Cost Accounting Chapter5 Exercise1 7
Cost Accounting Chapter5 Exercise1 7
Cost Accounting Chapter5 Exercise1 7
Requirement 1
4,000/ 500 8
Requirement 2
4,000/2,000 2
Requirement 3
Any of the requirements because the management will pay for the same amount for
the party. But, if the manager consider the unit cost per peron requirement 2 will be the
best choice.
Exercise 2
Requirement 1
(a) 60,000/ 200 300
(b) 60,000/250 240
(c) 60,000/300 200
Requirement 2
The unit costs computed in part 1 is of no relevance since 15 flights have already been
booked and the charge is fixed per flight.
Units costs per passenger will not make any difference to the total air flight costs to be
Exercise 3 ( Classificationof cost, merchandising sector)
Requirement 1 and 2
Cost D or I V or F
Annual retainer paid to video distributor D F
Electricity cost of EEC store (single bill covers entire store) I F
Cost of video purchased for sale to customers D V
Leasing to Videosoftware
of computer trend magazine
used for financial budgeting at EEC D F
store I F
Cost of popcorn provided free to all customers of EEC
Earthquake insurance policy for EEC store D F
Freight-in cost of video purchased by EEC D V
Exercise 4 (Classification of cost, prime and conversion cost)
Requirement 2
a. Direct Materials 430
Direct Manufacturing Labor 110
Subcontracting 120
Fringe benefit on direct manufacturing labor 40
Production setup 60
Prime cost 760
Requirement 3
Number of setups
Number of direct manufacturing laborers
Exercise 5 (Cost of goodsmanufactured and cost)
(in thousand)
Direct Material used 87,000
Direct manfacturing labour 34,000
Manufacturing Overhead
Property tax on Plant building 3,000
Plant utilities 17,000
Depreciation on Plant Building 9,000
Depreciation on Plant Equipment 11,000
Requirement 1
Cost of Direct Material Used
Direct Material Inventory- beg 22,000
Add: Direct Material purchase 75,000
Less: Direct Material Inventory- end. (26,000) 71,000
Direct Labour Cost 25,000
Manufacturing Cost
Requirement 2
Revenue 300,000
Less: Cost of goods sold
Finished goods inventory- beg. 18,000
Add: Cost of goods manufactured 136,000
Total goods available for sale 154,000
Less: Finished goods inventory- end. (23,000) (131,000)
Gross Margin 169,000
Less: Operating Expenses
Marketing, distribution, and customer-service costs 93,000
General and administrative costs 29,000 (122,000)
Net Profit 47,000
Exercise 7 (Finding unknown balances)
A. Revenue 32,000
Less: Gross Margin (11,300)
Cost of good sold (Case 1) 20,700
C. Revenue 31,800
Less: Cost of goods sold (20,000)
Gross margin (Case 2) 11,800