Test Management and Organizational Structure - 3nov

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Test Management and Organizational Structure

Test group's name and its assumed responsibilities, there's another attribute that greatly affects
what it does and how it works with the project team. That attribute is where it fits in the
company's overall management structure. A number of organizational structures are possible,
each having its own positives and negatives. Some are claimed to be generally better than others,
but what's better for one may not necessarily be better for another. If you work for any length of
time in software testing, you'll be exposed to many of them. Here are a few common examples.

Figure 21.2 shows a structure often used by small (fewer than 10 or so people) project teams. In
this structure, the test group reports into the Development Manager, the person managing the
work of the programmers. Given what you've learned about software testing, this should raise a
red flag of warning to you the people writing the code and the people finding bugs in that code
reporting to the same person has the potential for big problems.

Figure 21.2. The organizational structure for a small project often has the test team
reporting to the development manager.

There's the inevitable conflict of interest. The Development Manager's goal is to have his team
develop software. Testers reporting bugs just hinder that process. Testers doing their job well on
one side make the programmers look bad on the other. If the manager gives more resources and
funding to the testers, they'll probably find more bugs, but the more bugs they find, the more
they'll crimp the manager's goals of making software.
Despite these negatives, this structure can work well if the development manager is very
experienced and realizes that his goal isn't just to create software, but to create quality software.
Such a manager would value the testers as equals to the programmers. This is also a very good
organization for communications flow. There are minimal layers of management and the testers
and programmers can very efficiently work together.

Figure 21.3 shows another common organizational structure where both the test group and the
development group report to the manager of the project. In this arrangement, the test group often
has its own lead or manager whose interest and attention is focused on the test team and their
work. This independence is a great advantage when critical decisions are made regarding the
software's quality. The test team's voice is equal to the voices of the programmers and other
groups contributing to the product.

Figure 21.3. In an organization where the test team reports to the project manager, there's
some independence of the testers from the programmers.

The downside, however, is that the project manager is making the final decision on quality. This
may be fine, and in many industries and types of software, it's perfectly acceptable. In the
development of high-risk or mission-critical systems, however, it's sometimes beneficial to have
the voice of quality heard at a higher level. The organization shown in Figure 21.4 represents
such a structure.
Figure 21.4. A quality assurance or test group that reports to executive management has the
most independence, the most authority, and the most responsibility.

In this organization, the teams responsible for software quality report directly to senior
management, independent and on equal reporting levels to the individual projects. The level of
authority is often at the quality assurance level, not just the testing level. The independence that
this group holds allows them to set standards and guidelines, measure the results, and adopt
processes that span multiple projects. Information regarding poor quality (and good quality) goes
straight to the top.

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