Acquired Colonic Atresia in A 4-Month Old Term Male Infant: A Rare Case Report
Acquired Colonic Atresia in A 4-Month Old Term Male Infant: A Rare Case Report
Acquired Colonic Atresia in A 4-Month Old Term Male Infant: A Rare Case Report
Case Report
Department of Department of Pathology, 2Department of Pediatrics, Pandit Bhagawat Dayal Sharma, Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India
Dr. Gurupriya J.,
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Acquired colonic atresias are very rare but, are known in association with necrotizing enterocolitis. We report a case
of a 4-month term male infant with recurrent episodes of abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and constipation off
and on, without the history of necrotizing enterocolitis. Exploratory laparotomy was performed, an inflammatory
mass with multiple dense interloop adhesions were found in the mid-transverse colon. These adhesions were lysed to
identify the proximal dilated and distal blind end of the colon. Rest of the gut was normal. This case is unique for the
fact that, it is a case of acquired colonic atresia without history of necrotizing enterocolitis, unlike other reported cases
of acquired colonic atresia.
INTRODUCTION birth. The child passed meconium within the first 6 hours
of birth and was normal until 3 months after birth.
Intestinal atresia is a condition in which there is complete
obliteration of the bowel lumen. Majority of intestinal At 3 months of age the child presented with abdominal
atresias are congenital. Congenital intestinal atresias are distension, vomiting and constipation. A diagnosis of
rare in the colon.1 Acquired atresias of the intestine are subacute intestinal obstruction was made and he was
extremely rare. Acquired colonic atresias have been treated conservatively with IV fluids, antibiotics and
reported as a consequence of necrotizing enterocolitis.2,3 suppositories. Presently, he had the same symptoms and
We report a very unusual case of acquired colonic atresia on examination the child was severely dehydrated,
without the association of necrotizing enterocolitis. abdomen was soft and distended and revealed visible
peristalsis. All the laboratory investigations were done,
CASE REPORT renal function test including electrolytes were within
normal limits. An erect abdominal plain radiograph
A 4-month-old male child presented with history of revealed multiple air fluid levels (Figure 1).
recurrent abdominal distension, bilious vomiting and
constipation off and on for a period of 1 month. The child A barium enema contrast study performed soon after
was born to a 26- year old primigravida at 38 weeks revealed blind end of the colon, the dye was not seen
gestation by spontaneous vaginal delivery with a birth beyond transverse colon (Figure 2).
weight of 2.5 kgs. There was no significant antenatal
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