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Production of 20,000 Mtpa Methanol From Empty Fruit Bunch

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1.1 Process Flow Diagram

1.2 Material and Energy Balance
Table 2: Stream data (Energy Balance)
Table 1: Stream data (Material Balance)
Stream Enthalpy (kJ/s)
Stream Total molar flowrates
(kmol/hr) S1 7.37
S2 67.69
S1 26.37
S3 10.61
S2 15.82
S4 2.65
S3 10.55
S5 5663
S4 154.38
S6 -11324
S5 154.38
S7 0
S6 164.93
S8 -58.95
S7 0.06
S9 0
S8 163.98
S10 0
S9 0.03
S11 0
S10 163.98
S12 -819.4
S11 163.98
S13 0
S12 457.08
S14 -2874
S13 457.08
S15 0.12
S14 457.08
S16 0
S15 455.94
S17 279.8
S16 1.14
S18 0
S17 94.37
S19 33.11
S18 94.37
S20 10.46
S19 94.37
S21 0
S20 411.11
S22 4.97
S21 120.33
S23 99.58
S22 120.33
S24 99.4
S23 44.83
S25 433.8
S24 75.50
S26 -3322
S25 639.41
S27 -32486
S26 639.41
S28 -1318
S27 864.07
S29 14.66
S28 544.67
S30 54.42
S29 544.67
S31 0
S30 358.50
S32 0
S31 0.25
S33 0
S32 358.25
S34 462.5
S33 316.24
S35 0
S34 78.03
S36 -779.2
S35 42.75
S37 179
S36 384.79
S38 0
S37 75.50
S39 0
S38 1.14
S40 0
S39 385.93
S40 385.93
1.3 Price of the raw material and product

Table 3 Price of the raw material and product

Components RM/MT References

Empty Fruit Bunches RM7.06 (FGV Felda Global, 2017)
Water RM1.80 Malaysia Water Industry
Guide 2017
Methanol RM2373.30 (Methanex, 2018)

1.4 Equipment Specification

Steam Gasifier Reactor, R-101
Item : Steam Gasifier
Item Code : R-101
No. of Unit :1
Function : To produce CO and H2 via steam gasification of EFB
Operation : Continuous
Type : Updraft fixed bed reactor (jacketed)
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Composition (kmol/hr) Inlet Outlet
Methane - 3.80
Carbon dioxide - 23.77
Carbon monoxide - 34.23
Hydrogen - 64.04
Water 154.38 38.15
Carbon 10.55 0.95
Temperature (°C) 890 890
Pressure (bar) 1 1
Design Specification
Tube Shell
Stainless steel Stainless steel
Material of construction 304-H Material of construction 304-H
No. of tube 1929 No. of shell 1
Outer diameter (m) 0.0508 Outer diameter (m) 3.1792
Inner diameter (m) 0.0466 Baffle spacing (m) 1.2717
Pitch (square) (m) 0.0635 No. of baffle 0.4391
Length (m) 1.83 Clearance (m) 0.0394
Passes (one pass)
Bundle diameter (m) 3.13977471
Cooling Design
Cooling Duty (W) 231690.00 Coolant Cooling Water
Heat transfer area (m ) 1889.2641 Coolant flow rate (ton/hr) 0.03
Mechanical Design
Design Pressure (bar) 2.2506 Design temperature (°C) 900.00
Height (m) 6.14 Diameter (m) 2.046
Tube (Furnace) Shell (Furnace)
Thickness (mm) 2.0561 Thickness (mm) 5.8308
Corrosion allowance (mm) 2 Corrosion allowance (mm) 2
MAWP (bar) 366.5042 MAWP (bar) 15.8723
Joint factor 0.85 Joint factor 0.85
Type Hemispherical Factor, Cv 1.15
Weight per unit length of 4.0463 Mean Diameter of Vessel, 3.185
stainless steel pipe (kg/m) Dm
Length of tube, Lt 1.83 Height of Vessel, Hv 3.0492
Number of tube, Nt 1928.6446 Gravitational Acceleration, g 9.81
Weight of total tubes, Wt
(kg) 14281.0906 Wall Thickness of Shell, ts
Density of Vessel Materials,
ASPEN Simulation

