Terzaghi Si Hansen 24343261-Bearing-Capasity-Ofsoil
Terzaghi Si Hansen 24343261-Bearing-Capasity-Ofsoil
Terzaghi Si Hansen 24343261-Bearing-Capasity-Ofsoil
Shallow Foundation
Bearing Capacity Of Shallow Foundation
ΣFv = 0
1 γ B2tan ø + quxB = 2Pp +2C’× Li sinø’
qu× B = 2Pp + BC’ tanø’ - ¼ γ B2tanø’ –------ (1)
The resultant passive pressure (Pp) on the surface
CB & CA constitutes three components ie. (Pp)r,
(Pp)c & (Pp) q,
Pp = (Pp)r + (Pp)c + (Pp)q
qu× B= 2[ (Pp)r +(Pp)c +(Pp)q ]+ Bc’tanø’-¼ γ B2 tanø’
Thus, Nc’,Nq’ & Nr’ are B.C. factors for local shear failure
When, Dw =0
& when x = 0
Nc,Nq, & Nr are Hansen’s B.C factors which are
some what smaller than Terzaghi’s B.C. factors.
Sc.Sq &Sr are shape factors which are
independent of angle of shearing resistance;
dc,dq, & dr are depth factors ;
Ic, iq & ir are iodination factors
The same form of equation has been
adopted by I.S. 6403 –1971 & may be used
for general form as
Si = q B 1- μ2/Es I
q -uniformly distributed load.
B - characteristic length of loaded area,
Es - modulus of elasticity of the soil.
μ - poisson's ratio.
I - influence factor which dependent upon
elastic properties of base & shape at base.
Alternatively, the value of [1- μ2/Es] I can be
determined from the plate load test.
b) On Cohesionless Soils
According to Stuartmann & Hartman immediate
settlement on Cohesionless soils is given by -
S i = C1C2 ( q − q ) ∫ ∆∈
Z =0 S
i) steel struct 50mm 0.0033L 1/300 50mm 0.0033L 1/300
ii) RCC struct 50mm 0.0015L 1/666 75mm 0.0015L 1/666
Raft foundation
i) steel struct
ii) Rcc struct. 75mm 0.0033L 1/300 100mm 0.0033L 1/300
75mm 0.002L 1/500 100mm 0.002L 1/500
a) mv = -(∆ e / 1+ eo)/ ∆ σ
b) for one dimension, ∆ v = ∆ H
mv = - (∆ H / Ho) / ∆ σ
also mv = av / (1+ eo )
in which, eo- initial void ratio.
∆ e - change in void ratio.
Ho initial thickness.
3) Compression index ( Cc) is equal to the slope
of the linear portion of the void ration versus log
σ plot.
Cc = - ∆ e/ log 10 (σ 0 + ∆ σ ) / σ 0
in which, σ 0 = initial effective stress.
∆ σ - change in effective stress.
n -
Sf = ∑ ( mv ) i ( ∆ ∂ ) i ( ∆z ) i ........(2)
i =1
Final Settlement Using Void Ratio
∆ H = Ho (∆ e / 1 + eo )
Cc σ0+Δ σ
Sf = Ho Log
1+e0 10
Cr σ0+Δ σ
Sf = Ho Log
1+e0 10