academic programmes, with a few thousands of
courses enrolling more than 6,00,000 learners in 2008-09(annual) with 2.5 million on rolls in 2009.

The Vice Chancellor of the University says that IGNOU’s founding principles were social inclusion and
democratization of education. It was to provide a powerful alternative to the conventional education system of
education. IGNOU has the most flexible education system in India offering a vast array of courses from
certificate, diplomas, degree and doctoral degrees adopting modular approach for many of its programmes.
The University ensures learner convenience through its unique age no bar, place no bar, pace no bar. The
University is committed to being accessible to all, provide education without barriers, to be the University of a
billion plus Indians. Today, IGNOU with its own courses/programmes adopting ODL mode and convergence
modes, is also moving towards collaborations (public, private, NGO etc.) and community participation under
the innovative schemes of Convergence and Community Colleges. Thus, the university appears today as a true
open university with multiple mode of operations in the development and delivery of courses and programmes.

In order to offer these programmes, the University has established more than 60 Regional Centres, 2500 Study
Centres for supporting learners from all possible strata of the society viz., rural, urban and tribal areas,
physically challenged, jail inmates, women and weaker sections, personnel of armed and para military forces
etc. The University established regular Regional Centes across the country with specific emphasis for North
East States, recognised Regional Centers for Armed, Navy forces and Special Study Centres for disadvantaged
groups and locations.

2 . R e s e a rc h U n it
The Research Unit has been established at Indira Gandhi National Open University on October 6th, 2008.
However, the unit came into existence on February’2009. Prior to that research related activities were looked
after by the Academic Coordination Division of the University. The Unit has been established with the
following objectives:
 To conduct Research Council (RC) and Research Council’s Standing Committee (RCSC) meetings for
developing policies and frameworks for conduct of research activities.
 To prepare agenda items on various matters pertaining to research and place the same before the
RC/RCSC for consideration and approval.
 To send offer letters to all approved candidates for registration for all full-time/part-time M.Phil/Ph.D
candidates and confirm their registration.
 To engage Research Teaching Assistants under the Research and Teaching Assistantship (RTA)
Scheme for conduct of research and teaching in different disciplines.
 To facilitate systemic research in the form of research projects (Minor and Major Projects).
 To recognise higher learning educational institutions as Recognised Research Centers of IGNOU for
conducting research degree programmes as per IGNOU’s guidelines within the framework of the
Ordinances and Regulations of the University.
 To conduct workshops/seminars in Research Methodology for full-time and part-time research
 To facilitate various administrative activities in conducting research such as conduct of entrance
examination, registration & re-registration, conduct of term-end examination, etc.

3 . R e s e a rc h D e g re e P ro g ra m m e s
M.Phil/Ph.D Programmes of the University
With the introduction of Research Degree Progrmmes with Integrate mode, Schools/Centres/Institutes shall be
offering M.Phil degree subject to availability of Course Work or subject to offer of M.Phil programme in the
discipline concerned for Category ‘B’ candidates. The issue of offer of research programmes through Integrated
or Independent Mode shall be decided by the faculty of the research discipline.Ph.D programmes on offer for
July 2011/Jan. 2012 are listed in Chapter 5 discipline-wise. These specific disciplines will provide various
inputs on research programmes viz., programme details, specific eligibility criteria, selection procedure, course
work, list of research supervisors, etc.

Research Programmes offered by the University

S.No Discipline/Programme S.No Discipline/Programme
1 History 22 Mathematics
2 Economics 23 Mathematics Education
i) M.Phil ii) Ph.D 24 Physics
3 Sociology 25 Chemistry
i) M.Phil ii) Ph.D 26 Life Sciences
4 Political Science 27 Hindi
i) M.Phil ii) Ph.D
5 Library & Information Science 28 English
i) M.Phil ii) Ph.D
6 Public Administration 29 Computer Science
i) M.Phil ii) Ph.D
7 Tourism & Hospitality Services 30 Knowledge Management
8 Commerce 31 Information and Communication Technology
9 Management 32 Informatics
10 Education 33 Mechanical Engineering
11 Distance Education 34 Civil Engineering
(i) M.Phil (ii) Ph.D 35 Journalism &Mass Communication
36 Nursing
12 Vocational Education 37 Interdisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Studies
13 Law 38 Astrophysics
14 Social Work 39 French
(i) M.Phil 40 Arabic
(ii) Ph.D 41 Extension & Development Studies
15 Women’s Studies 42 Extension Education
16 Rural Development 43 Community Outreach
17 Child Development 44 Disability Studies
18 Nutritional Sciences 45 Corporate Management & Allied Areas
19 Gender and Development Studies 46 Theatre Arts
20 Agriculture Extension 47 Fine Arts
21 Dairy Science & Technology 48 Music

