Rational Voting Newsletter
Rational Voting Newsletter
Rational Voting Newsletter
Vol. 1
State Elections
To better understand our role in voting and
politics, we need to have a basic understanding Due to the decentralized nature of the
of how our voting system works. The United American government, voting practices differ
States elections use the first-past-the-post system. from state to state. This allows each state to
This means that the candidate with the most adjust to their unique circumstances. However,
votes wins the election. Candidates don’t need each state has a Chief Election Officer, a
a majority of the vote, only a pluratlity of votes. board or commision, or a mixture of both. Their
role is to manage and oversee the elections in
Federal Elections their state. These elections are typically held on
These elections can be divided into two groups, the county level, but some Midwestern states
presidental and midterm. In the midterm have them held within cities.
election, people vote on the two chambers of
Congress: the House of Representatives and the
U.S. Senate. This election determines who has
controll of Congress.
George Carlin