Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics: Bushra Sani Lecture 1: Monday, 23 February, 2015
Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics: Bushra Sani Lecture 1: Monday, 23 February, 2015
Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics: Bushra Sani Lecture 1: Monday, 23 February, 2015
Bushra Sani
Lecture 1: Monday, 23rd February, 2015
What is language?
A means of communicating information
Study of society in
relation to language
Scope and Utility of
The relatedness between language and Society
d Dialect Pidgins
Language Language
Register and and Gender and age
languag s Creoles
d by three
Regiona Sociole Ethnic field, mode
l dialect ct idiolect and tenor
Dialect of
Standard Language
Standard language or standard variety is the variety of a
language which has the highest status in a community or nation
and which is usually based on the speech and writing of
educated native speakers of the language.
A standard language is generally used in government
documents, in the news media and in literature, described in
dictionaries and grammars, and taught in schools.
A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region
or by a specific social class is called a dialect.
The study of dialects is called dialectology. Dialects can be
categorized into the following types:
Idiolect is a Ethnic Dialect
personal dialect of
Regional Social an individual An ethnic
Dialect Dialect/Sociolie speaker that dialect is a
combines elements social dialect
A regional ct regarding regional,
dialect is a social, gender, and of a language
Sociolect, or
linguistic variety age variations. In spoken by a
social-class other words, an
used by people less privileged
dialect, refers to individual speaker’s
living in the regional and social population that
the linguistic
same background, his/her has experience
variety gender and age
geographical some form of
characteristic of jointly determine
region. the way he/she talks. social isolation
a particular And the language such as racial
class. he/she uses, which
bears distinctive
features of his/her or segregation.
own, is his/her
Register refers to the type of language which is selected as
appropriate to the type of situation.
Language used on different occasions differs in the degree of
formality, which is determined by the social variables.
As languages and dialects differ from one another at every
level, so registers can differ in vocabulary, phonology, grammar
and semantics.
• refers to what is happening, including what is being talked about.
Field of • “Why” and “about what”.