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Rational Voting
Public Service Announcement

The Importance
of Voting
Learn about the
importance of your

The Importance of Voting

“There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter. It all What is a
Rational Voter?
matters.” —Barack Obama
Learn how to
become a rational
Voting is a democratic right that offers the opportunity to bring change. voter.
Your vote will not only impact you, but those around you in your community.
Everyone has their own ideas, values and views. By casting your vote to the
candidate that represents you, you’re completing an important responsibility
and participating in the democratic process. Excluding yourself from voting is
giving up your voice, you have the power to stand up on issues that you believe
need to be resolved and decide the quality of life you desire and the future. 

Some people might ask, there are millions of people in the United States,
how would my vote make a difference? There are multiple close elections such as Information
Donald Trump v Hillary Clinton where votes in the Electoral College brought an Learn how to
impact. It might seem like one vote won’t make a difference, but each vote properly gather
matters and can add up to make a huge impact. information to
finalize your vote.


What is Rational
“Have a vision? Make the right
decision. Vote!” 

Rational voting is when a voter

thoroughly researches each candidate and
gathers reliable evidence to ensure their
decision is the right choice. We often hear
candidates stating their goals or the things How to be a Rational
they have to offer, but we need to make sure Voter?
we confirm these things by taking time to
further investigate our options and select the
right person to represent them. Looking at the Steps to Being a Rational Voter
image below, there are four simple steps to making
Its important to avoid uninformed sure your vote is the right one for you.
voting, not only does it your affect your
future, but your community and the nation. 1. Knowing your values: Make sure you’re aware of
Refrain from basing your vote off political ads what issues you want covered, the quality of life
or unreliable sources, they could be you desire and your ideas and beliefs.
contradicting or misleading. Instead, carefully
look through each option and what they 2. Be Informed. Research: Thoroughly research
really have to offer. each of your options, gather as much
information through credible sources. Review
all sides.

STEPS TO BEING A RATIONAL VOTER 3. Avoid Poor Sources: Research candidates

through official campaign sites, don’t always
rely on standard media. They might be bias.
Step 1: Knowing your values.
4. Finalizing your decision: The final step, after
Step 2: Be informed. Research.
completing the last three steps you should be
Step 3: Avoid poor sources. able to select the individual that best represents
you and your personal values.
Step 4: Finalize your decision.


Good Sources
One of the number one sources in
gathering reliable information of a candidate
is simply looking through official campaign
sites. As shown in the images to the top left
and bottom right, you can see the level of bias
on each media source. Its recommended to
collect information on the minimal bias
sources (Green Square) such as Time
Magazine, BBC, and USA Today. On the other
Gathering image we can see more sources and where
Information they lean. It’s always good to be aware where
media stands.
Gathering information and researching
each of your options is one of the most crucial
steps of being a rational voter. During Bad Sources
elections, we often stumble across dozens of
political ads, social media threads and news As mentioned, there will always media
headlines revolving around candidates. Its that is misleading or contradicting. Knowing
important to make sure that the content we which sources to avoid is very helpful is
hear, watch, or read is accurate. Sometimes ensuring our research is accurate. Taking
the media can be deceiving. another look at our provided images, the red
section of our graph contains sources that are
When looking for reliable information extremely bias and unreliable. Some
on each candidate, remember to maintain examples of these are: Patribotics, The Blaze,
open-minded. It’s okay to change your mind InfoWars and David Wolfe. These should be
on which individual you lean towards, but viewed with caution, but it’s highly
ensure that you’re not jumping into encouraged to simply steer clear of them.
conclusions when you come across something
you don’t like with one of the options. Always
review multiple perspectives, confirm that
you understand all sides completely. Here are
some good and bad sources to efficiently
maximize your research experience.


Finalizing your Vote

After researching each of your options

and matching them with your personal
values, its time for the final step of becoming
a rational voter. Finalizing your decision.
While it might seem like your vote won’t
make a difference, there is definitely potential
that it can have a huge impact. Your opinion
matters, submitting your desired candidate is
completing a civic duty. As stated, voting is
the most important steps of the election
process, if you want change, you have the Where to Vote and
power to do so. Vote and earn that “I voted” How?
The 26th amendment states that the
Throughout the years, voting has minimum age to vote is eighteen years old.
increasingly become more and more popular. Election day is always the first Tuesday of the
The more people who vote, the more accurate month of November. Most states require you
the election will be. It is highly encouraged to register to vote. There are multiple ways of
that following the final step of becoming a locating polling stations, one of them being
rational voter, you cast your vote- Don’t miss online resources such as or
out on this opportunity! If you’re curious simply calling your local election officials.
about voting or how to vote, heres some Luckily if you’re unable to participate in
further information: person, there are mail-in ballots. You will
receive a ballot through mail and you can
insert your information when you’re available
and mail the ballot back.

If you’re not of age to vote,

learning to rationally vote and
preparing yourself when you’re
able to is extremely
beneficial to both you and
the nation.

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