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Importance of Joshn Kabir- Pdf .. It has been mentioned in the book, Balad al-Amin and the Misbah
of Kafa`mi that Imam `Ali ibn al-Husain Sayyid as-Sajjidin (prayers be upon him) related from his father
from his grandfather the Prophet of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) that this
supplication was taught by the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family) during one of the battles.
It was in one of the wars that the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) had taken part
in which he had a very heavy and expensive coat of armor on to protect himself. It is related that the
coat was soheavy that it was hurting the body of the Prophet (prayers of Allah be upon him and his
family). In this state,the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) came to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be
upon him and his family)and said: “O’ Muhammad! Your Lord conveys his salutations to you and has said
to take this coat of armor (Jawshan)and to recite it as this is a protection for you and your Ummah (For
commentary on dua click here )
م ِقي ُم ُ
ظي ُم يَا ِ ع َ يَا
O Greatest, O
ya `a¨emu ya qadem
َق ِدي ُم
O All-Knowing, O علِي ُم يَا َ يَا
ya `alemu ya halemu ya hakem
Forbearing, O Wise.
ح ِكي ُم َ حلِي ُم يَا َ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al- ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
َ اع
ث ِ يَا َب
O Resurrector of
ya bai`ithal-baraya
ا ْلبَ َرايَا
َمطْلِق ُ يَا
O Freer of captives. ya mut-liqal-usara
سا َرى َ ُ األ
Praise be to You, ك َيا الَ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال
َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(8) O He, to Whom ( يَا ذَا8)
is due all praise and ya dhal-ham-di wath-thana-i
adoration, ِ َح ْم ِد َوالثَّن
اء َ ا ْل
O He, Who holds all خ ِر ْ َيَا ذَا ا ْلف
ya dhal-fakh-ri wal-baha-i
pride and eminence, ِ َوا ْلبَ َه
O He, Who holds all ج ِدْ َ امل
ْ يَا ذَا
ya dhal-maj-di was-sana-i
honour and rank, ِ َالسن
اء َّ َو
O He, Who makes يَا ذَا ا ْل َع ْه ِد
promises and ya dhal-a'h-di wal-wafa-i
honours them, ِ ََوا ْلوَف
O He, Who pardons
ِيَا ذَا ا ْل َعفْو
and is content,
ya dhal-a'f-wi war-ridha
ِ ض
اء َ َوال ِّر
ِن ْع َم ِتي
O Rescuer from my اثي ِعنْ َد ِ َيَا ِغي
ya ghiyathe i`inda kur-bate
ُك ْربَ ِتي
O Guide in my يَا َدلِيلِي ِعنْ َد
ya dalele i`inda hayrate
حيْ َر ِتي َ
O Resource in my ائي ِعنْ َد ِ َيَا ِغن
ya ghina-e i`indaf-tiqare
افْ ِت َقا ِري
ج ِئي َ م ْل
َ يَا
O Shelter in my
ya mal-jae i`indadh-tirare ِعنْ َد
ط َرا ِريِ اض ْ
يني ِعنْ َد ِ م ِع ُ يَا
O Deliverer from
مفْزَ ِعي
ya mue'ene i`inda mafzae'e
my fears. َ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(12) O Knower of
َّ ع
ال َم َ ( يَا12)
ya `al-lamal-ghuyub
the unseen,
ِ ُغي
وب ُ ا ْل
O Forgiver of sins, ya ghaf-faradh-dhunub غفَّا َر َ يَا
،وب ِ ُالذُّن
O Concealer of ستَّا َر َ يَا
ya sat-taral-u'yub
وب ِ ُا ْل ُعي
فَ اش ِ يَا َك
O Expeller of pain, ya kashifal-kurub
وب ِ ا ْل ُك ُر
O Transformer of ب َ م َق ِّل ُ يَا
ya muqal-libal-qulub
the hearts
وبِ ا ْل ُق ُل
O Physician of the َ يَا طَ ِب
ya tabebal-qulub
وب ِ ا ْل ُق ُل
O Illuminator of the منَوِّ َر ُ يَا
ِ ا ْل ُق ُل
hearts, ya munaw-wiral-qulubi,
O Intimate of the يس َ يَا أ َ ِن
ya anesal-qulub
وب ِ ا ْل ُق ُل
O Dispeller of َمفَ ِّرج ُ يَا
ya mufar-rijal-humum
ِ ا ْل ُه ُموم
O Liberator from س َ ِّمنَف ُ يَا
ya munaf-fisal-ghumum
ِ غ ُموم ُ ا ْل
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
َ ْغو
ث َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّلَ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( ال َّل ُه َّم13)
(13) O Allah, verily
I beseech You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