Steam Methane Reformer, R-102

Steam Reformer
Item : Steam reformer
Item Code : R-102
No. of Unit :1
Function : To increase gases product rich in H2
Operation : Continuous
Type : Catalytic multitubular packed bed reactor
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Composition (kmol/hr) Inlet Outlet
Methane 3.8 0.23
Hydrogen 64.04 316.24
Carbon dioxide 23.77 47.19
Carbon monoxide 34.23 92.28
Water 153.38 1.14
Temperature (°C) 870 870
Pressure (bar) 24 23
Catalyst Data
Catalyst : Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst density : 1870 kg/m3
Catalyst diameter : 0.0002 m Catalyst bed void : 0.48
Catalyst support : Support grid
Design Specification
Tube Shell
Stainless steel 304-
Material of construction Stainless steel 304-H Material of construction H
No. of tube 116 No. of shell 1
Outer diameter (m) 0.0508 Outer diameter (m) 0.8965
Inner diameter (m) 0.0466 Inner diameter (m) 0.0746
Pitch (square) (m) 0.0635 No. of baffle 37.2747
Length (m) 13.7248 Baffle spacing (m) 0.3586
Passes 1
Bundle diameter (m) 0.8797
Heating Design
Cooling Duty (W) 2096750.00 Heating medium Methane
Heating medium flow rate
Heat transfer area (m ) 254.8178 (kg/s) 214.51
Mechanical Design
Design Pressure (bar) 26.4 Design temperature (°C) 880.00
Height (m) 13.7248 Diameter 4.5749
Tube Shell
Thickness (mm) 3.3793 Thickness (mm) 28.5441
Corrosion allowance(mm) 2 Corrosion allowance (mm) 2
MAWP (bar) 586.4099 MAWP (bar) 181.1137
Vessel Head Vessel Support
Type Hemispherical Type Conical skirt
Thickness (mm) 19.1264 Height (m) 2.5
Corrosion allowance(mm) 2 Thickness (mm) 30.5441
MAWP (bar) 181.1137 Corrosion allowance (mm) 2
Joint factor 1.15 Joint factor 1.15
Bolt M24
Number of bolts 12
Diameter (in) 0.03 Inlet diameter (in) 3.5461
ASPEN Simulation

Methanol Reactor, R-103

Methanol Reactor
Item : MeOH Reactor
Unit :1
Code : R-103
: To produce methanol by hydrogenation of carbon monoxide and carbon
Function dioxide
Operation : Continuous
Type : Catalytic multitubular packed bed reactor (jacketed)
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Composition (kmol/hr) Inlet Outlet
Methane 0.33 0.33
Carbon dioxide 4.55 4.24
Carbon monoxide 128.96 51.25
Hydrogen 505.57 302.69
Water 0.00 427.55
Methanol 0.00 78.03
Temperature ( C)o 240 240
Pressure (bar) 80 80
Catalyst Data
Catalyst : Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalyst density : 1775 kg/m3
Catalyst diameter : 0.0005 m Catalyst bed void : 0.48
Catalyst support : Support grid
Design Specification
Tube Shell
Stainless steel 304- Stainless steel 304-
Material of construction H Material of construction H
No. of tube 288 No. of shell 1
Outer diameter (m) 0.0508 Outer diameter (m) 1.3480
Pitch (square) (m) 0.0635 No. of baffle 10.3134
Length (m) 7.3192 Baffle spacing (m) 0.5392
Passes (one pass)
Bundle diameter (m) 1.3267
Cooling Design
Cooling Duty (W) 37296913.76 Coolant Cooling Water
Heat transfer area (m ) 336.5363 Coolant flow rate (kg/s) 1.34
Mechanical Design
Design Pressure (bar) 88 Design temperature (°C) 250.00
Height (m) 7.3192 Diameter (m) 1.8298
Tube Shell
Thickness (mm) 4.3004 Thickness (mm) 68.5661
Corrosion allowance(mm) 2 Corrosion allowance (mm) 2
MAWP (bar) 732.7385 MAWP (bar) 419.6651
Joint factor 0.85 Joint factor 0.85
Vessel Head Vessel Support
Type Hemispherical Type Conical skirt
Thickness (mm) 43.1397 Height (m) 2.5
Corrosion allowance (mm) 2 Thickness (mm) 0.0686
MAWP (bar) 268.8663 Corrosion allowance (mm) 2
Area of bolts (m2) 99.4529
Bolt M24
Number of bolts 12
Nozzle Process Stream Nozzle Cooling Water
Inlet diameter (in) 1.5259 Inlet diameter (in) 17.4119
Outlet diameter (in) 0.4569 Outlet diameter (in) 17.3828
ASPEN Simulation

