HSP Practice Workbook G5 - TE PDF
HSP Practice Workbook G5 - TE PDF
HSP Practice Workbook G5 - TE PDF
Grade 5
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 073 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07
UNIT 1: USE WHOLE NUMBERS 4.7 Functions...........................................PW30
4.8 Inequalities .......................................PW31
4.9 Problem Solving Workshop
Chapter 1: Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction Strategy: Predict and Test ................PW32
1.1 Place Value Through Millions ............PW1
1.2 Understand Billions ............................PW2
1.3 Compare and Order UNIT 2: USE DECIMALS
Whole Numbers .................................PW3
1.4 Round Whole Numbers .....................PW4 Chapter 5: Understand Decimals
1.5 Estimate Sums and Differences .........PW5 5.1 Decimal Place Value .........................PW33
1.6 Add and Subtract Whole Numbers ...PW6 5.2 Equivalent Decimals .........................PW34
1.7 Problem Solving Workshop 5.3 Compare and Order Decimals .........PW35
Strategy: Work Backward ..................PW7 5.4 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
Chapter 2: Multiply Whole Numbers Draw Conclusions .............................PW36
2.1 Mental Math: Patterns in Chapter 6: Add and Subtract Decimals
Multiples .............................................PW8 6.1 Round Decimals ................................PW37
2.2 Estimate Products ...............................PW9 6.2 Add and Subtract Decimals .............PW38
2.3 Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers ...........PW10 6.3 Estimate Sums and Decimals ...........PW39
2.4 Multiply by Multi-Digit Numbers ....PW11 6.4 Choose a Method .............................PW40
2.5 Problem Solving Workshop 6.5 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
Strategy: Find a Pattern ...................PW12 Estimate or Find Exact Answer........PW41
2.6 Choose a Method .............................PW13
Chapter 7: Multiply Decimals
Chapter 3: Divide by 1- and 2-Digit Divisors 7.1 Model Multiplication by
3.1 Estimate with 1-Digit Divisors .........PW14 a Whole Number ..............................PW42
3.2 Divide by 1-Digit Divisors ................PW15 7.2 Algebra: Patterns in Decimal
3.3 Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Factors and Products ........................PW43
Interpret the Remainder..................PW16 7.3 Record Multiplication by
3.4 Zeros in Division ...............................PW17 a Whole Number ..............................PW44
3.5 Algebra: Patterns in Division ...........PW18 7.4 Model Multiplication by
3.6 Estimate with 2-Digit Divisors .........PW19 a Decimal ..........................................PW45
3.7 Divide by 2-Digit Divisors ................PW20 7.5 Estimate Products .............................PW46
3.8 Correcting Quotients .......................PW21 7.6 Practice Decimal Multiplication ......PW47
3.9 Practice Division ...............................PW22 7.7 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
3.10 Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Multistep Problems .........................PW48
Relevant or Irrelevant
Information ......................................PW23 Chapter 8: Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers
8.1 Decimal Division ...............................PW49
Chapter 4: Expressions and Equations 8.2 Estimate Quotients ..........................PW50
4.1 Write Expressions .............................PW24 8.3 Divide Decimals by Whole
4.2 Evaluate Expressions ........................PW25 Numbers............................................PW51
4.3 Properties..........................................PW26 8.4 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
4.4 Mental Math: Use the Properties....PW27 Evaluate Answers for
4.5 Write Equations................................PW28 Reasonableness ................................PW52
4.6 Solve Equations ................................PW29
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Chapter 9: Data and Statistics Chapter 13: Add and Subtract Fractions
9.1 Collect and Organize Data ..............PW53 13.1 Add and Subtract Like Fractions .....PW80
9.2 Mean, Median, and Mode ...............PW54 13.2 Model Addition of Unlike
9.3 Compare Data ..................................PW55 Fractions............................................PW81
9.4 Analyze Graphs ................................PW56 13.3 Model Subtraction of Unlike
9.5 Problem Solving Workshop Fractions............................................PW82
Strategy: Draw a Diagram ..............PW57 13.4 Estimate Sums and Differences .......PW83
13.5 Use Common Denominators ...........PW84
Chapter 10: Make Graphs
13.6 Problem Solving Workshop
10.1 Make Bar Graphs and
Strategy: Compare Strategies ........PW85
Pictographs .......................................PW58
13.7 Choose a Method .............................PW86
10.2 Make Histograms .............................PW59
10.3 Algebra: Graph Ordered Pairs .........PW60 Chapter 14: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers
10.4 Make Line Graphs ............................PW61 14.1 Model Addition of Mixed
10.5 Make Circle Graphs ..........................PW62 Numbers............................................PW87
10.6 Problem Solving Workshop 14.2 Model Subtraction of Mixed
Strategy: Make a Graph .................PW63 Numbers............................................PW88
10.7 Choose the Appropriate Graph ......PW64 14.3 Record Addition and Subtraction ...PW89
14.4 Subtraction with Renaming ............PW90
14.5 Practice Addition and
UNIT 4: NUMBER THEORY AND FRACTION Subtraction .......................................PW91
CONCEPTS 14.6 Problem Solving Workshop
Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning .....PW92
Chapter 11: Number Theory Chapter 15: Multiply and Divide Fractions
11.1 Multiples and the Least Common 15.1 Model Multiplication of
Multiple ............................................PW65 Fractions............................................PW93
11.2 Divisibility .........................................PW66 15.2 Record Multiplication of
11.3 Factors and Greatest Common Fractions............................................PW94
Factor ................................................PW67 15.3 Multiply Fractions and Whole
11.4 Prime and Composite Numbers ......PW68 Numbers............................................PW95
11.5 Problem Solving Workshop 15.4 Multiply with Mixed Numbers ........PW96
Strategy: Make an Organized List ..PW69 15.5 Model Fraction Division ...................PW97
11.6 Introduction to Exponents ..............PW70 15.6 Divide Whole Numbers by
11.7 Exponents and Square Numbers .....PW71 Fractions............................................PW98
11.8 Prime Factorization ..........................PW72 15.7 Divide Fractions ................................PW99
Chapter 12: Fraction Concepts 15.8 Problem Solving Workshop Skill:
12.1 Understand Fractions .......................PW73 Choose the Operation ...................PW100
12.2 Equivalent Fractions .........................PW74
12.3 Simplest Form ...................................PW75 UNIT 6: RATIO, PERCENT, AND
12.4 Understand Mixed Numbers ...........PW76
12.5 Compare and Order Fractions
and Mixed Numbers.........................PW77
12.6 Problem Solving Workshop Chapter 16: Ratios and Percents
Strategy: Make a Model .................PW78 16.1 Understand and Express Ratios .....PW101
12.7 Relate Fractions and Decimals ........PW79 16.2 Algebra: Equivalent Ratios and
Proportions .....................................PW102
© Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Spiral Review
Week 1.......................................................... SR1
Week 2.......................................................... SR2
Week 3.......................................................... SR3
Week 4.......................................................... SR4
Week 5.......................................................... SR5
Week 6.......................................................... SR6
Week 7.......................................................... SR7
Week 8.......................................................... SR8
Week 9.......................................................... SR9
Week 10...................................................... SR10
Week 11...................................................... SR11
Week 12...................................................... SR12
Week 13...................................................... SR13
Week 14...................................................... SR14
Week 15...................................................... SR15
Week 16...................................................... SR16
Week 17...................................................... SR17
Week 18...................................................... SR18
Week 19...................................................... SR19
Week 20...................................................... SR20
Week 21...................................................... SR21
Week 22...................................................... SR22
Week 23...................................................... SR23
Week 24...................................................... SR24
Week 25...................................................... SR25
Week 26...................................................... SR26
Week 27...................................................... SR27
Week 28...................................................... SR28
Week 29...................................................... SR29
Week 30...................................................... SR30
Week 31...................................................... SR31
Week 32...................................................... SR32
Week 33...................................................... SR33
Week 34...................................................... SR34
Week 35...................................................... SR35
Week 36...................................................... SR36
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Teacher’s Edition
■ Rationale Card in the Teacher’s Edition for easy reference and rationale to
Suggested Homework Problems are on each worksheet. The suggested problems have
been carefully selected because they are a good representation of the problems in the day’s
lesson. No more than 10 problems are suggested for each lesson.
A Rationale Card provides the rationale behind the suggested problem chosen. You can
review the rationale to evaluate which problems best suit your students’ needs before you
assign homework.
Progress Graphs are provided for students as a template to use with the suggested
homework problems that may be assigned. Students shade the double-bar graph each day
to demonstrate the progress they make on their suggested homework assignments
throughout the week. The left bar reflects the total number of problems that are assigned.
The right bar reflects the total number of problems the student got correct. After you write
the answers on the chalkboard, students check their own homework during the morning
routine while you circulate the room to review their papers. Homework is assigned Monday
through Thursday only, so at the end of the week students can analyze their own work by
writing two sentences about their progress. The graphs can also be placed in student
portfolios for parent/teacher conferences. A sample graph is shown below. The template is
provided on the next page.
© Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt • Grade 5
My Homework Progress
Number of Problems
Number of
Number of
4 Problems
Mon Tue Wed Thu
Name Lesson 1.1 Name Lesson 1.2
600,000 + 40,000 + 7,000 + 200; 40,021,085; forty million, 70,217,000,531; 70,000,000,000 + 200,000,000 +
six hundred forty-seven twenty-one thousand, 10,000,000 +7,000,000 + 500 + 30 + 1
thousand, two hundred eighty-five 9. 35,089,207,450
What number makes the statement true?
30,000,000,000 + 5,000,000,000 + 80,000,000 + 9,000,000 +
15. 580,000 ⫽ 58 ⫻ 10,000 16. 2,760,000 ⫽ 276 ⫻ 10,000 200,000 + 7,000 + 400 + 50; thirty-five billion, eighty-nine
Problem Solving and Test Prep
million, two hundred seven thousand, four hundred fifty
17. Fast Fact The diameter of Jupiter is 18. Clarrisa learns that the estimated
Problem Solving and Test Prep
88,732 miles. How can Michael write the distance between the Sun and Venus is 10. How many dimes equal the same total 11. During a year-long penny drive, a
diameter of Jupiter in expanded form? sixty-seven million miles. How can she amount as 1,000,000,000 pennies? volunteer group collected 10,000,000
write this number in standard form for a pennies. How many stacks of 100
poster she is making pennies could they make with all of
their pennies?
80,000 + 8,000 + 700 + 30 + 2 67,000,000
20. In 358,247,061, which digit is in the
10,000,000 dimes 100,000 stacks
19. What is the value of the underlined digit
in 729,340,233? D hundred thousands place? B 12. What is the standard form of fifty-two 13. In 538,479,247,061, which digit is in
A 20,000 A 0 million, six hundred eight thousand, the ten billions place?
B 20,000 B 2 thirty-nine? C
C 2,000,000 C 3 A 52,680,390 C 52,608,039 A 5 C 2
D 20,000,000 D 5 B 52,608,390 D 52,068,039 B 3 D 0
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW1 Practice PW2 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW1-PW2 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 6,574 . 6,547 2. 270,908 ⴝ 270,908 3. 8,306,722 , 8,360,272 1. 325,689,029 2. 45,673 3. 91,341,281 4. 621,732,193
B 61,543
A 722,319; 722,913; 722,139 was rounded. B was rounded. C
43,771,012 to 40,000,000 622,192,013 to 622,200,000
B 722,139; 722,319; 722,913
C 63,154
C 722,913; 722,139; 722,319 A hundred thousands C tens A ten thousands C hundred thousands
D 63,145
D 722,913; 722,319; 722,139 B ten millions D millions B hundreds D ten millions
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW3 Practice PW4 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW3-PW4 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
PW5-PW6 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Work Backward Mental Math: Patterns in Multiples
Problem Solving Strategy Practice Find the product.
5. Which type of whale had the greatest 6. Pose a Problem Look back at 24,000 penguins 24,000,000 eggs
decrease in population? Explain how Problem 4. Write a similar problem by
21. Tickets to a baseball game cost $90 22. A sedan at a car dealership sells for
you know. changing the type of whale.
each. How much money will be made in $20,000. How much money will be made
ticket sales if 5,000 tickets are sold? B from the sale of 200 sedans? C
Humpback whale; The
A $45,000 A $40,000
difference between the B $450,000 B $400,000
C $4,500,000 C $4,000,000
original count and the Check students’ problem. D $45,000,000 D $40,000,000
latest count.
Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW7 Practice PW8 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
20 problem solving
22 multiple choice
PW7-PW8 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Estimate Products Estimates will vary. Accept all Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers
Estimate the product. reasonable answers. Estimate. Then find the product. Possible estimate are given.
1. 65 22 2. 18 $34 3. 738 59 4. 195 23 5. 8,130 77
1. 47 2. 26 3. 207 4. 783 5. 428
6 6 3 9 5
1,400 $600 42,000 4,000 640,000
300; 282 180; 156 600; 621 7,200; 7,047 2,000; 2,140
6. 91 49 7. 641 31 8. 555 470 9. 4,096 12 10. 42 1,912
23. Which would give the best estimate for 24. Which would give the best estimate for $142 more
48 54,090? C 108 276? B 21. Which expression has the same value as 22. New windows cost $425 each. What is
A 40 50,000 A 100 200
8 (800 70 3)? D the total cost for 9 new windows? B
B 40 60,000 B 100 300 A 8 (800,703) A $3,725
C 50 50,000 C 200 200 B 64 56 24 B $3,825
D 50 60,000 D 200 300
C 6,400 70 3 C $4,725
D 6,400 560 24 D $4,825
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW9 Practice PW10 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
24 multiple choice
PW9-PW10 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
18. Viola is training for a swimming 19. Mon is training for a track and field 32 ⴙ 32 ⴙ 20 ⴙ 20 ⴝ n 32 inches
competition on a pool in which one event on a track where one lap is
lap is 20 yards. Viola has swam 400 meters. So far Mon has finished 6 Pose a Problem Look back at Problem 7. Tom’s brother is 5 inches shorter than
8 laps. What distance has Viola swam? 2 laps. What distance has Mon ran? 5. Write a similar problem by changing Tom, and Tom’s mom is 26 inches
the number of frames Elsi will make. shorter than their heights combined.
A C How tall is Tom’s mom if Tom is 4 ft., 2 in.
A 160 yards A 220 meters Check
. students’ tall?
B 180 yards B 440 meters
C 1,600 yards C 800 meters
problems. 5 ft, 9 in.
D 1,800 yards D 202 meters
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW11 Practice PW12 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
18 multiple choice
19 multiple choice
PW11-PW12 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW13 Practice PW14 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
13 problem Solving
15 multiple choice
PW13-PW14 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
23. One case can hold 9 boxes of cereal. 24. A fifth-grade class made 436 cookies. 7 miles Brenda 137
How many cases are needed to hold The class put 6 cookies in each bag. Charlie 109
144 boxes of cereal? B How many cookies remained? C
6. If all bikers rode for 9 miles each day,
A 1,296 A 72 r4 who had to bike the least on the last
B 16 B 2,616 day to finish their trip?
C 17 C 4 Charlie
D 9 D 72
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW15 Practice PW16 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW15-PW16 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
800 $200 90 70
11. 764 ⫼ 2 12. 834 ⫼ 9 13. 2,251 ⫼ 4 14. 3,676 ⫼ 6 15. 5,794 ⫼ 8
13. 81,000 ⫼ 90 14. 80,000 ⫼ 2 15. 90,000 ⫼ 30 16. $35,000 ⫼ 50
Problem Solving and Test Prep 17. 350 ⫼ 7 ⴝ 3,500 ⫼ 70 18. 240 ⫼ 8 . 24 ⫼ 8 19. 360 ⫼ 40 , 360 ⫼ 4
16. Each pack of marigold flowers can hold 17. Each pack of tulips can hold 9 tulips.
6 marigolds. There are 458 marigolds. There are 956 tulips to be packed.
Problem Solving and Test Prep
How many full packs of marigolds are How many tulips will be left? How
there? How many more marigolds are many more tulips are needed to fill a 20. A warehouse stored 10 crates of 21. An office bought 8 office chairs for a
needed to fill a 6-pack of marigolds? 9-pack container of tulips? paper. The paper weighed a total total of $720. Each chair came with
of 7,000 pounds. How much did one a $15 mail-in rebate. After the rebate,
76 packs; 4 more 2 left; 7 needed crate of paper weigh? how much money did each chair cost?
700 pounds $75
18. The population of the world in July 2006 19. A pet store sells dog bones in packages
was about 6,628,506,453. What is the of 6. How many packages can they 22. A clothing store spends $4,500 on 23. A business man spends $6,400 on
value of the digit 2 in that number? make from 762 dog bones? A 9 clothing racks. How much does 8 projectors for his company. How much
A 127 each clothing rack cost? B does each projector cost? B
B 4,572 A $90 A $80
C 6 B $500 B $800
20 million D 172 C $540 C $640
D $50 D $8
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW17 Practice PW18 Practice
© Hearcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW17-PW18 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
7. 24
157 8. 31
$289 9. 72
160 ⴜ 20 ⴝ 8 210 ⴜ 30 ⴝ $7 6,300 ⴜ 70 ⴝ 90 9. 785 34 10. 980 51 11. 1,939 74 12. 2,738 65
15. Joe built a tower out of blocks. It was 16. Heather spent 480 minutes practicing
13 years 18 years
475 centimeters tall. The height of each basketball last month. How many hours
15. The school auditorium has 756 seats 16. A farmer planted a total of 768 corn
cube was 18 centimeters. About how did Heather spend practicing basketball
arranged in 27 equal rows. How many seeds in 24 equal rows. How many
many cubes did Joe use? B last month? D seats are in each row? B corn seeds are there in each row? C
A 10 A 60
A 27 A 28
B 24 B 4
B 28 B 30
C 18 C 10
C 29 C 32
D 48 D 8
D 30 D 34
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW19 Practice PW20 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW19-PW20 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Divide. 73 r15 74 r8
54 9 r16 210 r10 3 r45 72 64 r24 142 r1
6. 18
972 7. 27
259 8. 32
6,730 9. 63
234 10. 79
5,688 5. 57
3,672 6. 13
1,847 7. 36
2,643 8. 85
11. 2,312 ⫼ 49 12. 734 ⫼ 56 13. 1,634 ⫼ 86 14. 6,324 ⫼ 62 15. 846 ⫼ 94
9. 582 ⫼ 6 10. 763 ⫼ 9 11. 1,516 ⫼ 47 12. 9,951 ⫼ 93
47 r9 13 r6 19 102 9
16. Robin needs to buy 250 coasters 17. A store orders 832 ounces of floor Problem Solving and Test Prep
for a graduation party. Each package cleaner. Each bottle is 32 ounces and
contains 18 coasters. How many costs $3. How much does the store 13. Julia can make a paper crane in 14. Nathan spent 826 minutes making paper
packages should Robin buy? spend on the order? 8 minutes. She spent 992 minutes origami boxes. He can make a paper
making paper cranes for a party. How box in 7 minutes. How many origami
14 packages $78 many paper cranes did Julia make? boxes did Nathan make?
