Environmental Preservation A "No Plastic" Ordinance Implementation in Urban Area
Environmental Preservation A "No Plastic" Ordinance Implementation in Urban Area
Environmental Preservation A "No Plastic" Ordinance Implementation in Urban Area
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The environment should be protected and ecosystems, including contamination of the air, water and
maintain with the initiative of the local government. soil, thereby posing a real danger to human health. (Shafy
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines an urban and Masour, 2018) The need for solid waste management is
area in the country implemented a “No Plastic” now a growing problem due to continuous increase in
Ordinance under the Solid Waste Management (SWM) population and industrial production. The global annual
law to reduce the waste plastic collected, which is one of waste generation is projected to jump to 3.4 billion tons over
the wastes that last for hundred year be it dissolve the next 30 years up from 2.01 billion tonnes, driven by
naturally. Thus, this study is conducted to identify the rapid urbanization and rising populations, according the
implementation of the City on this ordinance. The study report found. (The World Bank, 2018)
used a descriptive-quantitative research design, and the
researcher-made questionnaire is the main instrument to Philippine homes, businesses and industry generate
gather the responses of the respondents. A total of 550 millions of tons of solid waste annually.MSW comes from
residents on selected Barangay in Cabanatuan City are residential, commercial, institutional and industrialsources.
the respondents, they are chosen using a convenience Residential waste constitutes the bulk (56.7%) of MSW and
sampling. The result shows that, the local government includes kitchen scraps, yard waste, paper and cardboards,
unit of Cabanatuan city are successful in the glass bottles, plastic containers and sando bags, foils, soiled
implementation of the “No Plastic” ordinance, proper tissues and diapers, and special wastes such as containers of
information dissemination and training and seminars are household cleaning agents, batteries and waste electrical and
conducted to inform the residents of the city. It is also electronic equipment (WEEE). Commercial sources which
notable that residents are often segregating and include commercial establishments and public or private
recycling their waste before disposing it, thus reducing markets contribute 27.1% of which, in some regions, about
the collected waste. two- thirds of commercial wastes come from the latter.
Institutional sources such as government offices, educational
Keywords:- Plastics, Segregation, urban area, SWM, and medical institutions account for about 12.1% while the
Ordinance. remaining 4.1% are waste coming from the industrial or
manufacturing sector. (Philippine Environmental
I. INTRODUCTION Management Bureau, 2018) While landfill disposal
continues to be an option, new disposal facilities face strong
One of the most common topics that are being talked public examination and are costly to site, build and operate.
about aside from the economic and political issues is The department is constantly seeking alternatives to landfill
environmental issue. The country faces environmental issue disposal that are both environmentally protective and cost-
like waste mismanagement. Solid Waste is one of the most effective for the consumer. (Missouri, 2017) Solid waste
widely known problems that the earth is encountering.It is management permitting, monitoring and enforcement efforts
not just a problem in this country but also to other countries can prevent illegal dumping and other factors that may cause
as well. Environmental contamination due to solid waste long-term social, economic and environmental problems.
mismanagement is a global issue. Open dumping and open (Missouri, 2017)Cabanatuan, officially the City of
burning are the main implemented waste treatment and final Cabanatuan, or simply Cabanatuan City is a 1st class city
disposal systems, mainly visible in low-income countries. in the province of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. According to
(Ferronato and Torretta, 2019)There are a lot of studies and the 2015 census, it has a population of 302,231 people,
invention created to solve the environmental issues, making it the most populous city in Nueva Ecija and the
specifically the waste management problem. Solid waste fifth-most populous in Central Luzon. As of now it is
problem is the number one cause of today’s issues and considered the commercial, industrial and educational hub
destruction of ecosystem. People can be ill by exposing of the province and also known as the “Tricycle Capital of
themselves to hazardous waste in the environment; many of the Philippines”. (Artsandculture, 2015) The increasing
these are linked to environmental problems such as expose growth of garbage brought some health problems. Through
to mosquitoes, polluted drinking water, and poor waste the years, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija has faced a severe
disposal. Inadequate waste management changes the garbage disposal that some garbage collectors can even form
This section presents the survey results conducted concerning the implementation of the “No Plastic” ordinance in the city of
Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 3100.
1. The disposal practices of the respondents in terms of; Garbage collection, Burning in the backyard, Compost pit.
The figure 1 above shows that majority or 87% of the respondents said that their garbage were “Always” collected per week,
11% said that it is “Often”. However, there are 2% of the respondents that said it is sometimes. This data can be attributed to
scheduled garbage collection implemented around cities and municipalities which is part of their solid waste management
policy. The households rely on garbage collection by the government. Collection is done twice daily, except Sundays, and
household members bring their garbage when the garbage truck arrives (Bernardo, 2008).
