CTV Program Proposal - 0
CTV Program Proposal - 0
CTV Program Proposal - 0
A show can qualify as a series after three completed episodes are turned in. At least one episode a month must be
turned in from that point on in order to maintain a series slot. Are you working towards making this show a series, or is it a
special, one time production?
This is my third show, and I will be maintaining a series after this episode.
Equipment & Facilities Needed for your Project (Check all that apply)
Studio Production:
If you’re doing a studio production, list the crewmembers who will be assisting you.
Note: If you’re looking for volunteers, talk to an Access Facilitator. There is a list of people who want to volunteer on
other people’s shows in Check Out.
Third Party Agreements: (Attach a copy of your Third Party Agreement to this Program Proposal)
Payments being received (per show) from a Third-Party for this Production?
Sales Distribution Agreement (Attach a copy of your Sales Distribution Agreement to your Program Proposal)
Do you plan to distribute this program? Yes No
Program Proposal Information
Thank you for your interest in submitting programming. Community Television depends on producers like you
to promote free speech, provide public interest programming and foster diverse points of view.
This form is intended to be a roadmap for your production, and a way for us to get the information we need
to help you. It is not intended to limit you in any way. If plans for your program change, or if any information on
this form changes, please let us know.
Please note that as a Community Television member you may not receive payment for the production of this,
or any other program produced with Community Television resources without first filing a Sponsorship
Agreement (see Section V, G-I in rules), a Third Party Agreement (see Section IV, H in rules), and/or
a Sales Distribution Agreement (see Section III, F-6) in rules), depending on the nature of the payment.
Details on these requirements are included later in this form. You are strongly encouraged to read and review
each of these rules because breaking one of them could result in a major or minor violation.
Field Production:
Field gear may be reserved up to 4 weeks in advance for individual program producers and 13 weeks for series
program producers. A typical field equipment check-out is 24 hours. Field equipment may not be checked out in
excess of 48 hours unless a written request justifying the need has been approved by the Operations Coordinator
or Executive Director. A certified user is limited to four single-camera field equipment uses per calendar month
unless agreed to by the Executive Director within an accepted program proposal. (See Section IV, E-2 in rules)
Studio Production:
Unless otherwise authorized by staff, a maximum of two studio sessions may be scheduled per week. The stu-
dio may be reserved up to four weeks in advance but no less than one week in advance for individual program
producers. The studio may be reserved up to 13 weeks but no less than one week in advance for series program
producers. Reservations made less than one week in advance may be considered for approval by the Operations
Coordinator or Executive Director. (See Section IV, E-2 in rules)
Dub Cart:
The dubcart is available for logging footage and for making dubs. As a producer you are allowed to make an “initial
copy” of your program at no charge. You may also make a “cablecast copy” for playback on CTV channels. If you
require additional copies, please talk to a staff member. (See Section III, F in rules)
Over --->
Underwriting, Third-Party Agreement, Sales Distribution Agreement
Sponsorship happens when an individual, company or organization agrees to make a contribution toward
the cost of your production. In exchange for this contribution you may place a 30 second announcement at
the beginning or end of your program where you give factual information about the sponsor. The first $100
in sponsorship you receive for each production is yours to keep. Fifteen percent (15%) of only those
sponsorship funds totaling over $100 (exclusive of goods and services) must be paid to Com-
munity Television. If your program contains underwriting credits, you must provide a signed sponsorship
agreement for each underwriter. This form is available in the lobby and on our website at www.communitytv.
org. (see Section V, G-I in rules)
If the third party contributor is a member and the program's producer, third party agreements do not apply. You
must submit a Third-Party Agreement to Community Television prior to receiving any funds. Twenty-five (25%)
of all payments you receive from a third-party must be paid to Community Television. The Third-Party
Agreement is available in the lobby and on our website at www.communitytv.org. (see Section IV, H in rules)