124 paper cranes 118 origami boxes
18. The Comfortable Shoe Company can 19. A Disc Jockey has a collection of 816
15. Sean has 6 piles of pennies. Each pile 16. A school cafeteria used 232 pieces of
fit 16 boxes of shoes in a crate. How CDs. The CD case that he likes holds
has 37 pennies. How many pennies bread yesterday equaling 8 full loaves.
many crates will the company need 24 CDs. How many cases will the Disc
to pack 576 boxes of shoes? A Jockey need to hold all his CDs? C does Sean have? D How many pieces of bread are in one
loaf? D
A 36 A 43
A 42 A 26
B 40 B 30
B 45 B 27
C 35 C 34
C 216 C 28
D 30 D 40
D 222 D 29
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW21 Practice PW22 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW21-PW22 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW23 Practice PW24 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW23-PW24 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Type of Rock
Long Jump 28 Amethyst
12. Drake has 7 times the number of fluorite
Then evaluate the expression if there Softball Throw s and flint pieces than Cari has. Use the Flint
are 41 students in the 800-meter run.
50-Meter Dash 89 Distributive Property to show the total
89 r, 89 41 130 800-Meter Run r number of pieces Drake has. Garnet
20. The softball participants were divided into 5 small groups. Write an expression to
74737 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
represent this. Then find the number of participants in each group if 80 students (4 3) 7 7 49 Number of Pieces
13. The expression 30 (8 7) shows the 14. The expression (20 4) 12 shows the
s 5, 16 students amount of money Daniel earned. Which amount of money Josie earned. Which
expression represents the same amount expression represents the same amount
21. If k 7, what is the value of 22. The expression 5w shows the cost of 5 D
of money? B of money?
2k 3? C books. If w $7.45, what is the total
A (30 8) 7 A (20 4) 12
cost of the books? C B (30 8) (30 7) B (12 20) 4
A 8 C 11 A $35.00 C $37.25 C (30 8) (30 7) C 20 (4 12)
B 9 D 24 B $39.45 D $12.45 D (30 8) (30 7) D (4 20) 12
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW25 Practice PW26 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
19 problem solving
21 multiple choice
PW25-PW26 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Mental Math: Use the Properties Write Equations Possible answers given.
Use properties and mental math to find the value. Write an equation for each. Tell what the variable represents.
1. 12 ⫹ 18 ⫹ 39 2. 53 ⫹ 64 ⫹ 37 3. 6 ⫻ 103 1. Paulina has a photo album with 2. Jarrod practiced the trumpet and piano
60 photos. Each page contains for 45 minutes. He practiced piano for
69 154 618
5 photos. How many pages does 15 minutes. How long did he practice
4. (20 ⫻ 4) ⫻ 3 5. 41 ⫹ 29 ⫹ 46 6. 26 ⫹ 43 ⫹ 34 the album have? the trumpet?
20 problem solving
PW27-PW28 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
d8c p 4m h 21 g
t7 e5 u 12 p 12
4. j 0 2 4 6 8 5. v 12 15 18 21 6. x 5 6 7 8 9
Use mental math to solve each equation. Check your solution. 0 1 2
k 3 4 w 3 6 9 12 y 57 9 11 13
5. 56 8 t 6. 22 p 9 7. 25 n 13 8. 72 y 12
kj2 wv9 y 2x 5
7. a 0 2 4 6 8 8. y 3 6 9 12
9. s 5 10 15 20
t7 p 13 n 12 y6 b 1 11 21 31 41 z 9 33 45
4.5 7 9.5
21 r 2
b 5a 1 r (s 1) 2
z 4y 3
9. d 4 8 10. 6 s 84 11. v 14 38 12. $24 r $61
Use the rule and the equation to make a function table. Check students’
d 32 s 14 v 52 r $37 10. Rule: Multiply by 4
function table
11. Rule: Add 8
m4r a8b
m a
Problem Solving and Test Prep r b
13. Algebra A bear weighed 165 pounds 14. Algebra Sam took 42 pictures of
Problem Solving and Test Prep
when it came out of hibernation. During animals on a nature hike. He placed the
the summer it gained n pounds. At the same number of pictures on each page 12. Dina pays $16 per week for piano lessons. How much will it cost for 6 weeks of
end of the summer the bear weighed of an album. He used 7 pages of his lessons if she takes one lesson per week? Make a function table to show the total cost
240 pounds. Write and solve an album. Write and solve an equation to per week for 6 weeks.
equation to find out how much the bear find out how many pictures he placed
gained during the summer. on each page of his album.
Week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total cost $16 $32 $48 $64 $80 $96
240 n 165; n 75 42 p 7; p 6 13. Peg has ridden her bicycle a total of 200 miles this year. She rides 40 miles per week.
What will be her total miles after 8 more weeks? Make a function table to show her
15. The equation $56 p $8 represents 16. Jesse had a book of 14 crossword expected total distance for the next 8 weeks.
the total cost of some books and the puzzles. After solving some of the Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cost per book. How many books were puzzles, he has 3 puzzles left. Write and
bought? A solve an equation to find out how many Total miles 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520
crossword puzzles Jesse solved. 14. The equation y 12 x 300 shows 15. The equation y 280 30x shows the
A 7
the balance in Dale’s savings account number of pages Keiko has left to read
14 p 3 after x weeks. How much will be in the after x hours of reading. How much will
C 9 account after 10 weeks? D she have left to read after 4 hours? A
D 12 11 puzzles A $180 C $312 A 160 pages C 310 pages
B $288 D $420 B 250 pages D 400 pages
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW29 Practice PW30 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
13 problem solving
15 multiple choice
PW29-PW30 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Draw a number line from 0 to 8. Locate points to show the whole number
6 angelfish, 15 guppies 5 and 17
solutions from 0 to 8 for each inequality. Check students’ number lines.
3. The sum of the ages of Michele and 4. Loni is thinking of two numbers. One
9. x ⫹ 2 ⬎ 4 10. x ⫹ 8 ⬎ 9
Clark’s ages is 27. Clark is twice as old number is three times greater than
as Michele. How old are Clark and the second number. Their sum is 32.
Michele? What are the two numbers?
Michele is 9 years, and 8 and 24
Write an inequality to match the words. Choose the variable for the unknown. Clark is 18 years.
Tell what the variable represents.
Mixed Strategy Practice
11. Travel time to the park is at least 12. Magie, the cat, weighs less than USE DATA For 5–7, use the table.
3 hours. 12 pounds. Silver Dollar $5
5. Denny spent $60 on Keyhole Cichlids
t ⴝ travel time; t % 3 m ⴝ Magie’s weight; m , 12 and Clown Loaches. He bought 10 fish.
Clown Loach $8
Black Skirt Tetra $2
How many of each did he buy?
Problem Solving and Test Prep Tiger Barb $3
4 Clown Loaches, Keyhole Cichlid $4
13. Let a ⫽ age. What ticket price does 6 Keyhole Cichlids
a ⬍ 5 represent? Circus Admission
6. Beth spent $210 on a fish tank and Tiger 7. Cora bought 3 Silver Dollars and
$0 Age Price Barbs. The tank cost $180. How many 4 Clown Loaches for her fish tank.
Under 5 Free Tiger Barbs did she buy? She handed the cashier three $20 bills.
14. Let n ⫽ age. What ticket price does 5–18/Child $8 How much change did she receive?
n ⫺ 12 ⬎ 6 represent?
Over 18/Adult $15 10 tiger barbs $13
8. A gallon of water weighs 10 pounds. 9. Open-Ended Bryce has $25 to spend
15. The inequality s ⫹ 4 ⱖ 6 represents 16. The inequality s ⫺ 11 ⬍ 60 represents the A fish tank weighs 35 pounds. How on fish. He wants to purchase at least
the least amount of money a snack greatest height in inches a person can be much does it weigh if it holds 15 three fish of two different kinds. Which
costs at the county fair. Which amount to ride a rollercoaster. Which amount is a gallons? two kinds can he buy?
is not a solution of the inequality? A solution of the inequality? A Possible answer: Silver
A 1 A 70
Dollar and Tiger Barb.
B 2 B 71
Strategies include predict
C 3 C 72
185 pounds and test, make a table.
D 4 D 73
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW31 Practice PW32 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
16 multiple choice
PW31-PW32 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
7 tenths, 0 tenths, 9 thousandths, 4 hundredths, Write the two decimals that are equivalent.
or 0.7 or 0.0 or 0.009 or 0.04 13. 3.007 14. 0.930 15. 7.60 16. 3.0540
Write each number in two other forms.
3.700 0.093 7.06 3.054
13. ten and thirty-eight hundredths 14. two and one hundred two thousandths
3.7000 0.93 7.600 3.504
10.38; 10 ⴙ 0.3 ⴙ 0.08 2.102; 2 ⴙ 0.1 ⴙ 0.002
3.700, 3.7000 0.930, 0.93 7.60, 7.600 3.0540, 3.054
15. 0.492 16. 5 ⫹ 0.3 ⫹ 0.06 ⫹ 0.009
four hundred ninety-two 5.369; five and three Problem Solving and Test Prep
thousandths; hundred sixty-nine 17. FAST FACT The calliope hummingbird 18. The calliope hummingbird is about
0.4 ⴙ 0.09 ⴙ 0.002 thousandths is the smallest bird in North America. 0.07 meter long, yet it can fly from
Problem Solving and Test Prep It weighs about 2.5 grams and builds northern North America to Mexico for
17. A robber fly’s greatest length in meters 18. A honey bee is 0.017 m. A carpenter a nest about the size of a quarter. Write the winter. Write an equivalent decimal
has 0 in the ones and tenths places and bee is 0.008 m longer than a honey bee. an equivalent decimal for 2.5. for the length of a calliope hummingbird.
5 in the hundredths place. What is this What is the length of a carpenter bee in Possible answer: 2.50 Possible answer: 0.070
length of a robber fly in meters? expanded form?
19. The calliope hummingbird lives in the 20. A banded calliope hummingbird was
0.05 0.02 ⴙ 0.005 mountains. It has been seen as high as seen in Idaho and also in Virginia. It had
19. What is the value of the underlined digit 20. The decimal 0.9 is how many times 335.23 meters above sea level. Write flown more than 2,440.95 miles. Which
in 8.536? B greater than 0.009? C an equivalent decimal for 335.23. decimal is equivalent to 2,440.95? C
A 0.003 A 9 A 2,440.095
B 0.03 B 10 B 2,400.905
C 0.3 C 100 C 2,440.9500
D 3.000 D 0.01
Possible answer: 335.230 D 2,440.9595
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW33 Practice PW34 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
equivalent tenths or
9 tenths value 10
zero as last two and three
13 decimal and expanded form 13
PW33-PW34 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Problem Solving and Test Prep plants should be exposed to Possible conclusion:
USE DATA For 17–18, use the table.
full sun gradually. Then they compost is the best
thrive in full sun. fertilizer to use in
17. Which beetle has the shortest length?
the longest length? corn plants.
Mixed Applications
Firefly USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
Beetle Size (in cm)
June Bug 3. Nan used fertilizer on 5 African violets.
Japanese Beetle 1.295 Plant A had the most blooms. Plant E
18. Another type of beetle is 1.281 cm long. June Bug 2.518 had the fewest blooms. What conclusion Amount of Fertilizer Per Week
Which beetle has a length less than Firefly 1.063 can she draw about how the number of
Plant Number of Teaspoons
1.281 cm? teaspoons of fertilizer relates to the
number of blooms? A 1
Firefly Possible conclusion: 1 teaspoon B 2
19. Some types of beetles can jump as high 20. The depth the Japanese Beetle grub of fertilizer per week helps C 3
as 15 cm. Suppose three beetles may hibernate underground is listed African violets bloom best. D 4
jumped 14.03 cm, 14.029 cm, and below. Which is the highest number? C 4. How much fertilizer will Nan give to all E 5
14.031 cm. What is the order of the A 29.103 her plants in a year?
heights the beetles jumped from least to
B 29.300
C 29.301
260 tsp
14.029, 14.03, 14.031 D 29.004
5. Matt buys a plant for $1.35. He pays with 6. Tina has 25 plants on 5 shelves. Each shelf
8 coins. Which coins does Matt use? has 2 more plants than the shelf above it.
4 quarters, 3 dimes, How many plants are on each shelf?
1 nickel 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 plants
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW35 Practice PW36 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
17 problem solving
18 problem solving
19 problem solving
PW35-PW36 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Round 1.613 to the place named. 5.9 8.66 31.17 19.57 33.996
6. tenths 1.6 7. ones 2 8. hundredths 1.61
6. $32.44 7. 0.45 8. 0.868 9. 17.645 10. 9.46
Name the place to which each number was rounded. $4.78
9. 2.634 to 2.63 10. 6.075 to 6.1 11. 13.46 to 13.5 $27.66 0.521 0.638 29.613 8.96
hundredths tenths tenths
11. $25.73 12. 8 13. 0.12 14. 1.304 15. 0.49
Round to the nearest tenth of a dollar and to the nearest dollar. $15.48 4.091 1.095 1.239 0.561
__ __ __ __
12. $0.78 13. $0.11 14. $25.54 2.7
$41.21 3.909 1.215 0.065
$0.80, $1 $0.10, $0 $25.50, $26 3.751
Round each number to the nearest hundredth. 16. 24.006 17. 8.18 18. 0.1 19. 0.775 20. 0.003
__ 0.517 0.025
__ 5.31 1
15. six hundred thirty-five thousandths 0.64 16. 50 9 0.8 0.005 59.81 1.304 3.016 9.44
21.276 0.075
Problem Solving and Test Prep 10.001 9.101 10.443
USE DATA For 21–22, use the graph. Problem Solving and Test Prep
17. Round the salt content of mozzarella 21. Until the 2002 Olympics, the record 22. Beth and her grandmother paid $23.00
cheese to the nearest tenth of a gram. luge speed was 85.38 miles per hour. for tickets to a play. An adult ticket costs
Tony Benshoof broke that record with $6.50 more than a child’s ticket. What
0.2 g a speed of 86.6 miles per hour. By how was the cost of Beth’s ticket?
many miles per hour did Tony Benshoof
18. Which cheese has a salt content of 0.17 exceed the record?
when rounded to the nearest hundredth
of a gram?
1.22 mi/h $8.25
23. Lynne buys a meal and a milk at the 24. Tim buys a daily planner and 1 pen at
cheddar school cafeteria. If Lynne pays with a the school store. How much change
19. Greta rounded 6.488 pounds to 20. Neil rounded 9.135 pounds to $5 bill, how much change should should Tim receive from a $20.00 bill?
6.49 pounds. To which place did she 9.1 pounds. To which place did he she receive? A A School Store
round? C round? B A $1.06
School Cafeteria
A $9.76
Item Price
A Ones A Ones Item Price notebook $4.55
B $1.55 meal $3.45 B $9.86
B Tenths B Tenths 12 pencils $2.14
C $2.96 fruit $0.80 C $10.24
1 pen $1.29
C Hundredths C Hundredths
D $3.94 milk $0.49 D $16.74 daily planner $8.95
D Thousandths D Thousandths
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW37 Practice PW38 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW37-PW38 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
21. About how long would it take to listen to Top 3 Songs of 1956 20. How much farther did Chistyakova Women’s Long Jump Records
the 3 songs in the chart?
Song Artist
Playing Time jump in 1988 than Joyner-Kersee in Name Year Distance (in meters)
(in minutes) 1994?
about 6 minutes Hound Dog Elvis Presley 2.25 Galina Chistyakova 1988 7.52
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW39 Practice PW40 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW39-PW40 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Mixed Applications
Find the product.
5. Tom has 21 flowering plants in white, 6. At noon, the temperature was 58°F. In
5. 0.08 5 6. 0.29 4 7. 0.17 6
pink, and lavender flowers. He has the next hour, the temperature rose 2°.
2 more pink flowering plants than he The hour after that, it rose 4°. During the
has lavender flowering plants. What is following hour the temperature rose 6°,
the greatest possible number of white and the hour after that, it rose 8°. What
0.4 1.16 1.02
flowering plants that Tom has? was the temperature at 1:00 P.M.? 8. 0.41 3 9. 3 0.73 10. 5 0.57
PW41-PW42 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Use patterns to find the product. 1. 3.74 2. 6.81 3. 3.13 4. 4.92 5. 17.07
__ 5
__ 7 25
__ 16
__ 3
1. 2.67 10 26.7; 2. 1.789 10 17.89; 3. 0.409 10 4.09;
18.7 47.67 78.25 78.72 51.21
2.67 100 267; 1.789 100 178.9; 0.409 100 40.9;
2.67 1,000
2,670 1.789 1,000
1,789 0.409 1,000
6. 61.3 4 7. 22.09 5 8. 48.2 36 9. 27.14 20 10. 6.067 19
Multiply each number by 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000.
4. 0.8 5. $3.99 6. 6.014
245.2 110.45 1,735.2 542.8 115.273
8; $39.90; 60.14;
Find the value of n.
