United States Patent: (73) Assignee: Cameron International Corporation, 535856. A. 1323 E. ST Al
United States Patent: (73) Assignee: Cameron International Corporation, 535856. A. 1323 E. ST Al
United States Patent: (73) Assignee: Cameron International Corporation, 535856. A. 1323 E. ST Al
U.S. Patent Jul. 11, 2017 Sheet 6 of 6 US 9,702.213 B2
US 9,702.213 B2
1. 2
MARINE RISER SYSTEM FIG. 3 shows a perspective view of a riser flange includ
ing bolt holes and auxiliary line holes;
BACKGROUND FIG. 4 shows an end view of a riser flange including bolt
holes and auxiliary line holes;
This section is intended to introduce the reader to various FIG. 5 shows a cross-sectional view of a riser joint
aspects of art that may be related to various aspects of the including a main tube and a riser flange; and
presently described embodiments. This discussion is FIG. 6 shows a cross-sectional view of a profile of the
believed to be helpful in providing the reader with back transition between a main tube of a riser joint and a flange
ground information to facilitate a better understanding of the 10
of a riser joint.
various aspects of the present embodiments. Accordingly, it
should be understood that these statements are to be read in DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
this light, and not as admissions of prior art. EMBODIMENTS
Drilling and production operations for the recovery of
offshore deposits of crude oil and natural gas are taking 15 The following discussion is directed to various embodi
place in deeper and deeper waters. Drilling and production ments of the present disclosure. The drawing figures are not
operations in deeper waters are typically carried out from necessarily to scale. Certain features of the embodiments
floating vessels rather than from stationary platforms resting may be shown exaggerated in Scale or in somewhat sche
on the ocean floor and commonly used in shallow water. matic form and some details of conventional elements may
According to conventional procedures, a vessel is dynami not be shown in the interest of clarity and conciseness.
cally stationed, or moored, above a well site on the ocean Although one or more of these embodiments may be pre
floor. After a wellhead has been established, a blowout ferred, the embodiments disclosed should not be interpreted,
preventer (“BOP) stack is mounted on the wellhead to or otherwise used, as limiting the scope of the disclosure,
control the pressure in the wellhead. After drilling is com including the claims. It is to be fully recognized that the
pleted, a production tree is mounted on the wellhead to 25 different teachings of the embodiments discussed below may
control produced fluids. be employed separately or in any suitable combination to
Subsea well boreholes are typically drilled with multiple produce desired results. In addition, one skilled in the art
sections having decreasing diameters as the wellbore will understand that the following description has broad
extends deeper into the earth. Each borehole is cased with a application, and the discussion of any embodiment is meant
casing string that extends into the borehole from a wellhead 30 only to be exemplary of that embodiment, and not intended
and is cemented within the borehole. The drilling, casing to intimate that the scope of the disclosure, including the
installation, and cementing are performed through one or claims, is limited to that embodiment.
more drilling risers that extend from the wellhead to the Certain terms are used throughout the following descrip
Surface, such as to a floating drilling vessel. After drilling tion and claims to refer to particular features or components.
operations are completed, i.e., during production operations, 35 As one skilled in the art will appreciate, different persons
produced fluids may travel to the surface through one or may refer to the same feature or component by different
more production risers that extend from the wellhead to the names. This document does not intend to distinguish
Surface. between components or features that differ in name but are
Risers comprise a series of riser joints. Each riser joint the same structure or function. The drawing figures are not
includes flanges on each end of the joint. The flanges of one 40 necessarily to scale. Certain features and components herein
joint are made up, or bolted together, with the flange of an may be shown exaggerated in Scale or in somewhat sche
adjacent joint. In this way, a riser string is formed extending matic form and some details of conventional elements may
from the surface to the wellhead at the sea floor. The flanged not be shown in interest of clarity and conciseness.
connections between adjacent riser joints must contain the In the following discussion and in the claims, the terms
internal pressure of the riser string and must withstand large 45 “including and “comprising are used in an open-ended
external loads experienced as a result of environmental fashion, and thus should be interpreted to mean “including,
conditions, i.e., the weight of the riser string and its move but not limited to . . . .” Also, the term “couple' or “couples'
ment in a body of water. is intended to mean either an indirect or direct connection.
