Edutech Business Plan Finalized
Edutech Business Plan Finalized
Edutech Business Plan Finalized
Pitch Deck
Why invest in our university project?
This number is estimated from the number of students passing high school leaving exam in 2019: and
newsletter/article/politics-higher-education-cambodia. Tuition fee is estimated.
Degrees Offered
• Influencer Marketing
• Ground game strategy that attracts students failing IFL entrance
exams through IFL lecturers.
• Education App that facilitate students learning and adapt them to the
digital working environment.
• State of the arts facilities such as smart whiteboards, hi-tech study
halls, and a modern cafeteria.
Competition Landscape
Our Uni RUPP-IFL RULE NUM Norton CamEd Vanda
Number of Students X 21,000 14,000 14,000 12,000 3,000 8,000
Campus Size * *** ** ** ** * *
Study Facilities *** * * * ** ** *
Price Affordability *** *** *** *** *** * ***
Budget (USD)
Terminal valuation of the university business is based on an EBIDTA multiple of 15. EBIDTA is $1m at
the end of the fifth year. Thus, it will be $15m in valuation. 10,000 shares is equal to 0.5% stake of
the business.