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Delhi Pollution: Kejri Govt Okays Compulsory Tree Transplantation

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www.thehansindia.com VOL. 3 | NO. 345 | SATURDAY 10 OCTOBER 2020 | DELHI | PAGES 8 | `5.


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Kejri govt okays
Piyush gets
compulsory tree Best
additional charge
of Food Ministry
New Delhi: A day a�er the demise
of Union Minister Ram Vilas
Paswan, President Ram Nath
Kovind has given the additional
charge of Ministry of Consumer
New Delhi: In a bid to curb
the rising pollution levels in
UN food agency WFP
Affairs, Food and Public Distribu-
tion to Railway Minister Piyush
the national capital, the Ke-
jriwal Cabinet took two ma- wins Nobel Peace Prize
Goyal. Earlier, the Union Cabinet AAP MLA Somnath Bhar� with 80-year-old Kanta Prasad jor decisions on Friday to Oslo/Geneva: The United day we have a medical vac-
met and condoled the demise of poses for photographs during the former's visit to 'Baba protect the environment Nations’ World Food Pro- cine, food is the best vac-
Paswan, and also observed si- Ka Dhaba', at Malviya Nagar in New Delhi on Friday and trees. The Cabinet ap- gramme (WFP) won the No- cine against chaos,” the No-
lence for two minutes in memory proved the tree plantation bel Peace Prize on Friday for bel committee said in its
of the late leader. Winter warning! policy and the installation of
smog towers.
its efforts to combat hunger citation. “There is an esti-

Delhi likely to
around the world and im- mate within the World Food

NATION The tree transplantation

policy for development or
prove conditions for peace
in areas affected by conflict.
Programme that ... there
will be 265 million starving
construction projects will be The Rome-based organi- people within a year, so of

witness 15,000
Dhoni’s daughter in addition to the compul- itor transplanted trees. pollution due to subtle burn- sation says it helps some 97 course this is also a call to
gets rape threats sory plantation of trees pol- “Delhi government has ing in the neighbouring million people in about 88 the international commu-
icy which is already in place. also approved to set-up a states. Earlier this week, Ke- countries each year, and nity not to underfund the

Covid cases daily

“Delhi government has 20 crore smog tower in jriwal announced setting up that one in nine people World Food Programme.”
passed a tree transplanta- Connaught Place. This is in of ‘war room’ to monitor ef- worldwide still do not have WFP runs a logistics serv-
tion policy, under which addition to the Central gov- forts to contain pollution, enough to eat. “The need ice that has dispatched
80% of trees uprooted for ernment's smog tower fumes and dust levels in for international solidarity medical cargoes to over 120
New Delhi: National capi- has said. At its peak, the any construction or develop- which is coming up in hotspots. and multilateral coopera- countries throughout the
tal Delhi is likely to report seven-day Covid-19 case ment project, must be trans- Anand Vihar. This tower Amidst the covid-19 out- tion is more conspicuous pandemic to help govern-
around 15,000 Covid-19 average was 4119, on Sep- planted elsewhere. Payment will suck the air from the break the need to control air than ever,” Berit Reiss-An- ments and health partners
cases daily in winter be- tember 19. will be made to the trans- top & release filtered air pollution has become more dersen, chairwoman of the fighting Covid-19. It also has
New Delhi: Social media has cause of the prevalence of “Winter months that plantation agency only if near the ground," he said. crucial as both can damage Norwegian Nobel Commit- provided passenger serv-
turned out to be a mediator for respiratory illnesses dur- make respiratory illnesses 80% of transplanted trees This will be the second lungs, Kejriwal had said. tee, told a news conference. ices to ferry humanitarian
the celebrities and the crick- ing this season that worsen severer...Patients may survive for a year. The gov- smog tower in the world. According to the govern- She called the WFP a driv- and health workers where
eters to connect with their symptoms of the disease, come from outside Delhi ernment is working on a The first smog tower is in ment, there are 13 points ing force in efforts to pre- commercial flights were un-
fans and vice-versa. But a coin the National Centre for in large numbers… Pa- panel of authorised agency China. He said the tower where pollution levels are vent the use of hunger as a available. “At a time when
always has two sides. Social Disease Control (NCDC) tients coming from distant to conduct these transplan- will be ready within 10 high. The chief minister weapon of war and conflict, we are living through a
media also brings some disad- has warned. More patients areas are likely to be more tations," Chief Minister months. Rs 19 crore has said that a detailed plan and said the Covid-19 pan- global pandemic, the need
vantages with it and it is the with severe symptoms serious. In addition, with Arvind Kejriwal said, adding been approved for this. has been made for each demic, which the WFP says for food, humanitarian help
amount of hate people spread. from other states are also festival-related gatherings, that, a dedicated tree trans- The announcements of those hotspots which could double hunger world- has intensified,” Reiss-An-
The comments section of the expected to come to the there could be a sudden plantation cell will be come just ahead of the win- will be implemented wide, had made it even dersen told Reuters.
celebrities and cricketers is national capital for treat- rise in cases. formed and local commit- ter season, when Delhi sees there.Smog tower will be more relevant. “Until the Con�nued on Page 5
sometimes filled with a lot of ment during this period, it Con�nued on Page 5 tees will be involved to mon- a spike in the levels of air installed in Delhi
abuse. Most of the time, the so-

India gets 2 tranche

called fans also drag their fam-
RBI rejigs home loan norms
ilies into it. This time around
the Chennai Super Kings RUDRAM 1
(CSK) skipper MS Dhoni isn’t SUCCESSFULLY
of Swiss bank a/c details
spared either. S Report: P3

to boost real estate sector TEST-FIRED
New Delhi: India on Friday
Mumbai: In a bid to im-
prove liquidity for home
successfully test-fired
Rudram 1, the tactical
Sizeable number of Indians among 3 million accounts
RBI goes for buyers and boost realty de-
mand, the Reserve Bank of
anti-radiation missile that
the Indian Air Force can
New Delhi: India has got the second set of
Swiss bank account details of its na-
change this year involved nearly 3.1 million
(31 lakh) financial accounts, FTA said
liquidity boost India (RBI) has decided to launch from its Sukhoi- tionals and entities under the in a statement on Friday. The num-
Mumbai: The rationalise the risk weights 30MKI fighter jets to take automatic exchange of infor- ber of such accounts was similar
Reserve Bank of new individual home down enemy radars and mation pact with Switzer- in 2019. While the statement
on Friday loans sanctioned up to surveillance systems. The land, marking a key mile- did not explicitly name India
made an ex- March 31, 2022. missile has a launch stone in the government's among the 86 countries, o�-
pected move Under the extant regula- speech of up to 2 Mach, fight against black money cials said that India is among
by retaining tions, di�erential risk twice the speed of sound, allegedly stashed abroad. the prominent countries with
key lending weights are applicable to in- generating employment hailed the decision which people familiar with the India is among the 86 which Switzerland has shared
rates, but dividual housing loans, and economic activity, it has would boost liquidity for matter said. countries with which details about financial ac-
cheered investors and home based on the size of the loan been decided to rationalise the prospective home buy- The Defence Research Switzerland's Federal Tax counts of clients of Swiss banks
buyers by giving a liquidity as well as the loan-to-value the risk weights and link ers. "The linking of risk and Development Organi- Administration (FTA) has ex- and various other financial institu-
boost and an optimistic outlook. ratio (LTV). Addressing the them to LTV ratios only for weight of home loans to sation developed the new changed information on financial tions.
The central bank's Monetary media after the Monetary all new housing loans sanc- LTV for all new housing generation weapon. It was accounts within the framework of global The o�cials further said a "sizeable
Policy Committee, in its penul- Policy Committee's bi- tioned up to March 31, loans is a step in the right tested at the interim test standards on AEOI this year. India had re- number" relates to Indian citizens and en-
timate meet for 2020, decided to monthly meeting, RBI Gov- 2022." He noted that the direction, this will benefit range Balasore, o� the coast ceived the first set of details from Switzer- tities in the overall exchange of informa-
maintain the repo - or short- ernor Shaktikanta Das said: move is expected to give a the real estate sector," Kr- of Odisha in the Bay of Ben- land in September 2019 under AEOI (Auto- tion about over three million financial ac-
term lending - rate for commer- "In recognition of the role fillip to the real estate sec- ish Raveshia, CEO, Azlo gal, at about 10.30 am. matic Exchange of Information), when it counts by Switzerland this year with 86
cial banks, at 4 per cent on the of the real estate sector in tor. Realty players have Realty said. Con�nued on Page 5 involved 75 countries. The information ex- countries. Con�nued on Page 5
back of persistently high infla-

Changes in H1B will attract best minds: US

tion, fanned in part due to sup-
ply side disruptions along with
seasonal factors.
S Report: P6

Washington: The changes American workers. The H1B with this set of regula- needed workers with spe-
to the US H1B foreign work- visa is a non-immigrant visa tions,” Cuccinelli said. cialised skills,” said Todd
ers visa will help attract the that allows US companies to Representing top tech- Schulte. “Because these
best and the brightest employ foreign workers in nology companies from the rules impose obligations
minds from across the speciality occupations that Silicon Valley, the FWD.US, completely disconnected
world, a top US o�cial said require theoretical or tech- a pro-immigration lobby from real world labour
on Thursday. nical expertise. group, alleged the new rules markets, many immigrants
The new interim final “I just reject their prem- will be implemented with- who have lived in the coun-
rules published on Thurs- ise that this will somehow out consideration of Ameri- try for years may now be
day by the Department of get in the way of bringing can people’s comment. unable to extend their sta-
Homeland Security (DHS) the best and the brightest,” “The Trump Administra- tus here, while interna-
and Department of Labour Acting Homeland Security tion continues to do every- tional graduates of US col-
(DL) narrows down the def- Deputy Ken Cuccinelli told thing it can to make it leges and universities will
inition of “specialty occupa- Fox Business in an inter- and will make Americans The regulations by the Disney and AT&T and the harder for immigrants to be unable to change status
tion”. It requires companies view on Thursday. more competitive. He said DHS will stop third-party TVA where Americans contribute to their families, here to work and will thus
to make “real” o�ers to “real The Department of low-paid foreign workers companies from subcon- have to train their foreign communities, and econ- have no choice but to leave
employees” by plugging Labour regulation will raise who undercut Americans tracting out H-1B employ- replacements. Well, that is omy. These policies are yet the country, taking their US
loopholes and preventing those wage requirements and depress wages would be ees. “This is where you coming to an end under another roadblock for US education and training with
the “displacement” of the for these high-tech workers screened. hear the horror stories of President Donald Trump businesses to hire critically them,” he said.

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Ayurvedic personal Styling your

kanaftan dresses
care for clean beauty
Having grown up with deep rooted
kaftan or caftan is a variant of the robe or tunic, and has
been worn in a number of cultures around the world for
thousands of years and is of Asiatic origin. A very stylish
piece of dress to be adorned on a regular day or on an occasion,
kaftan adds a classy touch to your look. Today, rather than
values embedded in Ayurveda, Vedika going for the traditional embroidered salwar suits, women opt
took her family knowledge and created for style statement dresses, be it Indian or western. Here are a
few ways to style your kaftans
a phenomenal independent brand
Ka�an with palazzos
A classic Indian style of wearing a kaftan is with a pair of
palazzos. The loose and comfortable kaftan when worn with
TEJAL SINHA palazzos looks beautiful and adds to the elegance of your attire.

