Adult Epilepsy and Anaesthesia: Eleanor L Carter Frca and Ram M Adapa MD PHD Frca
Adult Epilepsy and Anaesthesia: Eleanor L Carter Frca and Ram M Adapa MD PHD Frca
Adult Epilepsy and Anaesthesia: Eleanor L Carter Frca and Ram M Adapa MD PHD Frca
doi: 10.1093/bjaceaccp/mku014
Advance Access Publication Date: 29 May 2014
Matrix reference 1A02,
2A03, 2A06, 3F00
© The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Adult epilepsy and anaesthesia
Table 1 Major seizure type and subtype classifications Prognosis for patients with epilepsy
Generalized seizures In those patients with a defined epilepsy aetiology, their progno-
Tonic–clonic sis will depend on the underlying cause. Patients with idiopathic
Absence epilepsy have a normal lifespan if their seizures are well con-
Myoclonic trolled, but this falls if seizure control is not achieved. This re-
Clonic flects the higher incidence of accidents and suicides in this
Tonic group and also the risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
Atonic (SUDEP). SUDEP is the sudden death of a seemingly healthy indi-
Focal seizures vidual with epilepsy, usually occurring during, or immediately
Simple after, a tonic–clonic seizure. The mechanisms are incompletely
Complex understood, but seizure-related respiratory depression, cardiac
Evolving to generalized arrhythmias, cerebral depression, and autonomic dysfunction
Fig 1 Proposed mechanisms of action of currently available AEDs at () excitatory and () inhibitory synapses (reproduced with permission from Bialer and White).9 AMPA,
α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid; GABA, γ-amino-butyric acid; GABA-T, GABA transaminase; GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase; GAT1, GABA
transporter 1; NMDA, N-methyl--aspartate; SV2A, synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A.
depending on age, surgical severity, and ASA status. Within these controlled epilepsy or a history of unstable AED levels and before
guidelines, there are no specific recommendations regarding pre- major gastrointestinal surgery to establish baseline levels. Con-
operative measurement of AED levels, and levels are not routine- sultation with the patient’s neurologist before surgery is probably
ly measured. Exceptions to this are in patients who have poorly appropriate in such circumstances.
Table 2 NICE guidelines for AED treatment7 to this is alfentanil, a particularly potent enhancer of EEG activity,
which should be avoided or used with caution. Meperidine and
Seizure type First line Adjunctive tramadol should also be avoided as they increase the risk of sei-
zures. Meperidine’s metabolite normeperidine is a potent pro-
Generalized tonic–clonic Carbamazepine Clobazam
convulsant, and tramadol lowers the seizure threshold
Lamotrigine Lamotrigine
Oxcarbazepine Levetiracetam ( probably because of its inhibition of monamine reuptake).
Sodium valproate Sodium valproate
Topiramate Neuromuscular blockers
Tonic or atonic Sodium valproate Lamotrigine Although succinylcholine has been observed to produce in-
Absence Ethosuximide Ethosuximide creased EEG activation, this has not been associated with seizure
Lamotrigine Lamotrigine activity.14 It is therefore considered safe to use except after pro-
Sodium valproate Sodium valproate longed status epilepticus where it may cause dangerous eleva-
Dopamine antagonists are particularly associated with extrapyr-
Conduct of anaesthesia amidal effects and acute dystonic reactions, which might be con-
The multiple interactions between AEDs and anaesthetic agents fused with seizure activity. It is therefore advisable to avoid
are complex and beyond the scope of this article. However, a phenothiazines (e.g. prochlorperazine), benzamindes (e.g. meto-
number of common and important interactions will be discussed clopramide), and butyrophenones (e.g. droperidol).
with practical tips for management.
