EWT Carrousel Systems: UNR Series

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EWT ™ Carrousel® Systems

UNR™ Series

Key features & benefits

• Aeration rate of 3.65 lb O2 /

motor HP - hr with alpha
values ≥0.9

• Total Nitrogen and Total

Phosporus Removal-biologically

• Free IR (Internal Recycle)

• Excell® Aerator power turndown

of up to 90%

• Reduced power consumption

of up to 80% with LM™ Mixer

How we create value

• Cutting maintenance and

operational requirements

• Reducing plant energy costs

• Providing industry-leading
process support

• Meeting the most stringent U.S.

nutrient permit limits – easily
EWT ™ Carrousel® Systems

With over 700 US installations, Ovivo’s EWT™ Carrousel® channels, where it recirculates at an average of 100 times
System is universally praised for its durability, operational the influent flow rate. This provides protection against
simplicity, low operating and maintenance costs and shock loading and eliminates short-circuiting.
consistently high effluent quality. Original partners DHV
B.V. of the Netherlands first developed the Carrousel Dedicated anoxic and anaerobic basins are easily added
technology in the 1970s. To this day they continue to for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus Removal. LM™
work in partnership with Ovivo to improve and perfect Mixers or EWT ™ Submersible Mixers are installed in
the Carrousel system, which is now one of the most these unaerated zones.
widely accepted processes available for biological
wastewater treatment. Using a Modified Lutzack-Ettinger (MLE) configuration
called the denitIR® system, Internal Recycle (IR)
System Overview between the aerobic and anoxic zone occurs via the
The Excell® Aerator is installed at one or more of the channel IR channel without the use of pumps or supplemental
turns and provides all aeration and mixing requirements carbon. Using propulsion generated by the Excell
for nitrification and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) Aerator, IR requires no additional power. IR flow is
removal. The Excell Aerator propels aerated mixed liquor varied by the EliminatIR™ Gate. The Oculus™ Control
from zones of intense aeration towards quieter downstream System automatically controls aeration rate and IR flow.

Activated sludge
treatment and Biological
nutrient removal

Total Phosphorus ≤ 0.3 mg/L

Total Nitrogen ≤ 3 mg/L

• Virtually eliminates NO3-N

• Dedicated environments
maximize N and P removal
• Optimization eliminates
or greatly reduces metal
salt addition
• No IR pumps required
• No supplemental carbon
• Full nitrification to NH3-N
< 0.5 mg/L in all U.S.

Top: The Excell ® Aerator is

installed at one or more of the
channel turns and provides all
aeration and mixing required for
full nitrification and BOD removal

Bottom: Anoxic and anaerobic

basins are easily added for
Total Nitrogen and Total
Phosphorus removal in Ovivo’s
denitIR® configuration
LM™ Mixer

DIAGRAM The optional anaerobic selector basins are used

for plants requiring biological phosphorus removal.
In the denitIR® Carrousel® System an integral anoxic
basin is added for Total Nitrogen removal without
supplemental carbon addition. The internal recycle
(IR) is large (6-15Q) and requires no additional power,
taking advantage of the propulsion generated by the
Excell® Aerator.

Anaerobic Basin EliminatIR™ Gate

(for P removal plants only)
Excell® Aerator
Anoxic Basin
(for N removal plants)
Carrousel® Basin
(Aerobic/Nitrification Basin)

In the aerobic (Carrousel®) stage, BOD and

ammonia oxidation (nitrification) proceed to
completion. The Excell® Aerator provides all
aeration and mixing required for the aerobic
stage at all influent loading conditions.

Carrousel® Systems may be built with One,

Two, Three, Four or Five Stages.
(The Three Stage System is shown.) DivertIR™ Gate
LM™ Mixers (Optional)
One Stage Two Stage Three Stage Four Stage Five Stage
Carrousel® dentIR® Carrousel® A2C™ Carrousel® Bardenpho® Bardenpho®
System System System System System
1st Anoxic
2nd Anaoxic
Effluent BOD<5 BOD<5 BOD<5 BOD<5 BOD<5
(mg/l) NH3-N≤0.5 NH3-N≤0.5 NH3-N≤0.5 NH3-N≤0.5 NH3-N≤0.5
TN<5-8 TN<5-8 TN<3 TN<3 EliminatIR™
TP,0.3** TP<0.3** Gate
* Not Shown in graphic above. Excell®
** Metal salt addition sometimes required to supplement bio-removal for lower total phosphorus
effluent requirements. Carrousel® is a registered trademark of DHV B.V.

Alternat IR™ Modification

EWT ™ Carrousel® Systems

EWT™ Excell® Aerator

The EWT Excell Aerator consists of an efficient The surface impeller’s star plate design results
10-bladed surface impeller, driven by a variable in low radial forces, ensuring long equipment
frequency drive, a premium efficiency motor and a highly lifespan. Maintenance is limited to regular greasing
efficient gear reducer. Rotating at between 15 and 50 and oil changes, all performed from a clean concrete
rpm, the surface impeller acts as a pump, aerating and platform. No maintenance is required below the
propelling mixed liquor into the basin channels. concrete deck. The Excell® Aerator is also available
for complete-mix tank applications.

