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Doc. No. CLJ 1

Issue No. 1
Revision No.
Effectivity Date June 2018
College/Department: College of Criminal Justice Education
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Introduction to Philippine Criminal Justice System
JPC Vision A center of learning and academic excellence in the Province of Oriental Mindoro
JPC Mission John Paul College is committed to achieve lasting improvements in education and in the lives of the people by producing
graduates who have the ability to think critically, create, lead, compete and excel towards full development of the family,
community and global market environment.
Program Outcomes By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
a. Conduct criminological research on crimes, crime causation, victims, and offenders to include deviant behavior;
b. Internalize the concepts of human rights and victim welfare;
c. Demonstrate competence and broad understanding in law enforcement administration, public safety and criminal justice;
d. Utilize criminalistics or forensic science in the investigation and detection of crime;
e. Apply the principles and jurisprudence of criminal law, evidence and criminal procedure;
f. Ensure offenders’ welfare and development for their re-integration to the community.

Course Code CLJ 1

The course focuses on the study of the five pillars of Criminal Justice System in the Philippines - the Law Enforcement,
Prosecution, Court, Corrections and Community. It also covers their respective functional relationship as well as the individual
roles in the administration of justice in the solution of crimes. It includes the procedures and the practices of the criminal justice
system with its linkages to law enforcement services, the prosecution, court, correction and community. This course also
incorporates the scientific study of crimes, criminals, societal responses to their behavior in penal and non-penal setting and the
administration of criminal justice correction including parole.
Credit Units 3 units

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No. of Hours 54 hours lecture

Links to Program Outcomes A B C D E F

I- Introduce P- Practice skills with supervision D-Demonstrate skills, without supervision

Course Outcomes (CO) CO1.Understand the concept of laws, crimes and criminals including their rights and victims’ welfare
CO2.Know the operation of Criminal Justice system in the Philippines a
CO3.Recognize the role of Law Enforcement pillar in Criminal Justice System
CO4.Understand the prosecution process
CO5.Discuss and explain the function and operation of court pillar
CO6.Explain the correctional system in the Philippines
CO7.Understand the role of Community in CJS
Pre-requisite None
Course Outline and
Week Topic
1 Orientation on Classroom and School Policies as well as Grading System
2 Introduction on Criminal Justice System
3 -Continuation-
4 Preliminary Examination
5 Law Enforcement Pillar
6 -Continuation-
7 Prosecution pillar
8 -Continuation-
9 Midterm Examination
10 The Court Pillar
11 -Continuation-
12 -Continuation-
13 Semi-Final Examination
14 The Correctional Pillar
15 -Continuation-

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16 The Community Pillar

17 Review for CLE Coverage for Philippine Criminal Justice System
18 Final Examination

Textbook and References

References a. Caño, G., Amante, D., Fernandez, N. (2010) Philippine Criminal Justice System. Mindshapers Co., Inc.
b. Garcia, M. (2010) Module in Institutional Corrections. Mindshapers Company Inc.
c. Madelo, P. (2013. Criminal justice system: Basic Concepts and Approaches. Manila: Rex Book Store.
d. Soriano, O. G. (2010) The Philippine Criminal Justice System; theories, models and practices. Great Books Publishing

Assessment Tool

Cos Assessment Tool Standards

CO1 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO2 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO3 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO4 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO5 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO6 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%
CO7 Exam/Activity/Recitation At least 60% of the students will get a score of at least 50%

Final Grade Evaluation

Performance 30%
(Quizzes, Board Work, Recitation)
Output 30%
Assignments, Projects, Research, Reports, Experiment, Simulation, Hands-on Activities
Major Exam (Prelim, Midterm, Semi-final, Finals) 30%
Attendance 10%
Total 100%
Final Grade= (PG+MG+SFG+FG)/4

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The user should secure the latest version of this document from the CPDO office.