Cyclone, V-101
Process operation Continuous
Function To clean the gas that pass through from the fine particles
Type High efficiency cyclone
Material of Construction Stainless steel
Operating Condition
Inlet Outlet
S6 S8 S9
Temperature (°C) 870 850 850
Pressure (bar) 1.0 0.8 1.0
Mass flow rate (kg/hr) 1969.8437 1969.5026 0.3411
Operating Design
Operating pressure (bar) 1
Operating temperature (°C) 890
Diameter of cyclone (mm) 246.87
Mean diameter of particle 1423.6903
separated (µm)
Flow rate (m3/h) 329.0992
Area of inlet duct (m ) 0.0061
Surface area of cyclone (m ) 0.7659
Inlet duct velocity (m/s) 15
Exit duct velocity (m/s) 0.0120
Pressure drop (mbar) 1.7533
Volume (m ) 0.1426

Flash Drum, V-102

Flash Drum, V-102
Item : Flash Drum
Code : V-102
No. of Unit :1
Function : To separate water from other gaseous product such as hydrogen, carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Carbon steel
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S14 S15 S16
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 316.24 316.24 -
Carbon monoxide, CO 92.28 92.28 -
Carbon dioxide, CO2 47.19 47.19 -
Methane, CH4 0.23 0.23 -
Water, H2O 1.14 - 1.14
Operational Condition
Operating Pressure (bar) : 0.8
Operating Temperature (˚C) : 85
Hold-up time : 5 minutes
Design Sizing
Diameter 1.0726 m
Volume 5..362 m3
Vessel Area 0.9036 m2
Vessel Height 5.06806 m
Vapor flow rate 4981.519 kg/hr
Vapor density 1.8946 kg/m3
Liquid flow rate 20.537 kg/hr
Liquid density 968.61 kg/m3
Demister pad 0.4572
Liquid depth required 0.00196 m
Height of vapor required 1.6089 m
L/D ratio 2.928
Vapor residence time 9.9713 min
Liquid residence time 0.7719 min
ASPEN Simulation

Flash Drum, V-104

Flash Drum, V-104
Item : Flash Drum
Code : V-104
No. of Unit :1
Function : To separate water and methanol from other gaseous product such as
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Carbon steel
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S29 S30 S33
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 302.69 302.69 -
Carbon monoxide, CO 51.25 51.25 -
Carbon dioxide, CO2 4.24 4.24 -
Methane, CH4 0.33 0.33 -
Water, H2O 427.55 - 427.55
Methanol, CH3OH 78.03 - 78.03
Operational Condition
Operating Pressure (bar) : 0.8
Operating Temperature (˚C) : 70
Hold-up time : 5 minutes
Design Sizing
Diameter 1.9143 m
Volume 4.4544 m3
Vessel Area 0.6565 m2
Vessel Height 5.06806 m
Vapor flow rate 1930.098 kg/hr
Vapor density 1.2227 kg/m3
Liquid flow rate 2520.618 kg/hr
Liquid density 827.119 kg/m3
Demister pad 0.4572
Liquid depth required 0.3868 m
Height of vapor required 1.3714 m
L/D ratio 2.623
Vapor residence time 11.6983 min
Liquid residence time 1.0109 min
ASPEN Simulation

CO2 Absorber, V-103

CO2 Absorber, V-103
Item : CO2 Absorption Column
Code : V-103
No. of Unit :1
Function : To absorb carbon dioxide as secondary product.
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Stainless steel
Orientation : Vertical
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S15 S19 S20 S21
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 316.24 - 316.24 -
Carbon monoxide, CO 92.28 - 92.28 -
Carbon dioxide, CO2 47.19 - 2.36 44.83
Methane, CH4 0.23 - 0.23 -
Monoethanolamine, MEA - 94.38 - 75.50
Operational Condition
Operating Pressure (bar) :1
Operating Temperature (˚C) : 85
Residence time : 3.02 seconds
Design Sizing
Tray Design/Provisional Plate Design
Number of theoretical stages 7 stages
Number of actual trays 23 trays
Tray efficiency 31.18%
Type of tray/plate Sieve tray
Tray material of construction Mild steel
Plate thickness 5 mm
Downcomer type Segmental
Downcomer area 0.4255 m2
Net area 3.5457 m2
Active area 2.6494 m2
Hole area 0.2695 m
Downcomer apron area 0.0224 m2
Pressure drop per plate 0.0245 bar
Total pressure drop for column 0.5628 bar
Weir Design
Weir Length 0.5594 m
Weir Height 50 mm
Maximum liquid crest 133.59 mm liquid
Minimum liquid crest 105.32 mm liquid
Weep Point
Minimum vapor velocity 4.06 m/s
Actual vapor velocity 10.547 m/s
Percent flooding 1.35%
Liquid-vapor flow factor 0.0112
Fractional entrainment 1.1
Hole Design
Hole diameter 5 mm
Area of one hole 0.01964 m
Number of holes 16.691 holes
Liquid Flow Pattern
Maximum volumetric flow rate 0.04205 m3/s
Column Design
Diameter 1.7360 m
Height 13 m
Volume 5.4264 m3
ASPEN Simulation

