EEP Training Module For The New Normal PDF

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lessons for the new normal

a letter to the empowered teacher

So, dear teacher, how have you been?

If, like most of us, you’ve been relegated to becoming a prisoner in your own
home because of this coronavirus, you’re likely to be up to your neck in anxiety
and you’re already bursting at the seams with the desire to be free!

And if you’re like most of us, you’re probably also praying long and hard for the
day when this long nightmare will be over, so that we can all go back to the way
things were... well, normal.

Alas, no one really knows when this hellish situation will end. Or if it will ever end.
All we know is that life must go on for most of us—hopefully, all of us—and
we must all do what we can to move forward and move on.

As an empowered educator, you’re not one to let the uncertainties of the times
force you to simply accept defeat.

So what if there’s a pandemic? You’re well equipped as a teacher to teach and

teach well despite the strange “new normal” situation. So what if your students
are not in your classroom? You’re endowed with the innovative spirit—and the
know-how—to make remote learning possible... and effective.

All it takes is an open mind. And a little imagination. You can do so much to make
work fun—and easy—despite the new normal conditions.

We trust that you’re ready to take on this challenge. And we’re here to provide
you with more empowering lessons that can help you on this uncharted journey
to this new normal in teaching and learning. Let’s work together to make it
a fun and exciting ride!

So, dear teacher, stay healthy, stay safe, and yes, count your blessings. Stay
strong. Find strength in the knowledge that as an empowered teacher, you have
what it takes to survive this crisis, perform well despite the new challenges, and
excel in providing quality teaching and learning for all your students.

How you look at the situation will define who you are as a person—and as
a teacher. As an empowered educator, you’re more than likely to refuse to play
the role of the victim. As an empowered educator, you will continue to find
solutions to each and every dire situation and you will continue to work
on your empowerment in order to become better at everything you do.

Good luck and godspeed, dear friend. Empower yourself to excel.

The Educator Team

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

— Molière
educator empowerment program 3


2 a letter to the empowered TEACHING AND LEARNING

16 giving the grade
4 the parent factor
NEW NORMAL EDUCATION 18 it’s time to level up

open the lines


PARENTS DURING THE NEW NORMAL 22 the grass is greener



THE NEW NORMAL TIMES 23 the path to empowerment
batten down the hatches 14 order in chaos

HOW TO USE THIS MODULE Educator lessons are designed to be simple, the program enables schools to empower
straightforward and practical. And with your teachers to perform better in the classroom,
This Educator Training Module special regular Educator training sessions, you are improve student academic performance,
supplement contains lessons for the new given the opportunity to learn, work and and contribute to the cause of improving
normal. It’s designed to augment the teacher collaborate with your colleagues to make Philippine basic education. The program is
empowerment lessons of the Educator your continuing professional development anchored on the Department of Education’s
Empowerment Program (EEP) in order to efforts more fun and effective. National Competency-Based Teacher
provide beneficiary schools and teachers Standards (NCBTS) and aligned with the
with additional support and guidance for Welcome to Educator Empowerment in the K-12 Curriculum, the Philippine Professional
teaching during the time of the COVID-19 new normal. Empower yourself! Standards for Teachers (PPST), and Learning
pandemic. Action Cells (LACs) for teacher in-service
It follows the same training system that
makes EEP a powerful tool for schools The Educator Empowerment Program is an The program is an innovation in education by
for advancing teachers’ professional innovative teacher development initiative Alchemy Education Solutions, Inc.
development and making quality reforms that provides schools with the means to
a reality in K-12 schools. As such, for this give all teachers year-round training on The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints in this
special supplement, your school’s designated critical areas that affect the quality of publication do not necessarily reflect those
Educator Coordinator should continue to teaching and learning. Anchored on the of Alchemy and its staff. Email queries and
guide you through the Educator training groundbreaking Educator 6R Training System comments to [email protected].
process. This will allow you to learn more, and lessons delivered to each teacher
address more problems, and make your job via Educator Training Modules and their © 2020 Alchemy Education Solutions, Inc.
easier even during new normal times! corresponding Educator Coordinators Guides, All rights reserved.

here is it written that parents should How to Get the Family More Involved in the
play a more significant role in the Child’s School Life (Training Module No. 2,
education of their child? pages 32-33).

Here. You can also revisit the lessons Brigada’s

Best: Leveling Up your Brigada Eskwela
In the context of the new normal brought Regimen (Training Module No. 3, pages
about by the coronavirus, the role of parents 32-35) and PTA Success: Maximizing the
in the education of their child becomes front Potential of the PTA in Advancing School-
and center. One can only hope that parents Home Partnerships (Training Module No. 4,
are already made aware of their significance pages 30-33). These two lessons will help
in their child’s education—as what we’ve you find ways to mobilize your school’s PTA
been espousing in so many Educator and many other parents to volunteer to
Empowerment lessons. And one can only assist you in the gargantuan task of getting
hope that you, dear teacher, have been more parents involved in the home-based
applying what you’ve learned from these school work of their respective children.
lessons so that, by this time, you’d have With parents and other family members
already made some headway in getting volunteering to help, you can reach out to
parents more aware of their significance more families—and this would eventually
in their child’s schooling. mean less work for you!

If not—tsk, tsk—you better brush up on Getting the family involved in your new
these Family and Community Involvement normal schooling equation may be your
lessons, especially those that teach you best formula for success. Don’t take the
how to make parents become more aware parents—and all other family members—
of why and how they can be more involved for granted. Empower them too.
in helping their child with school work,
something they should be doing even Consider the following—
without this new normal if you already
explained to them that children whose Rethink family involvement. This all
parents are involved in their education starts with you—and your colleagues—

family and community

are likely to perform better in school. realizing that family involvement in
education is an important strategy for

involvement Refresh your knowledge of Joyce Epstein’s

six areas of parental involvement by
school success. Pandemic or no pandemic,
students whose parents are involved in
reviewing the lesson Empower the Home: their education are more likely to perform
Promoting a Healthy Partnership Between better in school. By recognizing this as fact,
the School and the Home (Training Module you can make parents understand why

the parent
No. 5, pages 30-33), which teaches you how they should participate more in their child’s
to promote a healthy partnership between studies—at home. In this time of pandemic,
your school and each child’s home. Pay close when your students are forced to learn from

attention to the simple ideas you can apply home, parents play an even more critical
to get parents more engaged, particularly role. It’s high time that everyone—starting
in three important areas from among with you—recognizes this as fact and as
Professor Epstein’s six areas of parental a key element to your success.
involvement— Learning at Home, Parenting
and Communicating —that may be the most Reach out to parents. Yes, make them

THE ROLE OF PARENTS critical during this new normal period. understand their role. Whether or not
you plan to have an online meeting with
IN THEIR CHILD’S NEW For a simple refresher course on family them, it’ll be good to write a short letter
involvement in education, you may want to parents to make them see the value of
NORMAL EDUCATION to go back to the lesson Family Matters: their involvement at home—that in fact
educator empowerment program 5