If you opt for solid colors or lacey designs keep the jewellery
s the 4th generation of the low. You can wear a nice necklace and ear studs to look classy.
Baidyanath Group, one of Or else, if you have a pair of printed kaftan and palazzos, go for
the most trusted names in just simple earrings and a clutch.
Ayurveda for India since 1917, Vedi-
ka Sharma embodies the same zeal Ka�an with shorts
to bring quality Ayurveda solutions To create a modern and sophisticated look, team a kaftan
to everyone. Adding a new age in- with your favourite denim shorts and look fabulous. Ripped
telligence to a group executing an- shorts also look great with a paisley print kaftan and some
cient traditions, her presence forms boho-chic accessories, like a bracelet and earrings.
the perfect blend of expertise for
the brand Mantra Herbals. Ka�an jacket
Combining the ancient wisdom Vedika Sharma in personal care space. I realised a designed in order to balance those Responsibility towards society Pick your favourite tank, jeans and a kaftan jacket for an
of Ayurveda with pioneering man- void in the market for clean doshas and give an e�ective long With a heart of gold, Vedika’s evening party to become a fashionista. These jackets are available
ufacturing techniques perfected Vedika shares, "I Come from a ayurvedic beauty products and that term result." empathetic and charitable de- in various lengths so you can choose the one that fits perfectly
over a century, Mantra Herbals is marketing background. I was al- led to the birth of Mantra Herbal." Like every other organisation, meanor leads her to carry forth for the event. And if you want to keep one for regular wear,
an initiative of the Baidyanath Re- ways interested in Ayurveda and They provide a 100 per cent veg- they were also impacted by the various philanthropic endeav- choose a waist length kaftan jacket.
search Foundation that brings hair, wanted to bring alive the concept etarian brand promoting clean pandemic and started focussing ours. Having been associated with
skin care and spa products created of clean beauty to the Indian mar- beauty and don't use harmful on online solutions. Taking this Habitat for Humanity and CRY Ka�an with leggings
by combining the best natural prac- kets. We are an ayurvedic brand chemicals with eco-friendly pack- as an opportunity, they launched foundation, she has been a part The best way to dress stylishly for o�ce is to pair kaftan
tices with modern technology and born with the idea of clean beauty aging. "One of the greatest unique products like hand wash, sanitizer of Jagran workshops in New Del- with leggings. A classic way of styling kaftan is with leggings.
Baidyanath’s 100 year legacy. focused on bringing a perfect blend features of the brand is the use of and an immunity kit which are hi as well as the Balwadi pro- You can pair kaftan of various styles and lengths with a pair of
A true millennial, she has several of time-tested solutions of ayurveda 100 per cent natural ingredients necessities in these COVID-19 gramme where she taught stu- leggings to look gorgeous and chic.
interests besides her professional along with technology. Our prod- and propagating sustainability. times. dents. Currently running PT
goals. A self-confessed globetrotter ucts are an answer to everyday Our research and development is After finishing her education, Vishwanath Sharma Charitable Ka�an with skirt
who has travelled the world, she personal care needs related to Skin, done by the Baidyanath Research she chose to garner industry ex- trust in UP, Vedika wholeheart- Teaming up a tight fitted pencil skirt with a kaftan is a great
is also a PADI certified scuba diver Body, Hair, Overall Wellness and Foundation. In Ayurveda, our body perience in the field of marketing edly works towards women’s skill idea if you want to be the style diva for any event. A long chain
and a trained Kathak dancer. A Spa. While studying abroad I re- primarily has 5 elements and based at Time Group, Coca Cola and Big development- holding classes for necklace and bracelets look fabulous with a Kaftan and skirt.
thorough art enthusiast, she brings alised that my friends here know on this we have three doshas - FM in India before joining the embroidery, needling and ver-
a creative and adventurous mindset more about Ayurveda than my Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Where Vata family business. With high set goals micomposting. In the future,
to the table along with valuable friends back home in India. Also I embodies air energy, Pitta embod- to expand the business, her grit she seeks to open a charitable
know-how in marketing to the was always inclined towards ies fire energy and Kapha embodies and determination set the brand trust for the girl child, partnering
modern consumer. Ayurveda and wanted to spread it water energy and our products are soaring to great heights. with her mother.


R ice water looks like a
milky liquid, and that’s
because of the starch residue
and keeps your skin looking young
and rejuvenated.
hair. The amino acids present in
rice water come to your rescue
and repair the damage. Soak your
the fact that the inositol remains
in your hair even after rinsing o�
the rice water and shields your
left behind from the rice. It Improves hair growth split ends in rice water for 15 to hair from further damage.
is rich in minerals and vita- Nothing better than rice water 20 minutes and then wash your
mins and makes for a healthy to decrease hair fall and aid hair hair. You will gradually see im- Strengthens the hair roots and
drink. Rice water tightens growth. The amino acids present provement in the condition of smoothens hair
your skin and improves the in rice water, in particular, help your hair. Rice water is rich in amino acids
health of your hair. It also in the regeneration of hair and – this is something you already
enhances blood circulation in aid faster growth of your hair. Hair rinse know. You’d be amazed to know
your body, aids skin cell growth, Rice water contains vitamins B, Rinsing your hair with rice wa- that apart from the many benefits
C, and E, which further help in ter after shampooing instead of that they impart to your hair, they
hair growth. The best way to use using a conditioner is the best also strengthen your hair roots,
rice water to grow hair is to rinse thing you can do. It improves your add shine to hair, and make it
your hair with it after a wash. Fol- hair texture and increases volume. smooth and silky.
low the process at least twice a It also tames and smoothes your
week, and you will surely see the hair. And, above all, it keeps your Cures dandruff
results. hair strong and healthy. Dandru� is a menace. It is like
a plague attacking your head, leav-
Reduces split ends Protects hair from damage ing a shower of white mist on
Split ends make you look like a Rice water decreases surface your clothing. It is utterly em-
mess, don’t they? Your hair needs friction and improves hair elas- barrassing and a cause of itching
protein to avoid split ends, and ticity. It contains a carbohydrate and irritation. Rice water gives
rice water has plenty of it. The called inositol that repairs dam- you respite from dandru� and,
primary causes of split ends are aged hair and protects hair in gen- with regular use, helps you combat
inadequate maintenance and pol- eral. the problem altogether. For that
lution, which lead to an overall What makes rice water stand to happen, you must rinse your
degeneration in the health of your apart from other ingredients is hair with rice water regularly.

Across Malayalam star Kani Kusruti: Actors
3 Vast chasm (5) Down
1 Dull (2-3) should be given equal opportunities

8 Strength (5)
2 Moisture (7) alayalam actress Kani Kusruti wants a system in
10 Felt sore (5) place that lets artistes get equal opportunities, irre-
4 A large mass of ice (4)
11 A head covering (3) spective of caste, class or skin colour.
5 Indian snack (6) Kani was recently awarded Best Actress in the BRICS com-
12 Distinctive smell (5) petition category at the 42nd Moscow Film Festival, and she
6 Steep slope (5)
13 Crafty (7) dedicated her win to Malayalam cinema's first ever heroine,
7 Furnishings (5) PK Rosy.
15 Lowest deck (5) 9 Pallid (3) Kani shares, "I dedicate this
18 Joule fraction (3) award to PK Rosy, the first heroine
12 More irate (7)
of Malayalam cinema and also the
19 Be ambitious (6) 14 Lyricist Gershwin (3) first Dalit actress in Indian cinema.
21 Old time queen of Russia 16 Enjoyed (5) Her house was burnt down for her
crime of playing the part of an up-
(7) 17 Rings out (5) per caste person and she was forced
22 Regrets (4) 19 Acute suffering (7) to flee for her life. I see a lot of
amazing actors not being o�ered
23 Achilles' weak spot (4) 20 Hybrid (5) characters they could have been
24 Recommenced (7) 21 Tata Motors formerly (5) amazing at, just because of gaps

in the current talent-representa-

26 Football for the Americans 23 Poisonous plant with
tion infrastructure. I share this
(6) unpleasant smell (7) award with all of them and hope
29 Bond creator Fleming (3) 24 Depend upon (4,2) that together, we will soon create
a new culture of motion picture
31 Bobbin (5) 25 China's Great Helmsman excellence that will provide equal opportunities to all actors,
32 Lines of equal pressure (7) (3) irrespective of their caste, class or skin colour."
27 Musical drama (5) The young artiste was awarded for her role in 'Biriyaani'.
34 Sweet cicely (5) "I play a character called Khadeeja. She has been deprived
28 Cause for pause (5) of agency all her life, her social context has o�ered her very
35 Bristle on barley (3)
30 Bert's "Sesame Street" little freedom in matters of family, sex or religion. A set of tu-
36 First (5) buddy (5) multuous circumstances force her to take a journey of trans-
37 Dark, not lighted (5) formation in exile, where she invents her own rules of morality,
32 Causes irritation (4)
avenging her su�ering in a way as grotesque as the prejudice
38 Worry (5) 33 Piercing tool (3) and hatred that caused it," Kani added.

Dhoni’s daughter gets rape threats after CSK skipper’s poor show
New Delhi: Social media has This time around the Chennai end of a lot of hate comments on nouncement post on Instagram. couldn’t do much getting out on
turned out to be a mediator for Super Kings (CSK) skipper MS social media, especially Insta- The legendary player called it a 11 off 12 deliveries. He has so far
the celebrities and the cricketers Dhoni isn’t spared either. CSK is gram, at the moment. Rather day from international cricket on scored only 102 runs in five in-
to connect with their fans and going through a tough phase at some of the users also gave rape August 15 this year and all this nings with the best score of 47*.
vice-versa. But a coin always has the moment in the ongoing In- threats to his five-year-old daugh- criticism and especially, the rape All the hate comments for the
two sides. Social media also dian Premier League (IPL) sea- ter as well which has left many in threats to his daughter is ab- cricketer and his family started
brings some disadvantages with son with not much working for shock now. The screenshots of solutely uncalled for. coming in after CSK’s lost to
it and it is the amount of hate them. The team has won only two the comment have gone viral on MS Dhoni hasn’t had a great KKR a coupe of days ago. While
people spread. The comments matches out of six they’ve played Twitter with many lashing out at time in the ongoing IPL so far MS Dhoni has just learned to ig-
section of the celebrities and and moreover, Dhoni is yet to a section of fans for dragging the with the bat. His batting number nore all such things over the
cricketers is sometimes filled light up the tournament with his family of a big personality every was the talking point earlier. But years, the fans should refrain
with a lot of abuse. Most of the batting and the fans aren’t happy now and then without any reason. even after walking out to bat at from abusing and giving rape
time, the so-called fans also drag it seems. The comments are flooding on four against Kolkata Knight Rid- threats to cricketers’ and
their families into it. MS Dhoni is at the receiving MS Dhoni’s retirement an- ers (KKR), the CSK skipper celebrities families.

HAL staffer held for giving Indo-Israel Covid test

shows results in seconds
fighter jet details to ISI
Nashik/Mumbai (IANS): In a
70,496 Covid
cases in 24 hours
New Delhi: With a spike of
New Delhi: A game-changer rapid Covid-19 testing
technology being jointly developed by India and Is-
rael should be ready for rollout in "a matter of
days" and it will be able to give test results in less
than a minute by simply requiring an individual to
major swoop, the Maharashtra 70,496 new cases and 964
Anti-Terrorism Squad(Nashik Pakistan bans deaths in the last 24 hours, In-
blow into a tube, the Israeli envoy to India has
said. Ambassador Ron Malka also said Israel would
unit) has arrested an employee
of the high-security Hindustan
Chinese-owned dia’s COVID-19 tally crossed
the 69-lakh mark on Friday.
want India to become the manufacturing hub for this rapid testing kit and the
two countries will also collaborate on vaccine development for this dreaded
Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on
alleged charges of spying for a
app TikTok As per the Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare (MoHFW),
disease with India taking a key role in production given its "very strong rela-
tive advantage in manufacturing". He said the work on the rapid Covid-19
foreign agency, top o�cials said Lahore: Pakistan has blocked the number of people who have testing project is in a very advanced stage. "I think it is a matter of days.
here on Friday. the Chinese-owned TikTok app recuperated surged to What I hear from those involved in the process, it should not take more than
The HAL sta�er -- whose iden- after receiving complaints 59,06,070. The national recov- 2-3 weeks to finalise that one reliable and accurate technology or a combina-
tity has not been revealed -- has against "immoral and indecent" ery stands at 85.25 per cent. tion of more than one from amongst the four different technologies being
been accused of supplying confi- content on the video-sharing ap- The total coronavirus cases analysed," Malka told PTI in an interview.
dential and sensitive information plication. mounted to 69,06,152, while
about Indian fighter aircraft and
the manufacturing facilities in
Pakistan Telecommunication
Authority said TikTok failed to
the death toll climbed to
1,06,490, the data updated at 8 Sanitise! Covid virus
Nashik, said Additional DGP
(ATS), Deven Bharti. regular contact with some mem- fence-related facilities in Nashik,
fully comply with the instruc-
tions for "development of an ef-
am showed. There are 8,93,592
active cases of coronavirus in-
survives on skin for 9 hrs
Following a tip-o� on his sus- bers of Pakistan's Inter-Services via WhatsApp and other modes fective mechanism for proactive fection in the country which Tokyo: The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, may linger on human
picious activities, the employee - Intelligence (ISI) and was pass- of communication. moderation of unlawful online comprises 13.20 per cent of the skin for nine hours, much longer than the flu viruses can, according to a
- working with HAL's critical air- ing on secret and sensitive details "An o�ence under Sections 3, content". total caseload, the data stated. study. The influenza A virus (IAV), in contrast, remained viable on human skin
craft manufacturing division in and information about the HAL 4 and 5 of the O�cial Secrets Act, PTA added that the step was The COVID-19 case fatality for nearly two hours, said the researchers including those from Kyoto Prefec-
Nashik -- was under the radar of manufacturing unit at Ozar, the 1923 has been registered against taken after the authority re- rate due to the coronavirus in- tural University of Medicine in Japan. The study, published in the journal Clin-
multiple agencies, including the Indian Air Force airbase in the accused. We have seized three ceived a number of complaints fection has dropped to 1.54 per ical Infectious Diseases, found that both the viruses were rapidly inactivated
Nashik Police, ATS and Military Nashik, and the prohibited areas mobile handsets with five SIM from different segments of the cent. India's COVID-19 tally on skin with a hand sanitiser. The finding underscores the importance of
Intelligence for the past several within the unit. cards and two memory cards, society against immoral and in- had crossed the 20-lakh mark hand washing or using a sanitiser to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
days, and was finally nabbed Among other things, the which have been sent for forensic decent content on the video- on August 7, 30 lakh on August The researchers noted that the stability of SARS-CoV-2 on human skin re-
around three days ago, said o�- sleuths learnt that he was al- examination," Bharti said. sharing application. 23, and 40 lakh on September mains unknown, considering the hazards of viral exposure to humans. "We
cials. legedly passing on documents, The accused was produced be- 5. It went past 50 lakh on Sep- generated a model that allows the safe reproduction of clinical studies on the
Sustained interrogation of the photographs, maps with longi- fore a special ATS court in 10 days' police custody, said ATS tember 16 and crossed 60 lakh application of pathogens to human skin and elucidated the stability of SARS-
accused revealed that he was in tude-latitude markings of de- Nashik, which remanded him to DIG Jayant Naiknavre. on September 28. CoV-2 on the human skin," the researchers wrote in the journal.

