Jurnal Resesi 7
Jurnal Resesi 7
Jurnal Resesi 7
and Diagnostics 4
Corinna Bruckmann and Gernot Wimmer
This chapter offers a practical approach to the diagnostic process in everyday
dental practice. Gingival recessions are highly prevalent, and presence and extent
increase with age.
When regression of the gingival margin is noticed, a structured diagnostic
process of information gathering should be initiated. As gingival recessions
might have several aetiologies, it is of utmost importance for the practitioner to
be able to compile anamnestic, clinical, and radiologic signs and symptoms, as
well as laboratory information. This process allows for differential diagnoses of
possible underlying reasons and the decision-making in respect to future treat-
ment options or necessities. The assessment of tissue dimensions is necessary to
qualify, quantify, and monitor changes during periodontal, restorative, prosthetic,
orthodontic, or implant therapy or lifelong maintenance. The practitioner shall be
enabled to recognize underlying predisposing and precipitating causes for gingi-
val recessions, evaluate possible risk factors, assess potential for progression,
and build a solid base for further decision-making.
Get to know your patient: Make sure you understand the patient’s demands, expec-
tations, and fears. Miscommunication in the very beginning of a therapeutic rela-
tionship may cause future troubles and even elicit legal consequences.
Background: Several systemic diseases and conditions are associated with oral signs
and symptoms [2], and many drugs are known to modify gingivitis/periodontitis [3].
Diabetes mellitus is an important risk factor for periodontal inflammation if poorly
controlled. Last but not least, age, hormonal changes (e.g. puberty, pregnancy, meno-
pause), and stress (at work, financial, domestic, etc.) influence oral tissues. Make
sure that reported diseases and medications do correspond. Regular alcohol use may
have a negative impact on either periodontal tissues and/or adherence to treatment.
Of particular importance for the evaluation of gingival recessions are the following:
• Tobacco use (duration, daily consumption): Very important for the diagnostic
process (less overt bleeding), risk for recession, and healing response [4].
• Dietary habits: Increased risk for caries on denuded root surfaces? Erosive poten-
tial of diet (hypersensitivity, abrasion) [5]?
• Recreational drugs (cocaine, meth, smokeless tobacco, bethel nut, etc.) either
have direct local influence on oral tissues, are a risk factor for caries (by dimin-
ishing saliva flow), or induce negligent behaviour [6].
4 Gingival Recession: Clinical Examination and Diagnostics 35
• Orthodontic treatment in the past may be the reason for present recessions.
• Oral appliances (removable partial dentures/denture clasps, occlusal splints,
removable orthodontics, anti-snoring mouthpieces, etc.) may impinge on peri-
odontal tissues.
• A history of periodontitis, or necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/periodontitis
(NUG/NUP), or (mechanical/chemical) trauma may explain loss of soft and/or
hard tissue attachment, especially interdentally [7].
• Periodontal treatment or surgical procedures may have caused soft tissue
• Aesthetic dentistry/splinting/filling on anterior teeth may have been used to mask
tooth drifting/pathological migration/recessions.
• Oral (hygiene) habits
–– Oral hygiene aids, toothpastes and mouth rinses, frequency/duration of use
–– Nail biting /pen chewing/factitious lesions [8]
Table 4.1 Predisposing and precipitating factors for recessions, adapted from [10–13]
Predisposing factors Precipitating factors
Tooth (mal)position/tipping *Plaque, plaque-induced inflammation:
Gingivitis, periodontitis
Gingival biotype *Calculus
Thin tissue
Functionally inadequate quantity/quality of
keratinized/attached gingiva
Frenum pull/muscle attachment/muscular *Trauma: mechanical, chemical, thermal
dysbalance/shallow vestibulum Smoking
Overzealous toothbrushing/flossing
Deep bite
Bone dehiscence Iatrogenic:
Orthodontic tooth movement
Subgingival restoration margins
Oral surgery
Ill-fitting restorations/prostheses
4.2.2 Mucosa
4.2.3 Gingiva
Check for gingivitis and periodontitis; assess colour, contour, texture, and swellings. Is
the colour consistent with the patient’s intraoral pigmentation and skin complexion
(mucogingival disorders, amalgam tattoos, malignoma)? Gingival enlargement/over-
growth may be drug-associated; desquamative gingivitis is often seen with lichen planus,
systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, pemphigoid, and lichenoid reactions [19].