كَ اس ِم ْ ِب
O Glorious, O يل يَا ُ ِجل َ يَا
ya jalelu ya jamel
ُ ج ِم
يل َ
O Protector, O يل يَا ُ يَا َو ِك
ya wakelu ya kafel
ُ َك ِف
O Guide, O يل يَا ُ ِيَا َدل
Guarantor, ya dalelu ya qabel
يل ُ َق ِب
م ْن َ ( يَّا16)
(16) O He, Who is
the Lord over all
ya man huwa rab-bu kul-li
shay ب ُك ِّل ُّ هوَ َر ُ
شيٍْء َ
O He, Who is the هوَ إِ َل ُه ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa ilhu kul-li shay
Allah of all things,
شيٍْء َ ُك ِّل
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Who is the
Creator of all things,
ya man huwa khaliqu kul-li
shay خاِلقُ ُك ِّل َ
شيٍْء َ
O He. Who is the َ ه
و ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Fashioner of all ya man huwa saniu' kul-li shay
things, انعُ ُك ِّل ِ ص َ
شيٍْء َ
O He, Who is the هوَ َقبْ َل ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Preceder of all ya man huwa qab-la kul-li shay
things, شيٍْء َ ُك ِّل
O He, Who is the
ya man huwa ba`a-da kul-li هوَ بَ ْع َد ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Successor of all
شيٍْء َ ُك ِّل
O He, Who is above ya man huwa faw-qa kul-li َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
all things, shay
شيٍْء َ فَوْقَ ُك ِّل
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Who knows ya man huwa `aalimum bikul-li
عاِل ٌم ِب ُك ِّل َ
all things, shay شيٍْء َ
O He, Who is
ya man huwa qadirun `ala kul- اد ٌرِ هوَ َق ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Powerful over all
li shay
شيٍْء َ ع َلى ُك ِّل َ
O He, Who is the َهوُ م ْن َ يَّا
Sustainer and
Extinguisher of all
ya man huwa yab-qa wa yaf-na
kul-lu shay يَبْ َقى َويَفْنَى
شيٍْء َ ُك ُّل
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سبُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al- ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
َ ْغو
ث َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( ال َّل ُه َّم17)
(17) O Allah, verily
I beseech You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
O Securer of safety, مؤ ِْم ُن يَا ُ يَا
ya mu-minu ya muhaymin
O Protector,
م َهيْ ِم ُن ُ
O Bestower of ن يَا ُ ِّم َكو ُ يَا
being, O Bestower ya mukaw-winu ya mulaq-qin
of knowledge, م َل ِّق ُنُ
O Manifester, O
ني يَا ُ ِّ َمب ُ يَا
ya mubay-yinu ya muhaw-win
ن ُ ِّم َهو ُ
O Provider of place, م َم ِّك ُن يَا ُ يَا
ya mumak-kinu ya mu-zay-yin
O Adorner,
مزَ ِّي ُن ُ
O Proclaimer, O م ْعلِ ُن يَا ُ يَا
ya mua'-linu ya muq-s-sim
س ُم ِّ م ْق ُ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
Fire, O Lord.
.ب ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
م ْن َ ( يَّا18)
(18) O Everlasting
in His Kingdom,
ya man huwa fe mul-kihi
muqem م ْل ِك ِه ُ هوَ ِفي ُ
م ِقي ٌم ُ
O Eternal in His ya man huwa fe sul-tanihi هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
sovereignty, qadem
ان ِه َق ِدي ٌم ِ َس ْلط ُ
O Greatest in His هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa fe jalalihi `a¨em
ظي ٌم ِ ع َ جالَلِ ِه َ
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O Most Merciful to ya man huwa `ala i`ibadihi اد ِه ِ َع َلى ِعب َ
His servants, rahem
حي ٌم ِ َر
O He, Whose
َ حا
ط َ َ م ْن أ َ يَا
ya man ahata bikul-li shay-in
i`il-muhu شيٍْء َ ِب ُك ِّل
ِع ْل ُم ُه
O He, Who is س َ ْمن َّلي َ يَا
ya mal-laysa ahadum-mith-lah
without equal,
مث ْ َل ُه ِّ ح ٌد َ َأ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّلَ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(20) O Remover of
ya farijal-ham
َ( يَا فَا ِرج20)
ا ْل َه ِّم
O Expeller of
ya kashifal-gham غ ِّمَ ف ا ْلَ اشِ يَا َك
O Forgiver of sins, ya ghafiradh-dham-b بِ ْاف َر الذَّنِ غ َ يَا
O Acceptor of
ya qabilat-taw-b ْبِ يَا َقا ِب َل التَّو
َخاِلق َ يَا
O Creator of
ya khaliqal-khal-q
ِخ ْلق َ ا ْل
