ART Integrated Project: English
ART Integrated Project: English
ART Integrated Project: English
1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction
3. About the author
4. About the characters
5. Abstract
6. Theme
7. Conclusion
This is a touching poem written by Indian poet Kamala Das who
wrote under the pen name of ‘Madhavikutty’. In this poem, she
describes her feeling of love and attachment towards her ageing
Once the poet went to visit her mother. She was on her way back
to the airport to return to Cochin. She looked at her mother who
was seated beside her in the car. Her mother had dozed off to
sleep and her ageing face - was smoky in color like ash. Her mouth
was open and she resembled a dead body. The poet realized that
her mother was old. She felt pain and sympathy for her. Her
mother needed love, affection and care.
In order to come out of the gloom, the poet shifted her glance and
looked out of the car’s window. There she saw young trees pass by.
Little children were running out of their houses into the
playgrounds. These things were contrary to the ageing face of her
mother. They symbolized energy, life and happiness.
As they reached the airport and the poet was about to leave for
the aero plane, she glanced at her mother one more time. Her
mother appeared weak and pale just like the moon in the winter
season which seems to have lost all its strength. The poet felt the
pain and fear of losing her mother. She was reminded of her
childhood when she used to fear losing her mother. As a child she
could not bear to be separated from her mother even for a few
moments. Now the loss would be permanent as her mother was
about to die and she would lose her forever.
The poet did not express her feelings. She smiled and said “see
you soon, Amma” because she wanted that her mother should live
and they could meet again.
My mother at Sixty-six is based on the theme of advancing age
and the fear of loss and separation associated with it. The poetess
undergoes a plethora of emotions when sees her mother ageing, and
feels the pangs of separation at the thought of losing her. She
must be feeling guilty of not being able to stay with her mother in
her old age. She also wishes for the lost beauty and youth of her
mother. The poem is written in a single sentence which indicated
the smile thread of thought, i.e. the loss of beauty an charm and
approaching death and decay
To conclude, my mother at sixty six summary revolves around the
beautiful relationship between the poet and her mother. The
summary shows the theme of the advancing age of the mother of the
author and the fear of separation. This apparently short poem
touches upon the theme of a beautiful bond between the mother and
the daughter. It shows how beautiful a relationship a mother and a
daughter can have.