Stripper, T-101

By Nur Ain Syamira Binti Mohd Rudzelan

Design Vertical
Material of Construction Carbon Steel
Operating Condition
Residence Time (s) 24.57
Temperature (°C) 90
Pressure (bar) 1

Design Specification
Tray Design/ Provisional Plate Design
Number of ideal trays 6

Number of actual trays 12

Trays efficiency (%) 66.50

Tray spacing 0.75

Type of tray/plate Sieve tray plate

Tray material of construction Carbon steel

Plate thickness (mm) 5

Downcomer type Segmental

Downcomer area, 𝐴𝑑 (𝑚2 ) 1.972

Net area, , 𝐴𝑛 (𝑚2 ) 14.463

Active area, 𝐴𝑎 (𝑚2 ) 12.491

Hole area, 𝐴ℎ (𝑚2 ) 1.249

Perforated area, 𝐴𝑝 (𝑚2 ) 12.393

Downcomer apron area m2 27.40

Pressure drop per plate (bar) 0.0142

Total pressure drop for column (bar) 0.171

Weir Design
Weir Length (m) 3.43
Weir Height (mm) 45
Maximum liquid crest (mm liquid) 154.37
Minimum liquid crest (mm liquid) 109.94

Weep Point
Minimum vapour velocity (m/s) 0.328
Actual vapour velocity (m/s) 0.511
Percent flooding 28
Liquid-vapour flow factor 1.038
Hole Design
Angle subtended by edge of plate 100 °
Mean length, unperforated edge strips (m) 12.625
Area of unperforated edge strips (m2) 0.0631
Mean length of calming zone 3.436
Area of calming zone 0.0344
Hole Pitch 1.673
Number of holes 636
Flow Pattern
Liquid Flow Pattern Reverse flow
Maximum volumetric flow rate (m3/s) 0.0174
Column Design
Diameter (m) 3.574
Height (m) 9.285
Volume (m3) 39.60

Distillation Column, T-102

Distillation Column, T-102
Function The function of this distillation column is to separate the mixture of
methanol and water
Orientation Vertical
Material of Construction Carbon Steel
Type Sieve Tray Column
Operating Condition
Operation Continuous
Streams Inlet Outlet
Stream 33 Stream 34 (Top) Stream 35 (Bottom)
Temperature (°C) 60 70 90
Pressure (bar) 1.0 0.8 0.8
Quantity (kg/hr) 10206.45 3039.69 7656.42
Methanol (kg/hr) 2502.00 2243.42 23.10
Water (kg/hr) 7704.45 796.27 7633.32
Operational Design
Operating Pressure (bar) 1
Column Diameter (m) 1.04
Column Height (m) 7.09
Column area (m2) 1.33
Theoretical stages 13
Stages above the feed tray, 𝑁𝑒 10
Mechanical Design
Type of Head Torispherical Heads
Vessel Support Bracket Support
Skirt Height (m) 1.5
Design Pressure (bar) 1
Skirt Thickness (mm 18
Corrosion Allowance (mm) 2
Provisional Plate Design
Downcomer Area, 𝐴𝑑 (𝑚2 ) 0.10
Net Area, 𝐴𝑛 (𝑚2 ) 0.75
Active Area, 𝐴𝑎 (𝑚2 ) 0.64
Weir Length, 𝑙𝑤 (𝑚) 0.76
Weir Height, ℎ𝑤 (𝑚𝑚) 50
Hole Diameter, (mm) 5
Plate Thickness, (mm) 5
Check Weeping