Local anaesthetics
I.V. anaesthetics Regional techniques are safe in patients with epilepsy and may
The effects of i.v. anaesthetic agents on the EEG are complex, but help to minimize disruption of normal AED regimes. However,
they are generally proconvulsant at low levels and anticonvul- close attention should be paid to safe dosing as local anaesthetics
sant at doses used for general anaesthesia. Thiopental is safe to can readily cross the blood–brain barrier and result in seizures if
use and is an established treatment for refractory status epilep- plasma levels are too high.
ticus because of its powerful anticonvulsant properties at anaes-
thetic doses. Propofol was previously avoided in patients with Seizures under anaesthesia
epilepsy because of the high rate of excitatory movements on in-
Seizures under general anaesthesia are relatively rare, but may
duction and emergence. However, it is now widely used because
occur in patients with poorly controlled epilepsy or in the context
of the recognition of its anticonvulsant properties at anaesthetic
of high-risk surgery such as neurosurgery. They are difficult to
doses and because the abnormal movements are usually easy to
diagnose, especially if NMBs have been used, but suggestive
distinguish from epileptic seizures. Etomidate has been reported
signs include increasing end-tidal carbon dioxide, tachycardia,
to be more frequently associated with postoperative seizures and
hypertension, increased muscle tone, pupillary dilatation, and
prolongs seizures when used for electroconvulsive therapy, and
increased oxygen consumption. Immediate management in-
is therefore generally avoided. Ketamine is often avoided, par-
cludes deepening of anaesthesia, administration of 100% oxygen,
ticularly as a co-induction agent, because of its proconvulsant
correction of precipitating factors such as hypoglycaemia, hyp-
properties at low doses. However, it is anticonvulsant at anaes-
oxia, and hypercarbia, and also consideration of differential diag-
thetic doses. Benzodiazepines are all potent anticonvulsants
noses. If available, EEG may help with diagnosis.
and safe to use.
Table 3 Characteristics of AEDs (adapted with permission from Kofke).10 CNS, central nervous system; CYP2B, cytochrome P450 2B; DIC,
disseminated intravascular coagulation; t½, elimination half-life; UGT, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase
Drug Protein Effects on enzymes t½ (h) Elimination Disadvantages and adverse effects
binding (%) involved in drug route (%)
Renal Liver
Carbamazepine 75 Broad-spectrum inducer 9–15 1 99 Diplopia, nystagmus, blurred vision, ataxia, dizziness,
sedation, hyponatraemia, rash
Clonazepam 85 Induce CYP2B family 20–60 <5 >90 Sedation
Ethosuximide 0 None 30–60 <20 <80 Nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal distress, drowsiness,
Felbamate 25 Mixed inducer and 13–22 50 50 Risk of aplastic anaemia and liver toxicity, CNS and
drugs, including some antimicrobials, can increase the serum loading dose of phenytoin (18 mg kg−1) should be given and neur-
concentration of AEDs by inhibiting their metabolism, risking ology advice sought. Patients with known epilepsy should be in-
AED toxicity. In addition, highly protein-bound AEDs can com- formed of the event as it may affect their lifestyle, for example,
pete with other protein-bound drugs for binding sites, altering driving or working with heavy machinery. In patients without
free drug levels (Table 3). Proconvulsant drugs including trama- known epilepsy, precipitating factors such as metabolic distur-
dol, meperidine, and ketamine should be avoided, as should bances or drug effects should be corrected and they should be re-
dopamine antagonists including haloperidol and antiemetics be- ferred for an urgent neurology opinion. The diagnosis of a first
cause of the risk of extrapyramidal side-effects. In view of the seizure in the postoperative setting should be made cautiously
many and complex interactions, all postoperative medications in view of the multiple other pathologies that may mimic a
should be checked for safety before prescribing. seizure.
Fig 2 Pharmacological management of the stages of CSE. Administer phenytoin via a large-bore peripheral cannula or central line as the highly alkaline solution produces
tissue necrosis if extravasated.
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tained to aid diagnosis. I.V. AEDs, anaesthetic agents, or both 6. Nunes VD, Sawyer L, Neilson J, Sarri G, Cross JH. Diagnosis
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