Traditionally, flanges are designed with raised face diam In addition, the terms “axial and “axially’ generally mean
eters inside the bolt circle. When made up, this design 50 along or parallel to a central axis (e.g., central axis of a body
creates a highly localized preload near the flange inner or a port), while the terms “radial” and “radially’ generally
diameter where elastomeric or metal-to-metal bore seals are mean perpendicular to the central axis. For instance, an axial
located. This high preload is necessary to prevent flange face distance refers to a distance measured along or parallel to the
separation at the inner diameter, which would result in loss central axis, and a radial distance means a distance measured
of bore seal integrity. The high preload is taxing on the riser 55 perpendicular to the central axis. The use of “top.’ “bottom.”
flanges. Accordingly, an improved riser flange design which "above,” “below,” and variations of these terms is made for
eliminates the need for high preload stresses encountered by convenience, but does not require any particular orientation
existing designs is desirable. of the components.
Reference throughout this specification to “one embodi
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 60 ment.” “an embodiment,” or similar language means that a
particular feature, structure, or characteristic described in
For a more detailed description of the embodiments, connection with the embodiment may be included in at least
reference will now be made to the following accompanying one embodiment of the present disclosure. Thus, appear
drawings: ances of the phrases “in one embodiment,” “in an embodi
FIG. 1 shows a schematic view of a drilling system; 65 ment, and similar language throughout this specification
FIG. 2 shows a riser section including a main tube and may, but do not necessarily, all refer to the same embodi
auxiliary lines; ment.
US 9,702.213 B2
3 4
Turning now to FIG. 1, a schematic view of a drilling are put under a load which pulls the outer portions of flange
system 100 is shown, by way of example. The drilling 202 toward the outer portions of the adjacent flange. Exist
system 100 includes a drilling rig 102, a riser string 104, and ing raised-flange designs traditionally locate the bolt holes
a blowout preventer stack 106. The blowout preventer 106 on the offset face or across the intersection of the offset face
is connected to a wellhead housing 108 located on the ocean 5 and the raised face. By locating all bolt holes within the
floor. The blowout preventer stack 106 includes multiple diameter of the raised inner face, the present disclosure
blowout preventers 110 in a vertical arrangement to control reduces the stresses experienced throughout the flange 202.
well bore pressure. The riser string 104 is coupled to the Turning now to FIG. 5, a cross-sectional view of a riser
upper end of blowout preventer stack 106. The riser string joint 500 is shown. Riser joint 500 includes a main tube 502
104 includes multiple riser sections or riser joints 112 10 similar to main tube 114 discussed above. Further, riser joint
connected end to end and extending upward to the drilling 500 includes a riser flange 504, similar to riser flange 202
rig 102. Each riser joint 112 includes a main tube 114 and discussed above. Main tube 502 has a main tube longitudinal
one or more auxiliary fluid lines 118. axis 506 which extends along riser joint 500. Riser flange
FIGS. 2 through 4 show various views of riser joint 112 504 includes bolt holes 508. Bolt holes 508 have a bolt hole
and flange 202. FIG. 2 shows riser joint 112 including 15 longitudinal axis 510 which is offset from longitudinal axis
auxiliary lines 118 in accordance with various embodiments. 506. Bolt hole longitudinal axis 510 can be offset at an angle
Auxiliary lines 118 can include choke and kill lines for from main tube longitudinal axis 506 by any number of
delivering pressurized fluid to equipment at the wellhead, degrees, such as 0.1, 1’, 2, 5, 10°, and so on. The degree
such as to blowout preventer stack 106. Riser joint 112 of offset between bolt hole longitudinal axis 510 and main
includes the main tube 114 with flanges 202 located at either tube longitudinal axis 506 will differ depending on the
end of main tube 114. Riser joint 112 is configured to be flange size, number of bolts, etc.