Major sent to Army Bhima Koregaon case: NIA Rajasthan priest burnt
custody in dowry case alive over land dispute
Bhubaneswar: A local court in
files charge-sheet against 8 Jaipur: A priest in Rajasthan's Ka-
rauli district, around 177 km from
to his land which is bordered by a
small hillock. In order to start
Bhubaneswar held a midnight Pune: The NIA on Friday filed a state capital Jaipur, died due to construction, he had the land lev-
hearing on Thursday and de- charge-sheet against eight peo- burn injuries after he was at- elled by an earth-mover.
cided to send an army Major, ple, including social activist Gau- tacked by a group of people over Another group of people from
arrested in a dowry torture tam Navlakha, Delhi University a land dispute. the dominant Meena community
case, to army custody instead of associate professor Hany Babu he priest had about thirteen objected to this and claimed the
jail. and tribal leader Father Stan bighas (around 5.2 acres) of land land as their own.
The judge of sub-divisional Swamy, for their alleged involve- which belonged to the Radha Kr- The dispute was taken to the
judicial magistrate's (SDJM) ment in inciting a mob to vio- ishna temple trust in a village in village elders who ruled in favour
court SK Mishra visited the lence in Bhima Koregaon on Jan- the district. But the land was given of the priest.
court at 10 pm after attempts against the army o�cer at the uary 1, 2018, o�cials said. to the head priest to till as a source The priest then went ahead and
to hold the hearing through police station under various NIA spokesperson and Deputy of income. Lands like these, which placed bales of his newly har-
video conferencing failed. The sections of the Indian Penal Inspector General of Police in belong to temple trusts, are gen- vested millet on the land as a sign
hearing continued past 1:30 am. Code and Dowry Prohibition the agency Sonia Narang said the erally given to caretaker priests of ownership.
After the hearing, the judged Act. charge-sheet was submitted be- for their use in return for the fact But the accused allegedly
ordered that the Major arrested The o�cer had allegedly fore a designated court here. The that they perform the pujas and started building their own hut on
be send to army custody instead threatened his wife to shoot her eight people were arrested dur- carry out rituals in village tem- the land that the priest had lev-
of jail. to death if she doesn't bring ing the course of the investiga- ples. Such lands are called elled.
Earlier, the Mahila Police money from her parents. tion. which one person was killed and Sagar Gorkhe and Ramesh Gai- "Mandir Mafi " and are a source This led to an altercation. The
Station had arrested the Major The wife in her complaint The NIA had arrested Father several injured after clashes at chor, activists of the Bhima Ko- of income for priests who are priest, whose statement before
on the basis of his wife's allega- said that though the matter was Stan Swamy, an activist who the 200th-anniversary celebra- regaon Shaurya Din Prerna Ab- caretakers of village temples in the police has been recorded, said
tion of physical and mental tor- settled mutually earlier, her works with tribals. He was picked tions of the Battle of Koregaon hiyaan group. Rajasthan. six people poured petrol on his
ture for dowry and attempt to husband continued the torture. up from his home in Jharkhand near Pune. The NIA has also named But this land became the bales of bajra (millet) which were
murder. The army o�cer was Though police served a notice earlier in the morning of October The others named in the Milind Teltumde as accused. He source of a dispute in Rajasthan's lying at the disputed site and set
staying in Nayapalli area in to the Major, he did not re- 9. charge-sheet are Goa Institute of is absconding. Karauli. The village priest, Babu it on fire on Wednesday. He
Bhubaneswar. spond. On Thursday, he was ar- The case relates to the vio- Management professor Anand NIA took over the case on Jan- Lal Vaishnav, wanted to build a claimed they also poured petrol
A case has been registered rested by the police. lence on January 1, 2018, in Teltumbde, and Jyoti Jagtap, uary 24 this year. house for himself on a plot close on him and tried to set him on fire.

Piyush Goyal new Rahul Gandhi taunts PM over wind turbine ideas 8 CCTV cameras, 60
cops to protect Hathras
Consumer Affairs Minister New Delhi: Two Union Ministers hit back at
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for his sarcastic
"Yuvraj," and saying that he was "ignorant" and
"doesn't understand".
victim's family
Lucknow: Sixty security personnel
New Delhi: Railways Minister Piyush tremely passionate to ensure every tweet about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "They say ignorance is bliss, but rarely in In- have been deployed and eight
Goyal has been given additional poor person leads a life of dignity," views on wind turbines expressed a few days dian politics has an individual made a conscious closed circuit television cameras
charge of Consumer A�airs, Food the Prime Minister had tweeted on ago during an interaction with Henrik Andersen, e�ort to sustain his ignorance. It seems the real installed at the house of a Dalit
and Public Distribution after the Thursday. head of Danish wind turbine-maker Vestas. danger to the Congress flourishes unabashedly woman, who was allegedly gan-
death of Ram Vilas Paswan on Thurs- Piyush Goyal too was among those Rahul Gandhi had shared a video of the Oc- and no one seems to have the guts to tell the Yu- graped and killed, in her village in
day, the Rashtrapati Bhavan said. who paid their last respects to Mr tober 6 interaction with the Vestas President vraj otherwise," Ms Irani said, reacting to Mr Bulgarhi area here to ensure the
Goyal is also the Minister of Com- Paswan at the latter's home. and CEO, and said, "The real danger to India Gandhi's tweet. In his tweet, Minister Piyush safety of her family members, po-
merce and Industry in the Narendra Paswan, who is from Bihar, will be isn't that our PM doesn't understand. It's the drinking water, oxygen, and energy…Can your Goyal said the Prime Minister's ideas were en- lice said on Friday. DIG Shalabh
Modi government. cremated in state capital Patna to- fact that nobody around him has the guts to tell scientists do something to innovate in that di- dorsed by the world's leading company, which Mathur, who has been sent to
PM Modi and a number of leaders morrow. Law and IT Minister Ravi him." In the video, the Prime Minister is heard rection?" PM Modi said. the Congress leader "doesn't understand". Hathras from Lucknow as a nodal
paid tributes to the Lok Janashakti Shankar Prasad will represent the saying that if wind turbines could collect mois- Mr Andersen, in response, invited him to "Nobody around Rahul Gandhi has the guts officer, told PTI that if needed a
Party (LJP) leader at his Delhi home. central government and the union ture from air, besides producing power, it could Denmark where "you could be the idea devel- to tell him that he doesn't understand. He mocks control room will also be estab-
PM Modi was accompanied by senior council of ministers at the funeral. help tackle drinking water shortage. "The other oper for our research and development." PM @NarendraModi's ideas when CEO of the lished there. "Sixty personnel, in-
BJP leaders including BJP chief JP He died just days before a Bihar as- suggestion I have is that we can separate oxygen Textile minister Smriti Irani and Commerce world's leading company endorses them," the cluding women, have been de-
Nadda. "I have lost a friend, valued sembly election that holds high from the air using this same turbine…If this can & Industry Minister Piyush Goyal took on Mr minister said, citing an April 2012 CNN news ployed on 12 hours shifts for the
colleague and someone who was ex- stakes for his son Chirag Paswan. be done, one wind turbine can then provide Gandhi on Twitter today, referring to him as report as proof. security of the victim's family.

Yale University sued for considering race during admissions process

Washington (IANS): The US Jus- cants". end," the press release quoted As- colour of their skin. "To do oth- "Yale's admissions policies will
tice Department has filed a law- The lawsuit has also alleges sistant Attorney General Eric erwise is to permit our institu- not change as a result of the filing
suit against the prestigious Yale that th University also engages in Dreiband for the Civil Rights Di- tions to foster stereotypes, bitter- of this baseless lawsuit. We look
University, accusing it of violating "racial balancing by, among other vision, as saying. ness, and division," he added. forward to defending these poli-
federal civil rights laws for "at things, keeping the annual per- "This nation's highest ideals in- According to a statement ob- cies in court," Salovey was quoted
least 50 years" by making admis- centage of African-American ad- clude the notion that we are all tained by The Hill news website, as saying in the statement.
sion decisions based on a candi- mitted applicants to within one equal under the law. For cen- Yale University President Peter
dates race, it was reported. percentage point of the previous turies, people from all over the Salovey defended the college, say-
The Department filed the law- year's admitted class as reflected world have learned of this ideal, ing the use of race is "one element
suit "on the grounds of race and in US Department of Education left their ancestral homes, and in a multi-stage examination" of
national origin" on Thursday in data". come to the US... "All persons an applicant in an e�ort to diver-
the US District Court for the Dis- disfavoured applicants, including race discrimination relies upon Similar racial balancing was who apply for admission to col- sify the student body. "Yale does
trict of Connecticut. in particular most Asian and and reinforces damaging race- also meted against Asian-Ameri- leges and universities should ex- not discriminate against appli-
In a press release, it said the White applicants". based stereotypes, including in can applicants, it added. pect and know that they will be cants of any race or ethnicity. Our
University "imposes undue and The University "injures appli- particular such stereotypes "Illegal race discrimination by judged by their character, talents, admissions practices are com-
unlawful penalties on racially- cants and students because Yale's against racially-favoured appli- colleges and universities must and achievements and not the pletely fair and lawful.
4 EDIT ��������������������������������

economies had negative views of China. But in nine
of them, China’s unpopularity was at the highest
since it started tracking this subject more than a
decade ago - in Australia, Germany, the United King-

A common observation of any foreigner who visits

China is this: Any good travel guide will state
that China is a land of contrasts. The travel guides,
talks of friendship, but keeps backstabbing people
even in trade and commerce. There are dozens of
countries which have lost their land to China in re-
dom, the United States, the Netherlands, Canada,
Spain, Sweden and South Korea. Even in Pakistan
discontent against the Chinese is simmering despite
if trite, are correct. China is a single nation and a cent times - also in the past - that would vouch for the protective net thrown around it by its rulers and
multinational collection of individual nations. It is it. It is some kind of a lesson that China teaches its its Army. It is not a surprise that a median of 73% of
the oldest civilization on Earth and yet considered a friends for having reposed their trust in it. In addi- those polled in 14 countries (Belgium, Japan, Italy,
developing nation. It is the second largest economy tion, it lies. There is no bigger a nation in the modern Denmark and France in addition to the nine named
in the world, with less than 10 percent of its people world which thrives on falsehood. Yet another aspect above) had unfavourable views of China. Australians
living below the poverty line (less than $1 per day), that is not just irritating but despicable, is its ser- had soured the most, with 81%, going up by 24 points
but that 10 percent equals 133,861,297 people – more monising habit. It is difficult to comprehend what over 2019; the last year has seen a sharp deterioration

Why opposition
than the population of Japan. The People’s Republic gives the country a right to criticise others for no in ties between the two countries. Negative views of
of China is officially a Communist State but has a reason at all. Coupled with these follies, Chinese ac- China went up by double digits in the last one year
free market economy that contributed to a gross do- tions in and around the country, project it in poor in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the
mestic product of $9.7 trillion in 2010, according to light. This is the reason that unfavourable views of US, South Korea and Spain. China may deny it, but
the International Monetary Fund. This confuses China have soared to historic highs in many coun- the world believes in the claim that coronavirus has

to farm Bills?
many of the China observers. But the dichotomy is tries in a new global poll by Pew Research Centre, been deliberately mishandled by China. Global
not confined to just these aspects. There is a huge with the highest in Australia. Pew has recorded that Times keeps preaching the world the "dos and
gap between its words and deeds. For example, it a majority of those polled in each of the 14 advanced donts". It is time China started reading the world.