Note: Not necessarily all programmes are on offer. These programmes are available with various research
disciplines. For details on offer of research programmes prospective candidates need to refer
‘Chapter 5: Programmes on Offer’

4 . P ro c e d u re s fo r A d m ittin g S tu d e n ts
i) Ph.D Programmes with Integrated Mode
Students are being admitted/registered for M.Phil/Ph.D with independent/integrated mode depending upon the
choice of the student and on the recommendations of the faculty of the discipline and School Board. Students
are normally admitted/registered for research programmes (Ph.D) depending upon the recommendations of the
Doctoral Committee, School Board/ Research Committee and Research Council of the University. ‘Admission’
for the research students eventually means Provisional Admission. Whereas, ‘Registration’ refers accepting
Research Synopsis, approving Ph.D topic (title), specifying research discipline, allotting research supervisor(s),
indicating category (A or B) under which a student is registered for Ph.D.

Ph.D with Integrated Mode for Category B students

Sl. Name of the Total Credits for Credit Duration Prog. Fee (Rs)
No. Programme Credits Course for
Work Thesis

1. M.Phil 48 32-36 16-12 18 months 10500/-

(Independent to 4 years (one time payment)

2. Ph.D (with 96-100 32-36 64-68 3 to 5 years 7000/- per annum

Course Work) for 3 years

3. Ph.D. (without 64-68 Nil 64-68 2 to 5 years 7000/- per year

Course Work) (if course work assigned
(Category“A”) needs to pay 7000
additionally with 1st

4. Ph.D (with 112-116 32-36 16-12 3 to 5 years 7000/- Ist year,

Integrated (M.Phil) or
Mode) 64-68 7000/ + 3500/-
(Ph.D) (for integrated M.Phil +
Ph.D) and 7000/-
each in
2nd and 3rd year

Terms and Conditions for M.Phil/Ph.D with Integrated Mode

1. The programme fees shall include registration fee, course work fee, evaluation fee and any other fees
prescribed by the University from time to time, and shall always be charged on annual basis. All

candidates registered shall pay full fees on re-registration for 2nd year or 2nd and 3rd year depending upon
category (A & B) under which he/she registered.
2. The minimum and maximum duration after registration for the Ph.D programme shall be 2 years/ 3
years to 5 years depending upon the category. However, the maximum duration can be extended by one
more year with the permission of the competent authority subject to satisfactory progress and such work
requires additional time.
3. M.Phil under Integrated mode is optional and need to register additionally for 12-16 credits for M.Phil
dissertation for .
4. Candidates are required to submit M.Phil dissertation between 6 months to 12 months after completing
the Course Work successfully.
5. Rs 3500/- will be charged additionally towards M.Phil Programme fee beside Programme fee Rs 7000/-
for the first year for Ph.D. (Fee subject to change).
6. Candidates under ‘Category A’ needs to pay Rs 7000/- additionally, if they are assigned
Course Work by the Doctoral Committee of the discipline
7. Evaluation of Course Work and Thesis of M.Phil and Viva-Voce will be done as per University
Ordinances & Regulations, 2008 and subsequent notifications issued by the University.
8. Ph.D candidates registered under RTA scheme or others under Category ’B’ with or without M.Phil
after completing the Course Work will be allowed to pursue their research for thesis. The
extra/additional work done for M.Phil dissertation will be counted only for M.Phil as he/she is opting
additionally for M.Phil dissertation.