80; $399.00; 601.4;
11. 4.3 6 n 12. 6 n 16.8 13. 52.45 3 n 14. 4.1 n 24.6
800; $3,990.00; 6,014;
8,000 $39,900.00 60,140
25.8 2.8 157.35 6
Find the value of n.
PW43-PW44 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
0.5 0.7 0.35 0.3 0.6 0.18 0.7 0.7 0.49 49 150 6 120 $9.00
4. 0.1 0.4 0.04 5. 0.8 0.2 0.16 6. 1.3 0.9 1.17 11. 352.4 0.46 12. 0.129 22.3 13. 7.035 61 14. $8.99 12
10. 0.6 0.7 n 11. 0.5 n 0.45 12. n 1.2 0.24 13. 0.3 n 0.39
Problem Solving and Test Prep
15. FAST FACT The fastest marine mammal, 16. Brittany earns $6.25 an hour working at
n ⴝ 0.42 n ⴝ 0.9 n ⴝ 0.2 n ⴝ 1.3 the killer whale, can swim 35 miles per the concession stand. How much does
hour. How many miles can the whale she earn in 7.5 hours?
14. 0.4 n 0.12 15. 0.9 0.3 n 16. 1.3 0.5 n 17. n 0.5 0.55
swim in 10.25 hours?
358.75 miles $46.88
n ⴝ 0.3 n ⴝ 0.27 n ⴝ 0.65 n ⴝ 1.1
17. A Ross seal at the aquarium weighs 18. A bottlenose dolphin eats an average
430.92 pounds. A leopard seal weighs of 155.75 pounds of fish per week.
Find the product.
2.3 times as much. Which expression How much does the dolphin eat in
18. 0.8 0.4 0.32 19. 0.3 0.3 0.09 20. 0.9 0.6 0.54 gives the closest estimate for the weight 4.5 weeks?
of the leopard seal? C
21. 1.4 0.5 0.7 22. 1.8 0.2 0.36 23. 1.1 0.1 0.11 A 3 431 C 2 431
B 2 430 D 3 430 700.875 pounds
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW45 Practice PW46 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
21 multiply decimals
23 multiply decimals
PW45-PW46 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW47 Practice PW48 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
17 problem solving
19 test prep
PW47-PW48 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. $1.52 4
$0.38 4. 0.24 4
7 0.06 60 11
13. 0.726 8 14. 579.2 8 15. 53.19 92 16. 138.9 19
0.9 70 0.6 7
17. 8.23 43 18. 46.3 72 19. 297.4 33 20. 27.49 29
21 problem solving
22 problem solving
23 multiple choice
PW49-PW50 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers Problem Solving Workshop Skill: Evaluate Answers
Copy the quotient and correctly place the decimal point.
259 0088 085 $134
for Reasonableness
1. 3
77.7 2. 8
0.704 3. 7
5.95 4. 69
Problem Solving Skill Practice
1. Luis has 4 bottles of grape juice. Each 2. Angela bought 1.65 pounds of green
25.9 0.088 0.85 $1.34 bottle contains 64.3 ounces of juice. peppers, 0.78 pounds of cucumbers, a
Luis says he has a total of 250 ounces of squash that weighs 4.32 pounds, and a
grape juice. Ana says Luis has a total of head of lettuce that weighs 0.33 pounds.
Divide. Check by multiplying. 150 ounces of grape juice. Use Angela says she bought 7.08 pounds of
estimation to find whose answer is vegetables. Tom says that Angela
27.1 1.29 0.026 3.68 reasonable. Explain. bought 70.8 pounds of vegetables. Use
5. 3
81.3 6. 36
46.44 7. 49
1.274 8. 21
estimation to find whose answer is
reasonable. Explain.
Luis; 4 60 Angela; 2 1 4 0
240 ounces 7 pounds
9. 7.83 ⫼ 9 10. $158.22 ⫼ 54 11. 2.208 ⫼ 8 12. 656.6 ⫼ 67
Mixed Applications
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
0.87 $2.93 0.276 9.8
3. Hideko says 1 U. S. dollar equals Currency Exchange Rates
27.73 Russian rubles. David says (April 2006)
Problem Solving and Test Prep 1 U. S. dollar equals 2.773 Russian
U. S. Dollars Currency
13. The fastest swimming record was set by 14. The mako shark can swim more than rubles. Whose answer is reasonable?
Tom Jager in a 50-meter race on 0.09 miles per minute for short amounts 3 19.179 Australian Dollars
March 24, 1990. He swam at a rate of of time. About how far can it travel in 4 3.3 European Union (EU) Euros
137.4 meters per minute. How far did
Jager swim per second at this speed?
one second at this speed?
Hideko’s; 450 15 30, 6 706.8 Japanese Yen
14 388.22 Russian Ruble
and 27.73 is close to 30. 18 139.662 Hong Kong Dollars
2.29 m 0.0015 mi
15. 529.2 ⫼ 18. C 16. The Gibsons paid $50.00 for a summer 4. Suppose you exchange 200 U. S. dollars 5. John has 4.1 pizzas. He gave 2.7 pizzas
pass to Playland. If they went 20 times for EU euros. How many euros will you away. How many pizzas does John have
during the summer, what was the cost receive? Which operation(s) did you use left? Is your solution an estimate or an
of each visit to Playland? B to solve? exact answer?
A 0.294 C 29.4 A $0.25 C $25.00 165 euros; divide, multiply 1.4 pizzas; exact answer
B 2.94 D 294 B $2.50 D $250.00
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW51 Practice PW52 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
divide thousandths by 2
7 4 problem solving
13 problem solving
14 problem solving
15 multiple choice
16 test prep
PW51-PW52 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
15 multiple choice
PW53-PW54 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Number of Students
2. Which two class periods have the same 14
than the mean, median and range for set B. number of students? 12
10 Left-handed
Mean: 28 16, Median: 22 15, Range: 53 18. class period 3 and class
2. period 4 (26 students) 2
Monday Homework Problems Tuesday Homework Problems 0
3. What is the total number of left-handed 1 2 3 4
2 3 6 2 6 3 4 5 4 5 10 4 2 5 3 4 6 9 6 1 Class Period
students in all four class periods?
The mean, median, and range for Monday is less
40 left-handed students
than the mean, median, and range for Tuesday.
Mean: 4 5, Median: 4 4.5, Range: 4 9. Problem Solving and Test Prep
4. Which sport has the greatest number Favorite sport
Problem Solving and Test Prep of votes?
3. Reasoning Hannah and Tyler count the 4. Two data sets have different ranges Tennis Tennis
number of times the word what occurs. and medians. Is the data in the data
Key: Each 3 votes.
Hannah’s data has a mean of 2.7 times. sets similar or different? Explain.
What could Tyler’s mean be if his results 5. How many total votes are there for
are similar? The data in the data sets is soccer and tennis?
8 multiple choice
PW55-PW56 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Number of Pets
photosynthesis, 7 students wrote the computers, 8 students played board 2. How would the bars in the graph change 15
reports about transport tissues in games, and 4 students used the if the interval were changed to 10. Explain. 10
plants, and 3 students wrote about computer and played board games. The bars would be shorter 0
Rabbit Cat Dog Hamster
photosynthesis and transport tissues How many students used the computer
in plants. How many students wrote and/or played board games during the
and the data would appear Pets
112 insects B 25 D 5
20 16 4
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW57 Practice PW58 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
5 problem solving
6 problem solving
PW57-PW58 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
E (4, 5) 6. F (2, 9) 4
Possible answer: 10 5.
For 3–4, decide whether a bar graph or a histogram would J
better represent the data. Then make the graph. 7. G (8, 5) 8. H (3, 3) 1
0 x
3. 4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight Number of Adult Color of Bicycle Number of Bicycles
(in pounds) Dogs Red 16 9. I (0, 10) 10. J (7, 1)
43–45 3 Blue 23 y
46–48 8 Black 14 N
49–51 10 10
Problem Solving and Test Prep 9
Histograms; Check Bar graph; Check USE DATA For 11–14, use the map. 8 S
students’ graphs. Each unit represents 1 city block.
students’ graphs. 7
Library School
11. What ordered pair gives the location for
the Playground? F
Problem Solving and Test Prep (5, 3) 3
D Playground
USE DATA For 5–6, use the graph. Ages of One-Mile Runners 2
12. What is the distance between Home and Home Theater
5. How many runners in all are in the age 1
Number of Runners
8 the Theater?
groups 4–5 and 12–13? 0 x
7 blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 runners 4
6. How many people ran in the race? 0 13. Use the map above. Suppose a museum 14. Use the map above. Suppose a gym is
4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 is located at point D. What ordered pair located at point F. What ordered pair
30 people locates this point? D locates this point? A
A (3, 2) A (8, 4)
7. How many runners are 10–11 years 8. How many runners are 6–7 years old?
B (2, 1) B (7, 4)
old? C B
C (1, 2) C (8, 3)
A 4 C 7 A 2 C 7
D (2, 3) D (8, 5)
B 6 D 8 B 6 D 10
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW59 Practice PW60 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
8 test prep
PW59-PW60 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Banana 20
Weights of Cutie and Magic
2. Write the related pairs for the weights of Pear 10 Orange
Cutie and Magic as ordered pairs. 7
for Cutie: (0, 2)(1, 3)(2, 4)(3, 5)
Weight (lb)
for Magic: (0, 2)(1, 3)(2, 5)(3, 7) 4 2.
3 Celine’s Paycheck Celine's Paycheck
Food $35
0 1 2 3 4
Month Clothing $20
Cutie Magic Transportation $15 Transportation,
$15 Clothing, $20
Savings $30
Chocolate 4
14 inches Tommy’s Height
Vanilla 3
Age (years) 1 3 5 7
5. Between which years in the table did Strawberry 1 Rocky Road
Height (in.) 29 34 37 43
Tommy grow the most? Rocky Road 2 Strawberry Pistachio
6. What would be an appropriate scale and 7. Suppose you made a line graph of this 4.
Art Club Bake Sales
interval to graph this data? data, which best describes the line from Art Club Earnings From Bake Sale
age-1 to age-7? A Item Sold Earnings Muffins, $15
Cupcakes, $50
B It goes down. Crumb Cake $20 Cookies, $10
Possible answer: C First it goes down, and then it goes up. Muffins $15
scale; 0–45, interval; 5 D First it goes up, and then it goes Juice $5 Crumb Cake, $20
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW61 Practice PW62 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
6 problem solving
PW61-PW62 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW63 Practice PW64 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
7 use data
PW63-PW64 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5, 10, 15, 10, 20, 30, 7, 14, 21, 3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 18, 27, not divisible by divisible by: 3, 9; divisible by: 2, 3,
20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 28, 35, 42, 15, 18, 21, 36, 45, 54, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 not divisible by 6; not divisible
35, 40, 45, 70, 80, 90, 49, 56, 63, 24, 27, 30 63, 72, 81, 2, 5, 6, 10 by 5, 9, 10
50 100 70 90
4. 21,900 5. 6,305 6. 31,089
Write the least common multiple of each set of numbers. divisible by: 2, 3, divisible by: 5; divisible by: 3;
6. 2 and 4 7. 5 and 8 8. 8 and 6 9. 18, 3, 6 10. 3, 2, 7 5, 6, 10; not not divisible by not divisible by
4 40 24 18 42 divisible by 9 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 2, 5, 6, 9, 10
7. 83,292 8. 7,938 9. 15,846
Problem Solving and Test Prep divisible by: 2, 3, divisible by: 2, 3, divisible by: 2, 3,
USE DATA For 11–12, use the table. 6; not divisible 6, 9; not divisible 6; not divisible
Packs of Marbles by 5, 9, 10 by 5, 9, 10
11. What are the least numbers of packs of
by 5, 10
Color of Marble Number per Pack
yellow marbles and blue marbles a person
would have to buy to have the same number Yellow 2 10. 4,950 11. 956 12. 5,840
Green 4
of each color of marble? divisible by: 2, 3, divisible by: 2; divisible by: 2, 5,
Blue 3
3 packs of yellow marbles 5, 6, 9, 10 not divisible by 10; not divisible
Orange 6
and 2 packs of blue marbles 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 by 3, 6, 9
12. What are the least numbers of packs of green marbles, blue marbles, and orange
13. 8,846 14. 19,992 15. 15,804
marbles a person would have to buy to have the same number of each color of
marble? divisible by: 2; divisible by: 2, 3, divisible by: 2, 3,
not divisible by 6; not divisible 6, 9; not divisible
3 packs of green marbles, 4 packs of blue marbles, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 by 5, 9, 10 by 5, 10
and 2 packs of orange marbles
Write true or false.
13. Which set of numbers has an LCM 14. Which set of numbers has an LCM 16. All odd numbers are divisible by 2. 17. All multiples of 7 are divisible by 7.
of 36? C of 12? D
A 5, 13, 18 A 2, 3, 5
false true
B 4, 6, 18 B 4, 6, 8 18. All even numbers are divisible by 4. 19. All numbers ending in 0 are
C 6, 12, 18 C 1, 5, 12 divisible by 10.
D 6, 12, 16 D 2, 4, 6 false true
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW65 Practice PW66 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW65-PW66 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
17. Sharon also divides her red and yellow rocks into bags. Each bag will contain the same 16. 14 17. 83 18. 109
number of each color of rock. How many bags will Sharon need?
4 bags composite prime prime
18. The greatest common factor of 28 19. Which number is not a common factor
and another number is 7. The second of 42 and 21? B
number is between 60 and 70. What 19. 36 20. 65 21. 111
is it?
A 7 C 21 composite composite composite
63 B 6 D 3
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW67 Practice PW68 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW67-PW68 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW69 Practice PW70 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW69-PW70 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
USE DATA For 19–20, use the pattern in the table. 1,029 375 3,025 76
19. James earned 729 pennies. How many 13. 11 2 2 14. 82 23 15. 32 63 16. 2 5 5 5
plates did James wash in all? Pennies Earned 48 512 1,944 250
6 plates Number of plates
washed form
20. What number in exponent form Start 1 30 Problem Solving and Test Prep
represents the number of pennies James
1 3 31
would earn for washing 11 plates? How 17. The prime factors of a number are the 18. The prime factors of Patrick’s favorite
many pennies would he earn for washing
2 9 3 first four prime numbers. No factor is number are 2, 7, and 3. Two is repeated
11 plates? 3 27 33 repeated. What is the number? once. What is Patrick’s favorite number?
21. Which is greater than 92? A 22. What is the greatest square number
factors of 36? A product of two different primes that are
A 2 and 3 squared?
that is even and is less than 300? What
A 27 is the value of this square number? B 11 and 3
B 43 C 5 and 2
C 52 D 4 and 13
D 41
172; 289
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW71 Practice PW72 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
20 test prep
PW71-PW72 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Write a fraction to name the point on the number line. Tell which fraction is not equivalent to the others.
1 5 3 2 1 4 5 2 6 9 3 2
5. 6. 7. 13. __, ___, __ 14. __, __, ___ 15. ___, __, ___ 16. ___, __, __
2 15 9 6 4 12 10 3 12 12 4 5
_ 1
_ 2
_ 2
G H I 2 4 3 5
0 1 0 1 0 1
Problem Solving and Test Prep
_ 7
_ 0
_ USE DATA For 17–18, use the table.
6 8 5
17. Natalie asked people which of the six
colors in the chart they preferred. What
Write the fraction for each. Check students’ drawings. four equivalent fractions show the
8. four fifths 9. five divided by ten 10. one sixth 11. two out of 9 Preferred Colors
fraction of people who chose red?
_ 5
__ 1
_ 2
_ 4 1 _, 3
__, _, 2 _ Color Number of People
Who Chose It
5 10 6 9 12 3 6 9 Orange 1
Red 4
18. Natalie asks 4 more people their
Problem Solving and Test Prep Purple 2
opinion, and they all say blue.
Now, what three equivalent fractions Blue 3
12. A basket of fruit has 3 apples, 2 pears, 13. A delivered pizza came cut in 6 equal
show the fraction of people who Green 1
and 4 bananas. What fraction of the fruit slices. Mark ate 2 slices. Now 4 slices
are bananas? remain. What fraction of the pizza did chose red? Yellow 1
4 1
_ Mark eat? 2 _
__, _, 2
16 4 8
9 6
19. Which fraction is equivalent to 2_5 ? __ ?
20. Which fraction is equivalent to 14
14. What fraction of the stars are gray? D 15. What fraction of the 3 7
A ___ B A __ A
triangles are gray? C 10 8
___ 7
B B __
1 3 1
__ 3
__ 10 9
A __ __ A C 7 4
C ___ C __
C 2 8
5 4
1 4 10 6
B __ __ 3
__ 5
D B D 3
__ 2
4 5 5 8 D D
5 16
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW73 Practice PW74 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
14 multiple choice
15 multiple choice
PW73-PW74 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_PHTE_C12_L3.indd PW75
Lesson 12.4
6/15/07 12:54:53 PM
17 prime GCF
19 mixed number to fraction
20 composite GCF
24 fraction to mixed number
21 problem solving
25 problem solving
22 problem solving
26 problem solving
23 multiple choice
27 multiple choice
24 multiple choice
28 multiple choice
PW75-PW76 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Compare and Order Fractions and Mixed Numbers Problem Solving Workshop Strategy: Make a Model
Compare. Write ⬍, ⬎, or ⴝ for each .
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
1. _4_ _5_ 3
2. __ _3_ 8
3. ___ _2_ 5
4. __
__ 9
5. ___ _8_
9 , 9 4 . 5 12 ⴝ 3 8 . 7 11 , 9
Make a model to solve.
1. From home, Todd walked 3 blocks 2. Kayla is putting up a picket fence on
south and 2 blocks east to a friend’s one side of her garden. Each picket is
6. ___ _3_ 6
7. ___ _4_ 6
8. 1__ 22
__ 5
9. 4 __ 43
__ 2
10. 9 __ 83
12 , 7 10 , 5 9 , 3 8 , 4 6 . 9 house. Then they walked 6 blocks west 4 inches wide and 2 inches apart. She
to school. He cannot cut across blocks. has 12 pickets. How many inches long
How many blocks from school does will Kayla’s fence be?
