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Design of Beam using

RCM ACI-Builder
check with
Hand Calculation
( Mathcad Application )
Mony Akademia RCM-ACI-Builder

1. Rectangular Beam Design in Singly Reinforcement

Beam Section: 600x300 with two layer tension reinforcement

Effective depth of beam: h – 90

Factor Moment Mu = 135 kN*m

o Concrete Compressive Strength : f'c = 25 MPa

o Rebar Yield Strength (Main bar) : fy = 390 MPa

o Modulus of Elasticity of Steel : Es = 200000 MPa

1. Section Definition

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2. Calculate Area of Steel

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3. Report Design

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2. Rectangular Beam Design in Doubly Reinforcement

Beam Section: 500x350

Two layer tension reinforcement (90mm)

Two layer compression reinforcement (90mm)

Effective depth of beam: h – 90

Factor Moment Mu = 400 kN*m

o Concrete Compressive Strength : f'c = 25 MPa

o Rebar Yield Strength (Main bar) : fy = 390 MPa

o Modulus of Elasticity of Steel : Es = 200000 MPa

1. Section Definition

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2. Calculate Area of Steel

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3. Design Report

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3. Design of T Beam Section

Beam Section: bw : 300mm, hf : 125mm, h : 500mm and bef : 1000mm

Two layer tension reinforcement (90mm)

Effective depth of beam: h – 90

Factor Moment Mu = 310 kN*m

o Concrete Compressive Strength : f'c = 25 MPa

o Rebar Yield Strength (Main bar) : fy = 390 MPa

o Modulus of Elasticity of Steel : Es = 200000 MPa

2. Section Definition

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2. Calculate Area of Steel

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3. Design Report

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4. Design of Vertical Stirrup

Beam Section: bw : 300mm, h : 700mm

Two layer tension reinforcement (90mm)

Effective depth of beam: h – 90

Number of Stirrup legs : 2

Factor Shear Vu = 380 kN

o Concrete Compressive Strength : f'c = 25 MPa

o Rebar Yield Strength (Stirrup) : fy = 390 MPa

o Modulus of Elasticity of Steel : Es = 200000 MPa

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1. Rectangular Beam Design in Singly Reinforcement

Given Data : Find : As&ϕMn

Compressive strength of concrete f'c  25 MPa

Yeild strength of reinforcement fy  390  MPa

Width of beam b  300  mm

Height of beam h  600  mm

Effective depth of beam d  ( h  90 mm)

Distance from extreme compression to extreme tension steel dt  h  60 mm

Maximum Moment for simple beam Mu  135 kN m

Solution Reference
1. Define ρ

Equivalent depth factor

β1  0.85 if f'c  28 MPa (ACI.

  f'c  28 MPa 

0.85  0.05   if 28 MPa  f'c  55 MPa
  7 MPa 
0.65 otherwise

β1  0.85

Minimum tesion reinforcement ratio

 f'c 
  MPa 
 MPa 1.4 MPa 
ρmin  max 0.25  ρmin  0.004 (ACI.10.5)
 fy fy 

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Balanced tension reinforcement ratio

ρb  β1 0.85  
 600 MPa 
fy 600  MPa  fy 
 
ρb  0.028

Maximum tension reinforcement ratio

ρmax  0.75 ρb ρmax  0.021 (ACI.10.3.5)

Total tension reinforcement ratio

Mu kN
Rn  Rn  1922.338
2 2
0.9 b d m

f'c  2  Rn 
ρ  0.85  1  1  ρ  0.005
fy 0.85 f'c
 

Section  "Enough Section" if ρmin  ρ  ρmax

"Increase Section" otherwise

Section  "Enough Section"

Reinforcement areas require

As.req  max ρ b d ρmin b d  As.req  791.74 mm

fs  fy if ρb  ρ

  0.85 f'c 
600  MPa  β 1  1 otherwise
ρ f y
  

Rebar dimeter db  18 mm

π  db
Areas Ad  Ad  254.469  mm
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 As.req 
Number of Rebars n  ceil   n4
 Ad 
Reinforcement areas require

As.pro  n Ad As.pro  1017.876 mm

The depth of equivalent compression rectangular stress block

As.pro fy
a  a  62.27  mm
0.85 f'c b

Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis

a = β1 c (ACI.

c  c  73.259 mm

Compressive Strain in concrete

εcu  0.003 (ACI.10.2.3)

Tensile strain in tension reinforcement

 dt  c 
εt    ε εt  0.019
 c  cu

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section" if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

"Compression controlled section" if εt  0.002

"Transition region" otherwise

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section"

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Strength reduction factors (ACI. 9.3.2)

ϕ  0.9 if εt  0.005

0.65 if εt  0.002

0.65  
εt  0.002  
250 
 otherwise
  3 
ϕ  0.9

2. Calculate Moment Capacity

 a
ϕMn  ϕ As.pro fy  d   ϕMn  171.086  kN m
 2

Section  "Pass" if Mu  ϕMn Section  "Pass"