they’re critical to their own child’s success siblings will have to wait “after school” (no the child returns to your classroom after
in the new normal school—since that short exceptions). Remember, all these kids should the pandemic. Parents must be involved
letter can serve as a constant reminder for be “back to school” as full-time students! in the education of their child, period.
them for why they should be on board in the
difficult task of educating their child Get other family members involved. It’s Do not make the mistake of underestimating
at home. They must know that to leave their a good way to reduce the workload of the the critical role of the home—especially
child unsupervised would be disastrous— parents, especially those who still have to the parents—in each child’s new normal
for their child! And they must know that report to work and can’t be around to guide education. To do so would have dire
beyond helping out the child with school the child with the assigned school tasks. consequences for your students. For sure,
work, they should also provide a supportive This also helps ensure that kuya or ate this will require some effort on your part—
environment at home to better ensure the won’t disrupt the child with the loud music effort that you could have started long
child’s academic success. or television or all other distractions. before if you applied the various Educator
Everyone in the family must make a sacrifice Empowerment lessons on family and
Provide recommendations. It’s not to help the child succeed. As a bonus, this community involvement in your class.
enough that you make parents realize the can help improve relationships at home
important role they play in their child’s (and even teach siblings how to become It’s never too late to start now. To do so
education. They need to know how they more responsible and considerate of the would show that you are on your road to
can help their child with school work— needs of others). true teacher empowerment. On the other
especially during these new normal times. hand, to ignore the value of having a good
For most parents, it’ll be quite complicated. Remind everyone to make learning fun. school-home partnership will probably
Some may have schedule conflicts. Some It’s bad enough that they’re being asked to undermine all other efforts you’ve made
may even be abroad. Some may not even go through a truckload of reading materials. to prepare for this new normal school year.
know the subject matter. Help them find It’s even worse that they don’t get to see
ways to adjust to the situation. If, for and play with their friends. Make sure that Do the right thing and do it the right way—
instance, the parents are not good at math the parents—and all family members— get the parents involved by making them
(or they can’t be present to help out with don’t add to the burden. Discipline should understand why it’s in their better interest
math), then help them find someone who therefore be enforced in a positive manner. to do so. If you do, they’d become a strong
can substitute for them (another relative And everyone must realize that by making partner for all your new normal teaching
or even a volunteer classmate, perhaps?), learning fun, the child won’t be too bored and learning initiatives. For sure, it’ll be
so that the child gets the guidance he or tired with the new normal school tasks worth your effort. E
requires in order to learn. assigned to him. Yes, as you know, learning
becomes easy if the child is having fun! There is some good in this world,
Emphasize the need for routine. It can A good way to do this is to assign projects and it’s worth fighting for.
be difficult for the child to study at home and other school assignments that require — J.R.R. Tolkien
because he’s at home. There are just too the child to collaborate with others,
many distractions. The home setting may with classmates, of course, but also with
not be conducive for serious work. And members of the household. If you make REFLECTION
let’s face it—that child is not used to this the activity fun enough, then they’d all find
study-at-home arrangement. the task enjoyable to do and not a burden How do I connect with the parents of my
at this stressful time. Use your imagination students? How can I engage them more?
Ask the parents to create a semblance (It can be fun for you too!)!
of order—in the form of a routine—for In what areas can I ask the parents
the child. It’s the best way for the child to Maintain contact with the parents. to be more involved?
internalize the fact that he is in “school” Unless the pandemic ends tomorrow and
(and that he shouldn’t just lounge around everyone’s allowed to go back to school,
the house all day). Wake up early. Eat communicating with the family shouldn’t
a good breakfast. Start school work. Take be a one-time deal. You must engage them
short breaks. Accomplish all school tasks for the entire duration of this new normal
assigned. All within a specified time and so that they don’t falter at fulfilling their role
a place defined as the “classroom” at in the education of their child. And yes, it’s
home. Obviously, the television, PlayStation, actually a process that you need to sustain
online gaming or the goofing around with throughout the school year—even when

he new normal in education brought But they’re good enough to keep the lines
about by the coronavirus pandemic of communication with them open. And
highlights the crucial role parents for sure, it’ll take some time for you—and
must play in their child’s education. the parents—to get a hang of using these
lines of communication. You just have to be
On a regular school day—when the child patient, which should be easy and tolerable
actually gets to go to school—parents enough, especially if you consider the value
are encouraged to help the child learn of communicating with parents during these
his lessons when he gets home. As Johns new normal times.
Hopkins University (US) Professor Joyce
Epstein explains, parents who are involved But what exactly do you tell them?
in their child’s learning activities at home
give a clear advantage to that child—the For sure, you’d want to brief them on the
child has a better chance of performing new normal processes. You’d also want
well in class. to update them from time to time on new
developments, especially with regards
With the pandemic-driven new normal— to the specific needs of their child.
wherein students are expected to “attend
school” at home—the parents’ role You’d also want to get them more directly
becomes even more relevant to the success involved in their child’s learning activities.
of the child. So too is the importance of You therefore need to communicate this to
keeping the lines of communication open them—you need to make them understand
between the home and the school. This, the important role they play as parents in
of course, is another area Epstein identifies the process of educating their child as well
as a key engagement between the school as the value of maintaining a strong school-
and the home, and it becomes even more home partnership for the sake of their child.
relevant—if not altogether critical—in
teaching during these new normal times. Communicate well with each parent
and you’d have an empowered ally in every
You can refresh your knowledge of Epstein’s home. Your work becomes easy, and yes,
six areas of family involvement by reviewing your students will likely learn more. E

family and community

the lesson Empower the Home: Promoting
a Healthy Partnership Between the School When it rains, look for rainbows;

involvement and the Home (Training Module No. 5,

pages 30-33).
when it’s dark, look for stars.
— Oscar Wilde

And precisely because of your present day REFLECTION

realities, face-to-face interactions with

open the
parents are next to impossible for you. How good am I with communicating
But thanks to technology, there are with parents?
a lot of ways you can reach and interact

with your students’ parents from a safe How can I communicate more with
distance. You just need to choose the most parents during the new normal (Which
appropriate communication channels based technologies work best for me? What do
on your particular capabilities and needs. I need to tell parents?)?

You can do online video conferences How do I plan to keep these lines of

A GUIDE TO COMMUNICATING or live streaming. You can email or send text

messages. And yes, you can certainly call up
communication open and productive?

WITH PARENTS DURING THE parents using your mobile phone or landline.
These technologies can never replace face-
NEW NORMAL to-face conversations with parents, for sure.
educator empowerment program 7


reaching out from a (safe) distance


Pandemic or no pandemic, you do have to

connect with your students’ parents, right?
Under this new normal, however, face-to-
face parent conferences are not possible.
This doesn’t mean you have no other
recourse. With the help of technology—the
very tech that you’ll be using to engage with
your students during the pandemic period—
you can certainly engage the parents and
make them become more active in the
education of their respective children.
Just like you would for online classes with If you prefer to say your piece without
Here are a few options for you to consider— your students, you can communicate with interruptions, then live streaming might be
their parents via online video conferencing a good option for you. It’s less demanding
or live chats. This allows you to talk with of bandwidth than videoconferences, but
several parents at the same time, in real like videocons, it can be done in real time
time, so you can get feedback immediately (although it can be prerecorded). Unlike
(and they get their questions answered videocons, this isn’t a two-way interaction—
immediately). You just need to define your passive audience cannot give feedback
a common schedule for these events. immediately.


For sure, you’re familiar with both Whether cellphone or landline, it’s real time
technologies. The obvious advantage here conversation, so you get instant feedback.
is that they’re more available, so more And since they can hear your voice (and vice
parents would probably have access versa), you can project yourself as being
to them. The main disadvantage is that very amiable (and you also get a better
they’re not as warm and friendly as actual sense of how they feel about what you’re
conversations, no matter how good you saying). It’s a one-on-one medium, so it’ll be
write. They’re still good to use, of course, hard for you to use on all parents. Best to
especially in combination with other means reserve this option for troublesome cases
of communication with parents. (for sure, you’ll have a few).


