HW2 Solution

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HW2 solution


How would you modify Strassen’s algorithm to multiply n*n matrices in which n

is not an exact power of 2? Show that the resulting algorithm runs in time

Suppose <n<N=

We could extend original n*n matrices to N*N matrices by appending zeros.

Then the Strassen’s algorithm could work on extended matrices. Finally,

eliminating the appended elements in the matrices needs O( ).

Since < n, it follows that N < 2n. Therefore, the runtime becomes

( ) ( )


Show that the solution of T (n) = T(⌈ ⌉) + 1 is O( lgn )

We will use substitution method to verify the given solution. We start by trying

to prove that T (n) ≦ clg(n).

T (n) ≦ clg(⌈ ⌉) + 1

< clg(n/2 + 1) + 1

= clg( )+1
= clg(n + 2) - c + 1

This is inconclusive, so we will modify the solution a bit. We will try to prove

that T (n) ≦clg(n - b). Note that this still would imply that T (n) is O(lgn).

T (n) ≦ clg(⌈ ⌉ )+1

< clg(n/2- b + 1) + 1

= clg( )+1

= clg(n - b - (b - 2)) - clg2 + 1

≦clg(n - b)

The last inequality is true if b ≧ 2 and c ≧ 1. Note that this still does not work

for n = 1 as it involves computing clog(1-2). It also does not work for n = 2. So

the simple solution is to move up the base case.


Show that the solution to T(n) = 2T( n / 2  17 ) + n is O( nlgn )

Let us assume that it holds ∀ m ≤⌊ ⌋

So, T(m) ≤ cm lg m ∀ m ≤⌊ ⌋

Hence we can write

T(n) = 2T( ⌊ ⌋)+n

≤ 2c ( ⌊ ⌋ )lg ( ⌊ ⌋)+n
≤ 2c (n/2+17)lg(n/2 +17) + n

≤ 2c(n/2+17) lg(n/2+n/4) + n ∀ n/4 ≥ 17

= (cn + 34c) lg(3n/4) + n

= cn lgn – cn lg 4/3 + 34c lg n – 34c lg 4/3 + n

≤ cn lgn – cn lg 4/3 + 34c lg n + n

As lg n = 0(n) therefore 34 c lgn ≤ kn ∀ n ≥ no hence

T(n) ≤ cn lg n + n(1- c lg 4/3) + kn ∀ n ≥ max {n0 , 68}

= cn lg n + n(k+1-c lg 4/3)

now we can always choose c such that

k+1 – c lg 4/3 ≤ 0

k+1 ≤ c lg 4/3

c ≥ (k+1)/ lg(4/3) = k

T(n) ≤ cn lg n

for some constant c ≥ k and n ≥ max {n0, 68}………….(Hence proved)


Use a recursion tree to determine a good asymptotic upper bound on the

recurrence . Use the substitution method to

verify your answer.

Let , and we could know that

∑ ∑

Assume is integer division, for even n, so the first

sum consists of two equal halves :

Since for every


Let’s consider this for only , since T is monotonous: and

 since


Therefore, we could get that


Use the master method to give tight asymptotic bounds for the following

b. T(n) = 2T(n/4)+√


T(n) = aT(n/b)+f(n)

If f(n) = θ( o ba
) thenT(n) =θ( o ba
𝑙𝑔 )

a = 2, b = 4, f (n) =√

o 4
= = f(n)

So , T(n) = θ(√ 𝑙𝑔 )


Give asymptotic upper and lower bounds for T(n) in each of the following

recurrences.Assume that T(n) is constant for sufficiently small n. Make your

bounds as tight as possible, and justify your answers.


Solution 1


Then the equation can be transformed

 𝑔
 𝑔

 ∑ // harmonic sum


Solution 2


When the first term reduces to o

, so we have





This is the harmonic sum, so we have



T(n) = 3T(n/3 - 2)+ n/2

≤ 3c(n/3 - 2) lg(n/3 - 2) + n/2

≤ 3c(n/3) lg(n/3) + n/2

= cn lg(n/3) + n/2

= cnlg(n) – cnlg(3) + n/2

≤ cnlg(n) ---------- for

So the upper bound is


T(n) = 3T(n/3 - 2)+ n/2

≥ 3c(n/3 - 2) lg(n/3 - 2) + n/2

≥ 3c(n/3 - 2) lg(n/3 – n/6) + n/2 for n ≥ 12

= (cn – 6c) lg(n/6) + n/2

= cnlgn – cnlg6 – 6clgn + 6clg6 + n/2

≥ cnlgn – cnlg6 – 6clgn + n/2

As lg n = (n) therefore 6clgn ≤ kn ∀ n ≥ hence

T(n) ≥ cnlgn + n(1/2 - clg6) – kn

= cnlgn + n(1/2 - clg6 – k)

now we can always choose c such that

1/2 - clg6 – k ≤ 0

1/2 – k ≤ clg6

c ≥ 1/(2lg6) – k/lg6 ------ we choose c = 1/(2lg6)

T(n) ≥ cn lg n

Therefore, the time complexity is

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