People pin hopes on benign budget (-) 9.8 per cent in the second
F armers agitations are showing no signs of abating. Farmers have hit
the streets, in the nooks and corners of the country over the three
controversial farm Bills that were pushed through in rather unflattering
circumstances in the just-concluded Monson Session of Parliament.
The Modi government had promulgated 11 Ordinances, since the
Budget Session of Parliament was abruptly adjourned sine die, following
IN MY OPINION quarter of 2020-21; (-) 5.6 per- the clamping of lockdown in March 2020. Three of these 11 relate to the
cent in the third quarter; and 0.5 farmers. In the Monsoon Session, these Ordinances were replaced by
per cent in the fourth quarter. Bills, which were hurriedly passed, with President Ram Nath Kovind
Real GDP growth for the first immediately thereafter according the Presidential assent. These were
quarter of 2021-22 is placed at Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation)
20.6 per cent. Act, 2020; Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020;
Pricing power of firms re- and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.
mains weak in the face of sub- These three legislations have the potential to deal a body blow to the
V RAMU SARMA dued demand. Covid-19-related farmers. When farmers realised that these Bills would directly hit their

supply disruptions, including livelihoods, there was no other alternative for them, but to come out on
he outbreak of corona labour shortages and high trans- to the streets. It is a sad reality of our times that the Anna-Daata, who
pandemic has brought in portation costs, could continue feeds the country, is forced on to the roads. What are the basic issues at
many changes in the to impose cost-push pressures, stake? Why are farmers refusing to heed to the appeals of Prime Minister
lifestyle of the common man. It but these risks are getting miti- Narendra Modi and the entire Union Cabinet?
has adversely a�ected the econ- gated by progressive easing of First, these laws assume that farmer and private purchaser have equal
omy across the globe and has lockdowns and removal of re- bargaining power. No. They do not.
also a�ected individual econ- strictions on inter-state move- ������������������������������ The small farmer will be at the
omy. Though the world is slowly ments. �������������������������� mercy of the private purchaser. In
opening, the fact is with a vac- Now that it is time for the ��������������������������� case of dispute, the machinery pro-
cine still a distant dream, one Centre and States to start work- ��������������������������� posed under the law is so bureau-
has to live with the threat of co- ing on Budget proposals, they ��������������������� cratic that it will ruin the farmers.
rona. The question is; will the should give a serious thought to If a heavy truck has to carry So, at no stage is there any relief
governments think on taking take some revolutionary and The officials should place themselves in the goods from Tamil Nadu to
������������������������������ for the farmers proposed under
������������������������������ these anti-farmer laws. Besides,
proactive measures to see that
the spending capacity of the in-
progressive measures like agree-
ing for bringing petrol and diesel position of affected common man (they are Telangana, they buy about 400
litres of diesel in that State as ����������������������������� with corporates entering the farm-
dividuals increases or not?
Every government, be it the
under Goods and Service Tax
(GST). Yes, this would result in
no way affected as they continue to get full the price is less by about Rs 3 per
litre. With the tank full of fuel,
����������������������������� ers market, they are likely to pro-
���������������������������� cure the farmers’ produce dead
Centre or the State, claims to be fall in revenue in terms of the salaries and are enjoying all perks as usual) they can easily cross the borders ������������������������������ cheap. The Food Corporation of
for the people, of the people and high taxes which the states are of Andhra Pradesh. They again
by the people. But that slogan now levying on these products and view economics from the angle of get their vehicles re-fuelled in
���������������������� India (FCI) bu�er stocks of food
grains will be seriously jeopard-
strengthening the common man so that the
ends once the elections are over. but this would help in increasing Kodad or Khammam where the ��������������������������������� ized, threatening the national food
No government wants to lose availability of cash with the fuel rate is less by Rs 3 per litre. ��������������������������� security.
even a rupee in the form of taxes common man which he will be economy can revive at a faster rate. They Trucks going from Telangana ����������������������������� Secondly, these new laws under-
but wants the common man to spending on other goods and the side to Odisha buy fuel here and ���������������������� mine Agricultural Produce Market
agree for reduction in wages. It loss su�ered here can be made should forget the concept of increasing get refuelling done in Odisha. ���������������������������� Committees (APMC) Mandis, the
also does not think of giving any
kind of relief on interest on bank
up to great extent. States may
argue that if the common spends taxes on various goods and services. They O�cials claim that they knew of
all such tricks and still according
����������������������� only regulated markets available
to the farmers to sell their produce,
loans. On the other hand, it
would love to reduce the interest
on buying other goods, the
States will get only the GST
also need to stop thinking and calculating to their calculations, the State
still earns more in form of taxes.
�������������������������� without creating markets in large
�������������������������� villages and small towns that will
on savings. Interest on credit compensation from the Centre. figures based on what the situation was But it is also a fact that they are ��������������������������� be accessible to the farmers.
card EMIs is about 21%. Interest The o�cials should place losing heavily on account of fall Thirdly, the Minimum Support
on personal loans is 18% but themselves in the position of af- before the pandemic. For example, bars are in bulk consumption by the
���������������������������� Price (MSP) regime will be elimi-
when it comes to FDs, they give
only 6.5% and one percent more
fected common man (they are
no way a�ected as they continue
biggest source of revenue earners. The transporters. Hence a fresh look
at all these aspects is must. The
nated progressively. The public
������������������������������ procurement system will also be
in case of senior citizens. to get full salaries and are enjoy- States as part of unlock 5.0 have permitted States should understand that ������������������������� done away with, eventually. The
It's time the Centre and States ing all perks as usual) and view still there are many sectors ���������������������������� three anti-farmer Bills will give full
take stern steps to see that the economics from the angle of opening of bars and restaurants. Has the which are yet to open and even ���������������� freedom to corporates to brutally
consumption of goods goes up
in the days to come. The markets
strengthening the common man
so that the economy can revive footfall come to normal level? Bars are still if opened, there is no guarantee
that they will start generating
exploit farmers and take away pro-
tection that the Minimum Support Price (MSP) mechanism provides
need to be revived and for that
measures to give back more
at a faster rate. They should for-
get the concept of increasing
witnessing empty tables. Majority of the revenue immediately. Take for
example the Tourism sector.
Now, the net outcome is surrender to corporates and traders. Private
money to the common man’s taxes on various goods and serv- tipplers are preferring to buy liquor of their The industry continues to be un- purchasers outside the APMC areas will not even pay the farmer amounts
wallet is must. With reduced
salaries and mounting loan bur-
They also need to stop think- choices and consume at homes instead of der lockdown. This has a�ected
the tour operators, the hotel in-
at par with the Minimum Support Price (MSP). This means fall in the
agricultural incomes of the farmers. This was the same Prime Minister
den on the common man, the
growth in consumption would
ing and calculating figures based
on what the situation was before
taking the risk of going to bars for two dustry and the transport indus-
try. The Centre has so far not
Modi, who promised to double farmer incomes by 2022, now ending up
on a note of anti-climax, by halving their incomes.
continue to be sluggish. Even the pandemic. For example, bars reasons - fear of contracting corona and given any thought of reviving After the issue of doing away with MSP was e�ectively raised by Op-
trade bodies are of the opinion are biggest source of revenue this sector and it also does not position, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was forced to respond, by claim-
that if more money is added to earners. The States as part of un- non-availability of money appear to be thinking of giving ing that MSP will continue. This is far too late and an inadequate assur-
the pockets of the common man, lock 5.0 have permitted opening any exemptions to this sector. ance for the farmers.
the economy could witness of bars and restaurants. Has the want to keep a revenue tool in market and ultimately it is the Against the backdrop of this If indeed it is so, the Bills could have included a simple clause that the
more consumption and liquid- footfall come to normal level? their hand. The Centre cur- common man who is su�ering situation, it is time the Centre price that the farmer will get from the private purchaser shall not be
ity, and this would lead to posi- Bars are still witnessing empty rently levies a total of Rs 19.48 the most. For example, Andhra and States come with a budget less than the Minimum Support Price (MSP). This was not done. Why is
tive growth which in turn would tables. Majority of the tipplers per litre of excise duty on petrol Pradesh government has hiked that would be people-friendly such a clause absent in the Bills? The Modi government has no answer.
infuse new life to the shattered are preferring to buy liquor of and Rs 15.33 per litre on diesel. the rates of petrol and diesel and and more practical than theo- Farmers fear that they will no longer get paid MSP, while commission
economy. their choice and consume at On top of this, States levy value the cost of fuel here is highest retical in approach. The Prime agents fear they will lose their commission. According to a Punjab Agri-
The Reserve Bank of India home instead of taking the risk added tax (VAT). The lowest be- compared to other states. The Minister too needs to pitch and cultural University study, there are over 12 lakh farming families in Pun-
Governor Shaktikanta Das had of going to bars for two reasons ing in Andaman and Nicobar Is- local people of course have no see that the next budget would jab and 28,000 registered commission agents. You can imagine what
stated that the repo rate and re- - fear of contracting corona and lands where a 6% sales tax is choice but to buy petrol at the help the common man and the will be the figures in other States, as India is essentially an agricultural
verse repo rate will remain un- non-availability of money. charged on both the fuel. Mum- high rates but if you look at the genuine taxpayers. Similarly, the society. These Bills can seriously a�ect a large section of our society,
changed and the country’s real If petrol and diesel are bai has a VAT of 39.12% on issue from larger perspective, Chief Ministers too need to who is still farmers.
GDP in 2021 is likely to decline brought under GST, the Centre petrol, while Telangana levies the transporters who consume make some exercise based on The Modi government claims everything is hunky-dory about the
by 9.5 percent. The real GDP may have to forego about over VAT of 26% on diesel. diesel in bulk are finding ways ground situation. Can this be ex- farmers Bills and that the Congress was misleading the farmers. If that
growth in 2020-21 is expected Rs 20,000 crore or so which it Increasing the taxes on fuel to save some money though they pected from the political execu- were true, why did the oldest ally of the BJP, the Akali Dal, withdraw its
to be negative at (-) 9.5 percent, now gets in the form of tax results in cascading e�ect on the do not pass on that benefit to the tive? Will empathy prevail over only Union Minister in the Modi government Harsimrat Kaur Badal
with risks tilted to the downside credit. States, on the other hand, prices of various goods in the customer. politics? and pull out from the ruling NDA?
To justify its own indefensible Ordinances/Bills, the BJP and the Modi
government selectively quoted from the Congress election manifesto.