Terms and Conditions for Award of M.Phil/Ph.D under Integrated Mode

1. After completing successfully 32 to 36 credits Course Work and 12 to 16 credits Dissertation, an
M.Phil degree will be awarded.
2. After completing successfully 32 to 36 credits Course Work and 64 to 68 credits Thesis Work, a Ph.D
degree will be awarded (Category ‘B’)
3. After completing successfully 64 to 68 credits Thesis Work for Ph.D, a Ph.D degree will be awarded
(Category ‘A’). If a student is allotted any course work under this category he/she needs to complete
successfully well before research work begins.
4. After completing successfully 32 to 36 credits Course Work, 12 to 16 credits Thesis for M.Phil and 64
to 68 credits for Ph.D, first an M.Phil subsequently Ph.D degrees will be awarded under the Integrated
Research Degree Programme.

ii) Eligibility Criteria for M.Phil/Ph.D Programmes

a) A candidate will be eligible for admission and registration for the Ph.D programme provided he/she
i) for the award of the Master’s Degree of any recognised
University/Higher Learning Institution in the relevant discipline or any other qualification
recognised as equivalent thereto in such fields of study as notified for the purpose from time to
time by the University; and
ii) in an entrance examination conducted by the University at the national level on the pattern of

b) Talented graduates in a discipline, through laid down procedures will be eligible for admission into a
full-time Doctoral Programme offered in collaboration with institutions of repute.
However, candidates holding an M.Phil. Degree or those candidates who have cleared JEST of DAE, or
UGC-NET, or GATE of IIT, or those having five years of relevant
teaching/practical/industry/professional experience will be exempted from appearing at the Entrance
Provided further that candidates who are employees of the University shall have completed at least two
years of service in the University on the date they submit the application for admission.

Note: Some of the disciplines under Schools of Studies/Institutes/Centers have recommended specific eligibility
criteria for specific disciplines /areas keeping in view specialization that are required for a particular discipline/
area. General criteria for admission into Ph.D shall be considered subject to no specific eligibility criteria (if any)
prescribed by the discipline of the School/ Centre/Institute (See Chapter-5).
The advertisement for the programme shall be issued twice a year, indicating in the advertisement names of
‘Research Degree Programmes’ specifying disciplines of Schools/Centres/Institutes offering such programmes.
Applications in the prescribed format, shall be received by the Director of the Research Unit of the University.
All eligible applications after initial scrutiny shall be sent to respective Schools/ Centres /Institutes of the
The initial screening of the applications shall be done by the faculty of the discipline/area concerned.
Applications received for Ph.D programmes shall be classified into two categories:
Category A: Candidates having M.Phil or 5 years’ relevant teaching/professional experience, who can
directly undertake thesis work for Ph.D.
Category B: Candidates who have to undergo basic Course Work before or alongside undertaking thesis

iii) Process of Selection of M.Phil/Ph.D Candidates

Entrance Test and Interview/Presentation for Selection of Ph.D Candidates under
‘Category B’
The University conducts an Entrance Test for all eligible candidates to be declared by the faculty of the research
discipline. The Research Unit with the support of the research discipline of the School/Centre concerned shall
conduct the entrance test. The successful candidates shall face an interview with faculty of the discipline/make
presentations about their Ph.D proposals before the Faculty/Doctoral Committee (DC) of the discipline of the
School/Centre (to be declared by the Research Discipline). The faculty/ Doctoral Committee of the discipline
will recommend selected candidates for admission or registration depending upon the procedures to be followed
based on the regulations of the University. For details candidates may see information and guidelines given on
respective research discipline (Chapter 5) in the prospectus. The composition of the Doctoral Committee,
modalities for provisional registration will remain same for Category A & B.

Presentation for Selection of Ph.D Candidates under ‘Category A’
Candidates under ‘Category A’ shall make presentation of his/her research proposal to the Doctoral Committee.
The procedure to be followed for the selection of these candidates are given below:

The Doctoral Committee for each discipline/area will comprise the following:

(i) Director of the School/Division/Institute/Centre of the University - Chairperson

(ii) Faculty of the Discipline concerned - Member

(iii) At least one External Expert from the panel

(Recommended by the School Board and approved
by the VC) - Member

(iv) Ph.D Programme Coordinator of the Discipline/Area - Convener

The candidates of Category ‘A’ shall present their proposals before the Doctoral Committee. The Doctoral
Committee would also prescribe necessary Course Work, particularly Research Methodology and other relevant
courses to the selected candidates, if required. The recommendations of the Doctoral Committee shall be placed
before the School Board for approval. The Director of the School shall forward the same to the Research Unit
for placing before the Research Council (RC) for final approval. After approval by the RC, the Research Unit
shall intimate the candidate about his/her selection through an offer letter. The candidate then shall submit the
programme fee and relevant documents to the Research Unit and get Ph.D registration and confirmation with a
unique Enrolment Number, topic for Ph.D along with the names of research supervisor(s).