( يَّا ذَا23)
(23) O Master of
countless blessings,
ya dhan-nia'-matis-sabighah النِّ ْع َم ِة
غ ِة َ السا ِب َّ
O Master of ح َم ِة ْ يَا ذَا ال َّر
ya dhar-rah-matil-wasia'h
limitless mercy,
َاس َع ِة ِ ا ْلو
O Master surpassing املِنَّ ِة ْ يَا ذَا
ya dhal-min-natis-sabiqah
all obligation,
السا ِب َق ِة َّ
O Master of perfect ح ْك َم ِة ِ يَا ذَا ا ْل
ya dhal-hik-matil-balighah
غ ِة َ ا ْلبَاِل
O Master of infinite يَا ذَا ا ْل ُق ْد َر ِة
ya dhal-qud-ratil-kamilah
ام َل ِة ِ ا ْل َك
O Master of the ج ِة َّ ح ُ يَا ذَا ا ْل
ya dhal-huj-jatil-qatia'h
decisive argument,
اط َع ِة ِ ا ْل َق
O Master of the م ِة َ يَا ذَا ا ْل َك َرا
ya dhal-karamati¨-¨ahirah
manifest miracle,
اه َر ِة ِ َّالظ
O Master of يَا ذَا ا ْل ِعزَّ ِة
ya dhal-i`iz-zatid-da-imah
perpetual prestige,
ائ َم ِة ِ ال َّد
O Master of great يَا ذَا ا ْل ُقو َِّة
ya dhal-qu-watil-matenah
امل َ ِتينَ ِة ْ
O Master of يَا ذَا ا ْل َعظَ َم ِة
امل َ ِني َع ِة
unsurpassable glory ya dhal-a'¨amatil-mani-ya'h
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّلَ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(34) O Most
( يَا َك ِري َم34)
Magnanimous in
overlooking sins,
ya karemas-saf-h
O Greatest
ya `a¨emal-man امل َ ِّن
ْ ظي َم ِ ع َ يَا
O Most Bounteous
in goodness,
ya katheral-khayr خيْ ِر َ يَا َك ِثي َر ا ْل
يَا َق ِدي َم
O Eternal in grace, ya qademal-fadhli
ض ِل ْ َا ْلف
O Eternal in ائ َم ِ يَا َد
ya da-imal-lut-f
،ف ِ ْال ُّلط
َ ط ِ يَا َل
O Creator of
ya latefas-sun-i`i
ِالصنْع ُّ
س َ ِّمنَف ُ يَا
O Remover of pain, ya munaf-fisal-kar-b
ب ِ ا ْل َك ْر
َ اش ِ يَا َك
O Healer of injury, ya kashifadh-dhur
الض ِّر ُّ
O Master of
ya malikal-mulk كِ امل ُ ْل
ْ ك َ ماِل َ يَا
اضي ِ يَا َق
O True Judge. ya qadhi-yal-haq-q
ِّحق َ ا ْل
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال
َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the
صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
Fire, O Lord. .ب
م ْن َ ( يَا35)
(35) O He Who
fulfils His promise,
ya man huwa fe `ah-dihi wafe ع ْه ِد ِه َ هوَ ِفي ُ
ٌَّو ِفي
O He Who is Strong هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa fe wafa-ihi qawe
ٌّ ائ ِه َقو ِ ََوف
in His fulfillment,
O He Who is great هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa fe qu-watihi `ale
in His might,
ٌّعلِي َ ُقوَّ ِت ِه
O He Who is near
ya man huwa fe u'lu-wuhi هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
everyone in spite of
His greatness,
ٌ ع ُلو ُِّه َق ِر
يب ُ
O He Who is benign هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa fe qur-bihi latef
in His weariness,
يف ٌ ط ِ ُق ْر ِب ِه َل
O He Who is noble هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ya man huwa fe lut-fihi sharef
in His benignity,
ٌ ش ِر
يف َ ُلطْ ِف ِه
O He Who is هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
powerful in His ya man huwa fe sharafihi `azez
nobility, ٌع ِزيز َ ش َر ِف ِه َ
هوَ ِفي
O He Who is great ya man huwa fe i`iz-zihi `a¨em
in His power, ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ظي ٌم َ ِعزِّ ِه
ِ ع
O He Who is exalted ya man huwa fe `a¨amatihi هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
in His greatness, majed
جي ٌد ِ م َ عظَ َم ِت ِه َ
O He Who is هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
ح ِمي ٌدَ ج ِد ِه
praiseworthy in his ya man huwa fe maj-dihi
exaltation. hamed ْ م َ
(38) O He-there is
من ال َ ( يَا38)
no retreat but
towards Him,
ya mal-la mafar-ra illa ilayh مفَ َّر إِالَّ إِ َليْ ِه
Praise be to You,
there is no god but
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
O He Who guides
من يَّ ْه ِدي َ يَا
ya may-yah-de wa-la yuh-da
and is not guided, َوال يُ ْه َدى
O He Who receives ح ِيي ْ ُّمن ي َ يَا
to life and is not ya may-yuh-ye wa-la yuh-yia