11. 3 __ , 35
__ 2
12. 1___ ⴝ 1_1_
13. 4 __ . 33
__ 1
14. 8 __ , 83
__ 3
15. 6 __ . 6 1_4_ Todd live?
5 6 10 5 6 4 3 5 8
USE DATA For 20–21, use the table. 3. Lisa spent 10 minutes driving to the 4. Pose a Problem Look back at
grocery store and 50 minutes shopping Excercise 1. What if Todd and his friend
20. Len paints and sells wooden flutes. List there. She spent 10 minutes driving had only walked 5 blocks west to
the flutes in order from shortest to back home and 40 minutes making school? How many blocks would Todd
longest. sandwiches for a picnic. She drove live from school then?
Len’s Flutes
30 minutes from home and arrived at
Ivy, Rose, Lily Flute Name Length, in inches
the picnic at 3:30 P.M. What time did
Lily 6 4 Lisa leave to go to the grocery store?
21. Len created a new flute that is 6 2_3 inches 5
Rose 6
long. Which, if any, of his flutes are
1:10 P.M. 5 blocks
Ivy 6 127
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW77 Practice PW78 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
21 problem solving
22 test prep
23 test prep
PW77-PW78 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
B _1 mile 2
5 B
4 12 8
A __ C ___ A 1.8 C 1.5
5 15
C 1 mile 5
8 3 C
B ___ D __ B 1.4 D 1.3 8
10 4
D 1 1_2 miles D 1__
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW79 Practice PW80 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW79-PW80 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
__ 5
__ 11
_ 3
__ 1
__ 1
__ 1
__ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 8 8 5 4 20 2 5 10 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8
1 1 1 1 ?
3 3 ? 5 ? 4
Find the sum using fraction bars. Write it in simplest form. Find the difference using fraction bars. Write it in simplest form.
2 2 1
_ 1 1 5
__ 7 1 3
4. __ ___ 5. __ ___ 6. __ __
4. __ ___
_ 1 3
5. __ ___
2 10
_ 5
6. __ __
_ 5 10 5 2 12 12 8 2
5 5 2
1 2 5
_ 5
_ 1 1 5
_ 1
__ 7
__ 5
7. __ __ 1 1
8. __ __ 9. __ __ 3 4
7. __ __
2 1
8. __ __
6 1
9. __ __
3 4 6 2 8 3 2 6 4 6 3 5 7 2
8 12 15 14
1 3 5
5 2
10. __ __ 1 __ 5 3
11. __ __ 1_ 3 2
12. __ __ 1 __ 1 1 3
8 5 40 8 4 8 4 3 12 4 3
10. __ ___
_ 7 1
11. ___ __
_ 1 1
12. __ ___
5 10 2 12 3 4 4 10 20
1 2
3 1
13. __ __ 1 __ 2 3
14. __ __
_ 1 5
15. __ ___
5 2 10 6 9 3 4 12 3
7 3 1
_ 5 1 3
__ 8 1 5
13. __ __ 14. __ __ 15. __ __
8 8 2 7 2 14 9 3 9
1 2
_ 6 1 14
__ 1 3
16. __ __ 17. ___ __ 18. ___ __
2 6 6 10 3 15 12 4 6
4 1 3
__ 6 1 11
__ 3 1 1
16. ___ __ 17. __ __ 18. __ __
10 4 20 7 3 21 4 2 4
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW81 Practice PW82 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW81-PW82 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Estimate to compare. Write , or . for each . Problem Solving and Test Prep
1 6 7 3 4 8 7 3 8
11. __ __
5 7 ⬍1 12. ___ ___
11 10 ⬍ 21__ 13. __ __
5 9 ⬎0 14. __ __
9 5 ⬎ 1__2 12
15. ___ ___
10 ⬍1 11. The lroquois tribe lived in the
Adirondack Mountains of New York
12. The lroquois tribe was skilled at tracking
animals through the Adirondack
during the 1700s. The tribe members Mountains. A favorite hunting trail was
were skilled deer hunters, utilizing all _ mile long, but the hunters only
Problem Solving and Test Prep parts of the animal to benefit the tribe. followed it for 1_6 mile before spotting the
If 1_2 of the deer was used for food and first deer. How much more trail was
16. Maria is making burritos for dinner. Her 17. Jeremy rides his skateboard 2 miles _ was used for skins or clothing, how
there to hunt after the first sighting?
recipe calls for 7_8 cup of ground beef from his home to school. After riding 4
much of the deer was utilized in all?
and 1_6 cup of shredded cheese. Estimate _ mile, he realizes he left his lunch
the total amount of meat and cheese money on the counter at home. About 3
_ 17
of the deer mile
Maria uses in her recipe. how far does Jeremy have left to travel 4 24
when he realizes his mistake?
1 cup about 1
_ mile 13. Which addition equation represents 14. Which addition equation represents
2 the fraction of beads that are black the fraction of beads that are white
or gray? B or gray? A
18. Gail is making a healthy snack for her 19. Ling makes 1 gallon of fruit punch for
weekend hike. She adds 3_5 cup of raisins his sister’s graduation party using
and 6_7 cup of peanuts. Estimate the total orange juice and fresh fruit. If 5_9 gallons
amount that Gail adds. of the punch is orange juice, about how
A 1 __ cups
A much is fresh fruit? D
2 5
A ___ __ ___
A __ gallon
1 1
A __ 2
__ 6
4 12 4 12 2 8 8
B 1 cup
B __ gallon B 9
__ ___ 3
B __
__ 5
C 2 cups 8 12 3 12 8 8 8
1 C __ gallon 4
__ 1
__ 29
___ C 1
__ 1
__ 11
D __ cup 4 C
5 6 30 8 3 24
2 1
D __ gallon 3
D __ __ ___
2 12 1
D __
__ 5
2 6 4 12 3 8 6
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW83 Practice PW84 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW83-PW84 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
PW85-PW86 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5_ 4_ 4_ 6 __ 2_ 5_ 4 __
5 9
1 __
5 4 3 1 1 1
6 8 5 10 10 4 4 12
1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3
5. 2 __ 2 __ 6. 5 __ 1 __ 7. 4 __ 1 __ 8. 2 __ 3 ___ 3 3
5. 3 __ 2 __
3 1
6. 5 __ 3 __
5 1
7. 4 __ 1 ___
5 1
8. 5 __ 2 __
8 4 4 6 3 4 5 10 4 8 5 2 6 12 6 2
4_ 6 __ 6 __ 5_
7 5 1 1 _
1_ 2 __ 3_
8 12 12 2
3 1
8 10 4 3
5 1 4 1 11 2 3 1
9. 1 __ 2 ___ 10. 4 ___ 1 __ 11. 1 ___ 1 __ 12. 2 ___ 2 __ 7 1
9. 3 ___ 1 __
2 1
10. 5 __ 4 __
11 1
11. 4 ___ 2 __
1 1
12. 3 __ 1 __
6 12 10 2 12 3 10 2 12 2 3 4 12 6 2 5
3 __ 5 __ 3 __ 4_
11 9 7 4
12 10 12 5 2 __
1 __
2 __
12 12 4 10
4 4
13. 1 ___ 14. 3 ___ 15. 11
__ 16. 32
13. 47
__ 14.
5___ 15.
5 __ 16. 61
10 10 5 5 8 10 5 2
__ 2
1 ___ 9
2 ___ 31
1 1
__ 5 1
__ 1
2 __ 1
3 __
__2 __ 10 __ 10 _ 2 4 5 2 6
__ __ __ __
2 __ 4_ 4 __ 6 __
3 9 _1
3 __ _
1 5 3
10 5 10 10 8 2
10 3
17. 51
__ 18. 15
__ 19.
2 ___ 20. 43
__ 17. 51
__ 18. 51
__ 19. 22
__ 20. 57
3 6 10 8 2 2 3 8
__ 5
4___ 7
1 ___ 31
__ 2 1
__ 3 2
__ 1 1
__ 1
3 __
5 12 10 4 __ 3 __ 5 _ 2 __ 4
_ _ __ _
8 __ _ 4_
31 2 __
1 _
11 2_
2 3 5
61 6 10 6 8
15 4 5 8
21. 53
__ 22. 6 11
___ 23.
4___ 24. 67
21. 21
__ 22.
3 __ 23.
1__ 24. 31
__ 4 12 10 8
4 3 4 2
1 1
__ 5 1
__ 4 1
__ 3 3
__ 7
3___ 51
__ 42
__ _ 3 __ 2 __ 5 __ 4
2 12 2 5
1 __ __
_ _ _ _
4 __
5 5 7 _
4_ 6 __ 6_ 7 __
3 11 3 9
12 12 10 8
4 12 4 10
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW87 Practice PW88 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW87-PW88 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
9 ___ 13
__ 2. 82
__ 3 1
__ 3. 91
__ 5 2
10 5 3 9 4 3 1. 53
__ 1 5
__ 2. 721
__ 1 3
3. 4 __ __
1 4
4. 4 __ 2 __
8 8 4 2 4 2 5
11 __ 5_ 14 __
3 5 11
10 9 12 33
_ 43
_ 33
_ 7
1 __
4 4 4 10
4. 61
__ 1 4
__ 5. 13
__ 6 1
__ 6. 10 3
__ 5 1
9 3
2 9 7 3 4 6 5.
6 ___ 2 ___ 6. 7 ___ 13
__ 1 2
7. 7__ 6 __
1 7
8. 4 __ 3 ___
10 10 10 5 2 3 3 12
5 __ 7 __ 5 __
1 16 7 5 3
18 21 12 31
_ 7
5 __ _ _
5 10 6 4
7. 83 4
__ 2 ___ 8. ___ 3 3
12 11 __ 9. 85
__ 9 3
6 12 12 4 6 4
10 _ 9_ 18 __
5 1 7 Problem Solving and Test Prep Zack’s Large Fruit Smoothie
6 6 12 USE DATA For 9–10, use the table.
Ingredient Amount
9. Zack decided to reduce the amount of 3
Banana 4 ounces
Problem Solving and Test Prep banana by 1 7_8 ounces. How much banana 1
Strawberry 2
did Zack use? 6 ounces
USE DATA For 10–11, use the table. Blueberry 3
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW89 Practice PW90 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW89-PW90 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Practice Addition and Subtraction Estimates may vary. Problem Solving Workshop Strategy:
Estimate. Then write the sum or difference in simplest form.
1 91 3 5 3 11
Use Logical Reasoning
1. 1 __ ⫹ 5 __ 2. 14 __ ⫺ 9 __ 3. 16 __ ⫹ 24 ___
6 3 4 6 4 12
6; 6 1 5; 4 __
11 _
42; 41 2
Problem Solving Strategy Practice
2 12 3 Use logical reasoning to solve.
5 5
4. 15 __ ⫺ 11 __
5 4
5. 11 __ ⫹ 25 __
6. 8 ⫺ 1 __ 1. Sue had softball practice for 3 _32 hours. Sue’s mom came _34 hour after practice started,
8 6 8 5 7
4; 3 __ 37; 37 __ _ and left 5_6 hour before practice ended. How many hours of practice did Sue’s mom
19 17
6; 6 2 __
2 1 hours
24 40 7 watch?
2. Mark, Dan, Brendan, and Alex sold popcorn for their baseball team. Dan sold twice as
Use a calculator to find the sum or difference.
4 1 1 3 3 7 many pounds as Brendan. Alex and Mark sold the same amount. Brendan sold 12 1_2
7. 39 __ ⫹ 17 __ 8. 32 ___ ⫺ 19 __ 9. 93 __ ⫹ 28 ___
5 2 10 5 4 10 pounds, 5 more pounds than Mark. How many pounds did each boy sell?
57; 57.3 13; 12.5 122; 122.45 Mark: 7 1_2 pounds; Dan: 25 pounds; Brendan:
12 1_2 pounds; Alex: 7 1_2 pounds
Problem Solving and Test Prep Mixed Strategy Practice
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
USE DATA For 10–11, use the table.
10. On which day did Cyndi spend the most 3. The sum of the distances of the 3 homeruns
Cyndi’s Fielding Practice __ ft. What was the Homerun Distance (Ft)
time at fielding practice? The least? hit in Game 1 is 278 11
Day Time distance of Nina’s homerun in Game 1? Game 1 Game 2
Most: Wednesday;
Least: Monday
Monday 1 3 hours
8 96 _97 ft Carla 88 2
90 7
Wednesday 2 11 hours
12 Nina 85 1
4. The sum of the distances of the 3 homeruns 2
Friday 1 5 hours
hit in Game 2 is 9 1_2 ft less than the sum for Maria 93 1
11. How much time in all did Cyndi spend 6
at fielding practice on Wednesday and Friday? Game 1. What was the distance of Maria’s
homerun in Game 2?
4 _ hours
4 92 5_6 ft
12. Amber’s speech has to be 8 1_2 minutes 13. Mary sold 33 3_8 bushels of apples and 5. Three pumpkins weigh 18 5_9 , 18 1_3 , and 18 5_6 pounds. Tim’s pumpkin weighs more than
long. If her speech is currently 21 2_3 bushels of pears. How many Denny’s, but they weigh the same when rounded to the nearest whole number. Rich’s
7 7_8 minutes long, how much longer does bushels of fruit did she sell in all? C pumpkin is lighter than Tim’s. How much does each boy’s pumpkin weigh?
Tim: 18 5_6 pounds; Denny: 18 5_9 pounds; Rich: 18 1_3 pounds
her speech need to be?
3 1
A __ minute A 54 ___ bushels
8 24 6. The mailboxes are 41 1_2 , 40 1_4 , and 42 2_3 inches tall. Jill’s mailbox is 1 1_4 inches shorter than
__ minute 5
B B 54 bushels Ali’s. Abby’s mailbox is the tallest. How tall is each girl’s mailbox?
8 24
C 11__ minutes 1
C 55 ___ bushels Ali’s mailbox: 41 1_2 inches tall; Jill’s mailbox:
8 24
1 __
D 55 ___
bushels 40 1_4 inches tall; Abby’s mailbox: 42 2_3
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW91 Practice PW92 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW91-PW92 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
4 _
or 2 __
5 2 9
1. __ ___
6 1
2. __ __
5 7
3. __ ___ 1
4. __ 3
__ 2
5. __ 4
1. __ 4
10 5
2. __ 5
12 3 10 7 3 8 12 4 7 9 7
2 5 2 6
_3 _2 __
35 __
3 __
5 7 96 28 63
5 4 6
6. __ ___
7. ___ __
8. __ __ 4
9. ___ 7
__ 5 1
10. __ __
8 12 10 5 7 9 10 8 6 3
5 __
18 _2 __
7 __
__ 1
2 _
or 1 __ 1
_ or 1_
2 32 25 7 20 18
3. 2 __
12 6 4. 2 __
6 3
4 3 3 2
3 3 9 3
11. __ ___ 2
12. __ ___ 4
13. __ ___ 10
14. ___ __ 4
15. __ 3
9 10 5 12 7 10 12 5 9 8
1 __
1 __
18 _1 _1
30 10 35 2 6
18. Jin picks 2_3 of 1_2 of his apple orchard to 19. Luisa planted 3_5 of the last 2_9 of her
__ or 10
__ 1
__ __
or __
1 8
__ 2
__ _
or 1 make apple cider. What fraction of the flower garden with daffodils. What
54 27 12 24 12 35 18 9 orchard did Jin pick? C fraction of her garden is daffodils? D
1 5
A __ A ___
1 3 2 1 3 1 2 20
10. __ __ 11. __ __ 12. ___ __ 1
13. __ 2
__ 5 1
14. __ __ 1 1
3 4 5 7 10 2 9 3 7 4 B __ B __
6 9
3 _
or 1 2
__ 3
__ 2
__ 5
__ 1
C __
C __
12 4 35 20 27 28 5 2
D __ D ___
9 15
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW93 Practice PW94 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW93-PW94 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3 9 5 1 4
6. 10 __ 7. ___ 4 8. __ 6 9. __ 15 10. 9 __ Find the product.
5 10 8 3 7
1 3 1 __ 2 3
4. 5 4 __ 5. 2 1 __ 6. 8 2 __ 7. 2 1 __ 8. 1 __ 9
3_ 3_ _
3 3
6 5 51 2 5 2 6 7 7
5 4 7 _
22 1 _
31 __
12 _
2 5 20 21 7
5 6 1 8 3
11. 8 __ 12. 5 __ 13. 11 __ 14. __ 10 15. ___ 11 3 3 5 3 9
9 7 9 9 10
9. __ 11
__ 2 1
__ 1
10. 1 __ 1 __ ___
11. 1 __ __ __
1 1
12. ___ 1 __ 2 __
3 7 4 5 3 10 7 3 5 10 4 2
4_ 4_ 1_ 8_ 3 __ 1_ __ __ 2 __
4 2 2 8 3 5 16 12 13
9 7 9 9 10 7 25 35 16
Problem Solving and Test Prep Problem Solving and Test Prep
16. Lloyd feeds his cats 2_9 of a 5 pound bag 17. Kyra uses 3_5 of a roll of yarn for each 13. Alejandro has 7 1_3 pounds of flour. He 14. Isabel has 2 1_2 gallons of scarlet paint.
of cat food each day. How many pounds scarf she makes. How many rolls of yarn uses 3_4 of the flour to make bagels. How She uses 2_3 of it to paint her dining
of food does Lloyd feed his cats daily? does she need to make 4 scarves? many pounds of flour did he use? room. How many gallons of paint did
_ pounds
11 _
Isabel use?