Minimum Liquid Rate, at 80% turn down (kg/s) 1.71

Minimum Weir Crest, ℎ𝑜𝑤 (𝑚𝑚) 11.22

Minimum Vapour Velocity, 𝑢ℎ ( 𝑠 ) 28.02
Plate Pressure Drop
Dry Plate Drop, ℎ𝑑 (𝑚𝑚) 0.50
Residual Head, ℎ𝑟 (𝑚𝑚) 14.55
Total Plate Pressure Drop, ℎ𝑡 (𝑚𝑚) 76.27
Downcomer Design
Area Under Apron, 𝐴𝑝 (𝑚2 ) 0.032
Head Loss in Downcomer, ℎ𝑑𝑐 (𝑚2 ) 0.13
Back-up Downcomer, ℎ𝑏 (𝑚2 ) 0.14
Residence Time, 𝑡𝑟 (𝑠) 26.18
Check Entrainment
Percentage Flooding (%) 9.19

Storage Tanks (ST-103 &104)

Storage Tank Function Parameter Specification

Storage 4 days
No of tanks 2
ST-103 To store CO2 Volume 263.06 m3
Height 3.77 m
Diameter 9.43 m
ST-104 To store Methanol Storage 4 days
No of tanks 2
Volume 333.34 m3
Height 4.08 m
Diameter 10.20 m

Heat Exchanger, E-101


Design Type Split Ring Floating Head
Material Stainless Steel 304

Operating Data
Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Flowrate (kg/hr) 5317.3611 16039.34

Inlet Temperature (°C) -20 700

Outlet Temperature (°C) 50 80

Operation Design
Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 14.60
Number of Passes 59
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 122
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 25
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 19
Length of Tube, L (m) 2
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 0.368
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚) 0.422
Tube Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑡 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 0.618
Shell Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑠 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 1.542
Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑖 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 169.039
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑠 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 68.051

Heat Exchanger, E-102


Design Type Split Ring Floating Head
Material Stainless Steel 304

Operating Data
Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Flowrate (kg/hr) 12047.94 5757.18

Inlet Temperature (°C) 100 25

Outlet Temperature (°C) 80 85

Operation Design
Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 18.18
Number of Passes 152
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 76
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 19
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 25
Length of Tube, L (m) 2
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 0.260
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚𝑚) 313.25
Tube Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑡 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 0.0921
Shell Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑠 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 0.449
Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑖 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 412.50
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑠 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 123.84

Heat Exchanger, E-103 & E–104


Design type Shell &Tube

Equipment E-103 E-104

Material of construction Stainless Steel

Heat duty, Q (W) 279780 433780

Hot fluid properties:

Flow rate (kg/s) 308.40 1421.02
Inlet temperature (K) 428 673
Outlet temperature (K) 373 573

Cold fluid properties:

Flow rate (kg/h) 41.24 41.24
Inlet temperature (K) 298 383
Outlet temperature (K) 358 513

Heat transfer area, A (m2) 6.67 4.14

Number of passes 2 2

Number of tubes, N 500 637

Number of tube per passes, Nt 250 318

Tube outside diameter, do (m) 0.0500 0.0500

Tube inside diameter, di (m) 0.0436 0.0436

Bundle diameter, Db (m) 1.5514 1.7363

Shell internal diameter, Ds (m) 1.55 1.74

Heat Exchanger, E-105


Design Type Split Ring Floating Head
Material Stainless Steel 304

Operating Data

Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Flowrate (kg/hr) 86544 96089.29

Inlet Temperature (°C) 25 240

Outlet Temperature (°C) 90 80

Operation Design

Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 32.12

Number of Passes 27
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 54
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 15.88
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 11.66
Length of Tube, L (m) 12
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 0.374
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚𝑚) 88.37
Tube Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑡 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 7.95
Shell Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑠 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 2.93
Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑖 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 0.864
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑠 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 63.34
Tube Side Pressure Drop (atm) 0.264
Shell Side Pressure Drop (atm) 0.00303

Condenser, E-106

Function To condense the product from the distillation coulumn, T-102
Material Carbon Steel
Type Kettle Reboiler

Operating Data

Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Inlet Temperature (°C) 30 70

Outlet Temperature (°C) 60 50

Operation Design
Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 25.99
Number of Passes 64
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 127
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 19.05
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 13.51
Length of Tube, L (m) 2.44
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 405.47
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚𝑚) 456.47
Heat flux, q (W/m2) 31453.28
Boiling Coefficient, ℎ𝑛𝑏 (𝑊/𝑚2 . °𝐶) 4395.43