keeping the lines open


Regardless of the medium you choose, Prepare your talking points in advance and So when you assign seatwork or projects
communicating during the new normal will ensure that they are as simple as possible to your students, consider activities that
not be an easy ordeal for both you and your so parents won’t be overwhelmed. would require—or even force—parents to
students’ parents. Gone are the days when participate. You can require your students to
you can simply call on parents to meet with PROVIDE SUPPORT. Many parents may not ask their parents specific questions that are
you in school right after class (well, at least, be able to gain access to your preferred relevant to the assigned task or have them
for now). means of communication. Or they may have collaborate with parents on class projects.
difficulties with the technology itself. Give This helps the parents see the immense
Just the same, you must persevere with them clear instructions on how to use the value of their participation in their child’s
the task of communicating regularly with medium and keep yourself available to them education.
parents since this will certainly make to provide support. You may argue that this
a difference in your students’ ability is no longer your job, for sure. But by helping GET STUDENTS INVOLVED. Your students
to succeed in your new normal class. parents, you empower them to help you too, can help you keep in touch with their
thus making you more empowered as well. parents—they can serve as your bridge
Don’t forget to revisit the lessons Family to them. Your students can relay any
Matters: How to Get the Family More HIGHLIGHT YOUR PROFESSIONALISM. message you might want to send their
Involved in the Child’s School Life (Training You need to balance the importance of parents, and you’re sure to get feedback
Module No. 2, pages 32-33) and Empower maintaining a professional relationship with from parents through their child. With your
the Home: Promoting a Healthy Partnership parents and presenting yourself as a warm guidance, this can also be turned into a good
Between the School and the Home (Training and friendly collaborator in your school- bonding experience between your students
Module No. 5, pages 30-31), since they can home partnership. Project competence by and their parents.
guide you on how best to get parents more being consistent with the guidelines you’ve
engaged in your budding partnership. set, being prompt and committing to your BE OPEN TO FEEDBACK. You can best
schedule, and looking professional so that promote the school-home partnership
Beyond these lessons, you might want everyone sees that you mean business. by being receptive to comments and
to consider doing the following— Establish rapport by showing sincere suggestions parents may have during this
concern for the welfare of their child time. Since everyone’s entering uncharted
ORIENT PARENTS ON NEW PROCEDURES. (and yes, smile a lot). territory, you can expect criticism as well!
You are in the best position to educate Don’t take it personally. They’re probably
families—parents, in particular—on how BE INCLUSIVE. Many parents face situations just frustrated with the pandemic, that’s
they can support their children as they deal that make it inconvenient to participate all. Who knows? They might come up with
with the realities of the new normal school. in school matters, including those who good recommendations. That’s what this
And first on your agenda should be to set up are abroad or are too busy with work and partnership is all about—teamwork.
a system of communication with each home, those who may be experiencing financial
with both your students and their parents. difficulties. Provide clear instructions and Opening the lines of communication with
Then, you need to let the parents know how use the simplest of technologies so that they parents will enable you to better establish
they are integral to new normal schooling can better adapt. Also consider alternatives a meaningful and productive partnership
insofar as their child’s learning at home— that can help students whose parents can’t with them. Make it a priority. Make this
under these circumstances—is concerned. participate regularly. important connection with each home
since this will empower you more to make
CLARIFY RESPONSIBILITIES. Parents need INTEGRATE THEM IN THE PROCESS. You teaching and learning during the new
to be aware of their role in helping their can get parents more involved if you make normal more effective for both you and
child cope with the challenges they’d face. them part of the learning process itself. your students.
educator empowerment program 9


dear parents
A simple note to parents can be a good way to make them understand the important role they play
in the new normal. It can also be a good way for you to establish a good relationship with them as partners
in educating their children during this critical time. Here’s a sample letter for you to consider—

Dear Sir Greg and Ma’am Linda,

As you know, your son Alex is in my Grade 3 class. And since we’re just about to start to hold classes next
week, I’d like to provide you with a few tips on how to help your son adapt to schooling under these new
normal circumstances.

Given the current realities, it’s important that we work together to make it easier for Alex to adjust
to this learning situation. Since his teachers won’t be physically present during virtual classes, you’d have
to provide him with the guidance to make him become more prepared for online learning. I suggest
that you do the following:

• Create a study space for Alex that is conducive to learning, which means making it comfortable
and with minimal distractions.
• Prepare him for going “back to school” by defining a back-to-school routine, from the time he wakes
up and prepares for class to the time he goes to sleep. This routine should also include taking away his
usual distractions during school hours (e.g., television, games, etc.).
• Observe how well he can work independently and provide more guidance and support if you feel that
he needs more help.
• Reduce his anxieties by assuring him that you are all going to be there to help him go through
this difficult learning situation (and by giving him time to enjoy his favorite activities).
• Explain to other members of your household how they can help Alex with school work (e.g., tutoring,
fixing connectivity problems, and of course, not making too much noise while he’s in class).
• Explain to him that all these “rules” are there to help him cope with the realities of online learning,
so that he doesn’t resent all the restrictions.

You can also keep me informed of how well Alex is doing (or if he’s having problems) so that I can provide
more attention to his needs. Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns. I look forward to your
support and cooperation. I am hopeful that we can really work together to find ways to make the most
of this difficult situation, to further strengthen our school-home partnership and help Alex excel with his
school work during the new normal.

Thank you very much.

Teacher Jenny

h, yes. You’re in the middle of a global of internet connection. Some of your
pandemic. Physical contact should be students may not have access at all! But
minimized. Large gatherings are not if you can arrange for everyone to have a
allowed. Everyone is advised to stay strong enough connection for bandwidth-
at home, especially members of the demanding video conferences, then this
so-called vulnerable sectors—the elderly, is certainly a very good option for you.
persons with ailments, and of course,
children. However, one thing you should also consider
is the size of your virtual class. Even if you
So, whether or not you consider yourself have a really huge computer screen, it’ll be
as being elderly or ailing, your work is difficult to see and visually connect with all
directly affected by this pandemic since your students at the same time, in Zoom,
vulnerable school-age kids are discouraged Google Meet or any other online platform
from leaving their homes and joining large you choose to use (Imagine how difficult
gatherings. Their education—in this new it would be to look at thumbnail images
normal—would have to be administered of your students on a tablet, or worse...
in their respective homes. gasp... a smartphone!). It would therefore
be a good idea to meet small cohorts
Obviously, this also means a new normal of students at specific times.
in teaching—yes, for you, the teacher.
It’ll be great if you can bring your A-game
So, dear teacher, ready or not—finished here. Revisit the Educator Empowerment
or not finished—you need to get your act lessons Learning How to Learn: The Benefits
together to teach in the new normal school of Having a Constructivist Classroom
year, in your new normal classroom. It starts (Training Module No. 5, pages 8-11) and
with you having a clear understanding of Learning By Doing: How to Use Experiential
the different ways you can conduct your Learning in Your Class (Training Module
new normal classes. Consider the following No. 4, pages 8-11).
Live Streaming. You can do video
Video Conference. A videocon would be streaming or audio streaming. Live video

like conducting a regular class in a virtual streaming means you conduct your lesson
classroom, wherein the participants are not in front of a camera while your students

in education in the same physical location but can see,

hear and interact with each other through
watch in real time. Live audio streaming
is something similar to doing a live radio
some online technology. You can still program or podcast where you are heard
prepare and show your class your usual slide but not seen, but this is also in real time.
presentations or visual aids. You can still ask

a new
students questions or have them present The advantage of doing video streaming
reports and even have them take quizzes is that your audience can see you and your
while they’re in their respective homes. visual aids (something you can’t do in audio

streaming). For the visual learners among
What you can’t do in this virtual classroom your students, not seeing you and your
is actual physical collaboration. So you visuals may make learning difficult.
can’t have your students do real lab work
together. All experiments would have to be The advantage of audio over video is that
done by students solo, either that or they audio requires less computing power,

WAYS TO CONDUCT YOUR can do group work by virtual means. making it more accessible to more students.

