Learning Plan CLE Grade 3
Learning Plan CLE Grade 3
Learning Plan CLE Grade 3
Learning Activities
Singing, Praising and Celebrating with God’s Family (4 days)
1. Explain why Catholics worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as a community.
2. Demonstrate the proper way of praising and worshipping God.
3. Participate actively in the celebration by joining in the singing.
PowerPoint Presentation
A. Introduction/Preparatory Activities:
1. Set the mood of the class by singing a song that is familiar to everyone.
2. Give an overview of this subject for the whole school year. Let them know that our
focus is on the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. It is divided into four parts with two
major parts in the middle; Introductory Rite, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the
Eucharist and the Communion/Concluding Rite. Each part will be discussed thoroughly
as a unit.
3. Introduce the topic for the week.
4. Process the feeling or the mood that singing has created at the start.
5. Activate prior experiences by asking the pupils to do the activity under Here I Am,
a. Analyze and identify the occasions depicted in the pictures. Bring out in the
discussion the role of singing in every celebration. You may add more celebrations to
emphasize the point that music gives life to the celebration and singing together binds us
more and makes the occasion more memorable.
b. Allot time for sharing with the class.
B. Development:
To heighten the pupils’ interest about the lesson, let them:
1. Reflect on the messages under “Speak, Lord, I Am Listening” on the PowerPoint
- Singing and Rejoicing, Zephaniah 3:17; Isaiah 12:5-6
- Ephesians 5:18-20, Colossians 3:16
Discuss the content of the Biblical texts:
- What image of God is common to the Biblical texts?
- Sum up the message of Zephaniah, Isaiah, and St. Paul in a sentence.
2. Read and understand the texts under Christian Message on the PowerPoint
a. I believe in You, Lord (PowerPoint Presentation)
Discuss the Following:
- As Catholics, we ought to worship no one but the Father, the Son, and the
Spirit as a community because we believe in the Holy Trinity.
- All baptized Christians are obliged to gather and worship in the Church as one
family united in God’s love every Sunday.
- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of worship we can offer to
our loving God.
b. I Follow You, Lord (PowerPoint Presentation)
Emphasize that our response to God’s invitation is:
- To live a life of thanksgiving to our God by loving Him with all our heart, and
with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength.
- At mass, we are expected to give our full attention and full conscious active
participation through songs and responses throughout the celebration just like
the way we do when we attend birthdays, and other thanksgiving gathering of
family and friends.
- Tell a story or have them read the story of St. John Berchmans, a good role
model to imitate in terms of living a life of thanksgiving. He was known as
the saint who perform ordinary actions with extraordinary perfection.
- Motivate them to imitate St. John.
c. I Praise You, Lord (PowerPoint Presentation)
Explain the following:
- The Holy Mass is a sacramental celebration, a meeting of God’s Children with
their Father, in Christ and the Holy Spirit; this meeting takes the form of a
dialogue, through actions and words.
- The Faithful who gather together to await the Lord’s coming are
instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing psalms, hymns, and inspired songs
– Col 3:16. Song is the sign of the heart’s joy see Acts 2:46.
- Sing and celebrate with God’s family at Mass.
C. Application:
1. Instruct the pupils to make an honest evaluation of their participation in the Eucharistic
D. Conclusion:
Ask the pupils: “What did you learn from this lesson? Why are we, Catholics, worship
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as a community? Do you need to participate actively in
the praising and worshipping God? How can we praise and worship God in a proper
2. Discuss Christian Message from the PowerPoint Presentation for the pupils to
understand better.
a. I believe in You, Lord (PowerPoint Presentation)
- Sign of the Cross is a proclamation of our belief in the Triune God, which was
impressed upon us during baptism.
- Baptism leaves an indelible (permanent) mark on the soul of the baptized.
- The Holy Mass begins and ends with the Sign of the Cross.
- The real character of Christian worship is embodied in the Sign of the Cross.
Help the pupils do the sign of the cross properly by discussing the proper mind set
while doing it. Check how each one does the Sign of the Cross because often times this is taken
for granted.
C. Application:
1. Have the pupils do the activities under Walk with Faith in the PowerPoint
D. Conclusion:
Ask the pupils: “What did you learn from this lesson? Why do Catholics make the Sign
of the Cross? How is the proper way of making the Sign of the Cross? Ask the
demonstrate it.
E. Recognizing Individual Differences
A. Reinforcement Activity
1. Let the pupils answer the following questions:
a. What do we say when we make the Sign of the Cross as illustrated in the pictures
showed in the PowerPoint Presentation?
B. Enrichment Activity
Ask the pupils if they also make the Sign of the Cross. If yes, the pupils should write
in the box if when and where do they make the Sign of the Cross.
Grade 3 - Learning Plan
Learning Activities
A. Introduction:
B. Development:
C. Application:
D. Conclusion:
Ask the pupils: “What have you learn from this lesson?
E. Recognizing Individual Differences:
A. Reinforcement Activity
B. Enrichment Activity