brought to life, حيَى ْ َُوال ي
O He Who questions سأ َ ُل ْ َّمن ي َ يَا
and is not ya may-yas-alu wa-la yus-al
questioned, سأ َ ُلْ َُوال ي
O He Who feeds and ya may-yut-i`imu wa-la yut- من يُّطْ ِع ُم َ يَا
does not eat, a'm
َوال يُطْ َع ُم
O He Who gives
protection and is in ya may-yujeru wa-la yujaru جي ُر ِ ُّمن ي َ يَا
no need of
ع َليْ ِه َ جا ُر َ َُوال ي
O He Who judges ضي ِ من يَّ ْق َ يَا
and against Whom
no judgement is
ya may-yaq-dhe wa-la yuq-dha
`ailayh ضى َ َوال يُ ْق
ع َليْ ِه َ
O He Who
ya may-yah-kumu wa-la yuh- ح ُك ُم ْ َّمن ي َ يَا
commands but is not
kamu `ailayh
ع َليْ ِه َ ح َك ُم ْ َُوال ي
O He Who begets
ya mal-lam yalidu wa lam من َّل ْم يَلِ ْد َ يَا
not, nor is He
َو َل ْم يُو َل ْد
And there is none wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuan َو َل ْم يَ ُكن َّل ُه
like unto Him. ahad
ح ٌد َ َ ُكفُوا ً أ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
relief, relief, relief ghawth ث َ ْغو َ ال
(64) O Eternal
ِ ( يَا َد64)
ائ َم
ya da-imal-baqa-i
Living, ِ ا ْلبَ َق
ِ س
َامع َ يَا
O Hearer of prayers, ya samia'd-dua'a-i ِ ع
اء َ ال ُّد
َاسع ِ يَا َو
O Liberal Bestower ya wasia'l-a'ta-i
ِ َا ْل َعط
ِ غ
اف َر َ يَا
O Forgiver of sins, ya ghafiral-khata-i
ِ َخط
اء َ ا ْل
َيَا بَ ِديع
O Creator of the sky, ya badi-ya's-sama-i
ِ الس َم
اء َّ
O Best tester of س َن َ ح َ يَا
ya hasanal-bala-i
trials, ِ َالب
O Most يلَ ج ِم َ يَا
ya jamelath-thana-i
Praiseworthy, ِ َالثَّن
يَا َق ِدي َم
O Eternally Great, ya qademas-sana-i
ِ َالسن
اء َّ
O Greatest fulfiller
of promises,
ya katheral-wafa-i ِ َيَا َك ِثي َر ا ْلوَف
O Best َ ش ِر
يف َ يَا
ya sharefal-jaza-i
Recompenser. ِ َجز
اء َ ا ْل
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( ال َّل ُه َّم65)
(65) O Allah, verily
I entreat You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
O Best concealer of
defects, O Best ya sat-taru ya ghaf-far
forgiver, ستَّا ُر يَا َ يَا
غفَّا ُر َ
O Most dominant, O يَا َق َّها ُر يَا
ya qah-haru ya jab-bar
جبَّا ُر َ
O Most patient, O صبَّا ُر يَا َ يَا
ya sab-baru ya bar
Most virtuous,
بَا ُّر
O Most exalted, O ختَا ُر يَا ْ م ُ يَا
ya mukh-taru ya fat-tah
Best opener,
O Blower of winds, يَا نَفَّاحُ يَا
O Bestower of ya naf-fahu ya mur-tah
Happiness. ُم ْرتَاح ُ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
Protect us from the
Fire, O Lord.
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
.ب ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
م ْن َ ( يَا66)
(66) O He, Who
created me and
ya man khalaqane wa saw-
wane خ َل َق ِني
perfected me,
سوَّاِني َ َو
O He, Who provided من َّرزَ َق ِنيَ يَا
me with sustenance ya mar-razaqane wa rab-bane
and nurtured me,
َو َربَّاِني
م ْن
َ يَا
O He, Who provided
food for me and ya man at-a'mane wa saqane أَطْ َع َم ِني
quenched my thirst,
س َقاِني َ َو
O He, Who brought
me near Him and من َق َّربَ ِني َ يَا
ya man qar-rabane wa ad-nane
brought me most
nigh, َوأ َ ْدنَاِني
م ْنَ يَا
O He, Who
protected me and ya man `asamane wa kafane ص َم ِني َ ع َ
kept me in safety,
َو َكفَاِني
م ْن َ يَا
O He, Who saved
and guarded me,
ya man hafa¨ane wa kalane حفَظَ ِني َ
َو َكالَ ِني
O He, Who عزَّ ِني َ َ م ْن أ َ يَا
honoured me and ya man a`az-zane wa agh-nane
enriched me, غنَاِني ْ َ َوأ
O He, Who helped من َّوفَّ َق ِني َ يَا
ya maw-waf-faqane wa hadane
and guided me,
ه َداِني َ َو
O He, Who س ِني
َ َم ْن آن َ يَا
befriended me and
sheltered me,
ya man a-nasane wa a-wane
َوآ َواِني
O He, Whose order ya mal-lahu qadha-ul-la yurad- من َّل ُه َ يَا
is not rejected, d
ضا ٌء ال يُ َر ُّد َ َق
من َّل ُه َ يَا
O He, Whose
attributes do not ya mal-lahu sifatul-la tubad-dal ات ال ٌ َصف ِ
،تُبَ َّد ُل
O He, Whose
ya mal-lahu nuo'otul-la tughay- من َّل ُه َ يَا