CLASS DURING THE NEW This, of course, would be quite difficult. One In either case, however, there will be little
critical concern here would be connectivity. interaction between you and your students.
NORMAL TIMES Not everyone will have the same quality Although most live streaming facilities allow
educator empowerment program 11

the audience to give immediate feedback live stream, they can still keep pace with improvements to help your students learn
through a chat or comment section, you the rest of the class by viewing the recorded better and faster (You can of course send
may find it difficult to monitor this while versions that you’ve uploaded in one of out supplementary materials to improve—or
you’re busy delivering your lesson. You may these online platforms. even correct—what you already printed out
get someone to assist you—perhaps one and sent to your students, but it’s always
student—to monitor and organize the chat Recording has major advantages for you too. better to get it right the first time).
entries and field some of the more relevant If you record your lesson, you can redo parts
ones to you so you can make them part of that were not satisfactory to you. Moreover, However, the biggest challenge here is to
a more interactive class session. If you are doing a video recording, you can make these materials engaging enough for
use three dimensional visual aids that you your students to want to read them, since
Another concern would be your connection can take close-ups of, for emphasis and for it’ll be difficult for them to learn if they
with your audience. Since streaming is showing more details. You can even insert find your readings boring, laborious and
a one way thing, you have no idea of what clips from experts to augment your lecture. uninteresting. You need to make sure that
is going on with your audience or if they are For audio recording, you can use various you connect with your students through
still even there (they may be logged on but sound effects. However, it would be good these materials since this connection is
instead of actually listening, they could have if you have good video or audio editing skills integral to their understanding of whatever
strayed off to the kitchen for a long snack so you can make the best recording possible lesson you’re required to teach. You
break and a nap). As such, it’s important (or someone can do it for you). might want to revisit the lesson Reading
that your material keeps the interest of to Understand: How to Improve Reading
the intended audience—your students— The main drawback for recorded lessons is Comprehension (Training Module No. 3,
sustained. You should also consider breaking the absence of interaction. Feedback would pages 28-31).
your lessons into smaller chunks, so you’d happen only after your students have gone
end up with several shorter, more digestible through the recorded lesson. You may have There are so many different ways for you
streaming sessions. to record the next lesson without really to engage your students in the next few
knowing how your students reacted to the months. On the surface, it may seem like
Streaming is less demanding on the internet previous one. you are handling several sections instead
connectivity requirements of your students of one. That’s not entirely untrue since
but it still compels them to be connected To become better at making recorded each approach may require a different set
while the class is ongoing. The lack of class lessons, check out the suggestions in of preparations. But being the empowered
discussion should be a concern. So if you do the lesson Tell Me a Story: Storytelling teacher that you are, you will surely be up
have to hold your class in this manner, you as a Powerful Tool in the Classroom to the challenge.
really need to step up in making your topics (Training Module No. 3, pages 8-11).
more interesting to your audience—your You can do this! E
students. You will do well to go over the Printed Modules. Finally, if internet
lesson Are You Having Fun Yet? Using connection is really a problem, you can Nothing in life is to be feared;
Fun to Create a More Conducive Learning resort to printed modules that you can send it is only to be understood.
Environment (Training Module No. 2, to your students. The students will then Now is the time to understand more,
pages 8-9). accomplish a particular lesson and send so that we may fear less.
you some form of feedback. They can work — Marie Curie
Recorded Lesson. You can also make on their module at a time that is convenient
a video or audio recording of your lesson. to them and not have to worry about going REFLECTION
Your students don’t have to be connected at to your virtual classroom at a specific class Which methods are applicable to the needs
the same time too. They can watch or listen day and time. of my class?
to you at their own time and at their own
pace. They can even rewind and replay the This is obviously a slower and perhaps more How can I make my lessons interesting
parts that they were not able to understand tedious process than the others. There are enough for my virtual audience?
the first time around. various logistical issues involved just to
get these printed materials in the hands of
Most live streaming sites, including your students. You must also realize that it
Facebook and YouTube, allow you to record would be difficult to make adjustments with
yourself—for free. So, if for some reason these printed materials, for instance, if you
some students would be unable to catch the find errors or you feel that you can make

t’s time. All that hard work and hours platform you intend to use. At the very least,
spent preparing for your new normal you want to be quick with troubleshooting
school year will finally be put to the test problems that may come up. You’d also want
as you embark on what is perhaps the most to be adept with the features of your online
difficult challenge of all—conducting your platform, so that you can, for instance, shift
first live virtual session with your entire from speaker view to gallery view of all your
class. participants and then to presentation view,
without inadvertently leaving the session!
Well, at least all those who managed to Another useful thing to know is how
enroll this year. Actually, just those who to mute (and unmute) people, since this
are lucky enough to have the technology is a quick way for you to make everyone
required to attend these virtual sessions. shut up and douse any threat of chaos
Hopefully, there would be enough of them during your online sessions (Now wouldn’t
to make each session worth your while. it be great if you can also shut them all
up with a press of a button when you all
Needless to say, maintaining order and go back to the classroom? Ah, just the
discipline during these virtual sessions thought of that makes you smile). And yes,
can be quite difficult for you or any other you’d want to be able to do all this without
teacher for that matter. You can expect the missing a beat.
technology to be at times unreliable. You
can expect the worst from your students For more ideas on how to teach using
as well, since the virtual medium will make technology, refer to the lessons Teach With
listening—and learning—so laborious Tech: Using Technology in the Classroom
that it will be much harder for them to pay (Training Module No. 2, pages 18-21) and
attention and understand the lesson, for Tackling the Basics: What Every Teacher
sure. You can expect a lot of them Should Know About Technology (Training
to wander off toward some distraction, Module No. 3, pages 18-21).
or worse, become a disturbance for others.
Worst of all, however, you can expect that Cover the basics of effective classroom
there will be times when you think all is management. Think positive discipline.
well, with everyone so well behaved and Think about creating a conducive learning

listening intently to what’s going on, yet no environment. Think about coming up with
one is actually learning. Yes, dear teacher, creative solutions to the many classroom

management this new normal class can be quite a

nightmare for you!
management issues that you’d most likely
encounter in your virtual classroom. Revisit
your classroom management style. And
You should therefore make an effort to then try to bring all these to your virtual
level up on your proficiency in classroom class session—you’d realize that it’s an even

batten down
management (Hopefully, you’ve already greater challenge. You may want to review
learned a lot from previous Educator the lesson Redefining Your Space: Creating
Empowerment lessons on the matter. You a Positive Classroom Environment (Training

the hatches
should therefore refresh your knowledge of Module No. 2, pages 13-14). The lesson’s
this crucial area of teaching and learning by The Teacher Factor section is certainly
revisiting these Educator lessons). something worth reflecting on.

Here are a few more ideas for you to Come to class prepared. This seems like
consider applying in your new normal a no-brainer, right? Of course you’re always

EFFECTIVELY HANDLING class— prepared! What this means is that you

must be really prepared. You need to have
THE CHALLENGES OF YOUR Become proficient with the technology. a good game plan—one that is detailed
You need to up your technology game enough yet flexible enough to accommodate
VIRTUAL CLASSROOM by being particularly skilled in the online the unexpected. It should consider the
educator empowerment program 13

