AWS Certified Developer Associate Study Plan PDF

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Section number

Lecture name
(1) Getting Started – 16min Day 1

Study Plan
(2) Overview of IAM, VPC & AWS Free Tier Account Setup – 85min Monday

(3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – 122 min Day 2

This Study Plan assumes that Tuesday
you’re enrolled in both our (3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – continued Day 3
courses for the AWS Certified Wednesday
Developer Associate.
Follow this guideline to (3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – continued Day 4
successfully prepare for your Thursday
exam in 55 days. Day 5
(3) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) – continued
Note: If you recently took our Friday

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AWS Certified Solutions Architect
Associate course, you can skip (4) Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling – 174min Day 6
sections 2-7. Head straight to
Day 18 / Section (8) “Setup and
(4) Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling – continued Day 7
Overview of AWS CLI, SDK & Sunday
Other Tools” and complete your
exam preparation within 38 days. (4) Elastic Load Balancing and Auto Scaling – continued Day 8

(5) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) – 80min Day 9


(5) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) – continued Day 10

Time (6) AWS Route 53 – 68min Day 11

Management (6) AWS Route 53 – continued Day 12


The minutes shown correspond (7) Amazon S3 and CloudFront – 184min Day 13
to the duration of each video
lesson. Practice Exam (1) – 130min Day 14
Multiple days of study have been Sunday
allocated to complete longer
(7) Amazon S3 and CloudFront – continued Day 15
sections. Monday

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The schedule also accounts for
extra time to do the hands-on (7) Amazon S3 and CloudFront – continued Day 16
labs. Tuesday

For best results, allocate 60- (7) Amazon S3 and CloudFront – continued Day 17
90min each day to cover all 21 Wednesday
sections from your video course.
(8) Setup and Overview of AWS CLI, SDK & Other Tools – 37min Day 18
To gain more practical Thursday
experience with AWS services,
we encourage you to explore our (9) Infrastructure as Code: AWS CloudFormation – 52min Day 19
guided hands-on exercises. Friday

(9) Infrastructure as Code: AWS CloudFormation – continued Day 20

Day 21
Practice Practice Exam (2) – 130min

Day 22
Exams (1/2) (10) Platform services: AWS Elastic Beanstalk – 61min

To help you prepare for your exam, (10) Platform services: AWS Elastic Beanstalk – continued Day 23
we encourage you to take the
practice exams according to this (11) Serverless Functions: AWS Lambda – 126min Day 24
schedule: Wednesday
Practice Test 1 – Day 14
(11) Serverless Functions: AWS Lambda – continued Day 25
Practice Test 2 – Day 21 Thursday

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Practice Test 3 – Day 28 (11) Serverless Functions: AWS Lambda – continued Day 26
Practice Test 4 – Day 35 Friday

Practice Test 5 – Day 42 (11) Serverless Functions: AWS Lambda – continued Day 27
Practice Test 6 – Day 49
Final Exam Simulator – Day 54 Practice Exam (3) – 130min Day 28
Don’t feel discouraged if you get a
low score in the beginning – you’ll (12) Docker Containers on AWS: ECS, Fargate and ECR – 118min Day 29
see improvements in no time.
(12) Docker Containers on AWS: ECS, Fargate and ECR – continued Day 30
Practice (12) Docker Containers on AWS: ECS, Fargate and ECR – continued Day 31

Day 32
Exams (2/2) (12) Docker Containers on AWS: ECS, Fargate and ECR – continued

We encourage our students to (13) AWS Developer Tools: CI/CD – 66min Day 33
incorporate the practice exams
into your studies at an early stage. (13) AWS Developer Tools: CI/CD – continued Day 34
In exam mode, you get to Saturday
experience the difficulty and style
Practice Exam (4) – 130min Day 35
of the real exam. Sunday

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If you’re enrolled in the practice
exam course on the Digital Cloud (13) AWS Developer Tools: CI/CD – continued Day 36
Training platform, you get to dive
deep into specific areas with the
knowledge reviews where you are (14) Amazon RDS and ElastiCache – 63min Day 37
presented with a series of
questions focused on a specific (14) Amazon RDS and ElastiCache – continued Day 38
topic. Wednesday
For more info, visit (14) Amazon RDS and ElastiCache – continued Day 39 Thursday

(15) Amazon DynamoDB – 111min Day 40

Training (15) Amazon DynamoDB – continued Day 41

Day 42
Notes Practice Exam (5) – 130min

(15) Amazon DynamoDB – continued Day 43

Don’t forget to take advantage of Monday
the popular Training Notes
[Collection of Cheat Sheets] from (16) Amazon API Gateway – 95min Day 44
Digital Cloud Training that are Tuesday
available online or for download
(PDF). (16) Amazon API Gateway – continued Day 45

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These in-depth cheat sheets
summarize the most important (16) Amazon API Gateway – continued Day 46
facts from the AWS Thursday
(17) AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) – 27min Day 47
Get straight to the facts with exam- Friday
specific information you need to
know to successfully pass your (18) AWS Application Integration – 94min Day 48
exam. Saturday

Practice Exam (6) – 130min Day 49


(18) AWS Application Integration – continued Day 50

Day 51
Final (19) Monitoring, Logging and Auditing: CloudWatch, CloudTrail and
X-Ray – 77min Monday

Day 52
(20) Advanced IAM – 35min

(21) AWS Security Services – 73min Day 53

To assess your exam readiness, Wednesday
use the final exam simulator from FINAL REVISION:
Day 54
Digital Cloud Training. Once you Thursday
• Final Exam Simulator
consistently score 80% or higher, • Revisit exam cram lectures
you’re ready to sit the exam. • Review practice exam errors Day 55
• Review training notes Friday
Your score report will help you to

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identify knowledge areas that
need revision.
Wishing you all the best for your exam
Use the training notes and exam
cram lectures to quickly get to the
Feel free to tag Neal / Digital
Cloud Training on your favorite Training Notes Take advantage of the online Training
social media channel so we get to Notes from Digital Cloud Training. These
celebrate your exam success. in-depth cheat sheets summarize the
most important facts from the AWS
documentation. Get straight to the facts with exam-specific
information you need to know to successfully pass your exam

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