connected end-to-end with another section of riser joint by When a bolt is inserted through bolt hole 508 and into a
bolts, dogs, or other suitable fasteners. Each end of the main corresponding bolt hole on an adjacent flange and the system
tube 114 and the auxiliary fluid lines 118 sealingly mates is made up, a load is applied to riser flange 504, thereby
with a corresponding end of a different instance of the riser 25 pulling up on the outer perimeter of riser flange 504. When
section 112 to form continuous fluid channels between the this occurs, bolt hole longitudinal axis 510 is pulled closer
rig 102 and the blowout preventer 106. to parallel with main tube longitudinal axis 506 than prior to
Turning now to FIGS. 3 and 4, FIG.3 shows a perspective loading. This provides for reduced bending stress experi
view of an embodiment of riser flange 202 and FIG. 4 shows enced by bolts inserted through bolt holes 508 as the bolts
an end view of flange 202. As shown, flange 202 comprises 30 are not bending as significantly during loading.
a generally circular connection face 204. As shown most Turning now to FIG. 6, a cross-sectional view of a profile
clearly in FIG. 3, the connection face 204 includes a raised of the transition 600 between main tube 602 of riser joint
face 212 and an offset face 214. Raised face 212 can occupy 604 and the flange 606 of riser joint 604 is illustrated.
any percentage of the Surface area of connection face 204. Transition 600 is gradually tapered and generally convex
For instance, raised face can comprise 25%, 50%, 75% of 35 between main tube 602 and riser flange 606. The degree of
the surface area of connection face 204, or any other taper and convexity is optimized, and therefore will vary,
percentage. depending on each different flange size. Generally, this
Flange 202 also comprises six bolt holes 206 and six gradual taper and convex transition 600 profile between
auxiliary line holes 208. It should be appreciated that the main tube 602 and riser joint 604 reduces tensile load and
illustrated number of bolt holes 206 is merely for illustrative 40 bending load stresses experienced by the transition when
purposes, and any number of bolt holes 206 is envisioned, riser joint 604 is made up with an adjacent riser joint.
Such as two, three, four, five, six, seven, and so on. Bolt In addition to the embodiments described above, many
holes 206 are shown as spaced approximately 60° apart from examples of specific combinations are within the scope of
the nearest bolt hole 206. The degree of separation between the disclosure, some of which are detailed below:
bolt holes 206 will vary depending on the number of bolt 45 Example 1. A riser flange extending radially from an end
holes 206. In addition, bolt holes 206 may be spaced of a riser section, the flange comprising:
asymmetrically. an offset outer face;
Bolt holes 206 are configured to receive bolts for fasten a raised inner face adjacent the outer Surface and defining
ing flange 202 of riser joint 112 to an adjacent flange of an an edge therebetween; and
adjacent riser joint 112, thereby providing for the end-to-end 50 a plurality of bolt holes located on the raised inner
connections required to form a riser string. Auxiliary line surface, each bolt hole configured to receive a bolt
holes 208 are configured to receive auxiliary lines 118, such configured to be coupled to a flange of an adjacent riser
as choke and kill lines and/or booster lines. Fluid passage section.
210 is formed within main tube 114 and generally serves as Example 2. The riser flange of Example 1, further com
the conduit for tubulars extending from the surface to the 55 prising a plurality of auxiliary-line holes each configured to
well/wellbore and for fluid returning from the wellbore to receive an auxiliary line.
the surface. Example 3. The riser flange of Example 2, wherein the
Bolt holes 206 are distributed about the connection face auxiliary lines are one or more of a choke line, a kill line, and
204 of riser flange 202. Each bolt hole 206 is located entirely a booster line.