attributes do not
غيَّ ُر َ ُوت ال ت ٌ نُ ُع
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al- ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(72) O Lord of all بَّ ( يَا َر72)
ya rab-bal-a'alamen
the worlds,
َ ِامل
ني َ ا ْل َع
O Master of the Day ِ ك يَوْم َ ماِل َ يَا
ya malika yaw-mid-den
of Judgement,
ِ ال ِّدي
غايَ َةَ يَا
َ الطَّاِل ِب
O Ultimate Goal of
the seeker,
ya ghayatat-taliben ني
( ال َّل ُه َّم73)
(73) O Allah, verily
I beseech You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
O Affectionate, O ش ِفيقُ يَا ْ يَا
ya sh-fequ ya rafeq
َُر ِفيق
O Protector, O ظ يَا ُ ح ِفي َ يَا
ya hafe¨u ya muhet
طُ حي ِ م ُ
O Provider of يت يَا ُ م ِق ُ يَا
sustenance, O Aider ya muqetu ya mugheth
of seekers of aid, ُ م ِغي
ث ُ
O Honourer, O
ya mui`iz-zu ya mudhil ُ م ِعزُّ يَا
م ِذ ُّل ُ يَا
O Creator, O He مبْ ِدئ ُ يَا ُ يَا
Who causes to ya mubdi-u ya mue'ed
return. م ِعي ُد ُ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث الَ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
م ْن
َ ( يَا74)
(74) O He, Who is
single and without
ya man huwa ahadum bila
dhid-d َ َ هوَ أ
َح ٌد ِبال ُ
ض ٍّد
O He, Who is
ya man huwa far-dum bila nid- هوَ فَ ْر ٌد ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Unique, O He, Who
is Peerless,
ِبالَ ِن ٍّد
O He, Who is
ya man huwa s-m-dum bila َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Independent and
without any defect,
ب ٍ ْعي َ َص ْم ٌد ِبال ْ
O He, Who is هوَ ِوتْ ٌر ُ م ْن َ يَّا
without changing ya man huwa wit-rum bila kayf
state, فٍ ِْبالَ َكي
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Who judges
without injustice,
ya man huwa qadhim bila hayf َاض ِبال ٍ َق
فٍ ْحي َ
O He, Who is the ya man huwa rab-bum bila بٌّ هوَ َر ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Lord Cherisher, wazer
ِبالَ َو ِزي ٍر
O He, Who is
ya man huwa `azezum bila َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Mighty without
ع ِزيزٌ ِبالَ ذُ ٍّل َ
O He, Who is
Independent without
ya man huwa ghane-yum bila
َ ه
و ُ م ْن َ يَّا
any need,
غ ِنيٌّ ِبالَ فَ ْق ٍر َ
O He, Who is the ٌ ِمل
ك َ َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
King without any ya man huwa malikum bila `azl
censure, عزْ ٍلَ َِبال
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Whose
attributes are
ya man huwa maw-sufum bila َوف ِبال ٌ ْص ُ مو َ
ٍ ش ِب
يه َ
َ ه
و ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He, Who is near
and not far,
ya man huwa q-rebun ghayru
bae'ed غيْ ُر َ يب ٌ ْق ِر
ٍ بَ ِع
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Who is
Witness to
ya man huwa `ala kul-li shay-
in shahed شيٍْء َ ع َلى ُك ِّل َ
ش ِهي ٌد َ
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He, Who is not
the least cruel to his
ya man huwa laysa bi¨al-
lamil-lil-a'bed ٍ س ِبظَالَّم َ َْلي
ِ ِّل ْل َع ِب
Praise be to You,
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but
تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
من ال
َ ( يَا79)
(79) O He, Who has
no partner and no
ya mal-la shareka lahu wa-la
wazayir ك َل ُه َ ش ِري َ
َوال َوزَي َر
ya mal-la shabeha lahu wa-la ش ِبي َه َ من ال َ يَا
O He, Who has no
equal and no match, na¨er
ظي َرِ ََل ُه َوال ن
َخاِلق َ يَا
O Creator of the sun
and the bright moon,
ya khaliqash-sham-si wal-
qamaril-muner س ِ الش ْم َّ
امل ُ ِني ِر ْ َوا ْل َق َم ِر
O Enricher of the غ ِني ْ م ُ يَا
ya mugh-ni-yal-ba-isil-faqer
poverty stricken,
س ا ْلفَ ِقي ِر ِ ائ ِ َا ْلب
O Provider of يَا ْرا ِزقَ الطِّفْ ِل
sustenance to small ya r-aziqat-tif-lis-sagher
children, الص ِغي ِر َّ
O Merciful to the اح َم ِ يَا ْر
ya r-ahimash-shaykhil-kaber
very aged ones,
الشيْخِ ا ْل َك ِبي ِر َّ
O Joiner of broken جا ِب َر َ يَا
ya jabiral-a'¨mil-kaser