use of best practices in managing online to the difficult job you have to perform, other deficiencies of doing online classes.
classes. And it should take into account you also need to understand the difficulties Revisit the various Fun-tastic Four lessons
your students’ particular profile, including a lot of students would have to face when (Training Module Nos. 2-6, pages 10-11)
their digital literacy, the quality of the tech they attend your virtual classes. So, dear and choose the ones that work best for your
they use, and of course, their learning style teacher, always be ready to offer a helping particular topics. Just remember to bring
preferences. Based on these considerations, hand. And make it obvious to them—that in the fun in learning!
you can come up with strategies that are you welcome their questions, that you’re
suitable for your virtual class, ranging willing to repeat what you said or to go Use what works. New normal teaching
from deadline rules, session breaks, and of slow with the explanation, and that you’re is a process. It requires innovation and
course, decorum during online discussions. approachable enough to address the needs improvisation. And it requires constant
Instill discipline when it comes to doing of all those who are having difficulties with tweaking before you can come up with the
independent offline work so that they can the lesson. More than this, you’d also want right formula for the specific needs of your
maximize their time away from your online to offer your support to your colleagues. subject and your class. As such, as much
sessions. This is a good way to ensure that Yes, yes, you’re busy as it is. But this is all as your students, you must also see yourself
they come prepared for each class session. about promoting collaboration, which will as a learner—a learner who is open to
definitely pay dividends for you later discovery, welcomes change and sees this
Never let things go out of hand. (Trust us!). new normal as an opportunity to hone
Whether its about not coming to class one’s craft in order to become better
prepared or making too much noise during Ask for support. This new normal is the at it for all students.
online sessions, you must not tolerate best time to get that proverbial village
delinquencies. Why? This sets a very low involved in the education of each child. For sure, it’ll be unlikely for you to become
bar and would lead to more delinquencies If you can explain to members of your school an expert at handling virtual classes
in the future—and that’ll be so hard to community how they can help, they’d most overnight. But if you can learn from your
fix. Be always on your toes and change likely help you out. Just say it nicely. Parents, mistakes and be willing to refine your
tack if the session activity you’ve initiated especially, would be more than willing methods and embrace change, in time,
isn’t working. But instead of worrying to assist you if they know it involves the you can be so good at it that you wouldn’t
about how difficult it is to innovate on the welfare of their own child. And remember even need to go back to the four walls of
fly, always have a Plan B ready for when those co-teachers you helped awhile back? your old classroom in order to teach your
things go absolutely haywire. Bear in You can bet your year-end bonus that they’d students well. E
mind, however, that you shouldn’t get mad be more than happy to reciprocate (But
when your students become rowdy or even don’t demand it as a quid pro quo! Have Even if I knew that tomorrow
uncontrollable during these virtual sessions faith in other human beings... they will pay the world would go to pieces,
(Remember, as much as it is difficult for you, your kindness back!). Last but not the least, I would still plant my apple tree.
this virtual class session is difficult for them don’t underestimate the capacity of your — Martin Luther
too... and remember, they’re also unwitting own students to help you—in terms
victims of this pandemic!). Be firm, of of doing chores for the class or even REFLECTION
course. But don’t go ballistic (Remember, providing peer tutoring to classmates in
if you scream and shout during these online need—since this reduces your workload How comfortable am I with teaching
sessions, you wouldn’t know who else is and at the same time gives your students virtual classes?
listening in each and every students’ home!). important lessons in values.
What do I need to do to prepare for online
You may want to revisit the lesson Those Jazz it up. Dig deep inside your teaching teaching? How else can I empower myself
Pesky Kids: Taking On the Challenge of the toolbox—and apply your best practices to teach online more effectively?
Problem Student (Training Module No. 3, to the virtual medium. The more engaged
pages 14-17). This lesson can help you to your students are in your lesson, the
better deal with the usual disciplinary issues easier it is for them to learn. Work on your
that can—and will—resurface during these pedagogy—reduce the lecture time that
new normal times. will only put everyone to sleep and replace
it with more engaging activities. Of course,
Provide a lot of support. If you think it’s variety is important. Your objective should
hard teaching 50 kids online, try learning be to make them want to learn enough that
with 49 others! But without prejudice they’d ignore the many distractions and

ell, teacher, it looks like you’ll be supposed to do. Remember, with this new
working from home for a while. normal situation, time isn’t what you’re
How ready are you for this new accustomed to. Make weekly and daily
state of affairs? plans. Put it all on paper. And don’t forget to
assess what you’ve done at the end of each
Let’s see now. Your school has given you work day. Otherwise, you’d end up spending
clear marching orders and the corresponding too much time lounging around at home
learning modules to boot. You’ve been while being in over your head with overdue
taking so many online lessons that you’re tasks.
already attending regular webinars in
your dreams. You’re well versed on the Manage your time. Sure, you’ve prepared
technology and your virtual class equipment daily and weekly plans. They’d amount to
are all locked and loaded in time for the nothing if you don’t manage your time well.
opening of classes. This means defining what time you wake
up every morning and what time you sleep
Now you have to ask yourself a few difficult every night, and everything that happens
questions. How prepared am I to hold virtual in between. This requires a lot of discipline
classes and deal with all the complications since your home-based work arrangement
that go along with this new normal mode is really a temptation to snooze in the
of teaching? How productive will I be while morning, take long naps in the afternoon
working from home? What else do I need to and binge out on Netflix shows at night. So
do to perform well in my new normal class? be conscious of time. Obviously, your best
Will my students learn? tool for this is your wristwatch. Wear it even
while you’re just at home.
Yes, this chaotic period brings with it a lot
of uncertainties. And you need to be really Keep a routine. Yes, the best way to
well prepared to become truly productive manage your time well is by having a daily
in your work-from-home set up. routine—from the time you get out of bed
and prepare what you need for the day all
Here are a few important things to keep the way to getting back to bed at night. This
in mind— will make it easier for you to focus on the
work that you have to do. It will also help
Accept the situation. The first thing you organize all the tasks that you have

teacher for you to do is to understand—and

accept—your new normal situation. Yes, the
to deal with, even those that are not related
to your job. Moreover, since everything will
welfare pandemic has caused you a lot of hardships
and heartaches. As much as it has been
eventually become a daily habit, you’ll need
less effort to accomplish everything you
different for you, it’s also been difficult. set out to do on a daily basis. Remember,
Don’t deny yourself the wide range of however, that your day can’t be spent

emotions you might be feeling because of entirely for work. You need time to relax
the pandemic. Tell yourself that it’s okay to and do the things you enjoy, if only to keep
feel bad—or mad! However, you must also your sanity and make life living in pandemic
tell yourself that you need to move forward. times more tolerable for you. So make

in chaos
Life, for the empowered, moves on! sure to include these leisure breaks in your
routine. At the very least, they’re something
Plan well. The worst thing you can do for you to look forward to after a long, tiring
is to face each waking day without a clear day at work.
plan. In your work-from-home setting,
you’d be like a rudderless ship heading out Define your work space. You can always
STAYING PRODUCTIVE WHILE to nowhere if you don’t have a clear plan in work wherever you feel like, right? It is, after
writing. In no time, you’d realize that you’ve all, your house. Sooner or later, however,
WORKING FROM HOME failed to accomplish everything that you’re you’d end up wasting time looking for that
educator empowerment program 15

darn stapler, or worse, you’d realize you’re where you can’t be bothered by people and stay on top of things before things turn
not really in any mood to do work! You watching TV or walking around half-naked sour. Work on adding some de-stressing
therefore need to assign a space that you while you’re on a videoconference with your time into your routine. On a regular school
can identify as your work place to help put students. At the same time, don’t hesitate day, take time to have breaks, try meditation
you in work mode. Ideally, you’d want to be to ask for their help with some of your work, and do what you can to get rid of all those
comfortable there. Consider good lighting, perhaps in terms of setting up your videocon negative thoughts (perhaps by replacing
good ventilation, ergonomic seating, and equipment, critiquing your hair and make them with happy thoughts?). Don’t forget
most important of all, no distractions. When up, making visual aids and even checking to count your blessings. And always find
“classes” start, you can’t be looking at the your students’ quizzes. Don’t forget to take time for yourself and your loved ones
TV or playing with your dog every couple advantage of the situation—this can be (Go ahead! Watch your Korean dramas!).
of minutes. And you can’t have everyone a good bonding opportunity for you and The lesson From Stress to Success: Stress
else at home distract you from doing your everyone else at home (So don’t forget Management for Teachers (Training Module
job properly and effectively. Let everyone to make it fun for them too!). No. 3, pages 58-59) can serve as your guide.
know that you’re at work— do not disturb!
For more ideas, you can revisit the lesson Work on staying healthy. You might have Teaching under this “new normal” requires
Redefining Your Space: Creating a Positive forgotten that there’s still that coronavirus some adjustments. It’s new. It’s different.
Classroom Environment (Training Module lurking all around you. You therefore It can be scary. And it’s even scarier to think
No. 2, pages 12-15). need to make sure that you’re healthy and that you may not have anyone to answer
safe. Of course, this means following the the questions you may have along the way.
Get in work mode. Just because you’re prescribed health and hygiene protocols. But being the empowered teacher that you
working from home doesn’t mean you don’t This also means staying strong by eating are, you know very well that you can always
need to dress up well for work. Sure, people healthy, getting enough sleep, getting find solutions to your problems. You’re sure
can hardly see you. You can see you! You a lot of exercise and keeping away from to find your groove pretty soon.
must therefore resist the temptation to go stress. Don’t underestimate the stress that
to “school” without your best work mindset, living in relative isolation can bring to you, Go for it! E
which you won’t be able to do if you don’t especially since this adds to the stress of
dress up well (and don’t even think of not dealing with the unknowns of teaching in In order to carry a positive action,
taking a shower, not combing your hair the new normal. Find time to contact family we must develop here a positive vision.
and— gasp —not brushing your teeth before and friends—even virtually—if only to keep — Dalai Lama
you “go” to class!). Check out the lesson your mental health in check!
Look Good, Feel Good (Training Module REFLECTION
No. 1, page 10). Consider the lessons about health in your
training modules, particularly Food Glorious What do I need to do to become
Avoid distractions. You need to remember Food: Promoting Good Nutrition in Your productive while working from home?
that you’re “at work” even while you’re School (Training Module No. 2, pages 42-43)
just at home. As such, you need to resist and Let’s Get Physical: Promoting Physical What else can I do to empower myself
the urge to waste too much time on social Health in School (Training Module No. 3, to bring out my very best self during
media, Korean telenovelas and all of your pages 42-43). the new normal?
other favorite distractions. At the very
least, you shouldn’t even think that you can Take time to de-stress. In time, living
do these things during work hours simply in a pandemic might get to you. You may
because no one is looking. For sure, you’re be physically healthy, but for sure, the
more responsible than that, right? Right? months of new normal living—and
teaching—will bring stress, anxiety
Get your family’s support. Speaking and even mental distress to even the
of distractions, you’d probably want to most experienced and energetic teacher.
let everyone at home know about your All this prep work to create a conducive
work-from-home arrangements—that work environment will delay this, for sure.
you shouldn’t be disturbed while you’re And that’s precisely why all this effort is
“at work” in your little corner “office” at so important. Beyond all this, however,
home. This is particularly significant if you you need to work on reducing your stress.
can’t isolate yourself in some quiet room, The key is to maintain your self-control