Assess the periodontal biotype [20]: As visual inspection alone is not reliable
enough to judge gingival thickness [21], the gingiva should be described based on
the observation of the periodontal probe shining through [22]. Note that the biotype
may differ between the lower and upper jaw within the same patient [23].
Nordland and Tarnow [28]: normal papilla (fills embrasure space to the apical
extent of the iCEJ); class I (tip of papilla between iCP and most coronal
extent of iCEJ); class II (tip of papilla at or apical to iCEJ but coronal to the
apical extent of fCEJ) (Fig. 4.3a); class III (tip of papilla level with or api-
cal to fCEJ) (Fig. 4.6a)
• Cardaropoli et al. [29]: Papilla Presence Index (PPI) 1–4 (Figs. 4.3a and 4.4a)
Fig. 4.1 (a) Thin-
scalloped biotype,
periodontal probe shining
through delicate free
gingiva, PPD 1 mm; note
location of papilla tips due
to natural diastemas and
recessions mostly at teeth
with buccal position; (b)
thick-scalloped biotype; (c)
thick-flat biotype with
broad band of keratinized
tissue, thick, fibrotic
4 Gingival Recession: Clinical Examination and Diagnostics 39
a b
Fig. 4.2 (a) Rolling test: softly push the adjacent mucosa coronally with a periodontal probe to
identify width of the blanching attached gingiva/tissue. (b) Staining test with Lugol’s iodine: gly-
cogen containing mucosa stains brownish in contrast to orthokeratinized gingiva
a b
Fig. 4.3 (a) Irregular gingival scallop due to developmental enamel indentation #11, loss of cen-
tral papilla height (class II (Nordland and Tarnow), PPI 3 (Cardaropoli et al.)); (b) inconsistent
height of gingival margin (incomplete eruption of #32, #42, recession in #31)
• Gingival thickness
–– Transgingival probing: After local anaesthesia a periodontal probe or a needle is
pierced vertically to the mucosal surface (optionally a silicone disc can be placed
to facilitate reading of the measurement) until resistance of the bone is felt [30].
–– Ultrasonic pulse-echo [31]: SDM® (Krupp Corp., Essen, Germany; manufac-
turing discontinued)
• Aberrant frenal insertions: Ankyloglossia? Blanching? (Fig. 4.4a–d)
• Oral hygiene-induced or self-induced lesions
–– Stilman’s clefts? Incomplete (red) or complete (white) lesions [32],
(Fig. 4.5a–c)
–– McCall’s festoons
–– Gingival erosions (Fig. 4.5d)
Make use of a periodontal probe with millimetre markings (e.g. North Carolina,
UNC-15, Williams). Assess gingival inflammatory status. Gently run the periodon-
tal probe around the gingival margin area at the dentogingival junction: No bleeding
40 C. Bruckmann and G. Wimmer
a b
c d
Fig. 4.4 (a) Buccal position of #31 and #41 and gingival recession, very thin zone of KT, frenum
pull, blanching, missing contact point, low interdental central papilla (PPI 4 (Cardaropoli et al.);
(b) irregular frenum, frenum pull at #13 with blanching; (c) irregular frenum, lingual position of
#41, lingual recessions, persistent lingual frenum; (d) irregular frenula, buccal recessions #22–25,
cervical abrasions #23, frenum pull and blanching in #23 and #24, possible plaque niche # 24 distal
of frenum insertion
a b
c d
Fig. 4.5 (a) Red Stilman’s cleft at distobuccal root of #27 (note buccal malposition); (b) buccal
malposition of #45, loss of buccal soft (red Stilman’s cleft) and hard tissue, due to overzealous
toothbrushing (however, note insufficient plaque control interdentally); (c) generalized buccal
recession and abrasions, white Stilman’s clefts #12 and #34; (d) gingival erosion due to self-
inflicted trauma (brushing and flossing) #33, red Stilman’s cleft #32
4 Gingival Recession: Clinical Examination and Diagnostics 41
a b
c d
Fig. 4.6 (a) Healthy (in #12 and #11 reduced) periodontium (note circumferential recession, loss
of interdental papilla due to past periodontal disease/treatment), incomplete eruption of #13,
papilla height class III between #12 and #11 (Nordland and Tarnow), (b) assessment of width, and
(c) height of recession making use of a periodontal probe or (d) a caliper (note extremely thin
blanching buccal tissue in #31)
correlates with healthy conditions. Note: In heavy smokers there might be dimin-
ished bleeding.