سي ِر ِ ال َعظْم ِ ال َك
ص َم َة ْ يَا ِع
O Protector of the
frightened shelter ya i`is-matal-kha-ifil-mus-tajer ف ِ ائ ِ خ َ ا ْل
جي ِر ِ َ ست ْ ُ امل ْ
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He , Who is All-
ya man huwa bi-i`ibadihi خبَ ِي ٌر َ اد ِه ِ َِب ِعب
Aware and All-
Seeing of his slaves,
khabayirum baser
صي ٌر ِ َب
ُ م ْن
َهو َ يَّا
O He, Who is
ya man huwa `ala kul-li shay-
Powerful over
in qader
شيٍْء َ ع َلى ُك ِّل َ
َق ِدي ٌر
Praise be to You,
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but
تَ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّلَ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(80) O Master of
generosity and the ( يَا ذَا80)
ya dhal-judi wan-nia'm
Bestower of the
bounties, ِ ود َوالنِّ َعم ِ ج ُ ا ْل
O Gracious and ض ِل ْ َيَا ذَا ا ْلف
ya dhal-fadhli wal-karam
ِ َوا ْل َك َرم
O Creator of the َخاِلق َ يَا
ya khaliqal-law-hi wal-qalam
Tablet and the Pen,
ِ ال َّلوْحِ َوا ْل َق َلم
O Creator of ants يَا بَا ِرئ َ الذَّ ِّر
ya bari-adh-dhar-ri wn-nasam
and men,
ِ سم َ َّو الن
O Inflictor of سِ ْ يَا ذَا ا ْلبَأ
punishment and ya dhal-ba-si wan-niqam
retaliator, ِ َوالنِّ َقم
ِ م ْل ِه َم ا ْل َع َر
ب ُ يَا
O Inspirer of Arabs
and non-Arabs,
ya mul-himal-a'rabi wal-a'jam
ِ جم َ َوا ْل َع
O Expeller of pain
and grief, ya kashifadhur-ri wal-alam
فَ اش ِ يَا َك
ِ الض ِّر َواأل َ َلم ُ
O He, Who knows الس ِّر ِّ عالِ َم َ يَا
the secrets and the ya `aalimas-sir-ri wal-himam
mysteries, ِ َوال ِه َمم
O Lord of the Kaaba ت ِ ْب ا ْلبَي َّ يَا َر
and the Sacred ya rab-bal-bayti wal-haram
Precinct, ِ ح َرم َ َوا ْل
َخ َلق َ م ْن َ يَا
O He, Who has
created everything
ya man khalaqal-ash-ya-a
minal-a'dam شيَا َء ِم َن ْ َ األ
out of nothingness,
ِ ا ْل َع َدم
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( ال َّل ُه َّم81)
(81) O Allah, verily
I beseech You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
اع ُل يَا ِ َيَا ف
O Doer, O Creator ya fai`ilu ya ja-i`ilu ِ ج
اع ُل َ
( ال َّل ُه َّم85)
(85) O Allah, verily
I beseech You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
O First, O Last, ya aw-walu ya a-khir ِ يَا أ َ َّو ُل يَا
آخ ُر
اه ُر يَا ِ َيَا ظ
O Manifest, O
ya ¨ahiru ya batin
اط ُن ِ َب
O Virtuous, O Right, ya bar-ru ya haq-qu ُّحق َ يَا َب ُّر يَا
O He, O Unique, ya far-du ya wit-r يَا فَ ْر ُد يَا ِوتْ ُر
O Independent, O ص َم ُد يَا َ يَا
ya samadu ya sar-mad
م ُد َ س ْر َ
Praise be to You,
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but
َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(86) O Best خ ْي َر َ ( يَا86)
recognized of all the ya khayra ma`a-rufin u'rifa
recognized, َ ع ِر
ف ُ وفٍ م ْع ُر َ
ض َل َ ْيَا أَف
O Best of all to be
ya af-dhala ma`a-budin u'bid ع ِب َدُ ودٍ ُم ْعب َ
O the most
ع َل َم ْ َ يَا أ
Knowledgeable of
all beings.
ya a`a-lamal-a'alimen َ ِامل
ني ِ ال َع
O He, besides
ya mal-la yagh-firudh-dham-ba غ ِف ُر ْ َمن ال ي َ يَا
Whom no one
forgives sins,
illa huwa
َهو ُ َّب إِالَ ْالذَّن
O He, besides
Whom no one ya mal-la yutimmun-nia'-mata من ال يُ ِت ُّم َ يَا
perfects the
illa huwa
َهو ُ َّالنِّ ْع َم َة إِال
O He, besides
ya mal-la yuqal-libul-quluba بُ من ال يُ َق ِّل َ يَا
Whom no one
transforms hearts,
ُ َّوب إِال َ ا ْل ُق ُل
illa huwa
O He, besides
ya mal-la yudab-birul-am-ra من ال يُ َدبِّ ُر َ يَا
Whom no one
manages affairs,
illa hu
هو ُ َّم َر إِال ْ َ األ
O He, besides
ya mal-la yunaz-zilul-ghaytha من ال يُنَزِّ ُل َ يَا
Whom no one holds
the reins,
illa huwa
َهو ُ َّث إِال َ ْغي َ ا ْل
O He, besides من ال َ يَا
Whom no one
ya mal-la yab-sutur-rizqa illa
huwa َط ال ِّرزْق ُ س ُ ْيَب
َهو ُ َّإِال
من ال َ يَا
O He, besides
Whom no one
ya mal-la yuh-yel-maw-ta illa
huwa املَوْتَى ْ ح ِيي ْ ُي
revives the dead.