• 3.65 lb O2/motor
HP-hr (3.85 lb O2/shaft HP-hr)

• Power turndown up to 90%

• Just one man day maintenance each year

EWT ™ Excell® Aerator at 30 Hz EWT ™ Excell® Aerator at 60 Hz

(20% power, 80% turndown) (100% power, 0% turndown)
The clean water oxygen transfer efficiency of the The optional lower turbine provides extra floor scouring
Excell Aerator is a minimum of 3.65 lb O2 / motor velocity in deeper basins and requires no additional
HP-hr (3.85 lb O2 / shaft HP-hr). Operating with equipment or bearings. Sidewater depths up to 25 feet
alpha values of 0.9 or higher, and with a high degree are possible in Carrousel Systems. The lower turbine
of denitrification, the actual wastewater oxygen with velocity enhancement baffle is an ideal solution
transfer efficiency is equivalent to that of diffused for plants which experience periods of very low influent
air systems of similar depth. The 10-bladed surface flows (e.g., at night, or during the first few years of
aerating impeller has been approved by DHV, the operation). Even at power turndown of between 80
sole authority for testing and certifying Carrousel and 90%, thorough mixing is still possible. Adequate
System aerators. power turndown is critical for biological nutrient removal
facilities. The lower turbine may be removed with just
six bolts at any time.

Floor Velocity vs. HP/MG

Dual Impeller Aerator
Floor Velocity (ft/sec)

Standard Aerator
0.4 AREA
Increasing HP/MG
EWT ™ Carrousel® Systems

EWT ™ Oculus™ System

The EWT ™ Oculus™ System analyzes and reports Internal recycle from the aerobic zone to the anoxic
upon signals from a range of probes monitoring zone is controlled in response to in-basin probes which
dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation reduction account for diurnal fluctuations in influent flow and nitrate
potential (ORP), ammonia (NH4 -N) and nitrate loading from other sources such as Return Activated
(NO3 -N). The Oculus system uses this data to Sludge (RAS) and digester decants. IR control is critical
control the Excell Aerator’s power input and the for bio-P plants, to prevent either a continuous or an
EliminatIR gate’s position within the Carrousel intermittent flow of nitrate into the anaerobic zones.
system. Aeration power can be constantly adjusted
to meet demand. This prevents over-aeration Each Oculus System uses a touch screen operator interface
(which is detrimental to nutrient removal) and and can be equipped with a modem for online monitoring
substantially reduces plant power bills. and rapid access to Ovivo’s industry-leading process
support team.

NO3-N Removed

Chart based on BioWin simulation

Internal Recycle Rate

Potential energy savings Optimizing IR (Internal Recycle) rate

Ovivo’s new InnerLACE™ VFD

is installed with every Excell®
Aerator system, allowing you
to track and make significant
energy savings in aeration
power input while meeting all
process performance targets.

Minimize power with

Monthly Energy Costs

1 2 3

InnerLACE™ VFD Operating Mode

The Oculus™ touch screen operator interface varies Excell® Aerator power input and EliminatIR™ Gate position, minimizes
power usage, maximizes nutrient removal, and displays useful trending data.
EWT ™ EliminatIR™ Gate and LM™ Mixer

EliminatIR™ Gate
The EliminatIR™ Gate at the entry of the IR (Internal
Recycle) channel incrementally opens and closes
to control the flow of nitrate to the anoxic zone. The • Free IR to anoxic zones
Excell Aerator generates sufficient channel velocity
to provide free IR up to 15Q. The EliminatIR Gate • Consumes between 50 and 80% less
can also be automated for Storm Flow Mode. power than submerged turbine mixers

LM™ Mixer • Efficient mixing in any tank geometry:

The Linear Motion (LM™) Mixer uses a unique no stagnant zones
hydro-disk design to create an oscillating liquid core.
The LM Mixer’s oscillating motion results in near
isotropic (uniform) mixing. Producing only axial flow
currents, the LM Mixer eliminates vortexing (typical
of rotary mixers) and prevents cavitation: it does
not entrain air in anoxic or anaerobic zones. Finally,
the LM mixer uses between 50 and 80% less power
than that required by submerged turbine mixers.

Performance: LM™ Mixer vs. Industry Standards

Type of Mixing Unit Power Rating

Equipment W/m3 Hp/1000 cf

LM™ Mixer 1.32 – 2.63 0.05 – 0.10

Other mechanical
5.23 – 10.53 0.20 – 0.40

The LM Mixer is easily adapted to tall tanks and

can be retrofitted in existing roofs, covers and
domes with center-mounted ports. The LM Mixer
is applicable to anaerobic digesters and sludge
holding tanks as well as anoxic zones for liquid
processes with no need for multiple units or baffles
in deep tanks.

Carrousel® is a registered trademark of DHV,

B.V., the Netherlands.

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modeling of LM™ Mixer

Ovivo remains dedicated
to the advancement of Carrousel®
process technology while maintaining
the proven process simplicity, low
maintenance, energy savings and
equipment longevity well known
to our customers.


© Copyright 2010 GLV. All rights reserved


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