within the raised face 212. Auxiliary line holes 208, on the 60 Example 4. The riser flange of Example 1, wherein the
other hand, traverse the intersection 216 between raised face riser section comprises a longitudinal axis extending along
212 and offset face 214. Bolt holes 206 are configured to the length of the riser, further wherein each bolt hold
receive a bolt which will extend beyond the raised surface of comprises a longitudinal axis extending along the length of
raised face 212. The portion of the bolt extending beyond the the bolt hole that is offset from the longitudinal axis of the
raised face 212 may then be inserted into a corresponding 65 riser section.
bolt hole on an adjacent face, thereby allowing for the two Example 5. The riser flange of Example 4, wherein the
riser flanges to be made up. When made up, the riser flanges offset between the bolt hole longitudinal axis and the riser
US 9,702.213 B2
5 6
section longitudinal axis is reduced when the bolts are made Example 18. The subsea drilling or production system of
up with a flange of an adjacent riser section. Example 17, wherein the auxiliary lines are one or more of
Example 6. The riser flange of Example 1, wherein a a choke line, a kill line, and a booster line.
transition between the riser section and the flange is tapered Example 19. The subsea drilling or production system of
and convex. Example 14, wherein the riser section comprises a longitu
Example 7. The riser flange of Example 1, wherein the dinal axis extending along the length of the riser, further
flange comprises six bolt holes. wherein each bolt hold comprises a longitudinal axis extend
Example 8. A riser section for coupling a Surface platform ing along the length of the bolt hole that is offset from the
to a Subsea mineral extraction component, the riser section 10
longitudinal axis of the riser section.
comprising: Example 20. The subsea drilling or production system of
a main tube for fluid flow between the wellhead and the Example 19, wherein the offset between the bolt hole
platform; and longitudinal axis and the riser section longitudinal axis is
a flange extending radially from an end of the main tube, reduced when the bolts are made up with a flange of an
the flange comprising: 15 adjacent riser section.
an offset outer face; Example 21. The subsea drilling or production system of
a raised inner face adjacent the outer Surface and Example 14, wherein a transition between the riser section
defining an edge therebetween; and and the flange is tapered and convex.
a plurality of bolt holes located on the raised inner While specific embodiments have been shown and
surface, each bolt hole configured to receive a bolt described, modifications can be made by one skilled in the
configured to be coupled to a flange of an adjacent art without departing from the spirit or teaching of this
riser section. invention. The embodiments as described are exemplary
Example 9. The riser section of Example 8, further only and are not limiting. Many variations and modifications
comprising a plurality of auxiliary-line holes each config are possible and are within the scope of the invention.
ured to receive an auxiliary line. 25 Accordingly, the scope of protection is not limited to the
Example 10. The riser section of Example 9, wherein the embodiments described, but is only limited by the claims
auxiliary lines are one or more of a choke line, a kill line, and that follow, the scope of which shall include all equivalents
a booster line. of the subject matter of the claims.
Example 11. The riser section of Example 8, wherein the 30 What is claimed is:
riser section comprises a longitudinal axis extending along
the length of the riser, further wherein each bolt hold 1. A riser flange extending radially from an end of a riser
comprises a longitudinal axis extending along the length of Section, the flange comprising:
the bolt hole that is offset from the longitudinal axis of the a connection face comprising:
riser section. an offset face located around the connection face; and
35 a raised face located around the connection face and
Example 12. The riser section of Example 11, wherein the raised and spaced radially inward from the offset
offset between the bolt hole longitudinal axis and the riser face; and
section longitudinal axis is reduced when the bolts are made a plurality of bolt holes extending through the raised face
up with a flange of an adjacent riser section. without extending through the offset face, each bolt
Example 13. The riser section of Example 8, wherein a 40 hole configured to receive a bolt.
transition between the riser section and the flange is tapered 2. The riser flange of claim 1, further comprising a
and convex. plurality of auxiliary-line holes each configured to receive
Example 14. A Subsea drilling or production system an auxiliary line.
comprising: 3. The riser flange of claim 2, wherein the auxiliary lines
a Subsea wellhead; and 45 are one or more of a choke line, a kill line, and a booster line.