9 5 2 3
15. Kim hiked 5 2_3 miles on Saturday. She 16. Joshua danced 3 1_2 hours on Monday.
used 2_5 of the time talking on the phone Tess danced 3_4 time as long. How many
18. Pedro used 2_3 of a 33 ounce bottle of 19. Shyla used __ of the 5 gallons of paint for while hiking. How many miles did Kim hours did Tess dance? C
soap to wash his mother’s car. How her fence. How many gallons of paint talk on the phone while hiking? A
many ounces of soap did Pedro use? A did Shyla use? D 4
A 2 ___
A 3 __
15 9
1 3 B 2 __
A 4 __ gallons
A 22 ounces C 28 ounces C 4 gallons 4
6 C
2 ___ C 2 __
B 20 ounces D 30 ounces B 3 __ gallons D 42
__ gallons 12 8
7 7 1 9
D 4 __ D 1 ___
4 10
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW95 Practice PW96 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW95-PW96 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
2 17 _
5 4 2 27 14
1ⴜ1 1
_ ⴜ1
5 2 4 1 7 5 5 3
6. 4 __ 7. 3 __ 8. 8 ___ 9. 7 __ 10. 10 __
6 9 12 6 5
3_ 19 _ 8_ _
3. 4.
6 1 2
16 2
24 7 5 5 3
1 1
_ ⴜ __ _
1ⴜ1 1
11. 5 __
12. 12 __
13. 6 __
14. 9 __
15. 3 ___
3 12 6 4 3 3 4 10
20 36 18 12 10
Use fraction bars to find the quotient.
2 1 3 1 3
5. __ __ 6. ___ __ 1
7. __ 1
__ 1
8. ___ __ Problem Solving and Test Prep
9 6 10 4 4 8 11 4
1 1
1_ 1 __ 16. Students are painting the set for the 17. Gerard is cleaning a sculpture garden.
3 5 2 11 community theater’s upcoming play. It He has 2 statues left to clean. It takes
takes the students 3 hours to paint 2_5 of him 2 hours to clean 1_3 of the first statue.
9. __ ___ 4
10. __ 2
__ 1
11. 1 __
12. 6 __
the set. If they spend the same amount If he spends the same amount of time
2 10 7 3 5 9 of time painting each section, how many cleaning each statue, how many hours
_ _
13 1 hours will it take the students to paint will it take Gerard to clean both statues?
5 7 5 2 the whole set?
_ hours
1 2 12 hours
13. 5 __ 7
14. ___ 1
__ 1
15. 4 __
16. 2 __
4 10 6 8 6
41 18. Henry cut a 10 foot log into __
19. Melanie cut 5 feet of pretzel dough
20 5 32 12 10 foot
pieces of firewood. How many pieces of into 1_3 foot pieces. How many pieces did
firewood did Henry cut the log into? B Melanie cut the dough into? B
1 8 1 1 1
17. 8 __ 18. ___ __ 19. 2 __ 20. 4 __
3 11 4 2 4 A 10 A 12
2 __
B 11 1
__ B 15
24 11 4 16 9
C 12 1__ C 18
D 95
__ D 20
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW97 Practice PW98 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt • Grade 5
6 __
1 __
19 __
1 __
5 _
81 addition; __
of the days multiplication; 50 coins
10 25 36 27 3 are quarters
each month
13. Bruce has 8 1_2 feet of lumber to make 14. Cory has 10 1_2 feet of paper to make 5. Garrett plays for the Buffalos, and Lucy Softball Tournament Results
part of the set for a school play. Each banners. Each banner is 3_4 of a foot long. plays for the Bulldogs. They played 2_3 of Team Wins Losses
set part needs to be 1_4 feet tall. How How many banners can Cory make? their teams’ winning games. How many Bulldogs 9 1
many set parts can Bruce build? more winning games did Lucy play than
Eagles 7 3
34 parts 14 banners Buffalos 6 4
2 more Lions 4 6
15. A baker has 7 __1 -cups of brown sugar.
16. Lila can walk 2 _34 _4
miles in of an hour.
It takes 3_ -cup of brown sugar to make
4 How fast can she walk in miles per hour? A
a loaf of banana bread. How many 6. The Bulldogs won the league title after 7. Ashley takes 1_2 of the days each month
loaves of banana bread can the baker A 2 __ miles per hour winning 90% of their games. How many for ballet lessons and 1_6 for tap dance
make? 1
B 3 __ miles per hour more games did the Bulldogs win than lessons. What fraction of the days each
3 the Lions? month does Ashley take dance lessons?
5 1_2 loaves of banana bread
C 2 miles per hour
3 addition; 2_3 of the days
D 1 __ miles per hour 5 more
4 each month
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW99 Practice PW100 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW99-PW100 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
2:14; 7 to 1; 10 __
__ 15 1:3;
3:21 14 to 2 6 9 3:9
1. flags with stripes: flags 2. flags with a torch to flags 3. total number of flags to
with stars with stripes flags with a C
2 to 1; 2:1; 1 to 2; 1:2; 3 to 1; 3:1; Tell whether the ratios form a proportion. Write yes or no.
_ ; part to part
2 _ ; part to part
1 _ ; whole to part
1 3 42 14 13 52 8 4
1 2 1 5. __ and ___ 6. ___ and ___ 7. ___ and ___ 8. ___ and __
4 12 9 3 23 99 49 9
4. flags with stripes: total 5. flags with a torch to flags 6. flags with stars to flags yes yes no no
number of flags with a C with a torch
Possible answer: 7:6 1 to 3; 1:3; _13 11. In the library, the ratio of mysteries to 12. The ratio for making salad dressing is
westerns is 4 to 1. The library has 3 cups oil to 1 cup of vinegar. Which is
9. Sara has 5 books about dogs and 10. Cody used 4 paper towels to clean up a 32 mystery books. How many western an equivalent ratio for 3 to 1? A
3 books about horses. What is the mess. There are still 5 paper towels left books are there? C
ratio of books about horses to books on the roll. What is the ratio of used
A 3 A 3:1
about dogs? C paper towels to total paper towels? B
B 5 B 5:15
A 5:3 A 4:5
C 8 C 6:1
B 8:3 B 4:9
D 28 D 9:6
C 3:5 C 5:4
D 5:8 D 5:9
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW101 Practice PW102 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW101-PW102 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3 sec per 4
$0.88 3
; 6 pages
jumping jack per banana per day 2.
Map Distance, cm 1 8 9 13 15
4. $4.98 for 2 gallons of milk 5. 48 ounces in 3 cans 6. 64 doors on 16 cars Actual Distance, km 3.8 30.4 34.2 49.4 57
___ ; $2.49
$4.98 __ ; 16 ounces
48 __;
4 doors
2 3 16 The map distance is given. Find the actual distance.
per gallon per can per car
For 3–6, the scale is 1 in. ⴝ 300 mi. For 7–10, the scale is 2 cm ⴝ 8.4 km.
__ ;
96 ___ ;
60 miles $24
___ ;
$6 per 660 mi 2,100 mi 120 mi 1,620 mi
12 books 5 4
on each shelf per hour hour 7. 0.25 cm 8. 6 cm 9. 3.1 cm 10. 8 cm
4 find the unit rate using currency 3 using a map scale to find distance
PW103-PW104 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
4. The height of the Empire State Building 5. How much taller is the Taipei 101
is 90 feet more than 4_5 the height of the building than the Empire State Building?
Sears Tower. How tall is the Empire State
0.43; 43% 0.50; 50% 0.18; 18%
1,250 ft 420 ft
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW105 Practice PW106 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW105-PW106 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
6 15 8 72
Problem Solving and Test Prep
17. California produces about 75% of the 18. If you eat about 10 medium strawberries 11. 10% of 10 12. 90% of 20 13. 75% of 8 14. 40% of 25
strawberries in the United States. you will get 9% of the vitamin B6 you
What fraction of strawberries in the should have every day. What fraction of
United States does California produce? vitamin B6 do you still need for that day? 1 18 6 10
_ ___
15. 25% of 20 16. 30% of 10 17. 50% of 6 18. 20% of 30
4 100
19. Susan washed 3_5 of her clothes. What 20. At the Corner Store, 85% of the
percent of her clothes did she wash? B 100 shelves contain food. What is
5 3 3 6
the percent written as a decimal? A
19. 25% of 80 20. 75% of 32 21. 30% of 30 22. 60% of 70
A 0.3 A 0.85
B 60% B 8.05 20 24 9 42
C 0.35 C 8.5
D 53% D 0.8
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW107 Practice PW108 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW107-PW108 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW109 Practice PW110 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
10 problem solving
12 problem solving
13 test prep
PW109-PW110 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
10 test prep
PW111-PW112 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW113 Practice PW114 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
7 test prep
8 test prep
PW113-PW114 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Points, Lines, and Angles For 1–6, possible Measure and Draw Angles For 1–4, possible
For 1–6, use the figure. Name an example of each. answers are given. Estimate the measure of each angle. estimates are given.
1. point 2. line segment Then use a protractor to find the measure.
point J LN M 1. ⬔YXZ 2. ⬔VXT
3. line 4. plane
about 20ⴗ; 23ⴗ about 90ⴗ; 90ⴗ
KS plane JKP 3. ⬔TXZ 4. ⬔UXZ
5. vertex 6. vertical angles
S about 180ⴗ; 180ⴗ about 140ⴗ; 145ⴗ
vertex K ⬔KPL and ⬔QPS Use a protractor to draw each angle.
Classify each angle. Check student’s drawings.
For 7–14, use the figure above. Classify each angle. Write obtuse, acute, straight, or right.
5. 25⬚ 6. 90⬚ 7. an angle whose measure
7. ⬔MNO 8. ⬔KPS 9. ⬔SPR 10. ⬔JLQ is greater than 135⬚
right straight acute acute
11. ⬔JKS 12. ⬔JLN 13. ⬔LPQ 14. ⬔QPR
PW115-PW116 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
regular regular not regular regular Possible answer: The Perimeter (In.) 12 16 20 24
Tell if the given angles could form a triangle. perimeter is 4 times the
5. 60⬚, 65⬚, 60⬚ 6. 10⬚, 105⬚, 64⬚ 7. 77⬚, 53⬚, 50⬚
length of any one of the
square’s sides.
no no yes 2. Predict the perimeter, if the length of each side of a square is 14 inches?
56 in.
Problem Solving and Test Prep
8. Amelia is trying to draw a triangle. She 9. Dante is going to try to draw a triangle. Mixed Applications Practice
wants to use the angle measures: 45⬚, He wants to use the angle measures: USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
90⬚, and 45⬚. Can she draw a triangle 47⬚, 84⬚, and 110⬚. Can he draw a triangle
3. Identify the relationship displayed
using these angles? Explain. using these angles? Explain. Number Of Sides On
in the table. 3 4 5 6 7
A Prism Base
No, Possible Answer: The Possible answer: The
Yes, Possible Answer: sum of the angles is 241ⴗ number of vertices is
Number of Vertices 6 8 10 12 14
The sum of the angles is and the sum of the angles 2 times the number of
180ⴗ. of a triangle is 180ⴗ. sides on a prism base.
10. Which of the following angles could 11. Which polygon is not regular? B
form a triangle? C
4. How many vertices would a base with 9 sides have?
18 vertices
A 85, 42⬚, 63⬚ A
5. Dennis, Carl, Paul, and Jeremy live in the first four houses on Park Street. Dennis lives in
B 20⬚, 70⬚, 10⬚ B the second house from the corner. Jeremy does not live next to Dennis. Paul lives on
the corner. In what place is Carl’s house on the street?
C 80⬚, 50⬚, 50⬚ C
third house from the corner
D 45⬚, 45⬚, 70⬚ D
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW117 Practice PW118 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW117-PW118 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
ED, and FD AC AE C
___ ___
4. Name the circle. 5. If AC is 7 inches, 6. If BD is 6.2
___ E
how long is BD? inches,
___ how long neither congruent congruent similar
is AC ?
circle D 3.5 in. 12.4 in. Identify the corresponding side or angle.
___ ___
5. UT 6. ⬔S 7. RS 8. ⬔T S X
Complete 7–8. Then use a compass to draw each circle. Draw R W
and label the measurements. Check students’ drawings. YW ⬔Z XZ ⬔W
7. radius ⫽ 0.7 cm 8. radius ⫽ 0.9 in. ___ ___
9. ⬔U 10. SU 11. ⬔R 12. TR T U
diameter ⫽ 1.4 cm diameter ⫽ 1.8 in. Z
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW119 Practice PW120 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW119-PW120 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
yes yes no no
Each figure has rotational symmetry. Tell the fraction and the
angle measure of each turn.
9. 10. 11. 12. Obtuse Right Acute
Problem Solving and Test Prep
For 7–9, use the models of the sails.
_1 , _1 ,
72ⴗ; 2_5 , _1 ,
90ⴗ; _1 , 2
180ⴗ 45ⴗ; 1_4 , 90ⴗ;
7. What type of triangle is school A’s flag? 21 in.
4 2 _ , 135ⴗ; 1_ ,
3 6 in. School A
144ⴗ; 3_5 , 180ⴗ; 3_4 , 270ⴗ 8 2
17 in.
216ⴗ; 4_5 , 180ⴗ; 5_8 , 225ⴗ; 8. What type of triangle is school B’s flag?
_, 270ⴗ; 7_ , 315ⴗ Isosceles 18 in.
288ⴗ 8
4 9. Two of the angles in school A’s flag 10 in. School B
Problem Solving and Test Prep measure 75⬚ and 20⬚. What is the
18 in.
13. Does a right triangle have lines of 14. Brandon makes a design that has measure of the third angle?
symmetry? rotational symmetry? rotational symmetry every __-turn.
What angle measure describes the
1 line of symmetry; no design’s symmetry? 10. A triangle has two equal sides. What 11. James draws a triangle with angles that
rotational symmetry. 180ⴗ type of triangle is it? D measure 45⬚ and 60⬚. What is the
measure of the third angle? C
15. Which figure has rotational 16. Which figure has rotational A scalene A 105⬚
symmetry? B symmetry? C B obtuse B 90⬚
A C A C C acute C 75⬚
B D B D D isosceles D 45⬚
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW121 Practice PW122 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW121-PW122 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
_ _ A_ B _
_ : AB and CD,_ BC parallel : AD and
_ BC;
and _
AD ; _
_ AB perpendicular:
_ _ _AD and
Isosceles, right scalene, acute
and CD, BC and AD ; no AB, CB and AB; no
perpendicular sides congruent sides Use a protractor and a ruler to draw each quadrilateral. Classify
each quadrilateral by writing the name that best describes it.
square 126ⴗ
Check students’ Check students’
9. A quadrilateral has 4 congruent angles 10. The sum of the measures of three drawings. drawings.
and 2 pairs of congruent sides. What angles in a quadrilateral is 280⬚. What
type of quadrilateral is it? A is the measure of the fourth angle? D
A rectangle A 180⬚
B trapezoid B 120⬚
C rhombus C 90⬚
rectangle rhombus
D parallelogram D 80⬚
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW123 Practice PW124 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW123-PW124 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW125 Practice PW126 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW125-PW126 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Nets for Solid Figures Draw Solid Figures from Different Views
Match each solid figure with its net. Identify the solid figure that has the given views.
1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.
PW127-PW128 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. 4.
rotation rotation
translation translation
yes yes
yes no
7. 8.
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW129 Practice PW130 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
9 test prep
PW129-PW130 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
7. 7, 10, 13, 14, 19 8. 1000, 500, 10, 1, 0.1 9. 56, 53, 50, 47, 45
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW131 Practice PW132 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
14 problem solving
16 test prep
PW131-PW132 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
2. y
Number of cylinders, x 1 5 8 9
16 sides star, moon
Number of square bases, y 0 0 0 0 5
3. Julia builds a model using 105 blocks in 4. Hector is painting a design around the
the first row, 90 blocks in the second floor of his tree house. If he continues (1,0), (5,0), (8,0), (9,0) 2
row, and 105 blocks in the third row. If the pattern below, what will be the 1 (1,0) (5,0) (8,0) (9,0)
Julia continues this pattern, how many next four figures in Hector’s design? x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
blocks will she use in the fourth row?
Problem Solving and Test Prep
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
7 problem solving
PW133-PW134 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Use the equation to make a function table with y $2.50 ⴛ 15 ⴝ $37.50 ($2 ⴛ 2) ⴙ $4ⴝ$8
at least 4 ordered pairs. Then graph the ordered 10
pairs on the grid. Possible answers 9
8 Mixed Strategy Practice minutes, x 5 10 15 20 25 30
3. y⫽x⫹4 are given. 7 USE DATA For 3–4, use the function table. fare, y $2.50 $5.00 $7.50 $10.00 $15.00
x 2 3 4 5 5
4 3. The table shows the amount of money 4. If each cab ride starts with a $4 flat fee,
y 6 7 8 9 3
a cab fare costs for rides of different what equation can you write to
1 lengths. How much is a 25-minute cab determine what a 35-minute cab fare
x fare? would be?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
box to the right. y 6 8 10 13 the 6:10 A.M. ferry 7:55 A.M. 8:30 A.M.
6 Ms. Mallory lives 10 minutes from the 7. Each round-trip ferry ride costs $11.25.
6. If you graph the equation y ⫽ x ⫹ 3, 7. If you graph the equation y ⫽ 3x ⫹ 2,
Seattle ferry terminal. If she stops for an If Ms. Mallory takes the ferry an
which of the following pairs would you which of the following pairs would
additional 10 minutes to get a bagel average of 15 times each month, how
graph? you graph?
A C sandwich and juice on her way to the much does she spend on ferry fares in
A (2,5) A (2,7) ferry terminal, how long is her trip from one year?
B (5,2) B (7,4) home to work.
C (7,3) C (4,14)
D (3,7) D (14,4)
1 hour $2,025
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW135 Practice PW136 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW135-PW136 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
ⴙ ⴚ
3 .
0 10.
14 , 0 11.
26 ⴝ
26 12.
865 ,
5 2 0
Order each set of integers from greatest to least.
Write the opposite of each integer.
13. 1, 1, 5 14.
3, 0, 7, 10 15.
5, 2, 1, 6 16.
