Faci 3

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NAME: Maricel Malicdem


Activity I

Freud’s Components of the Personality

Review the three components and write important concepts about them in the spaces provided.

 Is the primitive  Part of id which  Incorporates the
and instinctive has been modified values and morals
component of by the direct of society which
personalipty. influence of the are learned from
 Is impulsive part of external world. one’s parents and
our psyche which  Operates others.
responds directly according to the  Develops around
and immediately reality principle, age of 3-5 during
to basic urges, working out the phallic stage.
needs, and realistic ways of  Superego function
desires. satisfying the id’s is to control the
 Remains infantile demands, often id’s impulses,
in its function compromising or specially those
throughout a postponing which society
person’s life and satisfaction to forbids, such as
does not change avoid negative sex and
with time or consequences of aggression.
experience, as it is society.  It consist of two
not touch by  It also seeks system: the
external world. pleasure but conscience and
 Operates the unlike id, the ego the ideal self.
pleasure is concerned with  The ideal self is an
principle(Freud, devising realistic imaginary picture
1920) which is the strategy to obtain of how you ought
idea that every pleasure. to be, and
wishful impulse  No concept of represent career
should be satisfied right or wrong. aspirations, how to
immediately,  Engages in treat other people,
regardless of the secondary process and how to
consequences. thinking, which is behave as a
 Engages in primary rational, realistic, member of
process thinking, and oriented society.
which is primitive, towards problem-
illogical, irrational, solving.
and fantasy


Activity II

Freud’s Psycho-Sexual Stages of Development

Write the description, erogenous zone and fixation of each of the stages below.


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