Lecture 5 - Hydrostatic Forces On Curved Surfaces PDF

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Lecture 5


Fishing Technology

08/10/2020 1

■ Hydrostatic force on curved surface

08/10/2020 2
By the end of the session, students should be able to;
a) Understand the concept of object on curved surfaces
b) Demonstrate by solving problems of object on curved
c) Analyze and explain different forces of curved surfaces
d) Draw free body diagrams of different objects on curve

08/10/2020 3
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
 On the curved surface the forces 𝒑𝜹𝐀 on individual elements
differ in direction, so a simple summation of them may not be
same. Instead, the resultant forces in certain directions may be
determined, and these forces may then be combined vectorially. It
is simplest to calculate horizontal and vertical components of the
total force.

 Lets look at the two cases…

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Case 1 – if the fluid is above the curved
■ Horizontal Components (𝐑 𝐡 ):
• The resultant horizontal force of a liquid
above a curved surface is:
• 𝐑 𝐡 = Resultant force on the projection
of the curved surface onto a vertical
plane ( i.e. along the AC shown in the
 We know that the force must be normal to
the place, so if we take the vertical, plane,
the force will act horizontally through the
centre of pressure of the projected
vertical plane as shown in fig below and
we can use pressure diagram method

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
■ Vertical component (𝐑 𝐯 ):
• Because the fluid is at rest, there are no shears
forces on the vertical edges, so the vertical
component can only be due to the weight of the
fluid. The resultant vertical force of a fluid above
a curves surface is:
• 𝐑 𝐯 = Weight of fluid directly above the curved
surface and will act vertically downwards
through the centre of gravity of the mass of fluid
as shown in the fig.

■ 𝐑 𝐯 = weight of fluid above the curve surface

= 𝝆𝒈𝑽 = 𝜸𝑽

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
■ Resultant Force (R):
– The overall resultant force is found by
combining the vertical and horizontal
components vectorially:
– R = R²h + R²v
– This result force acts through point O at
an angle (θ) with R h
– The position of O is the point of
intersection of the horizontal line of
action of R h and the vertical line of
action of R v as shown in the figure.
– θ = tan−1

08/10/2020 7
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Case 2 – if the fluid is below the curved
■ The calculation of horizontal force R h is
the same as case 1, but calculation of
vertical force R v will differ from case 1.
■ Vertical component in case of fluid below
curved surface:
– If the curved surface AB is removed, the
area ABDE will replaced by the fluid and
the whole system would be in
equilibrium. • i.e. the resultant vertical of
– Thus, the force required by the curved a fluid below a curved
surface to maintain equilibrium is equal surface is:
to the force which the fluid above the R v = weight of imaginary
surface would exert (weight of fluid volume of fluid vertically
above the curved surface)
08/10/2020 above the curved surface.8
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Problem 1
The gate shown in the figure is 5.4 m wide and it is a quarter circle
hinged at H. Determine the horizontal force P required to hold the
gate in place.

08/10/2020 9
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
1. Calculate the horizontal component of hydrostatic force (R h ): as stated above,
the value R h is calculated on the projection on vertical plane as following:

R h = Volume of pressure diagram

= Area x width

R h = (𝑔ℎ)(ℎ𝑤)

R h = × 1000 × 9.81 × 1.8 m × 1.8 m × 5.4 m

R h = 85817.88 N

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface

2. Calculate the vertical component of hydrostatic force (R v ):

R v = weight of fluid above the curved surface = ρgV

V = Area of quarter circle X width

𝜋×1.8² m
V= × 5.4 m = 13.74 m3

R v = 1000 × 9.81 × 13.74 = 134789.4 N

4R 4×1.8
R v acts at distance = = 0.764 m (from the centre of the circle)
3𝜋 3×𝜋

The weight of the gate is not given, so neglect it.

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
The free body diagram of the whole system is,

By taking summation moment about the hinge:

∑M@hinge = 0.0 → P × 1.8 =Rh × 0.6 + Rv × 0.764

→ P × 1.8 = 85817.88 × 0.6 + 134789.4 × 0.764

→ P = 85816.57 N ✓. 08/10/2020 12
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface

Problem 2
The gate shown in the figure below consists of a quarter of a circle
cylinder and is used to maintain a water depth of 4 m. determine the
weight of the gate per meter of length.

08/10/2020 13
2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Assume the width of whole system is 1m
1. Calculate the horizontal component of hydrostatic force (R h ):
R h = Volume of pressure diagram = Area × width
R h = F1 + F2
𝐅𝟏 = volume of rectangle
𝑭𝟏 = (1000 × 9.81 × 3) × 1 × 1
𝑭𝟏 = 29430 N
F2 = volume of triangle
F2 = 2 [1000 × 9.81 × (4 − 3)] × 1 × 1
F2 = 4905 N

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Solution – cont’d
2. Calculate the vertical component of hydrostatic force (R V ):
R V = Weight of fluid 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐯𝐞 the curved surface = ρgV
Note that there is no water above the gate, so the value of R V equals the
weight of imaginary fluid above the gate as shown below:
The most important note that the imaginary fluid is above the gate to reach
free surface
w = w1 + w2
W1 = γ × rectangle volume
→ W1 = 9810 × (3 × 1) × 1 = 29430 N
W2 = γ × quarter circle volume
𝜋 × 12
→ W2 = 9810 × × 1 = 7704.7 N
→ R v = W1 + W2
→ R v = 29430 + 7704.7 = 37134.7 N.
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Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
Location of R v :
First find the distance from center to the end of the Door, therefore:
4R 4×1
1− =1− = 0.576 m
3𝜋 3𝜋
To find the location of Rv take the moment
about hinge:

𝐑 𝐕 × x = W1 × 0.5 + W2 × 0.576

37134.7 × x = 29430 × 0.5 + 7704.7 × 0.576

→ x = 0.516 m

Now, draw the free body diagram for the entire

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2.5 Hydrostatic force on a curved surface
■ The weight of the gate is subjected on the center of the gate which is a
quarter circle (i.e. at distance 0.576 from hinge)

■ By taking summation moment about the hinge:

■ ∑M@hinge = 0.0

■ → w × 0.576 =𝑭𝟏 × 0.5 +𝑭𝟐 × 0.67 + 𝐑 𝐕 × 0.516

→ w × 0.576 = 29430 × 0.5 + 4905 × 0.67 + 37134.7 × 0.516

→ w = 64450.48 N ✓.

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