It can be illustrated from the figure 2 above that majority or 87% of the respondents are “sometimes” burning in the
backyard. This data can be attributed that there are times that local governments missed the collection of household garbage that
leads to burning it instead in the backyard. This option derived from the lack of efficient municipal waste collection schemes, and
on the other hand, it is a traditional disposal route for agricultural wastes besides open dumping on the surroundings (Mihai,
2019). Thus, the government should ensure the regular collection of garbage to prevent households in burning their waste in their
It can be illustrated from the data above that majority or 72% of the respondents are “sometimes” doing compost pit. This
data may imply that some household are doing segregation of biodegradable to non-biodegradable to put in compost pit.
Thus,food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 30 percent of what we throw away, and could be
composted instead (EPA.com).
2. The proper waste disposal participation of the respondent in terms of; Garbage recycling and Garbage segregation.
Table 1 – Recycling
Weighted Verbal
No. Indicator
Mean Interpretation
1. I have properly disposed my garbage and recycled the things that
4.93 Always
it can be used in other used.
2. I have personally advised my constituent in recycling the garbage
4.76 Always
before the garbage collector collect their garbage.
3. I can adjust in every situation and circumstances like time
consuming in recycling my garbage to dispose it environmentally 4.64 Always
4. I have disagreed with my constituent if they don’t recycle their
garbage to dispose their garbage using a recycling method 2.80 Sometimes
whatever disposal they’re used in an issue of garbage disposal.
5. I experienced to disappointment if my constituent is not
2.31 Seldom
following the recycling method of disposing their garbage.
Average Weighted Mean 3.89 Often
The Table 1 shows the recycling disposal of the respondents, the average weighted mean is 3.89 with verbal interpretation
“Often”. Questions no. 1,2, and 3 have a verbal interpretation “always” however, question no.4 “I have disagreed with my
constituent if they don’t recycle their garbage to dispose their garbage using a recycling method whatever disposal they’re used in
an issue of garbage disposal.” has a verbal interpretation “Sometimes”. Question no. 5 “I experienced to disappointment if my
constituent is not following the recycling method of disposing their garbage.” has a verbal interpretation “Seldom”.
The data shows that majority of the households in urban areas are recycling their waste before disposing it. Although in
question no. 5 “I experienced to disappointment if my constituent is not following the recycling method of disposing their
garbage.” that households are not concern whether their neighbors or constituents are doing the same. Furthermore, it is good
know that majority of the respondents or households are consistently following the recycling process which is mentioned on
question no. 1 “I have properly disposed my garbage and recycled the things that it can be used in other used.” It can be concluded
that environmental value is found to be a significant predictor for recycling behavior in both urban areas (Latif et. Al, 2012).
Table 2 – Segregation
Weighted Verbal
No. Indicator
Mean Interpretation
1. To Prevent Mix Ups at Landfills and Avoid Toxic Emissions 4.16 Often
2. To Reduce Chances of Infection 4.00 Often
3. Reduce Impact on Climate Change 3.60 Sometimes
4. Reduce Wastage and Encourage Recycling 2.93 Sometimes
5. It Is Free and Can Help You Reuse 4.47 Often
Average Weighted Mean 3.83 Often
It can be illustrated that most of the households are “Often” segregating their waste before disposing it can imply that
households are aware n segregation in urban areas. According to Banga (2011), activities for solid waste segregation depend on
awareness level of operations in the area of recycling. However, it can be notice on question no. 3 and 4 are only “sometimes”
done my respondents. It can be concluded that household are aware of waste segregation but not able to recycle waste that is
recyclable. Thus, according to Matter et. al, (2013), any plan aimed at improving the segregation of sources and the access to more
recyclables must consider all of the "integrated" dimensions of waste management systems that impact and decide sustainability
and improvement.
The table 3 shows the information dissemination done by the city government in the urban areas. The average weighted
mean is 3.89 with verbal interpretation “Often”, question no. 1,2,3, have a verbal interpretation “Always”. Question no. 4 and 5
have verbal interpretation “Sometimes”.
These data can be attributed to initiative of the local government on disseminating information about the “NO Plastic
Ordinance” under the law of solid waste management (SWM) done in the urban areas. On the study conducted by Omran and
Gebril, (2011), shows that government initiative are advertising campaigns via the newsprint and electronic media have over the
years been conducted continuously in addition to other forms of disseminating information, such as conferences, seminars and
The Table 4 above shows the Conduct of training and shows that question no. 3 “To inform the people that
Seminars of the local government unit in urban areas. It has they can earn money from the recycled materials such as
an average weighted mean of 3.83 with verbal interpretation papers, plastics, and bottles.” Are only “sometimes”
“Often”. Questions no. 1,2, and 5 have a verbal informed to households. Thus, most households do not know
interpretation of “Often”. However, questions no. 3 and 4 what to do if they recycled this material. However, it is
have a verbal interpretation “Sometimes”. notable that Question no. 1 “Conduct training in the
awareness of the people of the negative effect of improper
The data implies that the local government units are waste disposal in their health.” Are often conduct, therefore
“Often” conducting trainings and seminars to inform the it can be concluded that household are properly informed
households regarding the solid waste management in the and trained on the ordinance implemented by the local
“No Plastic Ordinance of the city”. Detailing the table above government.