t’s inevitable, of course, that you’d be wait until the end of the grading period to
concerned about how to give grades find out what your students learned since
during this strange “new normal” period. formative assessment allows you to make
It’s hard to imagine how you can conduct adjustments so that those who didn’t do
your usual test—with everyone seated well in the assessment can still be given
quietly as they write their answers until the chance to make up, catch up and learn.
you say time’s up —when not one of your
students are in front of you. It’s even harder Let them have fun. Your students will be
to imagine how you can evaluate everyone more eager to participate if they see your
properly and objectively, when they’re not seatwork and projects—your assessment
learning at the same time and they’re using tools really—as something that’s interesting
different modes of learning, with some and not boring. Sure, it requires a little
attending online classes while others imagination, but if you can find ways for
relying solely on printed handouts. them to enjoy whatever you have in store
for them, then they’re more likely to do well
So how would you know if the work was doing these activities.
done by the student himself (and not by
someone else at home)? How would you School doesn’t have to be a scary and
know that he didn’t simply copy from his dreadful experience for your students. And
classmate? How do you keep tabs on all oftentimes, they fear assessment activities
your students and all their work if they’re the most. Imagine how good they’d
not there in front of you? feel—and how well they’d perform—if you
make assessment fun. In the new normal
How would you know if all your students classroom, making learning fun may very
are learning? well be one of your indispensable strategies.

Welcome to assessment in the new normal! Make technology your friend. If there’s
Fret not, dear teacher, do not despair. one benefit from this pandemic, it’s
Thankfully, there’s so much you can do how well it highlights the importance of
to empower yourself to make assessment technology in education. Imagine what
in the new normal effective and painless teaching would be like if the tech isn’t
for both you and your students. To level up as good.
on this, check out the lesson Teach Them

teaching Well: Making Sure Your Students Learn

(Training Module No. 6, pages 24-29).
Now, your students can send homework
via email and the automatic time stamp tells
and learning You can also consider the following—
you exactly when the work was submitted.
Unless you accidentally delete the email,
it’s unlikely that any submitted work will get
Make it all about the learning. lost. And during your virtual class, you can

giving the
Sometimes, teachers get too consumed actually see how students react to what
with the need to churn out grades that is being discussed, and of course, you can
they forget that these grades merely assess get instant feedback from them even though
learning and are not the learning itself. So, they’re all in their respective homes (even

more than just focusing on your students’ the shy ones can simply use the chat option
ability to get good grades, you should to communicate their ideas). Even mobile
want to make sure that they actually phones can be useful in assessment, since
understand what they’re supposed to learn. they can allow more students to send their
answers to questions via text messaging.
Thus, assessment should simply serve as
STUDENT ASSESSMENT a tool for you to find out if your students are You can level up by making tests online—
indeed learning. As such, you’d do well to it’s free! Applications like Google Forms,
IN THE NEW NORMAL focus on formative assessment rather than Hot Potatoes and Online Quiz Creator allow
educator empowerment program 17

you to create a quiz, store the answers and really understand it) or select an answer can also show you where your students are
check your students’ performance (and from multiple choices (they may just be having difficulties in what you are teaching.
grade them for you!). You can even put in good guessers). And to make life easier for
a pool of questions and have your students them—and you—tell them to give concise Get others involved. Engage the parents
receive different sets of questions (Yes, this answers. and ask them how they view their child’s
reduces the possibility of cheating). school work. After all, they’re the ones
One good technique is to ask questions that who can see what their child is actually
So make sure you’re well versed with these require unique answers. You can ask how doing at home. Ask specific questions.
technologies. Your new normal classroom the topic would relate to your students’ How many hours does your child spend on
requires it. personal circumstances. How would Andres homework? What resources did he use for
Bonifacio survive if he were a character in the homework?
Try giving pop quizzes virtually. Use your favorite video game? What would your
the chat option of whatever platform you life be like if you and your friends became You can go further by asking your students
use for your virtual class to exchange notes explorers on Mars? How would you describe to work on activities that will involve other
with your students. You can also use this the bodies of water and land masses that members of the household. Not only will
option to get their answers to your pop can be found in your province? this give family members a chance to bond
quiz questions, since they can send private and enjoy each other’s company, it can also
messages (meaning they can’t copy their By making your assessment questions foster more family support for their child’s
classmates’ answers). relevant to their lives, your students education. Just make sure to assign fun
will have more confidence—and assessment activities!
Give a time limit if you want. Or turn it fun—responding.
into a game (Didn’t we agree to make Ask them to keep a journal. Have your
assessment fun?). Give points to the first Try peer evaluation. You can make students maintain a journal or blog centered
three to send in the correct answer. Or have assessment fun by asking your students on your subject, where they can write their
several questions ready and give rewards to to do it for you. Whether it’s checking reflections on each topic discussed. You may
the ones with the highest number of correct quizzes or critiquing a classmate’s report, provide reflective questions to guide their
answers at the end of the class. peer evaluation teaches your students to writing. For some students, this may be
be responsible—and fair—with how they easier than the one-on-one sessions. As
Most likely, your virtual class facility gives grade their peers’ work. At the same time, a bonus, you can improve their writing
you the option to create breakout rooms, you’d actually show your students that skills, too.
which means you can also have your you value their inputs—and that you trust
students do group work. Divide them into them to be fair and responsible—and this There’s so much you can do to make
smaller groups and send the groups off does wonders to their self esteem and self assessment during the new normal easy and
to their own breakout room to do some empowerment. In time, your students would effective. What’s important is that you keep
problem solving or collaborative writing most likely become more responsible for in mind what you are assessing. Remember,
work. On online meeting facilities like their own education too. it’s all about whether or not your students
Google Meet or Zoom, you can easily are learning. E
impose a time restriction that automatically Conduct one-on-one sessions. A short
returns everyone to the main room at the five-minute one-on-one conversation with Everything’s gonna be alright.
end of the set time (No extensions, okay?). each student should be enough to gauge — Bob Marley
how well they learned. That’s enough time
Opt for short essays. By requiring your for each student to answer one or two REFLECTION
students to write whole sentences and questions. Keep the conversation light and
paragraphs, they will find it difficult to copy make the student feel relaxed. And whether Is assessment something I do to give my
their classmates’ work without you knowing. or not you plan to make this a graded students grades or to make sure that
They’ll be forced to express themselves in a recitation, avoid the temptation to make the they are learning? How can I better use
different way. Moreover, essays are a good student feel like it’s a police interrogation. assessment as a tool for ensuring my
assessment tool since they reveal more of You’d get better results if your student does students are learning?
what was actually understood by students, not feel like he is being quizzed.
especially when compared to simply asking How can I apply what I’ve learned here
them to enumerate (they may memorize Beyond giving you a way to determine your to my new normal students?
and simply parrot what you said without students’ grades, these one-on-one sessions