7, 9, 4, 0
32 41 749 802 5,426
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1, ⴚ1, ⴚ5 10, 0, ⴚ 3, ⴚ7 5, 1, ⴚ2, ⴚ6 7, 0, ⴚ 4, ⴚ9
ⴙ ⴚ ⴙ ⴚ
32 41 749 802 5,426
17. 4, 4, 3, 2 18. 6, 9, 1, 2 19. 5, 5, 6, 7 20.
8, 6, 0, 3
Write the absolute value of the integer. 4, 3, ⴚ2, ⴚ 4 6, 1, 2, ⴚ9
7, 5, 5, ⴚ6
6, 0, ⴚ 3, ⴚ8
14. |508|
11. | 1| 12. | 1| 13. | 19| 15. | 29|
ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ
1 1 19 19 29 Problem Solving and Test Prep
USE DATA For 21–22, use the table.
PW137-PW138 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Algebra: Graph Integers on the Coordinate Plane Customary Length For 1–4 Check students’ work.
For 1–6, identify the ordered pair for each point.
Estimate the length of the stapler in inches. Then measure the length.
1. point A 2. point E 3. point C
ⴚ ⴚ
y-axis 1. to the nearest inch: 3 in. Estimates may vary.
( 4, 0) (3, 3) (0, 0) +5
+4 P 2 _1 in.
4. point F 5. point B 6. point D
B 2. to the nearest __ inch: 2
Q 2
ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ
( 4, 2) (2, 3) ( 2, 4) N +2
C x-axis 1
3. to the nearest __ inch:
2 6_8 in.
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 8
For 7–12, graph and label the ordered pairs
on the coordinate plane at the right.
-1 M
7. M (5, ⫺2) 8. N (⫺1, 1) 9. O (⫺3, 0) -3 4. In Exercises 5⫺7, which measurement is
D -
R 4 most precise? Explain.
10. P (3, 3) 11. Q (0, 2) 12. R (⫺5, ⫺5)
2 6_8 in. is the most precise measurement because
Name the ordered pair that is described. it is in the smallest units.
13. Start at the origin. Move 3 units to the 14. Start at the origin. Move 11 units to the
left and 2 units up. left.
( 3, 2) (ⴚ11, 0)
Tell which measurement is more precise.
7 3
7. __ inches or __ inches
1 1 1
5. 4 __ inches or 4 __ inches 6. 1 foot or 11 __ inches
Problem Solving and Test Prep 8 4 2 8 4
15. Allen was walking on a giant coordinate 16. Alexis was walking on a giant coordinate 4 _1 in. 11 _1 in. _7 in.
grid. He started at the origin and took grid. She started at the origin and took
8 2 8
2 steps to the right. Then he took 5 steps 1 step to the left. Then she took 3 steps
up. What ordered pair did he walk to? down. What ordered pair did she Estimate the length in inches. Then measure to the nearest __ inch.
walk to? 8
(ⴚ1, ⴚ 3)
8. 9.
(2, 5)
17. Start at the origin. Go to the left 1 unit. 18. Start at the origin. Move 3 units up.
Go down 1 unit. What is the ordered What is the ordered pair? A
pair? D Estimate: 2 in. Estimate: 2 in.
A (1, 1) A (0, 3)
B (⫺1, 1) B (3, 0) Measurement:
2 3_8 in. Measurement:
2 1_8 in.
C (1, ⫺1) C (0, ⫺3)
D (⫺1, ⫺1) D (⫺3, 0)
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW139 Practice PW140 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW139-PW140 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Estimate: 2.8 cm or 28 mm Estimate: 2.1 cm or 21 mm many kilometers did she swim? C How long is the string now? C
A 125 km A 1.46 m
Measurement: Measurement:
B 12.5 km B 1.4 m
C 1.25 km C 1.1 m
D 0.125 km D 0.9 m
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW141 Practice PW142 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW141-PW142 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 5 lb 80 oz 2. 16 c 4 qt 3. 8 gal 32 qt
1. 80 L kL 2. 900 mg g 3. 7,500 mL L
4. 4,500 lb 2.25 T 5. 72 oz 4.5 lb 6. 12 fl oz 1.5 c 0.08 0.9 7.5
4 2.5 72 4. 18,000 mL L 5. 5 kg g 6. 130 mL L
7. 16 qt gal 8. 10 c qt 9. 4.5 lb oz
Find the sum or difference.
18 5,000 0.13
7. 336 g mg 8. 8.25 L mL 9. 1,200 mg g
10. 7 lb 6 oz 11. 11 gal 2 c 12. 4 pt 1 c 13. 23 lb 2 oz
___lb 10 oz 2 gal 1 c
1 pt 1 c
___ lb 14 oz 336,000 8,250 1.2
Find the sum or difference.
12 lb 9 gal 1 c 6 pt 2 lb 4 oz
10. 12 mg 12 mg 24 mg 11. 0.7 kL 0.6 kL 0.1 kL
14. 2 c 2 fl oz 15. 3 qt 3 c 16. 2 T 200 lb 17. 4 pt 2 fl oz
___c 6 fl oz 4 qt 2 c 1 T 20 lb
___ 2 pt 6 fl oz 19.8 mL 1,112 g
__ ___ 12. 20 mL 0.2 mL 13. 12 g 1,100 g
7c 8 qt 1 c 1 T 180 lb 1 pt 12 fl oz
ALGEBRA Find the missing measurement. 14. 13 kL 121 kL 134 kL 15. 1,200 g 729 g 471 g
18. 1 c 7 c 2 qt 19. 12 fl oz 4 fl oz 2 c
20. 33 oz 31 oz 4 lb 21. 4 pt 28 pt 4 gal ALGEBRA Find the missing measurement.
PW143-PW144 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Problem Solving Skill Practice 1. Start: 7:14 A.M. 2. Start: 6:54 A.M.
Elapsed time: 2 hr 50 min Elapsed time: 12 hr 3 min
Tell whether you need an estimate or an actual measurement. Then solve. 10:04 A.M.
End: End: 6:57 P.M.
1. Janet is making pendant necklaces 2. Dominic is making a birdhouse and
3. Start: 4:12 P.M. 4. Start: January 1, 3:00 A.M.
for 5 of her friends. She has a spool needs to cut 3 pieces of trim that are 2 hr 31 min
Elapsed time: Elapsed time: 4 days 3 hr 30 min
that has 2.2 m of leather string. If Janet 14, 31, and 44 cm long. Dominic has
needs 42 cm of leather string for each one 1-meter-long piece of trim. Is it long
End: 6:43 P.M. End: Jan 5, 6:30 A.M.
necklace, how much excess string will enough? Explain. 5. Start: 1:00 A.M. 6. Start: Monday, 2 P.M.
remain? Elapsed time: 22 hr 12 min Elapsed time: 16 hrs
End: 11:12 P.M. End: Tuesday, 6 A.M.
. measurement; Estimate; he can round
10 cm each number and add Add or subtract.
15 ⴙ 30 ⴙ 45 cm ⴝ 90 cm, 7. 3 days 2 hr 8. 12 min 22 sec 9. 2 hr 12 min 10. 6 wk 6 days
so yes, he has enough trim. 1 day 10 hr 2 min 32 sec
___ 1 hr 49 min
___ 4 wk 5 days
___ ___
4 days 12 hrs 9 min 50 sec 4 hr 1 min 2 wk 1 day
Mixed Applications
11. 32 min 9 sec 12. 6 hr 6 min 13. 1 day 12 hr 14. 5 wk 3 days
USE DATA For 3–5, use the table. 40 min 10 sec
____ 4 hr 19 min
___ 2 days 14 hr 4 wk 6 days
___ ___
3. Leslie is shopping for beading materials.
Stringing Materials
1 hr 12 min 1 hr 47 min 4 days 2 hr 4 days
She wants to make 51 20-cm bracelets
with silver wire. How many 10-meter
19 sec
Material Cost
silver wire spools will Leslie need to Problem Solving and Test Prep
buy? 10-meter Satin cord spool $2.89
15. Christian checked out a book from the 16. Mr. Lee requests that Ava and her
10-meter Elastic thread spool $2.31
2. 10-meter silver wire library that is due classmates read for 25 minutes at home
spools 10-meter Silver wire spool $2.50 in 2 weeks. If he each weekday. How much time will they
10-meter Silk thread spool $8.63 checked it out on spend reading at home over 3 weeks?
April 3, what is the
due date?
4. Mrs. Bisogno wants to make four 45-cm 5. Jeff and Mia buy 2 spools of silver wire
necklaces. If the store will let her buy and 4 spools of elastic thread. They pay
April 17 6 hr 15 min
her stringing material by the meter with two $10 bills. How much change 17. Josh swam every Monday and Friday in 18. The movie started at 7:10 P.M. and lasted
instead of by the spool, how many should they receive? June. How many days did he swim? C for 1 hour 54 minutes. What time did the
meters should Mrs. Bisogno ask for? movie end? B
A 4 days A 11:58 A.M.
2 meters $5.76 B 6 days B 9:04 P.M.
C 8 days C 10:00 P.M.
D 10 days D 9:40 P.M.
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW145 Practice PW146 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW145-PW146 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW147 Practice PW148 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
22 test prep
PW147-PW148 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5. 5.7 m 6. 7. 8. 1.3 m
3m 2.6 cm 5. 6. 15 m 7. 8.
3m 3m
5.9 m 121 yd
3.1 m 2.4 cm 1.75 in.
1m 17 cm
4.3 m 30 in.
3.5 m
B 15 cm D 1,500 cm
What is the perimeter? C D pentagon D hexagon
A 1.4 cm C 10.4 cm
B 4.6 cm D 14 cm
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW149 Practice PW150 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
find perimeter of an
5 6 find the perimeter
irregular shape; add decimals
find perimeter of a regular use decimals to find the
6 7
octagon perimeter of a pentagon
find perimeter of a find the perimeter of an
7 8
parallelogram octagon
find perimeter of an use algebra to find a side
irregular shape; add decimals 9 length when the perimeter is
find perimeter of a regular known
hexagon use perimeter to solve a
write an equation to problem
10 represent perimeter of a match a perimeter formula
regular pentagon to its polygon
match a perimeter formula
11 estimate perimeter 12
to its polygon
12 estimate perimeter
PW149-PW150 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
The perimeter of the kitchen is half the of the top by 8 inches. What is the
perimeter of the family room. What is perimeter of the table top with
3. pizza 43.96 in. 14 in. 3.14
3. Two boxes of cereal are the same 4. The Pyramid of Khafre is the second
62.8 cm
shape. The corn cereal box is 2 inches largest pyramid in Giza. It is the same
wide and 10 inches long. The perimeter shape as the Great Pyramid. The To the nearest hundredth, find the circumference of a circle that has
of the wheat cereal box is 5 inches more perimeter of its base is 2,816 feet. 5. a diameter of 16 yd 6. a radius of 2 m
than the corn cereal box. What is the How long is each side of its base?
perimeter of the wheat cereal box? 50.24 yd 12.56
29 in. 704 ft
7. a diameter of 2.5 km 8. a radius of 4 ft
7.85 km 25.12 ft
Mixed Applications
5. The length of the longest leg bone in a 6. Kerri has a tree house that is 5 feet by 9. a diameter of 14 in. 10. a radius of 22 cm
human, the femur, is 19.88 inches. The 7 feet. His circular table has a diameter
length of the longest arm bone in a of 6 feet. Will the table fit in his tree 43.96 in. 138.16 cm
human, the humerus, is 14.35 inches. house? Explain.
What is the difference in length between 11. a diameter of 9 mi 12. a radius of 9 m
the femur and the humerus?
28.26 mi 56.52 m
. 5.53 inches No; 6 . 5
13. a diameter of 5.9 ft 14. a radius of 12.6 km
7. Brett and Bart are identical twins. Carly 8. Todd is cutting a rectangular piece of
and Carl are also identical twins. Can cloth into smaller pieces. It measures 18.53 ft 79.13 km
you find the ages of Brett and Bart? 12 inches by 6 inches. If each smaller
Explain. piece is 3 inches square, how many 15. Reasoning If you double the diameter, what happens to the circumference?
No; I don’t have enough smaller pieces can he cut?
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW151 Practice PW152 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW151-PW152 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
16 1
_ in.2
about 11 cm2 about 9 cm2 about 6 cm2 65.5 ft2 256 cm2 4
56.25 m 2
25 in 2 63
_ ft2
93.5 m2
about 76 in.2
5. Estimate the area of the train in the Problem Solving and Test Prep
jigsaw puzzle at the right.
For 6–7, use the table.
8. Cassie plans to paint the hickory wood
panel. What is its area?
about 15 in. Wood
Height Length
2,720 in.2 Panel
6. Which is a reasonable estimate for the 7. Which of the following is a reasonable Hickory 68 in. 40 in.
area of the figure? estimate for the area of the banner? Pine 54 in. 36 in.
9. Which panel has an area of about
A 15 in.2 F 4 cm2 2,500 in. ? 2
Oak 52 in. 48 in.
B 9 in.2 G 8 cm2
C 4 in.2 H 12 cm2 Oak
D 2 in.2 1 in.2 J 15 cm2 1 cm.2
10. How many 1 in.2 tiles are needed to 11. What is the area of a 12 ft 21 1_2 ft
cover an 18 in. 30 in. countertop? B driveway? A
A 324 tiles A 258 ft2
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW153 Practice PW154 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW153-PW154 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1. 80 ft 2. 36 yd 3. 6 mi 4. 200 cm 5. 76 m
7 ft
20 ft ⴛ 9 yd ⴛ 2 mi ⴛ 50 cm ⴛ 19 m ⴛ 11 cm
20 ft 9 yd 1 mi 50 cm 19 m 18 in.
12 ft
For the given area, find the length and width of the rectangle with the least perimeter.
Use whole numbers only.
42 ft2 81 in.2 16.5 cm2
6. 50 mm2 7. 16 in.2 8. 48 yd2 9. 65 mi2 10. 144 ft2
Find the area of each triangle.
5 mm ⴛ 4 in. ⴛ 6 yd ⴛ 5 mi ⴛ 12 ft ⴛ
4. base (b) = 5 m 5. base (b) = 10 ft 6. base (b) = 7 in.
10 mm 4 in. 8 yd 13 mi 12 ft height (h) = 9 m height (h) = 6 ft height (h) = 12 in.
Area (A) = Area (A) = Area (A) =
Problem Solving and Test Prep
11. Complete the table to find 22.5 m2 30 ft2 42 in.2
the areas of rectangles with a
perimeter of 20 m. Describe the Problem Solving and Test Prep
patterns you see. Width (m) Length (m) Area (m2)
USE DATA For 7–8, use the pattern.
The widths increase as 2 8 16 7. Kate bought blue tiles to fill the middle of the
the lengths decrease; 3 7 21 pattern. How many blue tiles did she buy?
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW155 Practice PW156 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
PW155-PW156 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
1 13 ft 6 in. 8 in. 5 cm 5 cm
5 2 in. 10.4 yd
6 cm
PW157-PW158 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
3. 4. 5. 680 ft3
6. What is the volume of the prism 7. Compare the volumes of the treasure
below? B chests. Which can hold more gold?
Explain your answer.
3 ft 2 21 ft
. 120 ft2 . 67.5 ft2 . 125 ft2
2 ft 3 21 ft 2 21 ft 3 ft
6. WRITE Math Explain the difference between area and surface area.
PW159-PW160 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
5 cm 6 ft 9 ft
14 ft 23 m
8 cm 4m
12 cm 6 ft 4.5 m
Feet (ft) Cubic meters (m3) Mixed Strategy Practice
centimeters (cm2)
USE DATA For 3–4, use the table.
Circled problems are suggested homework problems. Circled problems are suggested homework problems.
PW161 Practice PW162 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt · Grade 5
PW161-PW162 Practice
© Harcourt • Grade 5
The weekly worksheets are designed for you to give your students the
entire page if you want them to review all the strands, or one of the four
sections if you only want them to review one strand.
© Harcourt • Grade 5
Name Week 1 Name Week 2
Spiral Review Spiral Review
For 1–4, round each number For 12, make an organized list to For 1–8, estimate. Then For 11, use the frequency table.
to the place of the underlined solve. find the product. Tell whether the statement
digit. is true or false. Explain.
12. Ken is making tickets for the fair. 1. 26 2. 672
1. 124,516
120,000 Each type of ticket will be a different ⫻ 7 ⫻ 4 Favorite Type of Music
7,000 color. There will be adult and child
2. 6,732 182 2,688 Type of Music Votes
tickets. There will be 1-day, 2-day,
25,020 3. 429 4. 783 Country 43
3. 25,019 and weekly tickets. How many
⫻ 6 ⫻ 3 Rock 37
3,700,000 different ticket colors will there be?
4. 3,723,801
2,574 2,349 Rap 34
Check students’ 5. 842 ⫻ 5 6. 239 ⫻ 7
For 5–6, name the place to which each
lists. 4,210 1,673 11. More people chose rap than rock as
number was rounded.
their favorite.
5. 76,812 to 80,000 7. 3 ⫻ 462 8. 1,364 ⫻ 6
ten thousands 1,386 8,184
6. 251,006,475 to 251,006,480
False. There were 37
Check students’ estimates. people who chose
tens 6 tickets
For 9–10, use the thermometer
to find the temperature in °F. rock music while only
For 7–9, find the elapsed time. For 13–14, tell whether the 9.
34 chose rap music.
two figures are congruent
7. start: 11:15 A.M.
2 hr 45 min and similar, similar, or neither. For 12–13, find a rule. Write
end: 2:00 P.M.
13. the rule as an equation. Find
8. start: 3:30 P.M.
3 hr 15 min &
the missing numbers.
end: 6:45 P.M.
12. Input, x 9 15 18 21 27
9. start: 9:30 P.M. 22 °F
end: 4:15 A.M. 6 hr 45 min Output, y 3 5 6
7 9
10. -15
For 10–11, find the ending time. congruent and similar
Divide by 3; x ⴜ 3 ⴝ y
10. start: 4:00 P.M. -20
elapsed time: 5 hr 15 min
-25 13. Input, a 2 3 5 6 8
9:15 P.M.
°F Output, b 16 24 40
11. start: 10:30 P.M.