Course Policy and Standard

Each student should attend all scheduled classes except for justifiable reasons like participation in official campus activities (memo), personal emergencies
and medical reasons. Make-up work must be arranged with the instructor as soon as possible. They are also expected to be in their best attitude and total
participation in classroom discussions. Cheating has no place in a community of scholars.

Efffectivity and Revision Information

Date Revised: May 2018

Date Implemented: June 2018


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Lalyn Gillado-Pupa Engr. Paquito G. Fernando Jr Dr. Marietta P. Cantos

Instructor Curriculum Devt & Planning Officer EVP/Dean

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The user should secure the latest version of this document from the CPDO office.

Learning Plan


OUTCOMES INDICATOR OUTCOMES Learning Activities Activities and FRAME
Orientation on Classroom and  Orientation Week 1
School Policies as well as  Self-introduction
Grading System
Discussion of PO and CO
b. Internalize the 1. Discuss the CO1. Understand Module 1. Introduction on  Lecture  Assignment Week 2-3
concepts of human concept of the concept of laws, Criminal Justice System  Interactive  Quiz
rights and victim human rights and crimes and criminals 1.1. Development of Laws discussion  Recitation
welfare; victim welfare in including their rights 1.2. Crimes and the Criminals
1.3. Criminal Justice System
 Reporting/
connection with and victims’ welfare Multimedia
1.4. Philippine Laws
the operation of 1.5. Criminal Justice System in the presentation
Criminal Justice CO2. Philippines
System Know the operation 1.6. Operation of CJS in the Philippines
of Criminal Justice 1.7 Human Rights Law
system in the 1.8 Introduction to victimology
c. Demonstrate 2. Exhibit CO3 Module 2. The Law Enforcement  Lecture/ Discussion  Written Week 5-6
competence and understanding in Recognize the role Pillar  Critique Examination
broad understanding the operation of of Law Enforcement 2.1. Early Development of Law  Recitation
in law enforcement law enforcement, pillar in Criminal Enforcement
2.2. Evolution of Philippine Policing
administration, public public safety and Justice System
2.3. The Nature of Policing in the
safety and criminal criminal justice Country
justice; 2.4. The Philippine National Police
2.5. The Police in Action
 2.6. Revised Rules of Engagement

CO4. Understand Module 3. The Prosecution Pillar  Group work  Written Week 7-8
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the prosecution  Duties of Prosecution  Interactive Examination

process  Philippine Prosecution discussion  Recitation
 The Prosecution Process  Lecture
 Reporting
 Case analysis


CO5. Module 4. The Court Pillar  Lecture/ Discussion  Assignment Week 10-12
Discuss and explain  Character and Fitness of a  Seatwork  Activity
the function and Judge  Exam
operation of court  Early Means of Administration
of Justice
 Importance of the Judiciary
 Independence of the
 Judicial Power and its Scope
 Organization of Philippine
 Jurisdiction
 The Judicial Process
 Rights of the Accused
 The Concept of Penalty
 Extinction of Criminal
CO6. Module 5. The Correctional Pillar  Lecture/ Discussion  Assignment Week 14-15
Explain the  Purposes of Corrections  Seatwork  Activity
correctional system  Theoretical Foundation of the  Exam
in the Philippines Treatment of Criminals
 Early Forms of Corrections
 Development of Correctional
 The Treatment Era of Prisons
 Development of Prison System
in the Philippines
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 Correctional System in the

 Bureau of Corrections
 Treatment and Correctional
 Provincial Jail System
 The Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology
 Community-based

CO7. Module 6. The Community Pillar  Lecture/ Discussion  Written Week 16
Understand the role  The Essence of Partnership Examination
of Community in  Coordination and Networking  Recitation
CJS in Crime Prevention
 Empowering the Community
Review for CLE Coverage for Week 17
Introduction to Philippine
Criminal Justice System
Final Examination Week 18

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The user should secure the latest version of this document from the CPDO office.

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