What is the Congress’ stand on the Farmers Issue? In the Congress elec-
place before there is certainty that Kash- arrests of others having links with the where she was found on September 14. tion manifesto in 2019, the party promised to promote farmers producer
mir’s political parties are not in a position Bangalore-based organisation. The ar- However, this is not the first time the rul- companies / organisations to enable farmers to access inputs, technology
to undo any law or order passed during rested were supposedly members of ing party has tried to malign the victim's and markets; besides to establish farmers markets with adequate infra-
lieutenant-governors’ rule. Hizb-ut-Tehrir (HuT) formed under a character. One BJP leader held a rally in structure and support in large villages and small towns, to enable the
Restoration of statehood Rajmohan Ch, Guntur, AP group called 'Quran Circle’ to recruit support of the accused, and another said farmer to bring his/her produce and freely market the same.
to J&K a distant dream gullible Muslim youth in Bangalore to fa-
cilitate their travel to conflict zones in
rapes will stop if parents teach their
daughters "proper values." The manner
Farmers need multiple and easily accessible markets and choices. The
Congress election manifesto for 2019 promised to enable farmers com-
Radical groups dangerous
W hile there is little possibility of the
Centre changing its mind, the na-
ture of the post-Article 370 dispensation to democracy
Syria to assist in the jihad that is under-
taken by the ISIS.
K R Parvathy, Mysuru
in which crimes against women, specially
Dalit woman, is being approached and
dealt with by those in power, is outra-
panies / organisations to access technology and also set up adequate in-
frastructure in large villages and small towns to help the farmers to trade
freely. Once that is accomplished, the Congress election manifesto prom-
in Kashmir region has made it impossible
for political opposition to the August 5
intervention to have a decisive impact,
T his is with reference to the report
‘NIA arrests two for ISIS links’ (THI,
Oct 09). National Investigation Agency
geous. Such comments from political
leaders are not only inappropriate but
also set a dangerous precedent that a cer-
ised to repeal the Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC)
Act, thus making trade in agricultural produce free would have been a
natural sequel. What the Modi government did was to jump the gun
let alone succeed. The only way main- (NIA) which arrested two persons from tain section of the society is above the law. and hurriedly wind up the APMC Mandis, without creating the necessary
stream parties could have undone some Bangalore and Ramanathapuram, having These actions, though not at all a surprise, markets with adequate infrastructure in large villages and small towns
of the administrative and legislative active links with the Bangalore-based should not be ignored. While certain po- for the farmers to access.
changes over the last year would be for ISIS module case is serious cause of con- litical leaders are busy assassinating the The three pillars of the food security architecture are MSP, Public
these parties to form a majority govern- cern and proliferation of anti-India sen- victim's character, the Uttar Pradesh gov- Procurement and Public Distribution System (PDS). As the pillars start
ment if J&K were a State. But in a Union timents and activities that is prevailing ernment is trying to justify its act of cre- crumbling, food security will take a serious beating. The food security
territory, even if they were to secure a among some sections of Muslim commu- mating the victim's body without her system, which culminated in the National Food Security Act, 2013 stands
landslide majority in a future election, nity in the country. The radical Islam that family's consent and the imposition of threatened to be destroyed in the wake of the new legislations of the
the parties will remain subservient to the is being portrayed as a blind way to Hathras victim deserves Section 144, which was used to alienate Modi government. Considering the serious implications of these anti-
Lieutenant-Governor. Making things fur- achieve ends, to make the world a the family. In the a�davit submitted to farmer Bills of the Modi government, Congress president Sonia Gandhi
ther di�cult for them, the Centre in a Caliphate, is as dangerous and akin to in- justice, not slander the SC, the State government claimed has issued a directive to the Congress-ruled State Chief Ministers. Sonia
new order has put even the police and the
IPS beyond the remit of a future Chief
Minister. Moreover, the Centre, as looks
dividuals under the influence of drugs and
narcotic substances being in a secular and
democratic country like India; having all
A mid murky politics over the Hathras
incident, Ranjeet Bahadur Srivastava,
a BJP leader from Uttar Pradesh's Bara-
that the above steps were necessary for
maintaining law and order.
M N Musaeed, Mumbai
Gandhi has asked the Congress Chief Ministers to invoke Article 254
(2) of the Constitution. It is a rarely used Article, which allows State
Legislature to pass a law to negate the anti-agricultural Central laws en-
likely, may prolong this state of a�airs by kind unfettered freedom of expression banki claimed that the 19-year-old croaching upon jurisdiction of States under the Constitution.
indefinitely delaying the restoration of for all in the country. The case was regis- woman was having an a�air with the ac- [email protected] (The author is AICC Secretary and former MLC.
statehood. The restoration may not take tered suo moto by the NIA in the wake of cused and called him to the millet field Views expressed are perosnal)
������������������������������� NEWS 5
TDP demands
scholarships for
Jockey Group drops
poor students
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Focus on Aarogyasri hospitals: CM Anantapur venture
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������������������� international group to drop
������������������������ Mitras should receive the pa- Anantapur: Jockey Indus- its project in the district
State logs 5,145 new Covid cases
HANS NEWS SERVICE ��������������������� tient and guide them to the doc- trial group which was sup- fearing political pressures
������������������� tor based on their ailments. In posed to open its shop in the from the ruling dispensa-
Amaravati: Calling for an ��������� case, the hospital doesn’t o�er Amaravati: Over 13,850 out of every 9 am on Friday, as many as 6,159 have district, has backed off de- tion.
open debate on Jagananna any treatment, Aarogya Mitras 10 lakh people in the state have con- succumbed as the state saw 31 more spite signing an agreement According to APIIC
Vidya Kanuka scheme, TDP HANS NEWS SERVICE should send the patient to the tracted the coronavirus disease so Covid-19 fatalities. The active cases with the government during sources, the government is
described it nothing but nearest hospital. far, the state government said on Fri- in the state dropped to 47,665, with the TDP rule. This was con- yet to take a decision on the
repackaging of the previous Amaravati: Chief Minister Y S The Chief Minister directed day even as the total number of the recovery rate touching 92.77 per firmed by APIIC (AP Indus- issue. It remains to be seen
government’s welfare Jagan Mohan Reddy has di- the authorities to grade the Aar- cases rose to 7,44,864 with the addi- cent. West Godavari district reported trial Infrastructure Corpo- whether the government
schemes. Party MLC B Chen- rected the health department ogyasri network hospitals in the tion of 5,145 fresh infections. How- 862 new cases, followed by Chittoor ration) zonal manager will persuade the group to
gal Rayudu at a press confer- o�cials to lay special focus on next 15 days based on their stan- ever, independent data put the con- (757) and East Godavari (738) while Padmavathi. stay or allow it to leave the
ence here on Friday accused Aarogyasri network hospitals dards and services, including firmed cases per million at 14,165. Srikakulam had the lowest additions Taking to 'The Hans In- district.
the YSRCP government of and give them grading to ensure the helpdesks. He also in- The state so far tested 64,20,474 sam- in 24 hours at 139. Prakasam district dia' on Friday, Padmavathi Industries minister
denying long standing bene- proper health services are pro- structed the o�cials to take fol- ples that turned out a positivity rate reported five fresh fatalities and Chit- revealed that the Jockey In- Mekapati Goutham Reddy
fits like scholarships to the vided. He also said CC cameras low up actions based on the of 11.60 per cent, as per the latest toor and Visakhapatnam four each. ternational group had ap- is yet to take a call on the
students of weaker sections should be installed in all hospi- IVRS feedback taken from the government bulletin. While 6,91,040 Anantapur, Krishna, East Godavari proached the government matter.
adding that poor students tals. patients regarding the quality of infected people had so far recovered, and Nellore added three more deaths seeking cancellation of the Local people are urging
were hit hard by this. During a review meeting here medical services and sanitation including 6,110 in the 24 hours ending each to their tally. MoU it had signed with the the government to per-
Chengal Rayudu chal- on Friday on the prevailing in hospitals. APIIC. suade the group to remain
lenged the YSRCP leaders for Covid-19 situation, the Chief He instructed authorities to which is the highest in the coun- taking place where Rs 5,000 is Already, 60 acre land was in the district and execute
an open debate on 'Vidya Minister reiterated the six be vigilant and to make best use try. RTPCR testing centres are being given for the plasma allotted to the apparel the project in the larger in-
Kanuka' which was nothing mandatory steps to be followed of 104 call centres in creating being set up in private medical donors. group. It was supposed to terest of industrialisation of
but another diversionary tac- by all hospitals; medical facili- awareness among the public and colleges, and the test results are The o�cials said 13,488 beds set up the shop way back in the region.
tic by Chief Minister Y S Ja- ties, availability of doctors and to also provide information on being given within 24 hours. So are being used of the 35,210 to- 2019 itself. It decided to Observers in the industry
gan Mohan Reddy Reddy. The medicines, providing nutritious the testing facilities, availability far 63,49,953 tests were con- tal available beds and 13,488 pa- abandon its project report- feel that the recent legisla-
previous TDP government diet, sanitised atmosphere, and of beds, test results, and COVID ducted in the state. The recov- tients are being treated in Covid edly due to disillusionment tion making it mandatory
gave four pairs of stitched Aarogya Mitra helpdesk in all hospitals. ery rate is 92.59 percent and the hospitals, whereas 8,576 people caused by the demands and for new industries to ear-
clothes to the residential stu- empanelled hospitals, including The o�cials informed that mortality rate is 0.83 percent. are in Covid care centres and pressures for underhand mark 75 per cent of jobs to
dents but now this benefit the Covid hospitals. He told the Covid-19 infection was on a de- The authorities said that a to- 26,597 people in home isolation. payments by political lead- locals is also becoming a
was removed. o�cials to take stern action clining trend, where the positiv- tal of 38,042 beds were made Health minister Alla Krishna ers. hurdle for the new indus-
The TDP leader said the Ja- against those hospitals which ity rate, number of cases, and available in 252 hospitals across Srinivas (Nani), chief secretary The innerwear garments tries to come and open
gan government has com- fail to follow the stipulated the deaths have been reduced to the state and nearly 5,000 venti- Nilam Sawhney, DGP D Gautam factory was supposed to shops here.
pletely ignored the midday guidelines. a great extent. The testing ca- lators are in place. Earlier, only Sawang, special chief secretary provide jobs to 6,000 rural When the district will be
meal scheme thus depriving The Chief Minister told the pacity in the state has been in- 3,636 oxygen beds were avail- Dr K S Jawahar Reddy, principal youth and womenfolk. Rap- divided into two next year,
nutritious food to lakhs of o�cials to set up a helpdesk (Ar- creased significantly. As many able but now almost 28,790 oxy- secretary of health Anil Kumar tadu constituency was se- Anantapur will get a raw
students. ogya Mitra) in all network hos- as 35,680 RT PCR tests and gen beds were set up in all hos- Singhal, health commissioner lected for the setting up of deal as the region will be de-
Chengal Rayudu said that pitals and monitor their serv- 8,890 TrueNat tests are being pitals in the state. Besides, even Katamaneni Bhaskar, and other the factory. void of industrial presence
the government was reducing ices on a regular basis. Arogya conducted on a daily basis, plasma therapy for Covid is also o�cials attended the meeting. The change in the govern- worth mentioning.
budget allocations for the ed-

84% students qualify in Polycet exam Delhi likely to

ucation sector since it came
to power. The government
has defaulted on payments to
the suppliers of clothes last
UN food
agency WFP
witness 15,000
Also, only 30 per cent pay- Amaravati: At least 84 per cent
ments were made to the sup-
pliers of essential commodi-
students have qualified in the
Andhra Pradesh Polycet exami-
wins Nobel
Peace Prize
Covid cases daily
ties and those who nation.
constructed toilets and com- Technical education commis-
pound walls for schools, he sioner M M Naik and senior o�- Continued from P1
added. cial Anantha Ramu released the WFP Executive Director David
The MLC strongly objected results on Friday. Of the 88,372 Beasley, travelling in Niger,
to discontinuing the foreign applicants, 71,631 have appeared Continued from P1 Delhi government should engage posted a video statement on so-
education scheme for the stu- for the exam. Therefore, it is recommended with community leaders, organ- cial media. “It’s because of the
dents of weaker sections. In Of 50,706 boys who appeared, that Delhi should prepare for a isers, etc, to ensure festivals like WFP family,” he said. “They are
the past, Rs 10 lakh to Rs. 20 42,313 qualified for the exam ����������������������������������������������������������������������� daily surge of approximately Durga Puja, Dasara and Chhath out there in the most difficult,
lakh were given as financial while 18,467 girl students from ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15,000 positive cases and make are low key with little or no gath- complex places in the world,
assistance for foreign study 20,925 applicants have also �������������������������������� arrangements for inpatient ad- ering. where there’s war, conflict, cli-
aspirants among the poor stu- achieved the same. missions of patients with moder- The document said contain- mate extremes – it doesn’t mat-
dents. But, the Jagan govern- Matta Durga Saikeerthi Teja marks while Sri Datta Syamsun- said the students are eligible for ate and severe disease roughly ment zones should be limited to ter. They are out there, and they
ment cancelled it altogether, from West Godavari district has dar from East Godavari came admissions in 271 colleges where amounting to 20% of this surge,” places such as resettlement deserve this award ... “This is the
he said. ranked first in the state with 120 second with 118 marks. Ramu 66,742 seats are up for grabs. the NCDC said in a document re- colonies and slums, and contact- first time I’ve been speechless ...
lated to the revised Covid-19 tracing activities have to be ratio- This is unbelievable,” he said.
strategy for Delhi. nalised and districts should follow “And wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!”

SHILPA SUICIDE CASE The document has been

drafted on the basis of the recom-
leads provided by their own sur-
veillance instead of just chasing
In a written statement, he

JUDAS oppose reinstatement of

added: “Today is a reminder that
mendations of an expert group targets when it comes to testing. food security, peace and stability
led by Dr V K Paul of Niti Aayog The Delhi Disaster Manage- go together. Without peace, we
to help formulate a revised strat- ment Authority (DDMA) is rely- cannot achieve our global goal of
egy for Covid-19 management in ing on these recommendations zero hunger; and while there is

accused docs, threaten agitation

Delhi. for fresh Covid-19 management hunger, we will never have a
It has recommended that the strategy for the Capital. peaceful world.”

