HISTORY TAKING: Acute Gastroenteritis

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HISTORY TAKING: Acute Gastroenteritis

1. How many episodes of VOMITING and DIARRHOEA, how many days prior to
2. When is the child last well?
3. How many days of hospitalization already? (Day of illness on hospitalization)

1. Previously healthy when?
2. What is the initial symptom?
3. Any fever? High grade/low?
Relieving factors?
4. Any respiratory symptoms? (Runny nose, cough…)
5. Vomiting How many episodes?
Blood stained/bile?
Relieving/triggering factors?
6. Diarrhoea Frequency/consistency of passing stool?
Colour of stool/any blood stained (HUS)?
Abdominal pain?
Abdominal distension?
7. Travelling history?
8. Urine output (Amount, frequency, colour) “Dark coloured urine-Haemolytic
uraemic syndrome”
9. Oral intake (reduced? Unable to drink?)
10.Any headache, relieve by sleep? (TRO migrain)
11.Last food intake What food?
Any friends/family has the same symptoms?
Food preparation/water supply?
12.Did symptoms affect sleeps, feeding, daily activities?
13.Did child irritable, lethargy?
14.Any wrongly taken medication?
15.Any dehydration (sweating? Dry mouth? Muscle cramps? Palpitation? Fast

CNS: any fit, altered consciousness
HEMATO: any pallor, bleeding
CVS: Sweating during feed, palpitation
Provisional diagnosis
Acute gastroenteritis + DEHYDRATION STATUS!

1. General 3. Local: Abdomen
2. Systemic 4. Dehydration assessment

Dehydration status
*child general condition
1. Anterior fontanelle (infant) – sunken
2. Mouth (dry mouth, tongue)
3. Eye (sunken, any tears)
4. Pulse rate/BP (tachycardia, degree of dehydration “shock”)
5. Cold peripheries (weak pulse, CRT >2s “shock”)
6. Skin turgor

Local Examination: Abdomen

*Look for complication of AGE
1. Any tenderness (peritonitis, sepsis of GIT)
2. Mass and central tenderness (intussusception)
3. Percussion if hyper resonant (Intestinal Obstruction)
4. Bowel sounds (increase in IO, absent in paralytic ileus/peritonitis)

Systemic examination

Respiratory: Tachypnoea with crepitation/ rhonchi (metabolic acidosis)

Cardiovascular: Signs of shock ‘tachycardia, cold peripheries, weak pulse, CRT >2s,
mental state with/without hypotension’

Central Nervous: Any seizure (fever, electrolyte imbalance), hyper/hyponatraemia,

conscious level, signs of cerebral oedema

1. FBC (wbc, hb, platelets levels)
2. BUSE (electrolyte imbalance due to dehydration, hyper/hyponatraemia,
3. Blood C&S
4. UFEME + C&S (any RBC suggest: HUS, UTI ‘E. coli, Shigella, Camphylobacter)
5. Stool FEME + C&S (any RBC suggest HUS)
6. ECG (severe dehydration look for hypo/hyperkalaemia ‘T wave changes’)
7. ABG (evidence of metabolic acidosis)
Mild (<5%) PLAN A
Dehydration Moderate (5-10%) PLAN B
Severe (>10%) PLAN C

1. Give extra fluid
Encourage Breast feeding
ORS/ education on preparation (after each loose stool)

2. Continue feeding
Avoid sugar, continue BF on demand

3. When to return
Unable to drink/BF/drink poorly, become sicker, develop fever, blood in stool
1. ORS over 4hr period
ORS(ml) = wt(kg) × 100ml (according to age)

2.After 4 hours
Reassess the child condition
Select appropriate plan to continue
If discharge before completing treatment, need to give home treatment and educate
the parents
Continue BF

1. IV/IO fluid started immediately
If patient can drink, give ORS by mouth while setting drip
Bolus 20ml/kg NaCl o.9%
Repeated until patient out of shock!

2. Fluid needed for the next 24hr

Fluid rehydration/deficit
Fluid maintenance

3. Reassess hydration status 1 hourly

4. Continue normal feed
5. Once the child able to feed and not vomit PLAN A/B

- Hypovolaemia - Dehydration
- Fit - Bacteraemia
- Malnutrition - Matabolic disturbance

ORS Contain: NaCl, KCl, trisodium citrate, glucose anhydrous

Differential diagnosis
1. Food poisoning
2. Allergy
3. Malabsoption
4. Celiac disease
5. IBD
6. Intussusception
7. HUS
8. UTI

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