Bond Stress, Development Length and Anchorage

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Bond Stress, Development

Length and Anchorage

Bond Stress

The bond between steel and concrete is very

important and essential so that they can act together
without any slip in a loaded structure.

The bond is measured by bond stress. The local

bond stress varies along a member with the variation
of bending moment.

The average value throughout its anchorage length

is designated as the average bond stress. Deformed
bars are known to be superior to the smooth mild
steel bars due to the presence of ribs.
Crack Pattern is observed
to be Horizontal and
occurs directly over
reinforcing bar.
Development Length (Ld)

The length of a member required to develop the full

bond is called the anchorage length.

Reinforcement has to be anchored properly in

concrete by providing sufficient embedment length,
which is known as ‘Development length’
Design Bond Stress tbd
The design bond stress tbd is defined as the shear
force per unit nominal surface area of reinforcing bar.

The stress is acting on the interface between bars and

surrounding concrete and along the direction parallel
to the bars.
CL tbd for plain bars in tension
Grade of concrete M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M 40 and above

Design Bond Stress

τbd in N/mm2 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9

For deformed bars conforming to IS 1786, these values

shall be increased by 60 per cent.

For bars in compression, the values of bond stress in

tension shall be increased by 25 per cent.
Expression for Development Length Ld CL 26.2.1

Tensile force trying to pull out the bar T = (π φ2 /4) σs

The resistance force = π φ (Ld) (tbd).

π φ ( Ld ) (tbd) = (π φ2 /4) σs
Ld = φ σs / 4 tbd

φ is the nominal diameter of the bar,σs is the tensile stress in bar

at the section considered at design loads and
tbd = Design Bond Stress, CL.
End Anchorages

End Anchorages can be in the form of Hook or 90o bend

The anchorage value of standard bend shall be
considered as 4 times the diameter of the bar for
each 45o bend subject to a maximum value of 16
times the diameter of the bar.

Anchorage value for 90o bend = 8 f

Anchorage value for Hook = 16 f

Deformed bars may not need end anchorages if the

development length requirement is satisfied.
Anchoring Reinforcing Bars in Tension CL

L’d = Ld - Anchorage Value (8f or 16f)

Anchoring Bars in compression (cl.

L’d = Ld - (k+1) f
k= 2 for MS bars and 4 for Deformed bars
Anchoring Shear Reinforcement (cl.

The main requirement for safety against bond

failure is to provide a sufficient extension of the
length of the bar beyond the point where the steel
is required to develop its yield stress

This length must be at least equal to its

development length.

However, if the actual available length is

inadequate for full development, end anchorages
must be provided, such as hooks or bends

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