Radiation Heat Transfer: Chapter Seven
Radiation Heat Transfer: Chapter Seven
Radiation Heat Transfer: Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
Previous chapters have shown how conduction and convection heat transfer
may be calculated. In this chapter wish to consider the third mode of heat
transfer- thermal radiation. Thermal radiation is that electromagnetic radiation
emitted by a body as a result of its temperature. The radiative mode of heat
transfer differs in two important respects from the conductive modes:
1- No medium is required
2- The energy transfer is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature
of the bodies.
Radiation propagates in the form of electromagnetic wave. The frequency v
and wave length λ of electromagnetic waves in a medium are related by
c =λν
c= speed of light
λ= wavelength
ν= frequency
The unit for λ may be centimeters, angstroms (1 Å=10−8 cm), or micrometers
(1 μm=10−6 m). Thermal radiation lies in the range from about 0.1 to 100 μm,
while the visible-light portion of the spectrum is very narrow, extending from
about 0.35 to 0.75 μm.
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Black Body: A body that emits and absorbs the maximum incident radiation.
Eb T 4
ε = emissivity of body
1 1
Eg T 4
ε = emissivity of body
E emissive power of the real surface
Eb emissive power of black body
Emissivity ε: is the total emitted energy divided by the total energy emitted
by black body at the same temperature.
0 1
For black body ε =α=1
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
When radiant energy strikes a material surface, part of the radiation is
reflected, part is absorbed, and part is transmitted, as shown in Figure
Kirchhoff’s law
The emissive power of a body E is defined as the energy emitted by the body
per unit area and per unit time. One may perform a thought experiment to
establish a relation between the emissive power of a body and the material
properties defined above. Assume that a perfectly black enclosure is available,
i.e., one that absorbs all the incident radiation falling upon it, as shown
schematically in Figure. This enclosure will also emit radiation according to
the T 4 law.
EA qI A …………………. 1
A1F12 T14 T24
2 21 1
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Example 1
Two parallel black plates 0.5 by 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart. One plate is
maintained at 1000◦C and the other at 500◦C. What is the net radiant heat exchange
between the two plates?
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Example 2
Cone has top and bottom diameters of 10 and 20 cm and a height of 10 cm.
the shape factor between the top surface and the side and also the shape factor
between the side and itself.
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
H.W 1
G= irradiation
= total radiation incident upon a surface per unit time and per unit area
J = radiosity
= total radiation that leaves a surface per unit time and per unit area
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Radiation network for two surfaces that see each other and nothing else
Radiation network for three surfaces that see each other and nothing else.
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer
Example 3
Two parallel plates 0.5 by 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart, as shown in Figure Example
8-6. One plate is maintained at 1000◦C and the other at 500◦C. The emissivities of the
plates are 0.2 and 0.5, respectively. The plates are located in a very large room, the
walls of which are maintained at 27◦C. The plates exchange heat with each other and
with the room, but only the plate surfaces facing each other are to be considered in
the analysis. Find the net transfer to each plate and to the room.
Chapter Seven Radiation Heat Transfer