Reboiler, E-107

Function To reboil the product from the distillation coulumn, T-102
Material Stainless Steel
Operation Continuous

Operating Data
Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Inlet Temperature (°C) 70 150

Outlet Temperature (°C) 90 100

Operation Design

Heat Duty (kW) 778.6

Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 25.99
Number of Passes 26
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 53
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 31.75
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 28.45
Length of Tube, L (m) 4.88
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 405.47
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚𝑚) 810.94
Tube Pitch (mm) 47.63
Boiling Coefficient, ℎ𝑛𝑏 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 4395.43

Heat Exchanger, E-108


Design Type Shell and Tube (1 shell 2 tube passes)
Material Stainless Steel 304

Operating Data
Properties Tube Side Shell Side

Flowrate (kg/hr) 42414.54 7724.99

Inlet Temperature (°C) 25 80

Outlet Temperature (°C) 35 40

Operation Design
Heat Transfer Area per Tube (m2) 46.24
Number of Passes 387
Number of Tube per Passes, 𝑁𝑇 194
Tube Inside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑜 (𝑚𝑚) 19
Tube Outside Diameter, 𝐷𝑡𝑖 (𝑚𝑚) 25
Length of Tube, L (m) 2
Bundle Diameter, 𝐷𝐵 (𝑚) 0.601
Shell Internal Diameter, 𝐷𝑠 (𝑚) 0.539
Tube Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑡 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 0.0886
Shell Side Linear Velocity, 𝑢𝑠 (𝑚⁄𝑠) 3.379
Tube Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑖 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 668.83
Shell Side Heat Transfer Coefficient, ℎ𝑠 (𝑚2 °𝐶) 4.73
Tube Side Pressure Drop (atm) 0.0414
Shell Side Pressure Drop (atm) 0.0765

Mixer, M-101
Mixer, M-101
Function To mixed the water separated from distillation column, T-102
and the water from the flash before entering the wastewater
treatment plant
Type Impeller
Operation Continuous
Material of Construction Carbon Steel
Orientation Vertical
Utility Power

Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
Stream 36 Stream 37 Stream 38
Temperature (°C) 85 90 95
Pressure (bar) 1 1 1

Operating Pressure (bar) 80

Operating Temperature (°C) 95
Diameter (m) 3.39
Length (m) 4.75
Volume (m3) 7.898
Wall Thickness (mm) 5.603
Outside Diameter (m) 3.371
Type of Head Torispherical
Head Thickness (m) 0.1607

Mechanical design
Operating Temperature (°C) 85

Agitator Design
Type Two-2-Blades Propeller
Number of Blades 2
Impeller Diameter (m) 1.19
Length of Impeller Blade (m) 3.94
Width of Impeller Blade (m) 0.15
Impeller (bottom) height above vessel floor (m) 0.79
Impeller (top) height above vessel floor (m) 1.58
Impeller speed (RPM) 80.46
Power required (hp) 9.56

Shaft Design
Rated touque (Nm) 127.68
Diameter of shaft (m) 0.16
Force (N) 2769.37
Maximum bending moment (N) 2767.89775
Bending Stress (N/m2) 6897516.14
Overhang of agitator shaft (m) 1.3
Shaft deflection (cm) 4.51×10-17
Hub diameter (m) 0.32
Length of key (m) 0.24

Compressor, C-101

Compressor, C-101
Item : Compressor
Code : C-101
No. of Unit :1
Function : To compress hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, water to
24 bar
Type : Centrifugal
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Stainless Steel
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S10 S11
Temperature (˚C) 850 870
Pressure (bar) 1 24
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 64.04 64.04
Carbon monoxide, CO 34.23 34.23
Carbon dioxide, CO2 23.77 23.77
Methane, CH4 3.80 3.80
Water, H2O 38.15 38.15
Operating Design
Theoretical horsepower (hp) 66.8169
Brake horsepower (bhp) 74.2409
Efficiency (%) 90
Power consumption (kW) 54.5671