Rudram 1 successfully test-fired

������������������������������������� Continued from P1 ranges,” a second o�cial said. cies. It can lock into a target not
������������������������������������ “This is a huge step forward,” a The New Generation Anti-Radi- only before launch but also after
��������������������������������������� � ������������������������ senior government o�cial said ation Missile, or NGARM, is in- it has been launched.
������������������ ������������������� about the DRDO’s successful test tegrated on Su-30MKI fighter The missile is comparable to
������������������� firing. “The IAF will now have the aircraft. Its range depends on the the tactical air-to-surface missile
capability to perform SEAD (Sup- height at which the fighter jet is AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radi-
HANS NEWS SERVICE ��������������� pression of Enemy Air Defence) flying. It can be launched from a ation Guided Missile that was in-
������������������ operations deep into enemy ter- height ranging from 500 metres ducted by the US Navy only in
Tirupati: The state government’s decision ����������� ritory to destroy enemy air de- to 15 km and can hit radiation 2017 and can engage relocatable
to reinstate the two doctors who are ac- fence setup,” the o�cial said. emitting targets within a range Integrated Air Defence targets
cused in the suicide of PG student B Shilpa � ������������������� This would allow the IAF’s of 250 km. and other targets equipped with
in 2018 kicked up a controversy with Ruia strike aircraft to carry out their The tactical, air-to-surface shutdown capability. This means
Hospital junior doctors raising objections ������������������ mission unhindered e�ectively. anti-radiation missile is that if the enemy shuts down the
over the doctors resuming their duties. ����������������� “This test demonstrates the ca- equipped with a passive homing radar after the missile is
“As we all know, Dr Shilpa, a PG resident ��������������������� pability of an Anti-Radiation head that tracks sources of radi- launched, it will still hit the tar-
of Paediatrics department committed sui- Missile with large stand-o� ation of a wide range of frequen- get.
cide on June 8, 2018 due to the harassment � ������������������

India gets 2nd tranche of

in the department and later on CID stated �����������������������
that three doctors were involved in the
������������������������������������������������������������������������ IIT Tirupati to hold
case, charge-sheet was also filed against ��������������������������������������������������������������������
virtual session for
them. High Power Committee headed by
then DME Dr Babji also confirmed that
the allegations made by Dr Shilpa found
HANS NEWS SERVICE authorities have allowed
them to rejoin in duties at
retary Sai Lakshmi criticised
the ine�ciency of the o�-
future students Swiss bank a/c details
to be true and initiated departmental ac- Tirupati: Student Federation Ruia Children’s Hospital. cials in taking departmental HANS NEWS SERVICE Continued from P1 AEOI is applicable only to ac-
tion against the accused by suspension and of India (SFI) and All India CBCID filed a chargesheet action against them. Besides, Swiss authorities have counts that are active or were
transfer. And DME also promised to the Democratic Women Associ- against them in the court and SFI district secretary N Tirupati: The Indian Institute of already shared information about closed during 2018. Some of these
association that the three accused will not ation (Aidwa) jointly staged the case is pending in the Madhav Krishna warned the Technology Tirupati (IITTP) more than 100 Indian citizens cases relate to entities set up by
be allowed to work in SVRRGGH for a a dharna in front of SV Med- court. o�cials if they allowed the will be hosting a live JEE Open and entities in the past one year Indians in various overseas juris-
minimum of five years from now,” said ical College main entrance People’s organisations accused to join the duties the House session with Prof K N on receipt of requests for admin- dictions like Panama, British Vir-
junior doctors in the letter addressed to on Friday against the college have expressed their ire at re- joint action committee of Satyanarayana, director, IITTP, istrative assistance in cases in- gin Islands and Cayman Islands,
the medical and health principal secretary. authorities’ decision to rein- instatement of the two ac- various mass organisations on October 10 at 5 pm. With JEE volving probes into financial while the individuals include
They said that it was shocking and de- state the accused in Dr Shipla cused without court clearing would continue the agita- Advanced results being an- wrongdoings including tax eva- mostly businessmen and a few
moralising to hear about the posting of suicide case. their names in the case. Ad- tions till the issue is solved. nounced and registration has al- sion, the o�cials added. politicians and erstwhile royals as
two of the accused doctors into the Paedi- Dr B Shilpa, who was doing dressing the protesters, DYFI Later, they submitted a ready started, as a precautionary These cases mostly relate to well as their family members.
atrics department of SVRRGGH on Octo- PG in paediatrics, had com- district secretary S Jayachan- memorandum to SV Medical measure against Covid-19, the older accounts that might have The o�cials, however, refused
ber 8. They demanded that the accused mitted suicide in 2018 after dra recalled that o�cials had College Vice-Principal over virtual interactive session is been closed before 2018, for to share details about the exact
doctors should not be posted here until being allegedly sexually ha- given assurance that the ac- the issue. aimed to guide the JEE-Ad- which Switzerland has shared de- number of accounts or the quan-
the verdict of court is pronounced in order rassed and humiliated by cused doctors would be sus- In the protest SFI leaders vanced qualified students and tails with India under an earlier tum of assets held in the accounts
to prevent further issues of same kind. some doctors. In the case, pend for five years, but they Ravi, Prasanna, Abuddul , Ki- their parents on di�erent engi- framework of mutual administra- held by Indians, for which the in-
They warned the government If it doesn’t Prof Dr Kiriti and Dr Sasiku- were being reinstated by the lash Varma, Aidwa leaders neering branches available at tive assistance as Indian authori- formation has been shared with
take suitable action in the regard, they mar were arrested by police. YSRCP government after Jayanthi,Sudjathamma were IIT Tirupati, campus develop- ties had provided prima facie evi- India, citing strict confidentiality
have to chalk out a plan of action on the Now the SV Medical College two years. Aidwa district sec- present. ment and to help them better dence of tax-related wrongdoing clauses governing the exchange
statewide agitation over the issue. understand the IIT system. by those account holders. framework.
RBI steps will improve fund flows Onion exports allowed in limited way US Dollar 77.52 South

While the policy repo rate was not cut Centre decided to give par�al relief to onion exporters by Euro 90.64 African Rand 5.11
by RBI, several other measures were announced easing restric�ons on certain varie�es of the staple for
that should help bring down interest rates foreign shipments. In a tweet, Commerce Minister Piyush UAE Dirham 21.9 Hong Kong Dollar 10.85
in the market. The steps by RBI will also help Goyal said: "To empower farmers and increase their Thai Baht 2.71 Japanese Yen 0.79
improve the flow of funds in the system income, the government permits export of Bangalore Rose
– Ficci president Sangita Reddy and Krishnapuram onions of up to 10,000 MT each." British Pound 98.49 New Zealand Dollar 50.83
Australian Dollar 55.23 Saudi Riyal 21.43
Canadian Dollar 58.31 Swedish Krona 9.52
Swiss Franc 83.34 Singapore Dollar 56.66


Ficci, SLG meet
on healthcare
Hyderabad: SLG Hospitals in col-
labora�on with FICCI, Hyderabad
Chapter, organised a webinar �- Keeps rates unchanged, retains accommodative stance, gives optimistic outlook
tled: ‘Mind v/s Machine: AI in
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank on Fri-
healthcare – increasing use of
technology in medicine - boon or day made an expected move by re- Stock markets
bane?’ The panel comprised of
senior doctors and senior level
taining key lending rates, but
cheered investors and home buy- remain upbeat
managers represen�ng health- ers by giving a liquidity boost and Mumbai: Buoyed by the Reserve
care equipment and technology an optimistic outlook. Bank's liquidity boosting meas-
companies. It included DVS So- The central bank's Monetary ures, the Indian benchmark in-
maraju, Execu�ve Director, SLG Policy Committee, in its penulti- dices rose for the seventh consec-
Hospitals, Dr V Jagan Mohan mate meet for 2020, decided to utive session on Friday, making it
Reddy, orthopaedic surgeon, Dr maintain the repo - or short-term the best winning streak in almost
Pradeep Panigrahi, GI and laparo- lending - rate for commercial a year.
scopic surgeon and Medical Direc- banks, at 4 per cent on the back of The markets' upswing was
tor at SLG Hospitals and others. persistently high inflation, fanned maintained despite a status quo in
Speaking on the occasion, So- in part due to supply side disrup- key lending rates announced by the
tions along with seasonal factors. RBI. However, analysts noted that
maraju underlined the impor-
tance of inves�ng in advanced ro- The reverse repo rate was also The MPC evaluated domes�c and global gains came on the back of the Re-
bo�c equipment and the overall left unchanged at 3.35 per cent, and macroeconomic and financial condi�ons and voted serve Bank's positive outlook along
the marginal standing facility with its decision to maintain the
impact on cost to the pa�ent. He
also threw light on the ongoing (MSF) rate and the 'Bank Rate' at unanimously to leave the policy repo rate unchanged accommodative stance and meas-
training for doctors to invest them 4.2 per cent. Nevertheless, the at 4 per cent – RBI Governor Shak�kanta Das ures for a liquidity boost.On the
with the capability to handle high MPC, with three new members, global front, positive cues as re-
precision robo�c equipment. voted to maintain an accommoda- newed hopes for fresh US stimulus
tive stance, thus opening up possi- Barring the incidence of a sec- kept investors' sentiments high.

Sees 9.5% GDP contraction in FY21

"With be�er monitoring and diag-
nos�c capabili�es, ar�ficial intelli- bilities for more future rate cuts. ond wave, India stands poised to The S&P BSE Banking index
gence can drama�cally influence It was broadly expected that the shrug o� the deathly grip of the closed at 40,509.49, higher by 326.8
healthcare," the organisers said. RBI's MPC might hold rates as re- virus and renew its tryst with its 2 points, or 0.81 per cent, from its
cent data showed that retail infla- pre-Covid growth trajectory. previous close. The Nifty50, on the
tion has been at an elevated level The Governor pointed out that National Stock Exchange, ended
Zoom unveils during June till August. some of "this optimism is being re-
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank expects
the GDP to contract by 9.5 per cent in
While the recovery in the rural economy the day's trade at 11,914.20, higher
"The MPC evaluated domestic flected in people's expectations". the current financial year due to the is expected to strengthen further, the by 79.60 points, or 0.67 per cent,
prices in rupees and global macroeconomic and fi- In the September 2020 round of from its previous close.
Hyderabad: Zoom Video Commu- nancial conditions and voted unan- the RBI's survey, households ex-
impact of the coronavirus pandemic
on domestic as well as global
turnaround in urban demand is likely to be "Banks and Housing finance
nica�ons, Inc, a US based video- imously to leave the policy repo pect inflation to decline modestly economies. lagged in view of social distancing norms stocks rose post the RBI MPC
first unified communica�ons plat- rate unchanged at 4 per cent," RBI over the next three months, indica- Unveiling the bi-monthly monetary meet outcome even as the rates
form, announced localised pricing Governor Shaktikanta Das said on tive of hope that supply chains are policy statement, RBI Governor Shak- curve across the country". have been kept unchanged and
in rupees for the Indian market. Friday. It also decided to continue mending. tikanta Das said that GDP was likely Barring the incidence of a second stance remains accommodative,"
In a move to expand its footprint with the accommodative stance of Significantly, the inflation ex- to turn positive at 0.5 per cent in the wave, India stands poised to shrug off said Deepak Jasani, Head of Retail
and reach a bigger audience, this monetary policy as long as neces- pectations denote the likely timing January-March quarter of the current the deathly grip of the virus and renew Research at HDFC Securities.
enhancement will allow users in sary - at least during the current fi- of the next rate cut as monetary financial year. "Taking into consider- its tryst with its pre-Covid growth tra- Markets have become over-
India to buy their preferred plans nancial year and into the next year policy is in essence a tool to contain ation (various factors) and the uncer- jectory, he added. Referring to the cur- bought after relentless rise over the
and add-ons available on pur- - to revive growth on a durable ba- rising prices. Lately, retail inflation tain Covid-19 trajectory, real GDP rent debate about the shape of the re- past 2 weeks. Over the next 1-2 days
chase flow. Users will be required sis and mitigate the impact of has been at an elevated level during growth in 2020-21 is expected to be covery - whether it is V, U, L, W of K -- we expect even the Nifty to come
to choose India as the billing and Covid-19, while ensuring that in- July-August. The retail or con- negative at (-)9.5 per cent, with risks social distancing norms and the ele- Das said that it was likely to predom- under some pressure as largecaps
'sold to country' and can pay us- flation remains within the target sumer price index stood at 6.69 per tilted to the downside: (-)9.8 per cent vated number of Covid-19 infections. inantly be a three-speed recovery, also need to consolidate or correct
ing the credit card op�on for pur- going forward, he added. cent in August. It had risen to 6.73 in Q2:2020-21; (-)5.6 per cent in Q3; "While the contact-intensive serv- with individual sectors showing vary- after such a rise, he added. Accord-
chase in rupees. For the ini�al Das said that India's economy is per cent in July. As per the data, re- and 0.5 per cent in Q4. Real GDP ices sector will take time to regain ing paces, depending on sector-spe- ing to Vinod Nair, Head of Re-
phase, the users will be limited entering into a decisive phase in tail inflation level has reached the growth for Q1:2021-22 is placed at 20.6 pre-Covid levels, manufacturing firms cific realities. search at Geojit Financial Services:
from seeing or buying Zoom the fight against the pandemic, cit- upper limit of the medium-term per cent," he said. expect capacity utilisation to recover Sectors that would open their ac- "Indian indices took a leap today
Phone SKU in the purchase flow ing that relative to pre-Covid levels, CPI inflation target of four per The economy contracted 23.9 per in Q3:2020-21 and activity to gain counts the earliest are expected to following the positive announce-
made via web browsers. The an- several high frequency indicators cent. The target is set within a band cent in the April-June quarter of the some traction from Q4 onwards. Both be those that have shown resilience ments of TLTRO and OMO, which
nouncement represents Zoom’s are pointing to the easing of con- of plus/minus two per cent. current fiscal, mainly on account of private investment and exports are in the face of the pandemic and are will help in maintaining a good
growing strategic investment and tractions in various sectors of the Nonetheless, the RBI said that it the disruption in normal business ac- likely to be subdued, especially as ex- also labour-intensive. These include level of funds available at cheap
plans to grow in the country, economy and the emergence of im- will resort to on-tap long-term tivities following the lockdown to ternal demand is still anaemic," he agriculture and allied activities; fast rates from RBI to the industry."
where the company already has pulses of growth. repo operations and open market check spread of the coronavirus. Das noted. Further, the Governor said that moving consumer goods; two-
one office in Mumbai, two data "By all indications, the deep con- bond purchases to ensure liquidity said that while the recovery in the ru- by all indications, the deep contrac- wheelers, passenger vehicles and
centres in Mumbai and Hyder- tractions of Q1:2020-21 are behind in the banking system. It has also ral economy is expected to strengthen tions of April-June quarter are "behind tractors; drugs and pharmaceuti-
abad and an upcoming technol- us; silver linings are visible in the eased capital requirements on further, the turnaround in urban de- us" and "silver linings are visible in cals; and electricity generation, es-
ogy centre in Bengaluru. flattening of the active caseload home loans to spur lending to the mand is likely to be lagged in view of the flattening of the active caseload pecially renewables.
curve across the country," he said. real estate sector.