48 64
elapsed time: 2 hr 20 min 18 °F
12:50 P.M. similar Multiply by 8; a ⴛ 8 ⴝ b
SR1 Spiral Review SR2 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:46:46 PM
Name Week 3 Name Week 4
not equally likely. If they are not equally
likely, name the event that is more likely. 1. 30 10
3 17. 2, 6, 3, 9, 12, 4, 15, 18, 21
9. Experiment: Spin the pointer. Multiples of 2 Multiples of 3
Event A: gray 2. 540 90 6
49 r2 281 r1 6 21
3. 5 844
4. 3 Event B: white 2
not equally 3. 4,200 6 700 12 3
4 9
likely; gray 4. $15,0000 30 $500 18 15
is more likely
5. 821 6 6. 198 2 For 5–6, divide. Check your answer. 18. 23, 18, 6, 25, 8, 16, 37, 9, 11
10. Experiment: Toss a number cube
Numbers Numbers
numbered 1–6. less than 20 greater than 10
136 r2 99 Event A: even number 13 r10 11 r12
Event B: odd number 426
5. 32 529
6. 47
6 18 23
equally likely 8 16 25
For 7–8, find the perimeter. For 11–12, classify each 9 11 37
figure in as many ways as possible.
Write quadrilateral, parallelogram,
For 7–16, change each unit. For 19–29, use properties and
rhombus, rectangle, square, or
2 mental math to find the value.
trapezoid. 7. 24 in. ft
19. 43 + (16 + 24) 83
11. 8. 4 c
2 pt
20. 29 + 28 + 21 78
9. 24 ft 8 yd 1,480
21. 4 370
SR3 Spiral Review SR4 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:46:50 PM
Name Week 5 Name Week 6
Spiral Review Spiral Review
For 1–4, write the value of the For 10–11, use the double- For 1–6, find the sum or difference. For 8–10, use the picture.
underlined digit. bar graph. List all possible outcomes
1. 91.47 2. 105.308
1. 2.65 six tenths; 0.6 Careers ⫹ 23.76 ⫺ 61.487 of each experiment.
2. 12.81 one hundredth; 0.1 115.23 43.821
3. 5.97 nine tenths; 0.9 50
40 Women
4. 3.49 nine hundredths; 30
3. 8.759 4. 2.704
0.09 10 ⫹ 5.413 ⫺ 0.285 8. tossing a penny
Engineer Teacher Chemist Doctor
Career 14.172 2.419 heads, tails
Write the number in two other forms. 9. spinning the pointer
10. What two sets of data are compared in
5. 6.35 for
the graph? careers black, white, gray
5. 0.42 6. 18.751
six and thirty-five men and women 0.309 6.049 10. tossing the penny and spinning
hundredths; ⫹ 2.695 ⫹ 12.201 the pointer
11. Which careers have more men than
6 ⴙ 0.3 ⴙ 0.05 women?engineer and 3.424 37.001 heads/black; heads/white;
doctor heads/gray; tails/black;
tails/white; tails/gray
For 6–9, find the perimeter of For 12–13, name any line
each figure. relationships you see in each
Find the perimeter and area For 11–12, write an algebraic
figure. Write intersecting, parallel, or
6. 7. of the figure. Then draw expression.
another figure that has the same
11. Caroline had 37 songs in
12. perimeter but a different area.
her MP3 player. She deleted some
7. of them.
3 cm
37 ⴚ s
12 units 12 units parallel 5 cm 12. Forty-three increased by some
8. 9. 43 ⴙ n
check students’
For 13–14, find the value for each
drawings expression.
13. 17 – n for n = 4 13
perpendicular; 19
14. p + 7 for p = 12
10 units 10 units intersecting P = 16 cm; A = 15 sq cm
SR5 Spiral Review SR6 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:46:54 PM
Name Week 7 Name Week 8
9. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 1, 6
Possible estimates given. 7. 90, 350, 260, 185, 415
1. 0.6 2. 2.4
⫻ 0.7 ⫻ 0.8 8. 7, 23, 25, 18, 11
For 7–8, find the area. For 11–12, tell whether the figure 11. 15 books on each of b shelves
appears to have line symmetry, 15b
14 ft
rotational symmetry, both,
or neither. 12. 22 more than m DVDs
6 ft
11. 12.
m + 22
13. $36 shared equally among y friends
84 ft2 36 ÷ y
42 cubic units
line both 14. 18 less than r
8. 7 cm
symmetry r – 18
For 15–18, evaluate each expression
For 13–14, draw all lines of symmetry. for a = 6.
7 cm
15. a + 27 33 16. 24 ⫼ a 4
13. 14.
17. 14 ⫻ a 84 18. 19 – a 13
49 cm
125 cubic units
SR7 Spiral Review SR8 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK07.indd SR7 6/15/07 2:26:37 PM MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK08.indd SR8 6/19/07 10:41:18 AM
6/21/07 4:47:00 PM
Name Week 9 Name Week 10
Spiral Review Spiral Review
For 1–4, complete to For 12–15, find the mean For 1–12, estimate the product. For 23–25, use the graph.
find the sum or difference. for each set of data. T-Shirt Sales
1. 23 ⫻ 44 2. 61 ⫻ 28
1. 54,639 2. 738,521 12. 13, 8, 11, 9, 14 11
800 1,800 60
⫺ 37,840 ⫹ 601,994 72 50
13. 68, 73, 86, 61 40
99 5 3. 57 ⫻ 214 4. 46 ⫻ 697 30
6 ,7B 1,34B
0 ,B
5 1B 211
Number Sold
9 ,7B
B 5B 53
8 ,2B For 16–18, use the given mean to find
8,000 72,000 23. During which month were 30 T-shirts
sold? November
the missing value in each set of data. 7. 61 ⫻ 926 8. 584 ⫻ 73
For 5–6, estimate. Then find the sum or 16. 17, 12, 18,
5 ; mean: 13 54,000 42,000 24. How many T-shirts were sold in
difference. September? 40
17. 69, 84, 73, 98 ; mean: 81 9. 836 ⫻ 5,927 10. 2,483 ⫻ 369
Possible estimates given. 18. 78, 93, 86, 71 ; mean: 82
25. Describe the change in T-shirt sales
5. 84,679 6. 5,807,436
4,800,000 800,000 between October and November.
⫹ 39,213 ⫹ 2,789,015 11. 82 ⫻ 9,371 12. 46 ⫻ 34,672 The number of sales
40,000; 9,000,000; 720,000 1,500,000 increases.
45,466 8,596,451
For 7–9, find the elapsed time. For 19–21, name a solid For 13–22, change each unit. For 26–28, write an
figure that is described. 5 algebraic expression.
7. start: 10:45 a.m.
2 hr 15 min 13. 500 cm = m
end: 1:00 p.m. 19. one circular face 26. James had $34 in his wallet.
SR9 Spiral Review SR10 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:47:05 PM
Name Week 11 Name Week 12
3 ⬍ 2 7 ⬎ 5 Joe’s Marbles
2. 16 1, 2, 8, 16 Red Green Blue Brown
__ 1
__ 4 21 16 10 23
3. 27 1, 3, 9, 27 3. 4 7 ⬎ 42__5 4. 3 3 ⫽ 3 ___
2 12
4. 30 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
13. pulling a 1 7 7
___ __ __ 8
5. 42 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42 ⬍ 25 6. 22 ⬎ 1 ___
5. 2 12 8 3 15
6. 8 1, 2, 4, 8
7. 14 1, 2, 7, 14 14. pulling a 2 or 3 7
For 7–8, write in order
8. 21 1, 3, 7, 21 3
_ from least to greatest.
__ , 5 __
__ , 1 5
__ 2
__ 4 __
9. 5 1, 5 15. pulling a 1 or 4
7 7. 3 6 6 8. 2 , 3 , 26 3 9
10. 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 6
_ Check students’
11. 10 1, 2, 5, 10 7 1
__ __ __ __ __ __ bar graph.
16. pulling a tile that is not 3 ,1 ,5 24 , 25 , 32
6 3 6 9 6 3
Find the perimeter and area For 17–19, draw circle A with For 9–10, find the volume. For 12–17, use counters to
of the figure below. Then draw a 3-centimeter radius. Label show all arrays for each
another figure that has the same area each of the following. number. Write prime or composite.
but a different perimeter.
12. 8 cm 17. radius BA 12. 35
18. chord CD
6 cm
13. 9
19. diameter FG composite
15 cubic units 14. 29
Check students’ Check students’ 10.
drawings. drawings. 15. 101
16. 75
17. 55
P = 28 cm; A = 48 sq cm composite
24 cubic units
SR11 Spiral Review SR12 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:47:09 PM
Name Week 13 Name Week 14
For 1–6, add or subtract. Then For 9–11, use the tally table. For 1–6, write each fraction as For 12–13, for each experiment,
write the answer in simplest a decimal. tell whether events A and B are
form. equally likely or not equally likely. If
Length of Family Vacations 3 5 they are not equally likely, name the
__ 3 1. 0.6 2. 0.2
1. 41 2. 8 ___ 5 25
8 12 Days Tally Total event that is more likely.
5 1 4 37
+ 3__ ⫺3___ 5 3 3. 4. 12. Experiment: Flip a coin
_ 8 _ 12 0.4 0.37
10 100
10 8 Event A: heads
3 _ _ 28 2
7 51 15 12 5. 0.56 6. 0.22 Event B: tails
4 6 50 100
20 9 equally likely
71 For 7–9, write each decimal
__ ⫹ 7 2
3. 5 1 __ ⫽ 13 4. 9 5
__ ⫺ 2 2
__ ⫽ 3 9. Complete the total column as a fraction in simplest form.
3 3 9 9
13. Experiment: Pick a marble
in the tally table.
7. 0.35 8. 0.45 9. 0.26 Event A: gray
10. How many family vacations last 10 7 9 13 Event B: black
__ _3 __ __ __
51 9 days? 8 20 20 not equally likely;
5. 7 6
6 ___ ⫺ 1 ___ ⫽ 10 6. 1 2
3 __ ⫹ 6 __ ⫽ 4
10 10 4 4 11. Which number of family vacation days black marble
has the greatest total? 15
For 10–11, find the area. For 14–15, write an equation.
For 12–15, write parallel, 10.
Tell what the variable
For 7–8, use the thermometer to 3m
find the temperature in °C. intersecting, or
perpendicular for each. 14. Brad has 28 oranges. He gives some
7. 60
12. 13. 7m away. He now has 11 oranges. How
W many oranges does Brad give away?
55 Y O M
Possible answer: let
21 m2 b ⴝ the number of
parallel intersecting oranges Brad handed
54 °C out; 28 ⴚ b ⴝ 11
14. Q 15. 11. 13 in.
8. 15. Gina divides some crackers among
13 in. her 4 friends. She gives each friend
6 crackers. How many crackers did
parallel perpendicular Gina have?
-10 39 in.2 Possible answer: let a ⴝ
the number of crackers
3 °C Gina has; a ⴜ 4 ⴝ 6
SR13 Spiral Review SR14 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK13.indd SR13 7/2/07 2:17:09 PM
7/2/07 2:50:08 PM
Name Week 15 Name Week 16
1. 2.
3 1 11
⫺ ⫽ ⫹ ⫽
5 10 5 4 3 12
2. Write 2,345,587 in expanded form.
2,000,000 ⴙ 300,000 ⴙ
1 1
⫹ ⫽
_2 4.
2 1
⫺ ⫽
2 6 3 3 6 2
40,000 ⴙ 5,000 ⴙ 500 ⴙ
80 ⴙ 7 .EPTUNE 3ATURN 5RANUS -ARS %ARTH 12. pulling a gray marble 9
3. Write the standard form of three 3 1 _1 1 3 _5 2
5. ⫺ ⫽ 6. ⫹ ⫽
hundred three million, five hundred 7. Which planet has the greatest number 4 2 4 4 8 8 13. pulling a gray or black marble 3
twenty-six thousand, ninety-one. Saturn
of moons? 8
8. Which planet has 1 more moon than
3 1 7
__ 5 1 _3 14. pulling a white or gray marble 9
4. Write 9,641,508 in word form. Mars 7. ⫹ ⫽ 8. ⫺ ⫽
Earth? 10 5 10 8 4 8
nine million, six 0
9. How many moons does Neptune 15. pulling a blue marble
hundred forty-one 13 moons
thousand, five hundred For 9–11, use a calendar to solve. For 16–21, graph and label
eight For 10–13, classify each triangle. the following points on the
9. The zoo will be offering discount
Write isosceles, scalene, or coordinate grid.
For 5–6, find the perimeter. tickets from January 3 to January 29.
equilateral. Then write right, acute,
How many days will tickets be
5. or obtuse. 16. A (4,3) 17. B (2,5) 18. C (0,7)
10. 11. 19. D (3,4) 20. E (6,4) 21. F (5,1)
,Zd ,`e% 27 days
)+`e% *`e%
10. The pet store is having a sale on dog p
,Zd +`e%
*.`e% and cat food from February 1 to
equilateral; scalene; February 16. How many days will the /
122 in. right food be on sale? .
acute -
16 days B
6. ,
12. 13. +
(0d 11. Delia paid for her newspaper delivery A
(,d 0d /]k /]k *
0d on July 1. She last paid for it three )
weeks and four days ago. When did F
(+d (
,]k she last pay for her newspaper o
()d ' ( ) * + , - . /
scalene; isosceles; delivery?
SR15 Spiral Review SR16 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK16.indd SR16 7/31/07 9:37:59 AM
7/31/07 9:42:11 AM
Name Week 17 Name Week 18
For 1–10, estimate the product. For 18–21, use the stem-and- For 1–4, write an equivalent Make a tree diagram to find the
leaf plot. fraction. Possible answers are number of possible combinations.
1. 23 ⫻ 44 2. 61 ⫻ 28
1 _2 3 _1 given. 12. Activity choices
800 1,800 Grades on a Science Test 1. 2.
2 4 9 3 activity: zoo, park, museum
Stem Leaf
time: morning, afternoon, evening
6 7 9
3. 57 ⫻ 214 4. 46 ⫻ 697 7 0 3 4 6 6 9 3.
4 _2 4.
3 _1
8 2 4 4 6 7 8 8 9
10 5 15 5
12,000 35,000
9 1 3 5 5 5 8
For 5–8, tell which fraction is not
6 | 7 represents 67
5. 425 ⫻ 19 6. 768 ⫻ 86 equivalent to the others.
18. How many students earned a grade 5.
2 4 3
, , 6.
5 4 2
, ,
8,000 72,000 2 students 5 10 8 12 8 4 students’ work
of 76?
_ 5
19. How many students earned a grade
7. 61 ⫻ 926 8. 584 ⫻ 73 8 12
between 85 and 90?
5 students 1 5 2 6 4 9
60,000 42,000 7. , , 8. , ,
3 9 6 8 6 12
20. Which grade occurred most often? _5
_4 9 choices
9. 86 ⫻ 597 10. 243 ⫻ 36 9 6
54,000 8,000 21. What is the difference between the
highest grade and the lowest grade? For 9–10, find the perimeter of For 13–14, find the rule to
31 each polygon. complete the function table. Then
9. 23 cm write the rule as an equation.
For 11–17, change the unit. For 22–25, classify each solid 13. input, x 24 18 12
figure. Write prism, pyramid, 11 cm 11 cm 6
5 output, y 8 6 4 2
11. 5,000 m ⫽ km cylinder, cone, or sphere.
16 cm
8,000 22. 23.
12. 8 kL ⫽ L
61 cm yx3
13. 16 m ⫽ 1,600 cm
360 9 in. 14. input, x 2 6 8
14. 36 cm ⫽ mm prism cone 5
output, y 4 10 12 16
15. 200 cm ⫽ 2 m
24. 25.
16. 6,000 L ⫽ 6 kL
45 in. y 2x
17. 71 km ⫽ 71,000 m
sphere prism
SR17 Spiral Review SR18 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:47:24 PM
Name Week 19 Name Week 20
_ _ Class President Election 1. 85.19 2. 251.895
Name Number of Votes
__ 75.362 Boys
16,016 24,013 Girls
Sarah 30 122.67 176.533 20
Ty 50 15
Mike 20 5
3. 7.081 4. 3.582 0
6.254 0.763 Drama Science Poetry Soccer
3. 582 4. 825 __ __ Club Club Club
Class President Election Activity
_ 24
_ 13.335 2.819
23,862 19,800 Mike
9. How many sets of data does the graph
5. 0.85 6. 11.804 show? 2
0.063 6.137 10. Which activity has the greatest number
Ty 3.572 15.749 of girls? soccer
4.485 33.69 11. How many more girls than boys are
signed up for drama club?
Find the perimeter and area Sarah
of the figure. Then draw 5 more girls
another figure that has the same
perimeter but a different area. For 7–8, find the volume of each For 12–19, solve each equation.
For 7–9, tell if the net would rectangular prism.
5. 8 in. 12. 39 15 r 13. 3 n 75
make a cube. Write yes or no.
7. *p[ r ⴝ 24 n ⴝ 25
2 in.
14. a 8 8 15. 36 w 20
P = 20 in.; A = 16 sq in. no 3
135 yd a ⴝ 64 w ⴝ 16
8. 16. 4 y 20 17. 80 h 4
7 ft yⴝ5 h ⴝ 20
Check students’ yes
drawings. 9. 7 ft 18. y 3 49 13 19. 25 17 48 b
7 ft
y ⴝ 39 bⴝ6
343 ft
SR19 Spiral Review SR20 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK19.indd SR19 7/2/07 2:18:41 PM
7/2/07 2:50:30 PM
Name Week 21 Name Week 22
For 1–4, use basic facts For 11–13, tell whether each For 1–6, compare. Make a list or tree diagram to
and patterns to solve. sample represents the Write ⬍, ⬎, or ⴝ for each . find all possible combinations.
population. If it does not, explain.
6 5 2 4 6 13. Sandwich choices
1. 60 ⫼ 10 A food company wants to know if people 1. 2.