he time to complain has lapsed. The Now is a good time to revisit the many
time for fear is long gone. Even while Educator Empowerment lessons that
everyone is still suffering from this were given to you. For whether or not
pandemic and there seems to be no clear you’ll provide online lessons, you have
end in sight, life must go on. For the teacher, to brush up—and even level up—on
this means going back to school despite the fundamentals of effective teaching
all the uncertainties of having to go to and learning, many of which have been
the pandemic-induced “new normal” in introduced to you already—hopefully—
education. For the empowered teacher— through Educator Empowerment training.
yes, dear teacher, that means you—there’s
no better time to level up than now. Pay extra attention to Educator lessons
in pedagogy, classroom management,
The situation calls for it. Yes, your virtual guidance and counseling, and of course,
classroom may prove to be next to teaching. And you’d do well to revisit—and
impossible to implement effectively, not apply—the Educator lessons in family and
with so many logistical issues still pending, community involvement, since effective
many of which would most likely remain home-based teaching really requires the
unresolved in the coming months. Will your family to be involved, especially the parents.
students have internet access? Will it be fast Moreover, these lessons will provide you
enough to accommodate online sessions? with the know-how to make parents more
How about those who don’t have the actively involved in the education of their
technology? Will they learn as much—and children.
as fast—as those who can go online? How
do you provide them guidance if they can’t You gain nothing from moping and
attend virtual classes and meetings? Will all feeling sorry for yourself because of the
your students learn? unenviable predicament you’re in. Instead,
you should become more proactive—yes,
You probably know a lot about digital empowered—to come up with solutions
technology by now. Great! All those free (Consider using the leveling up strategies
webinars surely paid off. At the very least, presented here!).
you have enough confidence to use the
technology available to you, never mind It’s by leveling up that you can cope with
if no one’s there to troubleshoot if in case the challenges of the new normal classroom.

teaching something goes wrong. But you’d still need

to look out for so many possible tech-based
And it’s by leveling up that you can go
beyond coping—you and your students can
and learning teaching issues. actually excel.

Why is the connection bad today (when it With these lessons and all others in the
was doing fine yesterday)? How do you deal Educator Empowerment Program, you can

it’s time
with students who are having their own certainly empower yourself to teach well
difficulties with the technology? How can in these trying times and beyond. E
you be sure that they’re paying attention?
How do you maintain discipline when

to level up
everyone else is not within physical reach? A problem is a chance
How do you keep everyone focused on what for you to do your best.
you are teaching? — Duke Ellington

It is, at the very least, difficult to say how REFLECTION

well you or any other teacher can perform
THE NEW NORMAL FOR THE under these dire circumstances. This can What can I do to level up so that I can
only mean that you need to step up and go empower myself to excel during new
TRULY EMPOWERED TEACHER beyond addressing the issue of technology. normal times?
educator empowerment program 19


You’d think this would be a no-brainer, You’ve heard of the Flipped Classroom This proves you’re a really smart teacher—
but you’d be surprised at how a lot of model, right? Well, now’s the perfect time by empowering some of your more able
teachers fail to make lessons interesting to finally try it out in your class. With students to assist you, you can definitely
and enjoyable enough for their students students doing all their school work at get more things done, which means less
to want to learn what is being taught. home—outside your classroom—you want work for you!
Of course, you can work on making your to maximize the time they’d be spending
precious online sessions (and reading with you. Avoid the predisposition to Yes, they can do peer mentoring by helping
materials) fun for them and you can always simply lecture online! Instead, like in a their classmates learn the assigned lessons.
introduce games as part of the learning flipped classroom, let your students learn Yes, they can serve as effective facilitators
process. But even this may not be enough. the basic contents of your lesson on their for small group discussions. And yes, you
own—through readings they can access can mobilize them to do assessment
Taking into account your students’ online or via printed handouts—and with activities for you too. For them, it’s a good
knowledge and skills, you have to find the basic knowledge they’d have gained way to learn the assigned lesson (if they
a way to make each lesson relevant—to from these readings, they can already can teach it to their classmates, then it’s also
your students. Moreover, you need to create contribute to more meaningful discussions likely that they understand the lesson too).
a balance between making it easy for them which you can facilitate online. As such, And for both peer mentor and mentee,
to learn and making it challenging enough your limited time with students would it’s an excellent way to learn the values
that they still find your lesson exciting (and have more interaction—with you and their of cooperation and helping others.
not boring). Otherwise, it’ll be difficult for classmates—and this focus on student
you to teach (and for them to learn). You’d engagement would translate to a higher Beyond peer mentoring, you may want
also want to make them find school tasks level of learning (If you haven’t noticed, to empower your students—all your
fulfilling enough—that they have a sense Educator Empowerment training follows students—to help around the house by
of accomplishment for their hard work. the same flipped principle). doing household chores, which you can
integrate into particular topics in your
This, of course, also means that you You won’t need to waste too much time on class. Needless to say, parents will be
shouldn’t scrimp on the rewards. Those merit long (boring) lectures, since you can replace happy with their kids (and with you!). More
stars may mean nothing to you, but it may these lectures with good reading materials importantly, your students will learn a lesson
mean a lot to them. Words of praise—and (of course, you can always give them or two about growing up and being truly
encouragement—may work wonders too a brief introduction prior to the reading empowered children and young adults.
(for as long as they know that you’re sincere assignment). Use your limited time—and
with the compliments). limited internet bandwidth—for having But as far as their lessons are concerned,
a conversation with students, which they’d all appreciate it if you show
If they want to learn what you’re teaching, should focus on clarification of concepts, a lot of trust in their ability to study
they’re more likely to learn. If not, then assessment of what they actually learned at home—independently—and this leads
they’ll have a harder time learning (and and remediation of concepts that aren’t to more self confidence and even more
you teaching!). too clear to them. self empowerment.


You can, of course, simply assume that Get your students to work on activities Why would working from home prevent you
your students absolutely enjoy listening to together. Get the more capable ones to do from collaborating with your co-teachers?
the monotony of your voice as you deliver peer mentoring with classmates who may It shouldn’t, since you guys can hold regular
your lectures every single day. Or you may need help. Get everyone engaged and in meetings with the rest of the faculty
think that it’s enough to simply bombard touch with one another. anyway, even while everyone’s not physically
them with pages upon pages of readings— present on campus. And more importantly,
whether online or on paper—in between For one, this is a good way for your students you know very well that this can enable
your long, boring lectures. But if you’re to satisfy their need for social contact you to provide more engaging and effective
really interested in keeping your students during these bleak times (if you feel that teaching activities for your students.
interested in what they’re supposed to learn, being forced to live in isolation can be
you should consider bringing in a variety of such a downer for you, you know that your Moreover, collaboration frees you from
approaches from your teaching arsenal. students can also suffer from being locked feeling so detached with your usual world,
up at home too, away from their classmates especially true if you’ve been collaborating
One thing you might want to apply during and friends). By giving them opportunities with your colleagues before this pandemic
these new normal times is Project-Based to collaborate on school work with their entered the picture. You simply need to work
Learning (PBL), since this allows your classmates—especially their close friends— on a system that will make it easier for you
students to become more actively engaged you can take away the stress and frustration to have more teacher collaboration.
in your lessons, gives more meaning to these of the pandemic (and yes, you make school
lessons and helps your students develop work more enjoyable for them). Consider team teaching with colleagues.
their critical skills. In PBL, you limit time While this requires a little more planning
spent on lectures (You really need to rethink But beyond this, your students would on your part, it does have a lot of benefits.
the need to lecture all day). You instead benefit from having to study with their For starters, you can reduce the time you
have your students work on projects—in peers—they’re more likely to learn faster and your teacher-partners require to engage
particular, group projects—that would allow and learn more. With the right collaborative your students by covering multiple topics—
them to develop so many other critical skills, activities, your students can have more fun in your respective subjects—in a combined
including social and interpersonal skills, and studying—a surefire way to get them to class activity.
make them more interested in whatever learn the assigned lessons.
topics you assign to them. Team teaching also adds the variety
Moreover, through collaborative work, you your students need to keep school work
And before you start complaining about allow your students to develop higher level interesting, especially during the new
how difficult it would be for your students thinking skills, improve their social and normal times.
to work on projects together, just remember interpersonal skills and even leadership
that online platforms like Zoom allow you to skills, and boost their self confidence and Definitely, you—and your colleagues and
do breakout sessions. You can also ask your self esteem as well. This all translates to true students—would have a better time with
students to meet virtually with their project and better learning experiences for all your school work from your respective homes
teammates outside your class hours. students. if more linkages are made with others.
educator empowerment program 21