• Exposure of tooth root surface visible: gingival recession (REC) (i.e. “location of
the gingival margin apical to the cemento-enamel junction” [33]). This might be
a result from apical migration of either uninflamed gingival tissues with normal
bone levels or in the case of periodontal bone loss, or as a combination of both.
–– Location: facial/oral or proximal?
–– Note: If interproximal recessions are visible, circumferential loss of attach-
ment is present (Fig. 4.6a).
–– Single/multiple?
• Identification of the CEJ: in healthy situations normally not visible, as covered
by free marginal gingiva [34] (Chap. 1, Fig. 1.1)
–– Tactile approach with 45° angulated probe: beware of diagnostic pitfalls such
as with cervical abrasions, restorations, rotated teeth, and incompletely
erupted teeth (delayed and altered passive eruption) [35].
–– Compare with neighbouring teeth (incomplete eruption; Fig. 4.3b) or estimate
if CEJ is no longer visible/obliterated (Fig. 4.9a–c).
• Extension of recession (REC)
–– Recession depth: distance free gingival margin (FGM) to CEJ (Chap. 1,
Fig. 1.1, Fig. 4.6b)
Apical border within or beyond the MGJ?
42 C. Bruckmann and G. Wimmer
4.2.5 Teeth
Check for patient’s oral hygiene (plaque, supra-/subgingival calculus) and anatomi-
cal features such as furcations, grooves, enamel projections, concavities (Fig. 4.3a),
and resorptions. Determine tooth/root position, CEJ, and tooth form: Tooth form
determines the most apical point of the contact area and has been found to correlate
with the extent of the keratinized tissue KT, its bucco-lingual gingival thickness
(GT), as well as height of the interdental papilla [37]. Furthermore it is a predictor
for gingival and buccal alveolar bone thickness [38].
a b
Fig. 4.7 (a) Buccal position/rotation of #31, root proximity #31/32, interdental and buccal reces-
sions up to 5 mm in 5th sextant, PPD up to 5 mm, CAL up to 10 mm (#31); (b) periapical radio-
graph of #31/21 with bone loss of more than 2/3 of the root length
4 Gingival Recession: Clinical Examination and Diagnostics 43
a b
Fig. 4.8 (a) Multiple misalignments of front teeth in all three planes; (b) same case as 4.6b–d:
buccal malposition of #31 (Miller class I recession), #41 (Miller class II recession), minimal zone
of keratinized attached gingiva, marginal gingivitis in #41
4.2.6 Restorations/Appliances
a b
Fig. 4.10 (a) Tongue piercing; (b) lingual gingival recession at the opposed tooth #41
Due to the perpendicular visualization of the teeth, it is ideal for reliable assessment
of the alveolar crestal bone [43] and diagnosing caries/restorations.
Allows for a general overview of the patient’s maxillofacial structures: bone loss
pattern (horizontal and/or angular, furcation involvement), impacted teeth, periapi-
cal pathologies, etc. Any deviations from normal warrant further intraoral
a b
Fig. 4.11 (a) Bony dehiscence (right tooth), fenestration (left tooth), and thin buccal plate predis-
pose to gingival regression; (b) bony fenestration and protrusive root
4 Gingival Recession: Clinical Examination and Diagnostics 47
a b
Fig. 4.12 (a) Thick periodontal biotype, buccal position of #31, clinical signs of inflamed gin-
giva, 1.5 mm buccal recession, loss of interdental papilla, PPD 5 mm on mesial aspect, high fre-
num insertion #41; (b) CBCT of area of interest #31: note demineralized interdental bone
The above-mentioned steps in assessment of patients presenting with gingival
recessions offer a very comprehensive approach. If the diagnosis can be made
straightforward the application of every mentioned step might not be necessary.
However, if doubts about causative factors remain, a structured diagnostic pro-
cess should be initiated (see Box 4.1).
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