Housing sales gain traction Real estate gets ‘lower

risk weightage’ boost
he Indian real basis, sales fell by 35 per
estate sector cent and new launches
seems to be recover- were down by 30 per
ing from a slump in cent.
demand during the “The Indian real es-
nationwide lock-
down as sales during
tate sector is showing
some recovery as many But developers seek more steps to revive the ailing sector

the July-September projects were launched
quarter jumped over in the last quarter. With eal estate developers on Friday On Friday, RBI announced in the country. This will also lead to
100 per cent on a various schemes and of- welcomed the RBI's decision its decision to rationalise the desired recovery of the construc-
quarter-on-quarter fers, developers were to lower risk weightage on the risk weights by linking tion sector which has a very impor-
basis across seven able to clear significant housing loans, saying it would boost them only with LTV (loan to tant role to play in creating employ-
major cities, according to a per cent home sales growth inventory. As we move into credit flow to the sector, but de- value) ratios for all new ment and growth," Prasad said. JLL
report by PropEquity. during the three months, the festive season, we fore- manded that more steps should be housing loans sanctioned India CEO and Country Head
Housing sales across while other cities like Ben- cast this recovery to con- taken to revive the industry. Ramesh Nair termed the move as
up to March 31, 2022. With
these seven cities during galuru, Chennai, Hyderabad, tinue with more o�ers, dis- The RBI decided to rationalise the timely and a step in the right direction
the third quarter of 2020 Kolkata, Mumbai Metropol- counts, and attractive risk weights by linking them only with
lowering of risk weightage, and said this would provide a fillip to
stood at 50,983 units, com- itan Region, and Pune payment schemes to attract LTV (loan to value) ratios for all new the requirement of capital housing loans and have a positive im-
pared with 24,936 units in clocked 86, 131, 159, 89, 70, more customers,” Samir Ja- housing loans sanctioned up to March provision for banks pact on the residential sector. Knight
the previous quarter. and 72 per cent respectively. suja, Founder and Managing 31, 2022. With lowering of risk weigh- will come down, Frank India CMD Shishir Baijal said
NCR-Delhi witnessed 295 However, on a year-on-year Director at PropEquity, said. tage, the requirement of capital pro- resulting in more credit the measures like rationalisation of
vision for banks will come down. flow to the sector risk weights to all new housing loans
Commenting on the monetary policy, until March 2022 would give a fillip
Chennai, B'luru, Hyd lead realty project completion Credai national president Satish Ma-
gar said linking of housing loans to rationalise the risk weights on home result in higher credit flow to the real
to housing loan growth.
The RBI has extended the scheme

A t a time when stalled projects and construction

delays mar the Indian real estate scenario,
Chennai leads the race among the major markets
units were launched between 2013 and Q3 2020
across the top 7 cities, of which 34 per cent (around
7.92 lakh units) is completed. Another 19 per cent
LTV would boost housing demand.
The move to extend co-lending
scheme to non-banking financial
loans and link them to LTV ratios will
give a boost to the sector. "Particularly,
this step would benefit borrowers of
estate sector.
Square Yards CEO Tanuj Shori said,
"The linking of risk weightage only to
for co-lending to all NBFCs and HFCs
which will ease credit availability for
the real estate sector, he added.
in terms of completed housing projects, showed a is scheduled to complete within the next 12 companies (NBFCs) and housing fi- higher value loans. It would ensure LTV ratio vis-a-vis the earlier practice Meanwhile, Siddhartha Mohanty,
report by Anarock Property Consultants. months, and another 19 per cent between one to nance companies (HFCs) may infuse that more credit is available to bor- of risk weightage with both pricing MD & CEO of LIC HFL said that in
Chennai saw new launches of over 1.32 lakh units two years. Anuj Puri, Chairman, Anarock Property additional liquidity, he said, but added rowers. This move is a much appreci- and LTV augurs well for the sector, recognition of the role of the real es-
between 2013 and Q3 2020, out of which 61 per Consultants says: "Predominantly driven by end- that realty sector might not get benefit ated step recognising the role of the particularly for high end properties tate sector in generating employment
cent is already completed. In stark contrast, the users from the IT/ITeS sector, the conservative due to strict due diligence norms and real estate sector in generating em- which have been facing severe down- and economic activity, it has been
National Capital Region (NCR) saw over 5.54 lakh housing markets of the southern cities also benefit eligibility criteria. ployment and economic activity," he ward demand pressures." Welcoming rightly decided to rationalise the risk
units of new supply launched in this period, of from the proactive project completion focus of de- "Now that RBI has recognized re- added. Anshuman Magazine, Chair- the move, Hardayal Prasad, MD & weights and link them to LTV ratios
which just 26 per cent units are completed, it said. velopers active there." alty sector as the largest employer, it man & CEO - CBRE India, said, "RBI's CEO, PNB Housing Finance said ra- for all new housing loans sanctioned
The southern markets seem to be better placed Out of all the projects launched and completed should also announce steps that are decisions to relax LTV guidelines and tionalising the risk weights for all new up to March 31, 2022. Savills India
regarding completion of projects as Bengaluru and between 2013-to the date, the average time to com- imperative and crucial for the sector's rationalize risk weights for home housing loans until March 31, 2022 CEO Anurag Mathur said the ratio-
Hyderabad follow Chennai in the list. plete projects in Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyder- survival and then introduce measures loans will further encourage home- and the relaxation extended for LTV, nalisation of risk weight of housing
"Out of the total new housing unit launches in abad is between 4.1 - 4.3 years for smaller projects that will aid the sector's revival," Ma- buyers." Anarock Chairman Anuj Puri shall give the much needed impetus loans is a welcome step by the RBI
each top city between 2013 till Q3 2020, Chennai (with 100-500 units each) and between 5.5 - 5.9 gar said. He sought that all loan ac- said the announcement will definitely to the housing sector. that could potentially boost housing
has the highest share of ready/completed homes years for large projects (over 500 units each). This counts that were SMA 1 & SMA 2 as encourage banks to lend more to in- "At the same time, home loans will demand.
at 61 per cent of its total inventory, followed by is significantly less than the average completion on March 1, 2020 should be made el- dividual homebuyers without feeling become accessible and competitive "With this move, housing loans
Bengaluru with 48 per cent and Hyderabad at 44 time in NCR, where it is 6 years and 7.2 years, re- igible for restructuring. the stress on their balance sheets. for the customers. This move by the would eventually get more a�ordable,
per cent," the report said. Altogether over 23 lakh spectively, showed the report. Naredco President Niranjan Hi- PropTiger and Housing.com CEO central bank addresses the urgency thereby benefiting the homebuyers in
ranandani said the RBI's decision to Dhruv Agarwala said it will e�ectively required to boost the real estate sector this sluggish market," he added.
Over `2,155 cr COVID FEAR STILL RULES HIGH KTR using Pragathi
Bhavan for party activities,
released for
Palle Pragathi Medical staff dread going back alleges Congress
to work in private hospitals
since April
Objects to Minister conduc�ng party mee�ng
at the official residence of Chief Minister
Hyderabad: The State government
has credited an amount of Rs 308 The staff who showed reluctance to work in private hospitals are now resuming their work
crore under Palle Pragathi pro- MAHESH AVADHUTHA
gramme directly into the accounts
of gram panchayats, Mandal Praja Hyderabad: Private hospitals had
Parishads & Zilla Praja Parishads. a tough time to function as usual
According to o�cials, with for nearly four months after lock-
this release, the total amount down restrictions were eased
released since September 2019 from June onwards. Medical sta�
is Rs 4,528.5 crore and Rs working in various departments
2,155.5 crore since April 2020 were reluctant to come and work
(from the new financial year) in a hospital atmosphere fearing
under this scheme. From Rs risk to lives from coronavirus.
308 crore, gram panchayats re- Medical sta� from nursing,
ceived Rs 277.22 crore, Mandal technical, front-desk and recep-
Praja Parishads Rs 20.52 crore tion, housekeeping, and sanita-
and Zilla Praja Parishads Rs tion as well as other support sta� HANS NEWS SERVICE ing to find out party position in
10.26 crore. had shied away from duties. As 150 divisions of GHMC was con-
Minister for Panchayat Raj such private hospitals in districts Hyderabad: A day after Minister vened at Pragathi Bhavan. KT
Errabelli Dayakar Rao recently as well as in the State capital KT Rama Rao held a review Rama Rao shared the informa-
said that the Palle Pragathi pro- functioned with reduced man- meeting for the upcoming tion received from ground-level
gramme was a boon for taking power, at times 50 per cent of GHMC elections, the Congress and appealed to partymen to
up di�erent development activ- their usual strength from pre- party wrote to State Election suggest ways through which the
ities in villages. The pro- Covid times. tients made the sta� to show re- period. According to V Rakesh, insurance schemes. Meanwhile, Commissioner alleging misuse party could improve its majority.
gramme enabled the adminis- To motivate the medical sta� luctance towards duties. Some of president of Telangana Network Dr Bhaskar Rao from Telangana of Pragathi Bhavan, o�cial resi- Similar meeting is likely to be
tration to complete various to attend duties regularly, the the house cleaning sta� also Hospitals Association, private Super-Specialty Hospitals Asso- dence of Chief Minister, for the held after a fortnight. The o�cial
pending works in gram pan- hospital managements had to shied away because they were not hospitals in the district faced ciation and MD, KIMS hospitals party activities. residence of CM is meant for ad-
chayats, including dumping adopt di�erent tactics like in- ready to clean floors, rooms and problems during corona pan- stated that the situation had TPCC Election Commission ministrative purposes and meet-
yards, crematoriums, laying of creased pay (50 to 100 per cent ), restrooms. demic. If the shortage of sta� was drastically improved in Septem- Coordination Committee Con- ing with o�cials, but not for
CC roads, increasing green alternate day duties and giving Hospital administrations were a big challenge, hospitals had to ber. The fear of working in hos- venor G Niranjan requested the party purposes. We request your
cover and development of salaries on the 30th or 31st of helpless as the medical sta� were do with reduced occupancy of pitals was evident during three- Election Commissioner C good-self to take a serious note
parks. Under this scheme, Rs 5 every month moving away from concerned about the safety and hospital beds, increased black four months from June and Parthasarathi to initiate action of this irregularity and misuse of
lakh funds were sanctioned to the customary practice of giving well-being of their family mem- marketing of essential items like medical sta� shied away. O� late, against the Minister and instruct o�cial residence of the CM for
gram panchay salaries after first of every month. bers and hence did not act tough, oxygen cylinders, PPE kits, es- the situation had changed and o�cials to take serious note of party purposes in view of the en-
ats having a population of The fear of working in Covid especially with their senior sta� sential drugs for some time, sta� has started reported back to irregularities committed by the suing elections to the GHMC,”
over 100 people and with 30 wards amidst virus-infected pa- members associated for a long pending dues from various health duties slowly, he added. ruling party. “The review meet- the Congress leader stated.
houses towards strengthening

NEP will make India global hub

the villages.
Shabbir Ali
Cong leaders
of quality education: Governor
granted bail by-poll