"Fail" otherwise

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2. Design of doubly reinforced concrete beam

Given Data : Find : As, A's & ϕMn

Compressive strength of concrete f'c  25 MPa

Yeild strength of reinforcement fy  390  MPa

Width of beam b  350  mm

Height of beam h  500  mm

Effective depth of beam d  ( h  90 mm)

Distance from extreme compression to extreme tension steel dt  h  60 mm

Distance from extreme compression to centroid of compression steel d'  90 mm

Modulus of elasticity of steel E s  2  105 MPa

Maximum Moment Mu  350  kN m

π  db 2
Use rebar db  25 mm Areas Ad  Ad  490.874  mm

Assume ϕ  0.9

Solution Reference

1. Define ρ

Equivalent depth factor

β1  0.85 if f'c  28 MPa (ACI.

  f'c  28 MPa 

0.85  0.05   if 28 MPa  f'c  55 MPa
  7 MPa 
0.65 otherwise

β1  0.85

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Minimum Tensile Reinforcement ratio

 f'c 
  MPa 
 MPa 1.4 MPa 
ρmin  max 0.25  (ACI.10.5)
 fy fy 
 

ρmin  0.004

Maximum Strain in compressive concrete

εcu.max  0.003 (ACI.10.2.3)

Minimum Strain in Steel

εs.min  0.005 (ACI 10.3.4)

Maximum Tensile Reinforcement ratio

f'c εcu.max
ρmax  0.85 β1  ρmax  0.017 (ACI.10.3.5)
fy εcu.max  εs.min

Depth of the rectangular compression block

2  Mu
a  d  d  a  157.959  mm
ϕ 0.85 f'c b (ACI 10.2)

The maximum depth of the compression zone, cmax

cmax  d cmax  153.75 mm (ACI 10.2.2)
εcu.max  εs.min

The maximum allowable depth of the rectangular compression block, amax

amax  β1 cmax amax  130.687  mm (ACI.

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Beam  "Singly Reinfocement" if a  amax

"Doubly Reinforcement" otherwise

Beam  "Doubly Reinforcement"

 amax 
Mn1  0.85 f'c b amax  d   Mn1  335.002  kN m
 2 
= Mn1  Mn2

Mn2   Mn1 Mn2  53.887 kN m

 cmax  d' 
f's  min  Es εcu.max fy f's  248.78 MPa (ACI 10.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.4)
 cmax 
Mn2 2
A's.req  A's.req  740.108  mm
 
f's  0.85 f'c  ( d  d')

 A's.req 
n  ceil   n2
 Ad 
A's.pro  n Ad A's.pro  981.748  mm

ρ'  ρ'  0.007
b d

Mn1 2
As1  As1  2492.278 mm
 amax 
f y  d  
 2 
Mn2 2
As2  As2  431.787  mm
fy ( d  d')

As.req  As1  As2 As.req  2924.065 mm

ρ  ρ  0.02
b d

 As.req 
n  ceil   n6
 Ad 

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As.pro  n Ad As.pro  2945.243 mm

ρ  ρ  0.021
b d

f'c d'
f's  fy if ρ  ρ'  β1 0.85  
 600 MPa 
fy d 600  MPa  fy 
 
  0.85 f'c d'  
min 600  MPa 1  β1  f  otherwise
  ( ρ  ρ')  fy d y

f's  154.195  MPa

Compressive reinforcement  "Yielded" if f's = fy

"Not Yielded" otherwise

Compressive reinforcement  "Not Yielded"

 f's 
Section  "Enough Section" if  ρmin  ρ  ρmax  ρ' 
 
"Increase Section" otherwise

Section  "Increase Section"

Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis

As1 fy
a  a  130.687  mm
0.85 f'c b

a = β1 c (ACI.

c  c  153.75 mm

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Strain in compressive reinforcement

ε's  0.003   1  
ε's  0.001
 c

f's  min Es ε's fy  f's  248.78 MPa

Strain in tensile reinforcement

 dt  c 
εt    ε εt  0.0056
 c  cu.max

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section" if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

"Compression controlled section" if εt  0.002

"Transition region" otherwise

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section"

Strength reduction factors

ϕ  0.9 if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

0.65 if εt  0.002

0.65  
εt  0.002  
250 
 otherwise
  3 

ϕ  0.9

2. Moment capacity

ϕMn  ϕ  As.pro fy  A's.pro f's   d    A's.pro f's ( d  d')


 

2  

ϕMn  350.879  kN m > Mu  350  kN m

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3. Design of T beam

Given Data : Find : As & ϕMn

Compressive strength of concrete f'c  25 MPa

Yeild strength of reinforcement fy  390  MPa

Width of beam bw  300  mm

Thickness of slab hf  125  mm

Height of beam h  500  mm

Effective depth of beam d  h  90 mm

Distance from extreme compression to extreme tension steel dt  h  60 mm

π  db 2
Use rebar db  22 mm Areas Ad  Ad  380.133  mm

Span of beam L  4  m

3 m 3.6 m
Spacing of beam S  
2 2

Maximum Moment Mu  310  kN m

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Solution Reference
1. Define ρ