You feel overworked already. And yes, even Don’t underestimate the role of the family in Attending a couple of webinars on online
though you may not have the virus, you the process of educating the child. If there’s teaching won’t do you much good. Think
still feel like a pandemic victim. And most one thing that you should learn in Educator about it—if it were that simple, then why
certainly, new normal teaching may be training, it’s that family involvement in didn’t we shift to this mode of instruction
giving you nightmares already. This doesn’t education is a powerful tool for improving even before the pandemic? Obviously, it’s
mean you can’t do more. student performance. That’s so true not that easy—and that effective. Now is
now—in the age of COVID-19—more than the time for you to work on empowering
What’s good about this situation is that you ever. As pointed out in so many Educator yourself with more empowering Educator
are given a lot of flexibility. As far as the lessons, you want to take advantage of lessons. And more than learning about
curriculum goes, you don’t have to cover family involvement in each child’s learning online technologies, you have to work on
too much ground. And since you’re mostly activities at home. learning how you can improve your teaching
working from home, you shave so many and learning skills, since these are the skills
hours off your usual daily commute. This Beyond helping the child in school work, that will make you overcome these new
means more time for more. parents should also understand the value of normal challenges and actually make you
good parenting, especially since this affects excel in your new normal classroom.
But why would you do that, right? Well, for the child’s growth and development, as well
starters, it means you can become more as his academic performance. As an empowered educator, you know that
productive. So what? Well, if you focus lifelong learning is a lifelong process (duh!)
on the right things, you’d end up doing But it shouldn’t be just the parents, of and that the best way to conquer the new
less work in the long run. course. You heard it before, right? It takes normal classroom is to make a deliberate
a village to raise that child. It’s high time attempt to learn more. Focus on these
One area you can work on is improving that you, as a teacher, take advantage of this vital training topics—pedagogy, classroom
the reading skills of your students. And village in order to improve your own ability management, guidance and counseling,
even writing skills. Remediation here will to positively impact on student performance family involvement in education, and of
go a long way in your students’ academic and achievement. course, teaching well. Reflect on how these
performance—in all subjects. If they cannot lessons can be applied to the realities of
read, they will not learn. But if they enjoy Go back to all these Educator lessons on your new normal classroom.
reading, the sky’s the limit—they will learn family and community involvement to reflect
far more than what is required. on the many ways you can get the family Finally, go beyond the new normal situation.
involved during this critical time. Know that all this will sooner or later go
Integrate this in your daily routine by giving back to the old normal. Use what you’ve
your students opportunities to read—and If you master this part—if you manage learned to level up your teaching when you
write—on topics that they’d be interested in to figure out how you can empower the go back to the old normal as soon as this
so they can develop a love for reading (and family—you’re well on your way to better whole coronavirus nightmare is over. Your
writing) and therefore make them want to teaching and learning during the time of students would benefit from it. And for sure,
read (and write) more. COVID-19 and beyond. everyone would love you for all your efforts.

values for teachers

the grass is greener


fter so many months of incarceration, And you need to improve on all of these If you are working on something exciting
you probably have had enough of areas if you are to be truly prepared for that you really care about, you don’t have
everything to do with COVID-19. the difficult challenges of the new normal to be pushed. The vision pulls you.
You do however know that it’s not over classroom. — Steve Jobs
yet. Actually, for you and so many teachers
throughout the country, the real challenge Your Educator training will help you do just
is still to come. Sooner or later, you’ll be that. Now, more than ever, you should make
going back to “school” and with this comes the effort to continuously learn with your
the unprecedented difficulties of your new colleagues, and apply what you’ve learned
normal classroom. from Educator Empowerment training to
your new normal world.
It’ll be a big mistake to assume that you’re
really ready for it. For despite all the By this time, you know very well the value of
preparations you’d have made these past each lesson in your Educator Empowerment
few months, and despite the support you’ve Program modules. Surely, you don’t intend to
been getting from both your school and your rest on your laurels and say that—because
community, you must never underestimate you’ve already learned so much from
the unknown perils coming your way once Educator training—you’re already prepared
this particular school year starts. for all the challenges of the new normal.
If there’s one thing you should remember
You can’t be complacent. Now’s the time from Educator training, it’s that the lifelong
for you to continue your empowerment learning process doesn’t stop (Why the hell
efforts so that you can better prepare would they call it lifelong in the first place?).
yourself to address the new challenges As a true lifelong learner, you don’t stop
coming your way. simply because you already know a lot—you
need to keep on learning. You need to learn
You certainly can’t assert that you’re ready more so that you can do more.
simply because you have learned how
to use the technologies available to you. And yes, there’s really so much more to learn
That’s the easy part—as easy as “attending” (In the first six Educator modules, you have
a couple of webinars and tinkering with your over 100 lessons to master. Imagine your
tech devices (which you’ve probably done potential—and your students’ potential—if
by now). That’s like saying that you know you’ve learned all of these lessons.).
how to write just because you know how
to use a typewriter. At the end of the day, you must bear in
mind that your empowerment as a teacher
You must realize that you need to look prepares you for the challenges of the new
at all teacher skills, including such basics normal, and your empowerment is what it REFLECTION
as pedagogy and classroom management, takes to empower your students—all of your
subject mastery, guidance and counseling, students—to succeed in your new normal What can I do to truly empower myself for
and yes, family involvement in education. class. E the new normal and beyond?
educator empowerment program 23

teacher development

the path to empowerment


y this time, you probably have an idea And given the feedback from schools that
of what you can do as an empowered are already doing Educator Empowerment
teacher. Imagine what you can do if you training, it’s an effective way for all teachers
keep this up, beyond simply finding solutions to level up and improve. It’s easy and fun
to teaching issues in the new normal. teacher training designed to make teaching
Imagine your true potential if you take on easy and fun for you! It’s simply amazing!
the challenge of true teacher empowerment.
So, dear teacher, unlock your true potential
The Educator Empowerment Program (EEP) and unlock the potential of all teachers
is a groundbreaking teacher development in your school—through the Educator
program that allows schools to provide Empowerment Program.
training to all teachers in over 100 key topics
designed to transform teaching and learning Through it you can become a VET—a Very
in the entire school. Empowered Teacher. And teaching for you
will never be the same again. E
Aligned with the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST), the program For more information on how you and
is a cost-effective training package designed your school can avail of the Educator
as an efficient way to conduct Learning Empowerment Program, visit the Educator
Action Cell (LAC) sessions, with all teachers website or email
in a school learning together weekly for an [email protected].
entire year using Educator Training Modules.
Empower yourself!
The lessons here provide you with simple
and practical solutions in such key areas
as pedagogy, classroom management, If you can dream it, you can do it.
guidance and counseling, technology in — Walt Disney
education, teaching English, Math and
Science, early childhood education, family REFLECTION
and community involvement in education,
school safety, environment education, values What impact will the Educator
formation for teachers, and so much more. Empowerment Program have on me
as a teacher? How can it help make me
Module lessons come with a Coordinator’s more effective as a teacher? How can it
Guide, which makes it easy for any make teaching easier for me?
teacher to serve as training facilitator for
each training topic. Each guide provides
recommended training activities and
possible training outputs, ensuring that
everyone applies what they’ve learned
from Educator training.
alchemy education solutions inc.

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