NCM 112-Mod4

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FLUID, ELECTROLYTES AND A serum sodium concentration below the lower limit


MAN 2 Primary causes:
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR - A gain of relatively more water than salt
* Prolonged or excess release of ADH
Abnormalities in Body Fluid * Water intake that exceeds normal limit
Volume: too much (excess) or too little (deficit) - A loss of relatively more salt that water
Concentration: altered Clinical Manifestations:
Electrolyte composition of body fluid: too much (hyper - Malaise
or too little (hypo) - Anorexia
Can cause clinical problems or death - Nausea
Occur as a result of many different pathophysiologic - Vomiting
conditions - Headache
Body Fluid Homeostasis
Body fluid Hyponatremia
- Pertains to water within the body and the Cell Swelling
particles dissolved in it
2 major body fluid compartments Hypernatremia
- Extracellular fluid: outside the cell Serum sodium concentration above upper limit of
* 1/3 body fluid in adults normal
* Infants have more extracellular fluid as Cells shrivel
compared to intracellular Clinical Manifestations:
- Intracellular fluid: inside the cell - Thirst
* 2/3 body fluid in adults - Low urine output
- Confusion
- Seizures
Body Fluid Homeostasis - Coma
- Death
Fluid Excretion Hypernatremia
Urinary Tract Shriveled Cells
- Largest volume excreted Edema
Bowels Excess fluid in interstitial compartment
- Normal bowel function - May be a manifestation of excess
- Increases with diarrhea extracellular fluid volume
Lungs - Increased capillary hydrostatic Pressure: too
- Exhalation much volume; from inflammation
Skin - Increased interstitial fluid osmotic pressure:
- Visible sweat inflammation causes protein to leak out from
- Insensible perspiration vascular permeability

Fluid Excretion Principles of Electrolyte Homeostasis

Amount of fluid excreted in the urine is controlled - Ionized salts dissolved in water
primarily by hormones - Most clinically important
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) * Sodium
- Aldosterone * Potassium
- Natriuretic peptides ( ANP and BNP) * Calcium
Fluid Distribution * Magnesium
Volume Deficit * Chloride
Caused by removal of a sodium containing fluid from * Bicarbonate
the body * Phosphate
Clinical Manifestation: Electrolyte Excretion
- Lightheadedness Occurs through urine, feces, sweat
- Dizziness Influenced by hormones
- Orthostatic hypotension Abnormal Electrolyte Loss:
- Hypovolemic shock - Vomiting
Volume Excess - Nasogastric suction
Opposite of extracellular volume deficit - Paracentesis
Amount of extracellular fluid is abnormally increased - Hemodialysis
Vascular and interstitial areas have too much fluid - Wound drainage
Clinical Manifestations: - Fistula drainage
- Dyspnea Hypokalemia
- Pulmonary Edema Decreased potassium ion concentration in
- Neck Vein Distention extracellular fluid
Hyponatremia Etiology
- Decreased intake: usually in conditions
that cause a decreased oral intake Hyperphosphatemia
- Increased excretion: usually renal but can be Increase in phosphate concentration above the upper
through feces, sweat, GI tract ( emesis, limit of normal
diarrhea), diuretics Etiology
Clinical Manifestations: Altered smooth, skeletal, - Increased phosphate intake or absorption
cardiac muscle function due to hyper-polarization of * Excessive use of phosphate –
resting membrane potential. Hypoactivity containing enemas or laxatives
Rise of serum potassium Increased neuromuscular excitability
Etiology - Causes hypocalcemia signs and
- Increased potassium intake: rapid excessive symptoms
IV `infusion
- Decreased potassium excretion: oliguria,
potassium sparing diuretics, drugs that
reduce aldosterone effects or are nephrotic
Clinical Manifestations: Muscle dysfunction due
to depolarization of resting membrane
potential hyperactivity
Serum calcium concentration drops below the lower
limit of normal
- Poor diet
- Lack of Vitamin D
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Increased Ca2+ excretion
Decreases the threshold potential, causing hyper-
excitability of neuromuscular cells resulting in:
- Muscle twitching and cramping
- Paresthesias
Occurs when the serum calcium concentration rises
above the upper limit of normal
- Vitamin D overdose
- Hyper parathyroidism
- Decreased Ca2+ excretion
Causes decreased neuromuscular excitability
- Muscle weakness
- Diminished reflexes
- Cardiac dysrhythmias
Serum magnesium concentration below the lower limit
of normal
- Decreased magnesium intake or absorption:
chronic alcoholism, malnutrition, ileal resection

Clinical Manifestation: Increased neuromuscular

excitability from excessive amount of
Serum magnesium concentration above upper limit of
- Increased magnesium intake or absorption:
laxatives , antacids

Depression of neuromuscular function related to

decreased release of acetylcholine at
neuromuscular junctions
Present when phosphate decreases below normal limit
Clinical manifestations often not observed until severe
– lack of ATP for cells
- Confusion, stupor
- Seizures
- Coma
- Impaired cardiac function

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