َهو ُ َّإِال
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but
subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
ت َ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
O Lord of
ya ilaha kul-li shayiw-wa يَا إِ َل َه ُك ِّل
everything and its
ملِي َك ُه َ شيٍْء َّو َ
ب ُك ِّل َّ يَا َر
O Lord Cherisher of
everything and its
ya rab-ba kul-li shayiw-wa
sania'h شيٍْء َ
ِ ص
ان َع ُه َ َّو
O Creator of
ya ba-ria kul-li shayiw-wa يَا بَا ِرئ َ ُك ِّل
everything and its
خاِل َق ُه َ شيٍْء َّو َ
ض ُك ِّل َ يَا َقا ِب
O Controller of
everything and its
ya qabidha kul-li shayiw-wa
basitah شيٍْء َ
اسطَ ُه ِ َّو َب
O Origin of
ya mubdia kul-li shayiw-wa مبْ ِدئ َ ُك ِّل ُ يَا
everything and its
ُم ِعي َده ُ شيٍْء َّو َ
O Originator of
ya munshiwa kul-li shayiw-wa َ ُك ِّلrنش ِ م ُ يَا
everything and its
ُم َق ِّد َره ُ شيٍْء َّو َ
O Creator of
ya mukaw-wina kul-li shayiw- ن ُك ِّل َ ِّم َكو ُ يَا
everything and its
wa muhaw-wilah
حوِّ َل ُه َ م ُ شيٍْء َّو َ
O Quickener of
ya muh-ye kul-li shayiw-wa
ح ِيي ُك ِّل ْ م ُ يَا
everything and
Maker of its death,
م ِميتَ ُه ُ شيٍْء َّو َ
O Author of
ya khaliqa kul-li shayiw-wa خاِلقَ ُك ِّل َ يَا
everything and its
شيٍْء َّو َوا ِرث َ ُه َ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al- ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(95) O Best
ya khayra dhakiriw-wa
َ ( يَا95)
خ ْي َر
Rememberer and
مذْ ُكو ٍر ِ َذ
َ اك ٍر َّو
اك ٍر ِ ش َ خيْ َر َ يَّا
O Best Appreciator ya khayra shakiriw-wa mash-
and Appreciated, kur
ش ُكو ٍر ْ مَ َّو
O Best Praiser and
ya khayra hamidiw-wa mah-
ِ ح
ام ٍد َ خيْ َر َ يَّا
ٍ ح ُم
ود ْ مَ َّو
اه ٍدِ ش َ خيْ َر َ يَّا
O Best Witness and ya khayra shahidiw-wa mash-
Witnessed, hud ٍ ش ُه
ود ْ مَ َّو
ٍ خيْ َر َدا
ع َ يَّا
O Best Inviter and
ya khayra dai`iw-wa mad-o'o-
ُ م ْد َ َّو
م ْن َ ( يَا96)
(96) O Allah, the
Answerer to him
ya man huwa liman da`aahu
mujeb ُعاه َ هوَ ِملَن َد ُ
who calls Him,
ٌ ج ِ م ُ
O Friend of him ya man huwa liman ata`ahu هوَ ِمل َ ْن ُ م ْن َ يَّا
who obeys Him, habeb
ٌ ح ِب
يب َ ع ُه َ أَطَا
هوَ إِ َلى ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O He, Who is close
to him who loves
ya man huwa ila man ahab-
bahu qareb حبَّ ُه َ َ م ْن أ َ
ٌ َق ِر
هوَ ِب َم ْن ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O Protector of one
who seeks
ya man huwa biman-s-tah-
fa¨ahu raqeb حفَظَ ُه ْ َاست ْ
يبٌ َر ِق
O Allah Who is
Generous to him ya man huwa bimar-rajahu هوَ ِب َمن ُ م ْن َ يَّا
who is hopeful of
جاهُ َك ِري ٌم َ َّر
O Allah, Who is
ya man huwa biman `asahu هوَ ِب َم ْن ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Forbearing to one
who disobeys Him,
حلِي ٌم َ ُصاه َ ع َ
O Allah, Who is
ya man huwa fe `a¨amatihi هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Merciful in spite of
His Grandeur,
حي ٌم ِ عظَ َم ِت ِه َر َ
هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
O Allah, Who is
ya man huwa fe hik-matihi
Great in His
`a¨em ِ ع
ظي ٌم َ ح ْك َم ِت ِه
O Allah, Who is
ya man huwa fe ih-sanihi هوَ ِفي ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Eternal in his
ان ِه َق ِدي ٌم ِ س َ ح ْ ِإ
O Allah, Who is
ya man huwa biman aradahu هوَ ِب َم ْن ُ م ْن َ يَّا
Aware of one who
seeks Him. `alem
علِي ٌم َ ُأ َ َرا َده
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, ت َ ْال أن ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al- ثَ ْغو َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّلَ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( ال َّل ُه َّم97)
(97) O Allah, verily
I entreat You in
allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-
َ سأ ُل
ك ْ َ إِنِّي أ
Your name:
َ اس ِم
ك ْ ِب
O Primal Cause, O ب يَا ُ ِّسب َ م ُ يَا
ya musab-bibu ya muragh-hib
Creator of desire,
ب ُ غ ِّ م َر ُ
ب يَا ُ م َق ِّل ُ يَا
O Changer, O
Inflictor, O
ya muqal-libu ya mua'q-qibu
ya murat-tib ب يَا ُ م َع ِّق ُ
ُ ِّم َرت
ب ُ
ِّف يَا ُ خو َ م ُ يَا
مذَ ِّك ُر
O Full of Awe, O
ُ حذِّ ُر يَا
ya mukhaw-wifu ya muhadh-
Saver, O Reminder, dhiru ya mudhak-kir َ مُ
O Subjector, O خ ُر يَا ِّ س َ م ُ يَا
ya musakh-hiru ya mughay-yir
غ ِّي ُر َ م ُ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(98) O He Whose م ْن َ ( يَا98)
Knowledge is ya man i`il-muhu sabiq
eternal, ٌسا ِبق َ ِع ْل ُم ُه
O He Whose ُع ُده ْ من َّو َ يَّا
ya maw-wa`a-duhu sadiq
Promise is true,
ٌادق ِ ص َ
O He Whose من ُّلطْفُ ُه َ يَّا
Benignity is ya mal-lut-fuhu ¨ahir
manifest, اه ٌرِ َظ
O He Whose ُم ُره ْ َ م ْن أ َ يَّا
Command is ya man am-ruhu ghalib
overruling, ٌ ِ غا
لب َ
O He Whose Book من ِكتَا ُب ُه َ يَّا
ya man kitabuhu muh-kam
is clear and final,
ح َك ٌم ْ م ُ
O He Whose ضا ُؤه َ من َق َ يَّا
Judgement is
ya man qadha-uh ka-in
ائ ٌن ِ َك
O He Whose Qur'an
is glorious,
ya man qur-a-nuhu majed من ُق ْرآنُ ُه َ يَّا
جي ٌد ِ م َ
O He Whose Rule is م ْل ُك ُه ُّ من َ يَّا
ya mam-mul-kuhu qadem
َق ِدي ٌم
O He Whose Favour ض ُل ُه ْ َمن ف َ يَّا
ya man fadhluhu `amem
is common to all,
ع ِمي ٌم َ
O He Whose Throne ش ُه ُ ع ْرَ من َ يَّا
ya man `ar-shuhu `a¨em
is great.