Some candidates may not be found eligible at the time of short-listing. However if the faculty feels that the
research proposals need any modification, the Director of the School/Centre concerned may intimate the
applicants to resubmit the proposals by carrying out necessary modifications. All such revised proposals shall
be considered by the Discipline of the School/Centre for the same cycle or next cycles depending upon their
submission time.

Programme Fee (Registration, Re-registration and Course Work Fee)

Every candidate will register for Research Degree Programme annually by paying prescribed registration fee.
The candidate registered for 1st year shall re-register for 2nd and 3rd year under Category ‘B’ and 2nd year under
Category ’A’ respectively. Re-registration for subsequent years after the first registration for 1 st year is

However, a candidate to be registered for M.Phil is required to pay fee Rs.10,500/- in one go (one time
payment) as registration for M.Phil is being done only once. There is no re-registration for M.Phil candidates
independent mode. However, students registered for Ph.D with Integrated mode need to pay Rs.10,500/- in the
first year and Rs.7000/- each in the 2nd and 3rd Year respectively.
Remember candidates assigned Course Work under ‘Category A’ needs to pay additionally Rs.7000/-
(subject to change) towards Course Work fee irrespective of number of courses/credits of Course Work
assigned to them.

iv) Course Work for M.Phil/Ph.D Candidates

‘Category B’ candidates are required to undergo Course Work worth 32 to 36 credits. The Course work shall
be prescribed by the respective School/Centre concerned based on the recommendations of the Doctoral
Committee. Course Work for ‘Category A’ could be recommended by the Doctoral Committee in case a
candidate do not posses adequate knowledge and skills in the area for which he/she has been assigned research
for Ph.D

v) Research Supervisors
Every candidate registered for a research degree programme shall be required to pursue the programme under
the approved research supervisor(s) of the University. Independent supervision/Joint Supervision for candidates
shall be assigned by the Doctoral Committees & School Boards (discipline wise). Research Supervisors
approved by the School Boards/other competent bodies shall only be considered for guiding research

The School Board concerned shall recommend to the Research Council, a panel of experts to be recognised as
research supervisors who may or may not belong to the University.

List of internal supervisors of the University and some of the external supervisors who are willing to
guide/supervise research candidates are available with School/Centre of the University. Candidates can opt for
any of the supervisor(s) subject to availability and expertise in the area/ discipline, of research being pursued by
the candidate.

At any time, a research supervisor shall not guide more than 6-12 candiadtes prescribed for M.Phil/Ph.D
candidates by the University taking into consideration independent supervision/joint supervision of candidates
to be taken for research guidance. The University may allow a change of supervisor under exceptional
circumstances, on the recommendation of the Research Council.

All the Professors and the Readers of IGNOU shall be eligible to be research supervisors in the discipline
concerned of the University. All IGNOU teachers/academics including lecturers/ARDs, with a Ph.D degree
with five years of teaching experience shall be eligible to be recognised as research supervisor.

vi) Status of Research Candidates

The Ph.D programme of IGNOU can be pursued full-time as well as on part-time basis. All those candidates
who are offered a fellowship by the University or any other agency shall register with the University to pursue a
Ph.D programme of the University on a full-time basis and comprise the category of ‘full-time candidates.

The Research Council, on the recommendation of his/her research supervisor(s) the School Board concerned
may recommend candidates without a fellowship to register as full-time candidates. All full-time candidates
shall work towards their Ph.D programme at the University headquarters or at its Regional Centres or at any
other institution recognised by the University for a specific purpose.

Persons employed in any organization and desirous of pursuing the Ph.D programme may register as part-time
candidates, if they want to pursue their research studies at their own place of work. The research supervisor(s),
Programme Coordinator and Director of the School concerned shall take such decisions and advice the

candidates accordingly.

vii) Progress of Research Candidates

Every candidate shall carry out the study and related research tasks under the supervision of his/her research
supervisor(s). Monitoring the routine progress of the Ph.D candidate shall be the responsibility of the
supervisor(s). The Six monthly Progress Reports are to be submitted to his/her supervisor(s) in the prescribed
format. The Director of the School/Centre concerned shall report the recommendations of Research
Supervisor(s) to the School Board and also forward the same to the Research Unit for placing before the
Research Council.