a riser string located between the subsea wellhead and a 4. The riser flange of claim 1, wherein the riser section
Surface platform, the riser string comprising a plurality comprises a longitudinal axis and each bolt hole comprises
of riser sections, at least one of the riser sections a longitudinal axis offset at an angle from the longitudinal
comprising a flange extending radially from an end of axis of the riser section.
the riser section, the flange comprising: 50 5. The riser flange of claim 4, wherein the offset angle
an offset outer face; between the bolt hole longitudinal axis and the riser section
a raised inner face adjacent the outer Surface and longitudinal axis is reduced when the bolts are made up with
defining an edge therebetween; and a flange of an adjacent riser section.
a plurality of bolt holes located on the raised inner 6. The riser flange of claim 1, wherein a transition
surface, each bolt hole configured to receive a bolt 55 between the riser section and the flange is tapered and
configured to be coupled to a flange of an adjacent COVX.
riser section. 7. The riser flange of claim 1, wherein the flange com
Example 15. The subsea drilling or production system of prises six bolt holes.
Example 14, further comprising a blowout preventer located 8. A riser section for coupling a surface platform to a
between to the riser string and the wellhead. 60 Subsea wellhead, the riser section comprising:
Example 16. The subsea drilling or production system of a main tube for fluid flow between the subsea wellhead
Example 14, further comprising a flange extending radially and the Surface platform; and
from each end of the riser section. a flange extending radially from an end of the main tube,
Example 17. The subsea drilling or production system of the flange comprising:
Example 14, further comprising a plurality of auxiliary-line 65 a connection face comprising:
holes each configured to receive an auxiliary line configured an offset face located around the connection face;
to deliver pressurized fluid to the wellhead. and
US 9,702.213 B2
7 8
a raised face located around the connection face and a raised face located around the connection face and
raised and spaced radially inward from the offset raised and spaced radially inward from the offset
face; and face; and
a plurality of bolt holes extending through the raised a plurality of bolt holes extending through the raised
face without extending through the offset face, each face without extending through the offset face, each
bolt hole configured to receive a bolt. bolt hole configured to receive a bolt.
9. The riser section of claim 8, further comprising a 15. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 14,
plurality of auxiliary-line holes each configured to receive further comprising a blowout preventer located between the
an auxiliary line. riser string and the wellhead.
10. The riser section of claim 9, wherein the auxiliary 10
16. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 14,
lines are one or more of a choke line, a kill line, and a further comprising a flange extending radially from each end
booster line.
of the riser section.
11. The riser section of claim 8, wherein the riser section 17. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 14,
comprises a longitudinal axis and each bolt hole comprises further comprising a plurality of auxiliary-line holes each
a longitudinal axis offset at an angle from the longitudinal 15
configured to receive an auxiliary line configured to deliver
axis of the riser section.
12. The riser section of claim 11, wherein the offset angle pressurized fluid to the wellhead.
between the bolt hole longitudinal axis and the riser section 18. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 17,
longitudinal axis is reduced when the bolts are made up with wherein the auxiliary lines are one or more of a choke line,
a flange of an adjacent riser section. a kill line, and a booster line.
13. The riser section of claim 8, wherein a transition 19. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 14,
between the riser section and the flange is tapered and wherein the riser section comprises a longitudinal axis and
COVCX. each bolt hole comprises a longitudinal axis offset at an
14. A subsea drilling or production system comprising: angle from the longitudinal axis of the riser section.
a Subsea wellhead; and 25
20. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 19,
a riser string located between the subsea wellhead and a wherein the offset angle between the bolt hole longitudinal
Surface platform, the riser string comprising a plurality axis and the riser section longitudinal axis is reduced when
of riser sections, at least one of the riser sections the bolts are made up with a flange of an adjacent riser
comprising a flange extending radially from an end of 21. The subsea drilling or production system of claim 14,
the riser section, the flange comprising: 30
a connection face comprising: wherein a transition between the riser section and the flange
an offset face located around the connection face; is tapered and convex.