Interpretasi Elektrokardiogram
Interpretasi Elektrokardiogram
Interpretasi Elektrokardiogram
SN = SA node
A-V NODE = A-V Node
HIS = Bundle of his
BB = Bundle branch
P = Purkinje fibers
Horizontal menyatakan kecepatan kertas
dalam waktu
1 mm = 0,04 detik
5 mm = 0,2 detik
Vertikal menyatakan voltage elektris jantung
dalam millivolt
10 mm = 1 mV
Pada pemeriksaan rutin kecepatan rekaman
kertas EKG 25 mm/detik
10 mm = 1 mV 5 mm = 0,2 detik
The P wave represents atrial activation
The PR interval is the time from onset of atrial activation
to onset of ventricular activation.
The QRS complex represents ventricular activation;
The QRS duration is the duration of ventricular activation.
The ST-T wave represents ventricular repolarization.
The QT interval is the duration of ventricular activation
and recovery.
The U wave probably represents "afterdepolarizations" in
the ventricles.
Hasil pembacaan EKG
There are different short-cut methods that can be used to calculate rate, all of
which assume a recording speed of 25 mm/sec.
One method is to divide 1500 by the number of small squares between two R
waves. For example, the rate between beats 1 and 2 in the above tracing is
1500/22, which equals 68 beats/min.
Alternatively, one can divide 300 by the number of large squares (red boxes in
this diagram), which is 300/4.4 (68 beats/min).
Another method, which gives a rough approximation, is the "count off" method.
Simply count the number of large squares between R waves with the following
rates: 300 - 150 - 100 - 75 - 60. For example, if there are three large boxes
between R waves, then the rate is 100 beats/min.
Determining the Mean Electrical Axis (QRS axis)
• Hypertrophy criteria are fairly straightforward; we will be looking for
enlargement of any of the four chambers.
• 1. LVH: (Left ventricular hypertrophy). Add the larger S wave of V1 or
V2 (not both), measure in mm, to the larger R wave of V5 or V6. If the
sum is > 35mm, it meets "voltage criteria" for LVH. Also consider if R
wave is > 12mm in aVL. LVH is more likely with a "strain pattern"
which is asymmetric T wave inversion in those leads showing LVH.
• 2. RVH: (Right ventricular hypertrophy). R wave > S wave in V1 and R
wave decreases from V1 to V6.
• 3. Atrial hypertrophy: (leads II and V1). Right atrial hypertrophy -
Peaked P wave in lead II > 2.5mm amplitude. V1 has increase in the
initial positive deflection. Left atrial hypertrophy - Notched wide (>
3mm) P wave in lead II. V1 has increase in the terminal negative
Ischemia: Note symmetric T wave inversions in leads I, V2-V5.
Injury: Note ST segment elevation in leads V2-V3 (anteroseptal/anterior wall).
Infarct: Note Q waves in leads II, III, and aVF (inferior wall).
Posterior wall infarct. Notice tall R wave in V1. Posterior wall infarcts are
often associated with inferior wall infarcts (Q waves in II, III and aVF).
Atrial tachycardia multiple
Acute MCI postero-inferior