UP210 Lime/cement Basecoat Render: Data Sheet Sept 2014

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DATA SHEET Sept 2014

Lime/cement basecoat render
Lime/cement render for application as water-repellent basecoat to medium-weight masonry of bulk
density > 700 kg/m3, to receive mineral finishing coats and synthetic resin finishes, where necessary
after preparation. Particularly suitable for damp areas, cellars/basements, garages, as basecoat for
scratch renders and as base for tiling in bathrooms, kitchens, damp areas etc.

 mortar group P II/strength class CS II to DIN V 18550/DIN EN 998-1

 premixed dry mortar with lime/cementitious binder
 low-chromate to TRGS (German Technical Regulations for Hazardous Substances) 613
 fire rating A (non-combustible)
 for indoors and outdoors
 water-repellent
 vapour-permeable
 moisture-absorbent
 for manual or machine application
 greyish beige


Bulk density: 1.5 kg/dm³
Tensile bending strength: 1.8 N/mm²
Compressive strength: 3.5 N/mm²
Dynamic elastic modulus: 5900 N/mm²
Water vapour diffusion resistance factor µ: 10
Thermal conductivity (10°C, dry) λ10,dry:  0.47 W/(m·K), for P=50%
 0.54 W/(m·K), for P=90%
Capillary water absorption: W2

Grading Coat Coverage Coverage
thickness mm kg/m²
m²/bag m²/tonne
UP 210 1.0 mm 10.0 15.4 2.0 65.0
UP 210 1.0 mm 20.0 30.8 1.0 32.5

The above figures are approximate values and may vary according to background type.

Cover or watertightly mask dirt-sensitive elements.
Provide netting to protect weather-exposed work surfaces from precipitation and solar radiation.
Clean down small lightweight woodfibre slab panel surfaces using dry methods (no pre-wetting).
Spray on approx. 5 mm full-cover spatterdash coat of DER VORSPRITZER or apply min. 5 mm coat
of SM700, strike off with notched trowel and roughen. Allow to dry and set for 3 days prior to
application of UP210.
Clean down composite thermal-insulation block masonry and large lightweight woodfibre slab
surfaces using dry methods (no pre-wetting). Apply min. 15 mm coat of UP210 and level off. After 4
weeks waiting time and full drying out, incorporate scrim reinforcement over whole surface using
Roughen small XPS-R board surfaces and dust down. Apply min. 5 mm coat of SM700, strike off with
notched trowel and roughen. Allow to dry and set for 3 days.
No preparation is required for new perforated or porous clay bricks/blocks, expanded clay, pumice or
calcium silicate masonry units up to a size of 50 x 25 cm, only pre-wet where appropriate.
Remove laitance, concrete dust or any other matter impairing render bond from masonry, using high-
pressure water jet where necessary.
Pre-wet smooth- or rough-formed concrete, large calcium silicate blocks, rubble walls, high- or
variable-suction composite masonry if required. Spray on approx. 5 mm full-cover spatterdash coat of
DER VORSPRITZER or apply SM700 using widely notched trowel and roughen.
Allow to dry and set for 24 hours prior to continuing work with UP210.
With unsuitable backgrounds, properly fix lathing (Distanet, Armanet or equivalent). Apply approx.
10 mm coat of UP210. Using notched trowel/notched darby, press into lathing, strike off and roughen.
After UP210 has set, apply a further approx. 10 mm coat, strike off level and embed scrim over whole
surface, with 10 cm lap at joints.
Fix renderwork stop and angle bead true to line with AM300 bedding mortar (rapid-setting cement

Set water to approx. 420 ltr when starting up machine, then set to as thin a mortar consistency as
possible. Pre-lubricate hoses with wallpaper paste.
For manual application: mix bag contents with approx. 5.6 ltr water.
Apply UP210 to suitably prepared background in a 10 mm coat internally and min. 15 mm coat
externally, strike off level and scratch.
As basecoat for scratch render, apply approx. 10 mm coat, strike off level and roughen with broom.
Embed basecoat scrim where required. Allow to dry and set for 1 day per millimetre render thickness
prior to continuing work.

