Self Assessments 20 Themed 20 Packet

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Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Writing Self-Assessment

Directions: Reread your writing piece. Read each sentence below and
circle YES or NO to tell whether or not you did it in your writing.

I wrote about one topic. YES NO

I included lots of details in my writing. YES NO

I organized my writing into paragraphs. YES NO

I used interesting words in my writing. YES NO

I wrote in complete sentences. YES NO

I spelled the words correctly in my writing. YES NO

I used correct capitalization and punctuation in my writing. YES NO

One thing I did really well in this writing piece was ____________________

One goal for my next writing piece is ______________________________


Copyright 2020
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Math Performance Task Self-Assessment

Directions: Put a checkmark beside each step you did

when you solved the performance task.

________ I showed all of my work.

________ I explained my answer clearly by using words and pictures.

________ I used math vocabulary words in my explanation to show that

I’m an expert.

________ I answered all parts of the question.

________ I checked my work to make sure my answer was correct.

One thing I did really well on this performance task was _______________

One thing I can improve next time is ______________________________


Copyright 2020
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Reading Workshop Self-Assessment

Directions: Read each statement. Circle YES or NO to tell whether or not

you did it today during reading workshop.

I stayed in one place while I read today. YES NO

I read the whole time. YES NO

I thought about what was happening in my book. YES NO

I reread parts that were confusing. YES NO

I used context clues to figure out the meanings of YES NO

words I didn’t know.

One reading strategy I practiced today was _________________________


I practiced it by _______________________________________________

One of my reading goals is ______________________________________


Copyright 2020
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Behavior Self-Assessment
Directions: Read each statement. Put a checkmark below the word that
accurately tells how often you do each thing.

Always Sometimes Never

I follow directions the first time.

I raise my hand when I want to

I actively listen to the teacher
and my classmates.
I am respectful to adults and
other students.
I take my time and do my best
I use my time wisely and finish
my work on time.
I am prepared for our lessons.

One thing I do really well is ______________________________________


One goal I want to set for my behavior is ___________________________


Copyright 2020

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