Funciones de Transferencia de Controladores PID

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PID Controllers in BESTune

The following PID controllers can be optimized by using the excellent PID auto-tuning software
BESTune (see for details). Theoretically, BESTune is able to
optimize any PID controllers, as long as the PID equations implemented in them are known. In
order to include more PID controllers in BESTune, I am asking you to give me more information
about other well-known brands of industrial PID controllers (brand names, PID equations
implemented, units of the three PID constants, etc). Your help will be very much appreciated.
In the following PID equations,

CO: Controller Output (also called OutPut and denoted by OP)

PV: Process Variable
SP: SetPoint

There are three types of PID controllers: Type A, Type B, and Type C. It is strongly
recommended that type C be used. For more about this, please take a look at A method of desinging type C PID is given at For a quick look at a type C PID loop, take a look at
this picture.

Email: [email protected]

Standard Independent PID Controller

There are three types of independent PID control equations:

Type A: CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
d ( PV )
Type B: CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
d ( PV )
Type C: CO  K p ( PV )  K i  edt  K d

We strongly recommend type C (Unfortunately, most industrial PID controllers use either type A
or type B equations). Differentiating both sides of type C equation gives:

d 2 PV
dCO  K i edt  K p dPV  K d

Discretization of the above equation with sampling period Ts gives the following form that can be
implemented in a digital computer:
CO (k )  CO (k  1)  K i e(k )Ts  K p [ PV (k )  PV (k  1)]  [ PV (k )  2 PV (k  1)  PV (k  2)]


Ts: Sampling period seconds

Kp: Proportional gain No unit
Ki: Integral grain (1/second)
Kd: Derivative gain seconds

The last important thing that is often ignored but can never be ignored is to bring CO back to the
upper or lower limit values whenever it is outside these limits, i.e., whenever CO(k)>CO’s upper
limit value, we must set CO(k)=CO’s upper limit value; and whenever CO(k)<CO’s lower limit
value, we must set CO(k)=CO’s lower limit value.

For example, if CO(k)=100 means the control valve is 100% open and CO=10 means the control
valve is just closed, then whenever the value of CO(k) calculated by the above PID equation is
larger than 100, we must set CO(k)=100 and whenever the value of CO(k) calculated by the
above PID equation is less than 10, we must set CO(k)=10.

Standard Dependent PID Controller

Similarly, there are also three types of dependent PID equations:

 1 de 
Type A: CO  K c e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 
 1 d ( PV ) 
Type B: CO  K c e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 
 1 d ( PV ) 
Type C: CO  K c ( PV )   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 

We strongly recommend type C, i.e.,

 1 d ( PV ) 
CO  K c ( PV )   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 

Kc: Proportional gain No unit
Ti: Reset time (min/rep)
Td: Rate time (min)
Allen Bradley Logix5550 Independent PID
d ( PV )
CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
Kp: Proportional gain No unit
Ki: Integral gain (1/second)
Kd: Derivative gain (seconds)

Allen Bradley Logix5550 Dependent PID

 1 d ( PV ) 
CO  K c  e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 
Kc: Proportional gain No unit
Ti: Reset time (min/rep)
Td: Rate time (min)

Allen Bradley PLC5 Independent PID - Using Integer Blocks

d ( PV )
CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
Kp: Proportional gain (0.01)
Ki: Integral gain (0.001/ second)
Kd: Derivative gain (seconds)

Allen Bradley PLC5 Independent PID - Using PD Blocks

d ( PV )
CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
Kp: Proportional gain No unit
Ki: Integral gain (1/ second)
Kd: Derivative gain (seconds)

Allen Bradley PLC5 ISA PID - Using Integer Blocks

 1 d ( PV ) 
CO  K c  e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 
Kc: Proportional gain (0.01)
Ti: Reset time (0.01min/rep)
Td: Rate time (0.01min)

Allen Bradley PLC5 ISA PID - Using PD Blocks

 1 d ( PV ) 
CO  K c  e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 

Kc: Proportional gain No unit
Ti: Reset time (min/rep)
Td: Rate time (min)

Allen Bradley SLC5/02,SLC5/03 and SLC5/04 ISA PID

 1 d ( PV ) 
CO  K c  e   edt  Td 
 Ti dt 
Kc: Proportional gain (0.1)
Ti: Reset time (0.1min/rep)
Td: Rate time (0.01min)

Bailey Function Code FC19 with K=1

 K de 
CO  K  K p e  i  edt  60 K d 
 60 dt 
K: Gain multiplier No unit
Kp: Proportional gain No unit
Ki: Integral reset 1/min
Kd: Derivative rate action Min

Bailey Function Code FC156 Independent Form with K=1

 K de 
CO  K  K p e  i  edt  60 K d 
 60 dt 
K: Gain multiplier No unit
Kp: Proportional gain No unit
Ki: Integral reset Resets/min
Kd: Derivative rate action Min

Concept PID1 - PID Controller

The equivalent continuous time equation the Concept PID1 PID algorithm implements is:
 1 de 
CO  Gain e   edt  TD 
 TI dt 
Gain: Proportional gain No unit
TI: Reset time (milliseconds)
TD: Derivative Action time (milliseconds)

Concept PID1P - PID Controller with parallel structure

CO  KPe  KI  edt  KD

KP: Proportional gain No unit
KI: Integral rate (1/milliseconds)
KD: Differentiation rate (milliseconds)

Fischer & Porter DCU 3200 CON Ideal with KP = 1

 1 de 
CO  KC  KPe 
 TR  edt  TD 
dt 

If Kp = 1, the above equation reduces to:

 1 de 
CO  KC  e 
 TR  edt  TD 
dt 
KC: Gain constant No unit
TR: Reset time (min/rep)
TD: Derivative term (min)

Fischer & Porter DCU 3200 CON Parallel KP variable with KC=1
 1 de 
CO  KC  KPe 
 TR  edt  TD 
dt 

If KC=1, the above equation reduces to:

1 de
CO  KPe 
TR  edt  TD
KP: Proportional gain No unit
TR: Reset time (min/rep)
TD: Derivative term (min)

GE Fanuc Series 90-30 and 90-70 Independent Form PID

CO  K p e  K i  edt  K d
Kp: Proportional gain (0.01)
Ki: Reset time (0.001rep/second)
Kd: Derivative gain (0.01 seconds)

Hartmann & Braun Freelance 2000 PID

 1 de 
CO  CP e 
 TR  edt  TD 
dt 


CP: Proportional correction value No unit

TR: Reset time (milliseconds)
TD: Rate time (milliseconds)
Honeywell TDC 3000 APM Non - Interactive PID
 1 de 
CO  K  e   edt  T 2 
 T1 dt 
K: Gain No unit
T1: Integral time constant (min/rep)
T2: Derivative time constant (min)

Modicon 984 PLC PID2 Equation

100  de 
CO   e  K 2  edt  K 3 
PB  dt 

PB: Proportional band No unit
K2: Integral mode gain constant (0.01min/rep)
K3: Derivative mode gain constant (0.01min)

Siemens S7 PB41 CONT_C PID

1 de
CO  Gain * e 
TI  edt  TD
Gain: Proportional gain No unit
TI: Reset time (seconds)
TD: Derivative time (seconds)

Yokogawa Field Control Station (FCS) PID

100  1 de 
CO 
 e 
 Ti  edt  T d

PB: Proportional band No unit
Ti: Integral time (seconds)
Td: Derivative time (seconds)

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