Bed basecoat scrim near surface in wet mortar, with 20 cm lap at joints, at junctions on facades
between different wall materials, over small lightweight woodfibre slab or XPS-R board surfaces,
diagonally above or below corners of openings etc.
Incorporation of scrim over whole surface in final coat or, after drying, scrim reinforcement using
SM700 or Lustro is recommended to meet special demands, e.g. for composite masonry, on weather-
exposed elevations, for felt-floated and brushed finishes or textured renderwork with aggregate size
less than 2 mm (< 3 mm specified by DIN 18350, VOB – German Construction Contract Procedures –
Part C).

Rendering works are subject to the requirements of DIN EN 13914 and DIN 18350 VOB (German
Construction Contract Procedures) Part C.
Mix dry mortar only with clean water. Do not use any foreign additives.
Do not apply at air and/or wall temperatures below +5°C. Protect fresh renderwork against frost and
premature drying out.
UP210 may be applied in a single 10-20 mm coat. For render thicknesses of 20-35 mm, apply UP210
in 2 coats and embed MARMORIT basecoat/reinforcing scrim over whole surface or, after full drying
and setting, incorporate scrim reinforcement over whole surface using SM700 or Lustro.
Roughen undercoat(s) and allow to set prior to application of next coat. Allow 1 week extra drying
time for each additional centimetre thickness prior to continuing work.
To achieve a paintable felt-floated finish on internal walls, overcoat hardened, though not yet fully
dried basecoat with a further approx. 3 mm coat of UP210 on following day or, alternatively, apply
approx. 2 mm coat of FIP290 felt-float render after drying and properly felt float after initial set.
Allow UP210 to fully dry prior to application of finishing coats or MARMORIT ROTKALK FARBE,
KATOL or INTOL paints.

At plinths and areas in contact with ground: for strong backgrounds > 6 N/mm2, use UP310 cement
plinth render.
For lightweight or thermal-insulation brickwork/blockwork of compressive strength class  6 N/mm²,
and high-thermal-insulation masonry > 6 N/mm², use water-repellent SOCKEL LUP lightweight plinth
render (mortar group P II/ CS III). For self-contained areas of XPS-R board, incorporate scrim
reinforcement using SOCKEL-SM with double-layer scrim reinforcement.
After drying out, all rendered surfaces in contact with ground or gravel beds shall be
waterproofed/protected against moisture, starting from basement wall waterproof barrier up to approx.
5 cm above ground level, in accordance with DIN 18195.
To this end, a 2.5 mm coat of MARMORIT SOCKEL-DICHT may be applied. Cover with nonwoven-
faced studded sheet after drying.

Mineral mortars exhibit an alkaline reaction upon contact with water. Causes eye irritation. Avoid
contact with skin and eyes. Wear eye/face protection. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately
with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Requirements of safety data sheet shall be observed
(current version obtainable at www.marmorit.de).
Once set, the material poses no physiological or ecological hazards.

High-performance rendering machines (e.g. PFT G4, G5 or equivalent)
Stator: D6-3
Rotor: D6-3
Mortar hoses: 25 mm dia
Wet mortar pumping distance: up to 30 m

Hydrated lime to DIN EN 459, trass to DIN 51043, white Portland cement to DIN EN 197.
Quartz and limestone graded to DIN 4226, 0-1.0 mm
Water-retaining admixture and water-repellent.

In accordance with DIN EN 998-1, the product shall be subject to initial type testing and ongoing
factory production control (FPC). Being additionally subject to external monitoring, it is entitled to carry
– alongside the CE mark – the RAL Quality Label for premixed dry mortar.


30 kg paper bags and in bulk form in container.
Shelf life 6 months, subject to storage in dry, moisture-protected environment.

Via Marmorit approved applicators or local distributors

This data sheet, which replaces all previous editions, is designed to provide you with advice and
assistance. The information presented herein reflects our present state of knowledge. It cannot,
however, embody the sum total of good practice, nor incorporate the provisions of all relevant
standards, codes of practice and guidelines. These – together with the relevant application rules and
guidelines – shall be duly observed by the applicator!

Information and advice may be provided by our external representatives or the Technical Department

Knauf Uk Kemsley Fields Business Park Sittingbourne Kent ME9 8SR Tel: 01795 416061 Fax: 01795 416261 www.knauf.co.uk
DS Fassadol TSR
DS UP210

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