ظي ٌم ِ ع َ
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ث َ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل َ
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
(99) O He-listening
to one individual من ال َ ( يَا99)
does not prevent
Him from listening
ya mal-la yash-ghaluhu sam-
u'n `an sam-i`in ٌس ْمع َ غ ُل ُه َ ش ْ َي
to others
simultaneously, ٍس ْمع َ عن َ
O He-doing one
من ال َ يَّا
thing does not
prevent Him from
ya mal-la yam-nau'hu fi-a'-lun يَ ْمنَ ُع ُه ِف ْع ٌل
`an fia'-l
doing other things
simultaneously, عن ِف ْع ٍل َ
O He-the speech of
one person does not
ya mal-la yul-hehi qaw-lun `an
make Him needless
of the simultaneous
ِ من ال يُ ْل ِه
يه َ يَّا
speech of others,
عن َقو ٍْل َ َقو ٌْل
O He-one request من ال َ يَّا
does not make Him
forgetful of other
ya mal-la yughal-lituhu sualun
`an sual
ٌ سؤ
َال ُ غ ِّلطُ ُه َ ُي
َال ٍ سؤ ُ عن َ
O He-the sight of من ال َ يَّا
one thing does not
prevent him from
ya mal-la yah-jubuhu shayun
`an shay شيْ ٌء َ جبُ ُه ُ ح ْ َي
seeing other things
simultaneously, شيٍْء َ عن َ
O He-the plaintive
cries of those who ya mal-la yub-rimuhu il-hahul- م ُه ُ من ال ُيبْ ِر َ يَّا
weep and lament do
not bother Him,
َ ح
ني ِّ ِاملُل ْ ُحاح َ إِ ْل
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He Who is the
ultimate Aim of the
ya man huwa ghayatu muradil-
ِ م َر
اد ُ غا َي ُة َ
efforts of saints,
يدي َن ِ امل ُ ِر ْ
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He Who is the
Goal of Gnostics,
ya man huwa muntaha
ِ ه َمم ِ منتَ َهى ُ
َ ا ْل َعا ِر ِف
َهو ُ م ْن َ يَا
O He Who is the
Goal of seekers,
ya man huwa muntaha talabit- ب ِ منتَ َهى طَ َل ُ
َ الطَّاِل ِب
من ال
َ يَا
O He from Whom
not a single particle ya mal-la yakh-fa `ailayhi ع َليْ ِه
َ خفَى ْ َي
in the worlds is
ذَ َّرةً ِفي
dhar-ratun fel-a'alamen
َ ِامل
ني َ ا ْل َع
Praise be to You, ك َيا ال َ َ حا ن َ ْ سب ُ
there is no god but subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta
You, َ ْال أن
ت ّ إ َل َه إ
[I beseech you for] al-ghawth al-ghawth al-
َ ْغو
ث َ ث ال َ ْغو َ ال
relief, relief, relief ghawth
ثَ ْغو َ ال
Protect us from the صنا ِم َن ْ خ ِّل
khallisna minan-nari ya rabb
ِّ النّا ِر يا َر
Fire, O Lord.
( يَا100)
(100) O Forbearing
Who does not make ya halemal-la ya`a-jal حلِيما ً ال َ
ج ُل َ يَ ْع
O Generous Who is جوَادا ً ال َ يَا
ya jawadal-la yab-khal
never a miser,
خ ُل َ ْيَب
O True Who never ادقا ً الِ ص َ يَا
ya sadiqal-la yukh-lif
breaks the promise
فُ ِخل ْ ُي
O Munificent Who هابا ً ال َّ يَا َو
ya wah-habal-la yamal-l
never regrets,
يَ َم ُّل
اهرا ً الِ يَا َق
O Dominant Who is
never overpowered, ya qahiral-la yugh-lab
ب ُ غ َل ْ ُي