Each candidate shall give at least two Seminars/Talks during the whole duration of the programme before the
Doctoral Committee. Every candidate has to clear course work on Research Methodology and other courses
prescribed by the Doctoral Committee of the discipline/area.

viii) Cancellation of M.Phil/Ph.D Registration

The registration of a candidate for M.Phil/Ph.D may be cancelled for any of the following reasons:

i) Non-payment of registration/re-registration fee.

ii) Unsatisfactory progress
iii) Non-compliance with the provisions of the Ordinances and other Regulations of the University.
iv) Failure to complete course work and/or submit the thesis within the prescribed time limit.

ix) Evaluation of Course Work

The School Board concerned or the Research Committee, as the case may be, shall prescribe an evaluation
scheme for the course work to be done by the research candidate. Depending on the nature of the course and the
specific needs, the evaluation methodologies may include:
i) Evaluation system of a comprehensive examination as applicable to the prescribed credit-based courses.
ii) A term paper on a theme or presentation of an assignment at a seminar
iii) Oral examination
iv) Any combination of these methods to be decided by the faculty of the discipline.
Evaluation Methodology for Course Work consists of Assignments, Seminars, Term Papers, etc under
Continuous Assessment and Term-end Examination and Practical if any under Term-End Assessment. The tools
of assessment under Continuous Assessment and Terminal Assessment shall be decided by the faculty of the
discipline of the School/Centre. The University shall conduct Term-End Examination in January, April,
July and October every year. Candidates eligible for writing examination need to fill in the term-end
examination form enclosing a Demand Draft Rs 50/- per course (in favour of IGNOU, New Delhi). The
Research Unit shall conduct term-end examination with the support of the School/Centre concern. Format for
Term-End Examination is available on IGNOU’s Website or students can collect the same from Research Unit,
Student Service Centre (HQ), Regional Centres and Study Centre of the University .

A Candidate shall be deemed to have completed his/her Course Work successfully if he/she obtains at least ‘C’
Grade (measured on a five point scale) or 50% of the maximum score in the Course Work of the programme.
For details of course work and evaluation methodology students may contact faculty of Research Programme
Coordinator of the discipline.

x) Submission and Evaluation of M.Phil Dissertation

After successful completion of the course work in the discipline, the candidate shall take up the dissertation
work . The candidate shall submit two spiral/hard bound copies of the dissertation along with one in the
electronic form to the Research Unit through the Director concerned. The dissertation shall include a certificate
signed by the supervisor(s) about the originality of the work.

 The dissertation shall be examined by an external examiner nominated by the Vice Chancellor from a
list of at least 7-10 experts submitted by the faculty through the School Board concerned.
 After evaluation of the dissertation by the examiner, the viva-voce shall be conducted by a panel
comprising the external examiner, the supervisor of the candidate (Convenor of the panel) and the
Director of the School/Centre concerned as the Chairperson of the panel. The Report of the evaluation
will be given on a prescribed format.
 For successful completion of the M.Phil programme, the candidate shall secure a minimum 50% marks
( or ‘C’ Grade) in each course, the dissertation work as well as the viva-voce.
 In case the candidate fails in the dissertation work, the Research Unit shall communicate the report of
the examiner to the candidate.

xi) Submission and Evaluation of Ph.D Thesis

a) Requirements for Submission of Ph.D Thesis
While pursuing research, every candidate needs to submit four/six Progress Reports depending upon the
category (A or B) once in every six months. Similarly, candidates need to present two seminars before he/she
proceeds for ‘pre-submission seminar”.