7 ⬎3 5 ⬍ 7 meat: ham, turkey, roast beef
ages 18–40 like their new pasta.
9 cheese: American, cheddar
2. 630 ⫼ 70 11. a random sample of 500 women, 1 1 4 2
3. 3 ⬍ 3 4. 1 ⫽ 1 bread: wheat, white
ages 18–40 5 3 6 3
3. 7,200 ⫼ 8 900
No; the sample should 5. 3
3 7
6. 2
5 Check students’ work.
800 4 ⬎ 312 2 ⬍ 6
4. 48,000 ⫼ 60 be of men and women.
12. a random sample of 500 people,
For 5–6, divide. ages 18–40 For 7–8, write in order from least to
Yes greatest.
13 r6 8 r33 5 7 2 3 5 1
5. 24 609
6. 72 13. a random sample of 500 adults 7. , , 8. 3 , 3 , 3
No; the sample needs 6 12 5 4 9 3
2 7 5
_, __ 5 3
to be of adults from ,_ 31
_, 3 _, 3 _
5 12 6 3 9 4
12 combinations
For 7–10, write the time shown For 14–19, use the figure.
on the analog clock. Name an example of each.
Possible answers are given. For 9–12, write the time for For 14–16, find the rule to
7. 8.
11 12 1 11 12 1 < each. complete the function table.
10 2 10 2 =
; 9 A Then write an equation.
9 3 9 3 9. Start: 7:38 A.M.
8 4 8 4 ? > Elapsed time: 3 hr 52 min 14. x 0 1 2 4
7 6 5 7 66 55 8 : 3
_› End: 11:30 A.M. y 0 6 24
12 18
10:40 2:25 14. ray
_ 15. point J y ⴝ 6x
‹ › 10. Start: 7:54 P.M.
9. 10. 16. line HF 17. vertex A Elapsed time: 2 hr 31 min
_ 15.
11 12 1 11 12 1
5 6 End: 10:25 P.M. x 12 10 8 6 4
10 2 10 2 AC
18. line segment
9 3 9 3 y 6 5 3 4 2
5 6
8 4 8 4 19. vertical 11. Start: 11:16 A.M.
7 6 5 7 6 5
angles ⬔HJE and ⬔GJF Elapsed time: 1 hr 19 min
For 20–21, use the figure above. Classify End: 12:35 P.M.
1:47 9:03 16.
each angle. Write acute, obtuse, straight, x 13 11 9 7 5
or right. 12. Start: 2:37 P.M. y 9 1
1 hr 42 min 7 5 3
20. ⬔DAB
right Elapsed time:
End: 4:19 P.M.
21. ⬔BAC acute
SR21 Spiral Review SR22 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:47:32 PM
Name Week 23 Name Week 24
1. 0.754 ⬎ 0.734 2 2 1 3
1. __ __ 2. __ __ 11. number of green tiles in 40 more pulls
Marble Experiment 5 5 5 8 8 2
2. 1.09 ⬍ 1.10
Red Blue Green Tile Pulls
3. 10 ⬎ 0.909 Number of Pulls 1
_ 3
_ Green Red Orange
4 1 5 2
3. __ __ 4. __ __
Total 8 3 9 9 9 3 7 7 7
For 4–6, order from greatest to least.
12. What is the experimental probability of 2 out of 10; 8 green tiles
4. 1.345; 1.305; 1.354 5
_ 1
pulling a red marble? 4 6 3 1
1.354; 1.345; 1.305 5. ___ ___ 6. __ __
8 out of 20 12 12 6 4 4 2 12. number of wins in 36 more games
5. 0.101; 0.110; 0.100 Games
13. What is the experimental probability of
0.110; 0.101; 0.100 pulling a blue marble?
_ 2
_ Wins Losses
6 2 8 2
7. ___ ___ 8. __ __
6. 73.806; 7.386; 73.860
3 out of 20 10 10 5 9 9 3
73.860; 73.806; 7.386 14. What is the experimental probability of
pulling a green marble?
8 out of 12; 24 wins
For 7–11, use the thermometer 9 out of 20
to find the change in temperature.
7. 12°F to 31°F For 15–16, classify each figure in For 9–10, estimate the area of the For 13–20, solve each equation.
as many ways as possible. Write shaded figure. Each square on the
19°F 100 100 grid is 1 cm2. 13. 49 h 17 14. 24 a 8
quadrilateral, parallelogram, square,
90 90
8. 0°F to 35°F rectangle, rhombus, or trapezoid. 9. h ⴝ 66 aⴝ3
80 80
35°F 15.
70 70
9. 10°F to 7°F 60 60 15. 9 n 54 16. $42 w $35
17°F 50 50
nⴝ6 w ⴝ $7
40 40
10. 74°F to 88°F
Possible estimate: 9 cm2
30 30
SR23 Spiral Review SR24 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/21/07 4:47:37 PM
Name Week 25 Name Week 26
Make a bar graph of the data. Make a list or draw a tree
For 1–6, write two equivalent For 1–4, solve each problem.
diagram to find the total
ratios for each ratio. Use 19. 1. Write 690,303,520,002 in number of arrangements.
multiplication and division. Stock X Price
expanded form.
Possible answers are given. Month Jan Feb Mar Apr 10. ways to pull green, yellow, and blue
__ 4 __ Price $46 $65 $52 $48 600,000,000,000 + tiles from a bag without looking
1. 2
_; 20
3 90,000,000,000 +
6 30
2 to 5; 8 to 20 Check students’ 300,000,000 + 3,000,000
2. 4 to 10
graphs. Possible + 500,000 + 20,000 + 2
6:10; 15:25 graph shown. 2. What is the value of the underlined digit
3. 3:5
Stock X Price
$70 in 32,405,922,287? Check students’
5 __
_; 30 $60
15 2,000,000,000
4. ___ 6 36 $50 work.
$30 3. Write the standard form of five billion,
2 to 14; 5 to 35 $20 six hundred ninety-six million, three
5. 1 to 7 $10
hundred seventy-five thousand, twelve.
Jan Feb Mar Apr 5,696,375,012
6. 15:5 3:1; 45:15 Month
7. 36 in. For 5–9, use the thermometer Write the ordered pairs.
figure has rotational symmetry.
7 to find the change in Then graph them.
8. 28 qt gal Write yes or no.
temperature. 30 30
Check students’ lines of 11. x 0 1 2 3 4
9. 5 lb 80 oz
20. 21. 5. 0°C to 18°C y 0 3 6 9 12
symmetry. 20 20
10. 24 ft 8 yd 18°C
(0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6),
64 6.
20°C to 5°C 10 10
11. 4 pt fl oz (4, 8) (5, 10), (6, 12)
6,000 15°C 0 0
12. 3T lb
yes no 7. 15°C to 10°C 12
13. ft –10 –10 11
3 mi 15,840 F
25°C 10
22. 23. 9
9 E
14. 36 qt gal –20 –20 8
8. 75°C to 10°C
15. 48 c 12 qt 65°C
–30 –30 5 C
16. 2.5 T 5,000 lb 9. 0°C to 16°C 3
28 16°C 1 A
17. 2 ft 4 in. in. no yes °C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
252 x-axis
18. 6 yd 3 ft in.
SR25 Spiral Review SR26 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK25.indd SR25 6/15/07 2:28:02 PM
6/21/07 4:47:41 PM
Name Week 27 Name Week 28
1 3
_1 2 1
__ 0.36; ____ of outcomes.
1. __ ⫻ __ ⫽ 2. __ ⫻ __ ⫽ 2 8 1. 36% 25
3 7 7 3 5 15
3 13 37
____ 9. choosing an outfit with blue or tan
__ 1
_ 0.74;
2 3
3. __ ⫻ __ ⫽
5 3
4. __ ⫻ ___ ⫽ 4 3 2. 74% 50 pants and a green or red shirt
5 4 10 6 10 4 5 __
6 0.40; 2 4 outfits
For 5–8, use a reciprocal to write a 16. Complete the frequency column in the 3. 40% 5
multiplication problem for the division table. 10. tossing a cube labeled 1 to 6 and
For 4–6, write each fraction or decimal as flipping a penny
17. How many books read have the a percent.
__ _ greatest frequency? 12 12 outcomes
1 11
_ ⴛ 1_ 7
___ 1 ⴛ4 4. ___ 48%
5. 1__ ⫼ 2 ⫽ 6. ⫼ __ ⫽ 25
2 2 2 12 4 12 1 3 books read 11. using two spinners, both with four
_ 3
_ 5
_ 4
_ 5. 0.06 6% equal sections of red, blue, green,
5 ⴛ 18. What is the range of the data?
7. 33
__ ⫼ 2
__ ⫽3 ⴛ 8.
4 2
__ ⫼ 1
__ ⫽
8 1 9 and yellow
4 3 8 4 6. ___
10 20 45%
16 outcomes
For 9–15, write the appropriate For 19–25, write acute, right,
For 7–8, find the area of each For 12–17, graph and label
metric unit to measure each. or obtuse for each angle.
figure. the ordered pairs on the
9. length of your hand coordinate plane.
: 7. )-]k
centimeters ; 12. A (3,1) 13. B (0,5)
10. height of a house
8 = < 14. C (4,2) 15. D (4,1)
meters (*]k
obtuse 16. E (5,2) 17. F (3,2)
19. ⬔ AFD
11. length of an insect
millimeters 20. ⬔ BFA acute
338 sq ft
12. distance from New York to Michigan right
21. ⬔ CFD 7
kilometers 8. (,Zd 6
22. ⬔ BFE obtuse B
13. length of a soccer field
SR27 Spiral Review SR28 Spiral Review
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© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK28.indd SR28 6/15/07 2:26:10 PM
6/22/07 12:08:58 PM
Name Week 29 Name Week 30
For 1–8, estimate by rounding. For 13–16, choose the best type For 1–4, find the product. Draw a tree diagram to find
1. 29.63 2. 87.905 of graph or plot for the data. the total number of outcomes.
1. 315 2. 642
18.05 38.714 Possible graphs given.
_ 57 38 9. tossing a number cube labeled
50 50 13. number of students in 7 classrooms 17,955 24,396 1 to 6 and tossing a coin
3. 4.139 4. 2.763
7.652 0.509 bar graph
12 2 14. hours people spend fishing
5. 93.47 62.13 30
3. 493 4. 510
line plot
_ 62
_ 26
6. 11.042 8.765 19
15. different seating sections of a stadium 30,566 13,260 Check students’
7. 43.869 10.062 30 diagrams
1 circle graph
8. 0.654 0.398
16. deer population over a 6-year period 12 possible outcomes
Possible estimates
are given. line graph
For 9–12, write the missing time For 17–18, classify each figure For 5–8, find the perimeter of For 10–15, use prime or
for each. in as many ways as possible. each regular polygon. composite.
Write quadrilateral, parallelogram,
9. Start: 9:45 A.M. 5. ()Zd 6. /d
square, rectangle, rhombus, or trapezoid. 10. 7
Elapsed time: 2 hr 45 min
End:12:30 P.M.
4:50 P.M. 11. 27
10. Start:
Elapsed time: 3 hr 25 min
End: 8:15 P.M. quadrilateral, 12. 16 composite
48 cm 48 m
11. Start: 10:29 A.M.
rhombus 7. 8. 13. 81 composite
Elapsed time: 2 hr 19 min
18. )(*p[
End:12:48 P.M.
14. 19 prime
12. Start: 3:15 P.M.
Elapsed time:1 hr 42 min /%)]k
End: 4:57 P.M. 15. 12 composite
7 yd 41 ft
SR29 Spiral Review SR30 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
6/22/07 12:09:04 PM
Name Week 31 Name Week 32
8 2 12 4 12 12
1. 2. 3. ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 14. 3 green sections in 18 spins.
14 32 36 2. 8, 32 1, 2, 4, 8
✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ How many green sections in 24
For 4–6, write each fraction in simplest 1, 7 more spins?
3. 7, 42
form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
_ ; 4 green sections
2 4 5 Number of Miles Run 4. 15, 45 1, 3, 5, 15 6
6 _ 16 _ 25 _ 18. What is the median?
4. 5. 6. 1, 2, 3, 6
15 5 28 7 40 8 5. 12, 30 15. 6 red marbles out of 15 pulls.
4 1, 3, 9 How many red marbles in 35
6. 9, 27
For 7–9, complete. more pulls?
19. What is the mode? 1, 13 2
7. 13, 26 _; 14 red marbles
2 8 1 4 12
7. = 8. 9.
5= =
30 6 21 4 8. 16, 40 1, 2, 4, 8 5
3 12 7
20. What is the mean? 16. 10 losses in 16 games.
9. 21, 63 1, 3, 7, 21 How many losses in 40 more
9 10. 4, 20 1, 2, 4 games?
_ ; 25 losses
11. 18, 24 1, 3, 6
For 10–17, find the sum or For 21–23, match each solid figure For 12–13, find the volume of each Write the ordered pairs.
difference. with its net. rectangular prism. Then graph them.
10. 3.50 cm ⫹ 2.7 m ⫽ 6.20 cm 21. a. 12. 17. x 0 1 2 3 4
11. 15 m ⫹ 25 cm ⫽15.25 m; or 1,525 cm -Zd y 0 3 6 9 12
12. 54 mm ⫺ 5.4 cm ⫽ 0 mm or 0 cm c ,Zd (0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 6), (3, 9),
13. 2.036 m ⫺ 36 mm ⫽ 2 m; or 2,000 mm 3 (4, 12)
22. b 540 cm
14. 6 ft 5 in. 15. 12 yd 2 ft 13. .`e% ()
⫹ 3 ft 6 in. ⫹ 5 yd 1 ft .`e% ((
a 0
9 ft 11 in. 18 yd /
(*`e% .
23. c -
SR31 Spiral Review SR32 Spiral Review
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© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK31.indd SR31 6/15/07 2:28:21 PM
6/21/07 4:47:55 PM
Name Week 33 Name Week 34
For 1–4, write each mixed For 11–12, use the graph. For 1–7, compare. Write ⬍, ⬎, For 10–14, write a fraction
number as a fraction. Average Monthly Temperature (°F) or ⫽ for each . to show the probability of
100 tossing a number cube labeled 1 to 6.
__ 8
4 2 80
1. 1 5
5 2. 2 3
3 60
1. 0.643 ⬎ 0.629 1
10. a 3 6
Temperature (°F)
_ 27
__ 0
2. 1.517 ⬍ 1.538 1
2 3 May June July Aug Sept
3. 1 7 4. 3 Month
7 8 8 11. an odd number 2
3. 3.249 ⬎ 2.221
11. What scale and interval are used in 1
For 5– 8, write each fraction the line graph?
as a mixed number. 4. 7.440 ⬍ 7.442 12. a prime number 2
Scale: 0–10, Interval: 20 1
3 2
__ _
5. 8
1_ 6. 15 1 12. How would you change the graph if 5. 0.820 0.82 3
5 5 13 13 ⫽ 13. a number greater than 4
the temperature for August were
80° Fahrenheit? 6. 0.137 0.13
1 1
__ ⬎ 1
7. 17
2_ 8.
37 3 The bar for August 14. a number less than 8
8 8 12 12
would be moved up 7. 2.228 ⬍ 3.282
to 80.
For 9–10, write whether you need For 13–14, name each For 8–9, find the area. For 15-16, write a numerical
to find perimeter, area, or volume transformation. Write expression. Tell what the
to solve the problem. Then solve translation, reflection, or rotation. 8. expression represents.
using the appropriate formula.
13. ()]k 15. Kate had $30. She spent $8 to
9. tile for this floor see a movie and $15 to buy a shirt.
SR33 Spiral Review SR34 Spiral Review
© Harcourt • Grade 5 © Harcourt • Grade 5
© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK34.indd SR34 7/2/07 2:19:07 PM
7/2/07 2:51:05 PM
Name Week 35 Name Week 36
11. Which type of graph would be most 1. 4 2. ___ likely, unlikely, or impossible.
5 20
1,400 4,000 appropriate to record the growth of a
3 84 18. spinning black
plant over 5 weeks? 3. ___ 0.3 4. ____ 0.84
3. 35 853 4. 73 985 10 100 3 out of 8;
line graph 35
5. ___ 0.7 78
6. ____ 0.78 unlikely
36,000 70,000 50 100
19. spinning gray
12. Which type of graph would be most
5. 568 31 6. 828 76 appropriate to show the attendance for For 7–12, write each decimal as a fraction 2 out of 8;
a week at the state fair? in simplest form. unlikely
18,000 640 7. 0.2 8. 0.38 9. 0.57 20. spinning white or gray
bar graph
_1 19
__ 57
___ 5 out of 8; likely
7. 34 964 8. 672 95 13. Which type of graph would be most
5 50 100
appropriate to show how a person’s
30,000 70,000 income is spent each month? 10. 0.46 11. 0.65 12. 0.44 21. spinning green
__ 13
__ 11
__ 0 out of 8; impossible
circle graph 50 20 25
For 9–10, find the perimeter. For 14–15, classify each triangle. For 13–17, tell the units you For 22–24, find the rule to
Write isosceles, scalene, or would use for measuring each. complete the function table.
equilateral. Write linear, square, or cubic. Then write the rule as an
14 in.
14. 15.
8 cm 5 cm 13. the amount of carpet needed to cover
37 in. 22.
14 ft 14 ft square input, x 24 20 16 12
a floor
11 cm output, y 6 5 4 3
122 in.
14. the amount of water in a bathtub yⴝxⴜ4
9 ft
scalene isosceles 23.
15 m input, x 15 17 19 21
15. the amount of wrapping paper needed output, y 17 19 21 23
Classify each triangle. Write acute, right or
12 m obtuse. to cover a box square yⴝxⴙ2
16. the height of a picture frame 24.
input, x 5 7 9 11
36 m linear output, y 35 49 63 77
17. the width of a door linear y ⴝ 7x
SR35 Spiral Review SR36 Spiral Review
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© Harcourt Grade 5
MXENL08AWK5X_SR_WK36.indd SR36 6/19/07 10:41:55 AM
6/21/07 4:48:06 PM