Expander, C-102

Expander, C-102
Item : Expander
Code : C-102
No. of Unit :1
Function : To expand hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane and water to
1 bar
Type : Centrifugal
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Stainless Steel
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S12 S13
Temperature (˚C) 850 700
Pressure (bar) 23 1
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 316.24 316.24
Carbon monoxide, CO 92.28 92.28
Carbon dioxide, CO2 47.19 47.19
Methane, CH4 0.23 0.23
Water, H2O 1.14 1.14
Operating Design
Theoretical horsepower (hp) 55.959
Brake horsepower (bhp) 62.1767
Efficiency (%) 90
Power consumption (kW) 45.69985
Compressor, C-103

Compressor, C-103
Item : Compressor
Code : C-103
No. of Unit :1
Function : To compress hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane to 80
Type : Centrifugal
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Stainless Steel
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S20 S25
Temperature (˚C) 80 110
Pressure (bar) 1 80
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 316.24 316.24
Carbon monoxide, CO 92.28 92.28
Carbon dioxide, CO2 2.36 2.36
Methane, CH4 0.23 0.23
Operating Design
Theoretical horsepower (hp) 235.1
Brake horsepower (bhp) 261.222
Efficiency (%) 90 (assume)
Power consumption (kW) 191.9983
Expander, C-104

Expander, C-104
Item : Expander
Code : C-104
No. of Unit :1
Function : To expand hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, methanol
and water to 1 bar
Type : Centrifugal
Operation : Continuous
Material of construction : Stainless Steel
Operating Data
Streams Inlet Outlet
S28 S29
Temperature (˚C) 80 65
Pressure (bar) 78 1
Composition (kmol/hr)
Hydrogen, H2 302.69 302.69
Carbon monoxide, CO 51.25 51.25
Carbon dioxide, CO2 4.24 4.24
Methane, CH4 0.33 0.33
Methanol, CH3OH 78.03 78.03
Water, H2O 427.55 427.55
Operating Design
Theoretical horsepower (hp) 227.755
Brake horsepower (bhp) 253.755
Efficiency (%) 90
Power consumption (kW) 185.9999

Pumps (P-101 – P-103)

Process operation Continuous

P-101 P-102 P-103
Function To increase pressure To increase pressure To increase pressure
of amine solvent of waste water of amine solvent
Operating Condition
Pressure inlet (bar) 1.0 0.8 1.0
Pressure outlet (bar) 1.2 1.0 1.2
Pressure difference, ∆P (bar) 0.2 0.2 0.2
Temperature (°C) 85 85 90
Operating Dimension
Fluid MEA Waste water MEA
Mass flow rate (kg/hr) 5764.7304 20.5371 4611.54
Shaft power (kW) 21.7515 0.0003 0.0699
Hydraulic power (kW) 19.5763 0.0003 0.0629
Design Data
Total head required (m) 1246.1930 5.0000 5.0084
Efficiency (%) 90 90 90
Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Material of construction Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump

Utilities Electricity Electricity Electricity

Pumps (P-104 – P-106)
Process operation Continuous
P-104 P-105 P-106
Function To increase pressure To increase pressure To increase pressure
of amine solvent of methanol of waste water
Operating Condition
Pressure inlet (bar) 1.0 1.0 1.0
Pressure outlet (bar) 1.2 1.2 1.2
Pressure difference, ∆P (bar) 0.2 0.2 0.2
Temperature (°C) 110 60 25
Operating Dimension
Fluid MEA Methanol Waste water
Mass flow rate (kg/hr) 4611.54 2500.0812 7722.8504
Shaft power (kW) 0.0003 1.5872 0.1170
Hydraulic power (kW) 0.0003 1.4285 0.1053
Design Data
Total head required (m) 5.0000 209.6774 5.0017
Efficiency (%) 90 90 90
Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel
Material of construction
Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump Centrifugal pump
Utilities Electricity Electricity Electricity

1.5 Utilities
Cooling Water
Water price, RM/m3 3.30 (SAJ, 2019)
Rate of evaporation 1% for each 7°C drop in
Water consumption before integration, 23,996
Water consumption after integration, 17,044
Days of facility operation (days/year) 330

Coolant (Ethylene Glycol)

Ethylene Glycol price, RM / MT 4049
Ethylene Glycol consumption, g/s 1.8109
Days of facility operation (days/year) 333
Electricity Tariff


For the first 200 kWh (1- 200 kWh) per month 38.00 cent/kWh
For the next kWh (201 kWh onwards) per month 44.10 cent /kWh
The minimum monthly charge is RM7.20
For each kilowatt of maximum demand per month 29.60 RM/kW
For all kWh 33.70 cent/kWh
The minimum monthly charge is RM600.00

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