After the research supervisor(s) is/are satisfied that the candidate has acquired a sound understanding of the
substance of the thesis and the relevant research approaches, the research supervisor shall permit the candidate
to proceed with the submission of her/his thesis subject to the following:

i) at least one research paper in the area of the study should be published/accepted for publication in a
peer reviewed/referreed journal before the ‘pre-submission seminar’.
ii) The candidate shall present her/his thesis work in a ‘pre-submission seminar’ to be convened
exclusively for this purpose by the Director of the School/Centre/Institute concerned. The audience of
the ‘pre-submission seminar’ may remain the same as that of the Doctoral Committee.
iii) After the seminar, the candidate and research supervisors shall consider the reactions and observations
expressed by the participants. The Director of the School concerned and supervisor(s) will then assess
whether the candidate has attained the expected level in conceptualization and quality of research work.
If their assessment is in the affirmative, the candidate shall be allowed to submit the thesis to the
University. However, if it is realized that the expected level has not been reached the supervisor(s)
shall suggest to the candidate specific tasks to be accomplished before submission of the thesis. On
satisfactory completion of the assigned tasks, she/he shall be allowed to submit the thesis.

iv) The candidate shall submit a copy in electronic form and five hard copies of the Summary of the thesis
(3000-5000 words) duly approved by the supervisor(s) at least 45 days before the submission of the
thesis to the School concerned and the same shall be sent to the Director, Research Unit of the
University by the Director/Head of the School/Centre/Institute concerned.
v) Five spiral bound copies of the final thesis and one in the electronic form shall be submitted to
the Director, Research Unit through the Director of the School/Division/Institute/Centre
concerned. The thesis will include a certificate signed by the supervisor(s) about the originality
of the work.
vi) For Research Teaching Assistants : Under the Research and Teaching Assistantship Scheme
(RTA), students registered for Ph.D are required to pursue ‘research’ along side five hours of
‘teaching’ activity in a 7 day week. Well before submission of his/her Ph.D thesis, student
need to complete successfully two credits worth ‘teaching activities’ viz developing self-
learning materials (SLMs), revision of SLMs, preparation of assignments, face to face
teaching, participation in teleconferencing, radio counseling, student support services, etc.
The research supervisor shall assess and certify the teaching activity indicating its worth in
terms of credits. While submitting Thesis he/she needs to provide documentary support.

b) Evaluation of Ph.D Thesis & Viva-voce

i) The thesis shall be examined by three external experts nominated by the Vice- Chancellor from a list of
7-10 experts submitted by the supervisor(s) through the School Board concerned.
ii) The examiners will submit their Evaluation Reports to the University individually.
iii) On the recommendation of the examiner for the award of a Ph.D. degree, an open defence of the thesis
shall be conducted at the place of research by a panel comprising one of the external examiners, to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and one of the supervisor(s) of the candidate. The Director of the
School/Institute/Centre concerned would be the Chairperson of the panel. The supervisor will be the
Convenor of the panel. The defence shall be open to all interested participants.
iv) The examiners’ reports shall be shown to the candidate before hand to enable her/him to address the
issues raised therein while preparing to defend the thesis during the open defence.
v) In case any examiner suggests certain modifications and re-submission of the thesis, the same should be
communicated to the candidate, who will be asked to resubmit the thesis with all the modifications
within six months. The research supervisor(s) will ensure that the suggestions of the examiner(s) are
adequately addressed before resubmission of the thesis. The modified thesis shall be referred again to
the examiner(s) concerned for re-evaluation.
vi) If one of the examiners does not recommend the thesis for the award of a Ph.D. Degree, the thesis shall
be referred to another examiner for independent evaluation. If the fourth examiner recommends the
thesis for the award of a Ph.D. Degree, the viva voce examination shall be organized by the Director of
the School/Centre/Institute concerned. However, if fourth examiner also rejects the thesis, the thesis
shall be rejected by the University.
vii) The date, time and venue of the open defence, along with a one-page abstract of the thesis, shall be
notified to all concerned by the Research Unit.
viii) The report of the open defence, prepared by the external examiner, the supervisor(s) and the Director of
the School/Division/Institute/Centre, concerned, shall be placed before the Vice-Chancellor for
approval and issue of Ph.D notification.
xii) Award of M.Phil/Ph.D Degrees
A candidate shall be awarded the M.Phil/Degree, with the approval of the Academic Council of the University.
The Registrar, Student Evaluation Division of the University shall issue the Provisional Degree and final degree
to all qualified candidates.

xiii) Conduct of Research Degree Programmes

Research Degree Programmes of the University shall be guided by the existing Ordinances and Regulations of
the University. Any amendment/modifications prescribed by the UGC from time to time shall be considered by
the University Authorities/Bodies before their implementation. Till that date the University shall follow its own
Ordinances and Regulations maintaining standards/quality in conducting research programmes.


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