Effective flange width of beam

 L
be  min  S bw  16 hf   (ACI.
 4

be  1000 mm

Equivalent depth factor

β1  0.85 if f'c  28 MPa (ACI.

  f'c  28 MPa 

0.85  0.05   if 28 MPa  f'c  55 MPa
  7 MPa 
0.65 otherwise

β1  0.85

Minimum tesion reinforcement ratio

 f'c 
  MPa 
 MPa 1.4 MPa 
ρmin  max 0.25  (ACI.10.5)
 fy fy 
 
ρmin  0.004

Balanced tension reinforcement ratio

ρb  β1 0.85  
 600 MPa 
fy 600  MPa  fy 
 
ρb  0.028

Maximum tension reinforcement ratio

ρmax  0.75 ρb ρmax  0.021 (ACI.10.3.5)

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Checking for rectangular beam

Assume ϕ  0.9

a = hf

 hf 
ϕMnf  ϕ 0.85 f'c be hf   d   ϕMnf  830.742  kN m
 2

Beam  "Rectangular Calculation" if ϕMnf  Mu

"T beam Calculation" otherwise

Beam  "Rectangular Calculation" a  hf

Total tension reinforcement ratio

Mu kN
Rn  Rn  2049.045
2 2
ϕ be d m

f'c  2  Rn 
ρ  0.85 1  1  ρ  0.006
fy  0.85 f'c

Section  "Enough Section" if ρmin  ρ  ρmax

"Increase Section" otherwise

Section  "Enough Section"

As.req  max ρ be d ρmin be d  As.req  2269.393 mm

 As.req 
n  ceil   n6
 Ad 
As.pro  n Ad As.pro  2280.796 mm

The depth of equivalent compression rectangular stress block

As.pro fy
a 
0.85 f'c be

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Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis

a = β1 c (ACI.

c  c  49.246 mm

Beam  " REC Beam" if c  hf  a  hf

"T Beam" otherwise

Beam  " REC Beam"

Strain in compressive concrete

εcu  0.003

Strain in tensile reinforcement

 dt  c 
εt    ε εt  0.024
 c  cu

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section" if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

"Compression controlled section" if εt  0.002

"Transition region" otherwise

Section Behavior  "Tension controlled section"

Strength reduction factors

ϕ  0.9 if εt  0.005 (ACI. 9.3.2)

0.65 if εt  0.002

0.65  
εt  0.002  
250 
 otherwise
  3 

2. Moment capacity

 a
ϕMn  ϕ As.pro fy  d  
 2

ϕMn  311.474  kN m > Mu  310  kN m

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4. Design of Vertical Stirrup

Given Data : Find : Spacing S
Compressive strength of concrete f'c  25 MPa

Yeild strength of reinforcement for shear forces fyt  390  MPa

Width of beam bw  300  mm

Height of beam h  700  mm

Effective depth of beam d  h  90 mm

Number leg of Strirrup n  2

Strirrup Diameter dv  10 mm

Solution Reference

Maximum Shear forces for simple beam Vu  380 kN

Modification factor

λ  λ1 (ACI.8.6.1)

Shear strength of concrete

ϕ  0.75 (ACI.

Vc  0.17 λ  MPa bw d Vc  155.55 kN (ACI.

ϕVc  ϕ Vc ϕVc  116.663  kN

Vs.max  0.66  MPa bw d Vs.max  603.9  kN (ACI.

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Vs  ϕVs.max Enlarge the Section (ACI.

Av fyt d
Vs = (ACI.

Vu  ϕVc  ϕVs (ACI.11.1.1)

Vs   Vc Vs  351.117  kN
Calculate Shear Reinforcement  "No Need Shear Reinforcement" if Vu  (ACI.
"Shear Reinforcement is Required" otherwise

Calculate Shear Reinforcement  "Shear Reinforcement is Required"

Number leg of Strirrup n2

Strirrup Diameter dv  10 mm

π  dv
Area of Strirrup Av  n

Minimum Shear reinforcement

 Av fyt Av fyt 
Smax  min   
0.35 bw MPa
 0.062  f'c MPa bw 
Smax  583.439  mm

S 
d 
min  600  mm if  Vu
2 2
min  Smax  600 mm if
 Vu  ϕVc
 2  2
if Vu  ϕVc

 Av fyt d d 
min  Smax  600 mm if Vs  0.33 f'c MPabw d (ACI.
 Vs 
 Av fyt d d 
min  Smax  300 mm if 0.33 f'c MPabw d  Vs  Vs.max (ACI.
 Vs 
"Enlarge The Section" otherwise

S  106.43 mm
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