Hyderabad: Nampally court extends financial HANS NEWS SERVICE destination for quality education.
“Establishing a multi-discipli-
aid to victim's kin
on Friday granted bail to 68 Hyderabad: National Education nary educational and research uni-
Congress leaders and ac- Policy (NEP)-2020 will transform versity in every district of the
tivists who had laid siege to the Indian education system and country and making higher edu- HANS NEWS SERVICE
Home Minister's camp office make it the global hub of quality cation accessible to all the people
in Ministers Quarters on HANS NEWS SERVICE case and also their economic education, said Governor Tamilisai is a vital component of the policy,” Hyderabad: Notification
Thursday. Former MLA and condition. Shabbir Ali also spoke Soundararajan. She said that the Soundararajan said. for Dubbaka by-poll was
AICC secretary, SA Sampath Hyderabad: Congress leader and to the Investigation O�cer, ACP NEP-2020 is going to mould the She also urged the academics issued by ECI on Friday
Kumar, TPCC Minorities de- former minister Mohammed Ali Ashok Chakravarthy, over phone students as job-creators and not and others concerned to strive to (October 9). The elec-
partment chairman Shaik Ab- Shabbir on Friday gave financial and enquired about the status of as the job-seekers. Governor ad- create better awareness about the tion is scheduled for
dullah Sohail, youth Con- assistance of Rs 50,000 to the investigation. dressed the webinar on NEP-2020 policy and its implementation. November 3, while
gress State president, Anil family members of victim of The ACP told Shabbir Ali that organised by the Centre for South “Education in mother tongue at counting of votes will be
Kumar Yadav and NSUI State Moinabad rape and murder case. the investigation was going on Indian Studies (CSIS) from the Raj primary level will help students done on November 10.
president, B Venkat, TPCC Victim’s sister Afreen Begum, and the forensic report was ex- Bhavan here on Friday. She stated India as the global knowledge su- understand the concepts in a bet- The last date for filing
SC cell chairman Preetham brother Salman and other rela- pected in the next two to three that NEP-2020 was aimed at cre- perpower. ter way and many countries Japan, of nominations is fixed
Nagarigari and others were tives met the Congress leader at days. He said that the accused, ating global citizens with strong Soundararajan further stated Germany, Korea etc., that taught as October 16. The last
released during the early his residence in Jubilee Hills on Madhu Yadav, was already Indian roots and added that if im- that it was important to ensure their students in mother tongue date for scrutiny of
hours this morning. The 68 Friday. Shabbir Ali, along with lodged in prison and it would be plemented in true spirit by all the that we o�er world-class educa- have become the leaders in tech- nominations is October
leaders and activists who Hyderabad Congress Commit- di�cult for him to come out on stakeholders, the NEP-2020 will tion in Indian educational institu- nology. There is nothing to worry 17 while withdrawal
took part in the demonstra- tee Minorities Department bail as he has been arrested un- regain India’s position as the tions. She exhorted the people to about getting educated in mother shall be allowed until
tion were booked under sec- Chairman Sameer Waliullah and der PD Act. He assured Shabbir Vishwa Guru. Governor called for understand NEP-2020 in its ho- tongue,” she added. Centre for October 19. The elec-
tions 147, 152, 332, 353, 506, other Congress leaders, held a Ali that the police would com- the participation of di�erent sec- listic perspective and realise its po- South India Studies (CSIS) repre- toral rolls with October
504, 341, R/w 149 of IPC. detailed discussion with the plete the investigation in a fair tions of the people in implemen- tential to transform Indian educa- sentatives like Kumaresan and 1 as the qualifying date
family members on the status of manner without any delay. tation of NEP-2020 so as to make tion system as the international others were also present. was published by ECI.
date extended
to Oct 20 Grads irked by mandatory

Hyderabad: The last date for

attestation by gazetted o�cial
applying for Masters in Hos- HANS NEWS SERVICE but in rural areas, the graduates ready to give their certificate as
pital Management pro- are not getting the signatures they are afraid of misuse. K San-
gramme at NIMS has been Hyderabad: Even as political par- easily. tosh Kumar, a graduate said,
extended. According to Dr ties are encouraging eligible The political parties, particu- “Why should we give our certifi-
Martha Ramesh, Academic graduates to enroll their names larly the ruling TRS, has been en- cate to them? If we get a signa-
Incharge, graduates (medical in the voters list, they are finding couraging the graduates to enroll ture from a gazetted o�cer, we
or non-medical background) it di�cult to get attestation from their names in the list by taking will enroll otherwise, we will
can apply until October 20. a gazetted o�cer, which is up special campaigns. The local not.”
The last date to apply online mandatory to apply for enrol- leaders are asking graduates to The graduates want the au-
and through submission of ment. enroll their names in the list, but thorities to remove the attesta-
hard copies is October 20. As per the rule, the graduates they are puzzled when the grad- tion by the o�cial. “At a time
The age limit for the two and who are eligible for voting in the uates are asking them to arrange when self-attestation is sought
half-years course is 20 to 30 Council elections should get the signature of the gazetted o�- in many programmes, why
years of age while for SC/STs their certificates attested by a cer for attestation of their certifi- should there be an attestation by
it is relaxed till 33 years. gazetted o�cer and then should cates. At some places, the party a gazetted o�cer. I am a graduate
More details can be accessed apply through Form 18. However, workers are asking the graduates and I certify myself that I am an Accep�ng TRS MP J Santhosh Kumar’s Green India Challenge thrown by District Collector Anita Ramachandran, All India
at their website or by calling most of them are not keen on ap- to give a copy of their certificate eligible voter,” said an advocate Ins�tute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bibinagar, Director Dr Vikas Bha�a plan�ng a sapling on AIIMS campus on Friday.
on 8555839760, 7794043987, proaching the gazetted o�cer for so that they can get them at- K Siddharth. He said that the Teaching faculty and other staff also par�cipated in the programme. The Director nominated AIIMS Bibinagar campus
9046484856, 9059544844 or the signature. There are no is- tested from a gazetted o�cial. Election Commission should do coordinator; Professor and Family Medicine Head of the department Dr K Govind; and Manager (Civil) KBR Deep�
9160793142. sues for people in urban areas, However, the graduates are not away with the old rules. par�cipated in the event.

Subhash Reddy is Hyd-RR-Mbnr Dubbaka bypolls:

Cong candidate to file Dharani sparking HC advocate is
Grads constituency in-charge paper on Oct 15
Hyderabad: TPCC president N Uttam Kumar fears, charges Cong Municipality
Hyderabad: Chief Minister K that he would fulfill the responsi- Reddy on Friday said that the party candidate legal advisor
Chandrashekar Rao on Friday ap- bility given by the Chief Minister from Dubbaka, Cheruku Srinivas Reddy, would file Hyderabad: The Telangana
pointed his political secretary and and work as per the instructions his nomination papers on October 15. He said that Pradesh Congress Committee
MLC Sheri Subhash Reddy as the of working president of TRS, KT the party State In-charge Manickam Tagore would Treasurer, Gudur Narayana Narayana Reddy likens the
in-charge for Hyderabad-Ran- Rama Rao. Subhash Reddy said hold the meeting on the issue of elections with Reddy, on Friday criticised that the revenue exercise to the Hyderabad: Municipal Chair-
gareddy-Mahabubnagar Gradu- that he would strive for increasing the party leaders on October 12. He said that they State government has been creat- Household survey conducted man Bondi Ravinder Goud,
ates constituency. In a statement voter enrolment in the Graduates would implement the LRS free of cost after com- ing apprehensions among people five years ago Vice-Chairman Nandyala
issued here, Subhash Reddy said constituency. ing to power and urged the people of the State to by taking up registration of non- Srinivas and
oppose the inhuman attitude of the TRS-led State agricultural assets on Dharani por- it wanted to register only the non- councillors
tal. In a media statement, Reddy agricultural assets, several other unanimously

Drunk driver rams into car, 2 die

government. He made these remarks during a
zoom app video conference with the party lead- said that the government has an- details were also being sought. He elected High
ers MLC T Jeevan Reddy, former PCC president nounced the programme without said as far as his knowledge goes, Court advo-
Ponnala Laxmaiah and others. MLC Jeevan Reddy stating its objectives and added registering the asset details on cate Dr
Hyderabad: Two men have diedand six members have alleged that the State government had come up that he was unable to understand Dharani portal would not help Anarelli
been severely injured as an allegedly drunk driver with the LRS to fill its coffers. Commenting on the what would be the use of pass- people in any manner. Venkata
rammed his car into another car on Friday at the out- ongoing revenue survey, he wondered as to why books to be issued through Dha- Likening the entire exercise to Swamy as Toopran Municipal
skirts of Narsingi Outer Ring Road. The accident led to the survey was being held when the details of the rani. another Household Survey taken Standing Committee legal ad-
a huge traffic conges�on at the ORR. The ORR Traffic properties were present in gram panchayat Adding that municipal and pan- up five years ago, he alleged the visor, at a meeting held here.
police reached the spot and the injured were shi�ed records. He alleged that the survey was being chayat raj sta� has been visiting data of which was never made pub- Municipal Commissioner
to a private hospital in Gachibowli. The Narsingi police conducted only to burden the people of the State. the residences of people and ask- lic and was used by Chief Minister Khaja Moinuddin handed over
suspected them to be heavily drunk. The vic�ms were He made it clear that the State government would ing several details, he said that K Chandrashekar Rao for political the certificate of appointment
iden�fied as the residents of Suryapet. face a blow in the State High Court. while the government stated that and electoral purposes. to Dr A. Venkata Swamy.

KL holds onto Orange Cap, Yumnam 1st Indian to

appear in The Guardian's
Purple stays with Rabada Next Generation list
New Delhi (IANS): Defender
BikashYumnam has become the
at developmental club Indian
Arrows before returning to Pun-
Dubai (IANS): Kings XI Punjab is followed by Chennai Super on the list with 10 wickets from a b a d first and only Indian player to jab, turning down o�ers from
captain KL Rahul continues to Kings' Faf du Plessis who has 299 six matches. c o m - get featured in The Guardian's bigger Indian clubs, in May," the
hold onto the Orange Cap while runs to his name from six games. These running caps are pre- plete the Next Generation 2020: 60 of the profile reads.
the Purple Cap is lying with Delhi Kings XI opener MayankAgarwal sented to the leading run scorer podium best young talents in world foot- "It's a great news and brings
Capitals fast bowler Kag- is third on the list with 281 runs. and wicket-taker and keep chang- with six ball. me immense joy and pride that
isoRabada in the ongoing Indian Meanwhile, Rabada continues ing hands throughout the dura- points from six "Composed on the ball, a great my boy Bikash got featured in
Premier League season following to lead the bowling chart with 12 tion of the tournament. games. reader of the game, and capable such a prestigious list. He has
the conclusion of the 22th IPL wickets from five In the points table, Mumbai of excellent, fast, long throw-ins, huge potential, everyone here
2020 match. games. He is fol- Indians currently occupy the the teenager has already been appreciates him, he has the at-
On Thursday evening, SunRis- lowed by Mum- number one spot with eights earmarked for a quick progres- tributes to become a great
ers Hyderabad defeated Kings XI bai Indians' points from six games. They are Kings XI Punjab vs Kolkata sion to the full international player," Ranjit Bajaj, owner of
Punjab by 69 runs at the Dubai JaspritBumrah, followed by Delhi Capitals who Knight Riders at 3.30pm side," reads his pro-
International Cricket Stadium. who has 11 wickets also have eight points from five file on The Guardian
Rahul managed to score 11 in six games. Bum- games but a lower net run-rate Chennai Super Kings vs Royal website.
runs against the David rah's teammate compared to the defending Challengers Bangalore at 7.30pm The profile men-
Warner-led side Trent Boult is third champions. SunRisers Hyder- tions his perform-
and in the ance in the 2018
process took
his tourna-
Some batsmen think of KedarJadhav and RavindraJadeja did-
n't help," Sehwag told Cricbuzz.
Asian under-16
championship where
ment tally to
313 in six
CSK as govt job: Sehwag "And, in my view, some of
the Chennai Super Kings
India made the quar-
ter-finals, losing 0-1
games. He Dubai (IANS): Former India opener VirenderSe- batsmen think of CSK as to South Korea. It
hwag has lashed out at the Chennai Super Kings a government job, was the only goal In-
batsmen, saying some of them think of the franchise whether you perform dia conceded in the competition Minerva Academy FC, stated.
as a "government job". or not, they following 0-0 draws against Iran "He is a young player who of
The MS Dhoni-led side suffered their fourth de- know and Indonesia. course will have to be protected,
feat of the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) sea- they'll The 17-year-old Manipur- but at the same time should be
son on Wednesday. Chasing 168 against Kolkata born defender was loaned to In- given space to grow and reach his
Knight Riders (KKR), CSK were, at one stage, in a dian Arrows, the All India Foot- potential. He is a serious kid, al-
comfortable position as they needed 79 runs from get their ball Federation's development ways on time for training, and
the last 10 overs. However, they failed to accel- salary any- side, for the 2019-20 I-League. has certain modesty but on the
erate with both Shane Watson and Ambati- way," he added. After 16 games, the Indians-only pitch, he leads the team and al-
Rayudu failing to up the ante. With just four Arrows who are protected from ways wants to win as a team. He
At the end, RavindraJadeja and points from six games, relegation were at the bottom of is an example for many in the
KedarJadhav remained not out at CSK are currently lying at the 11-team standings. He has academy and I hope we can pro-
21 (8 balls) and 7 (12 balls) as the sixth spot in the points played nine games in the I- duce such talents in years to
KKR won the match by 10 runs. table. They will next take on League top tier before it was come," he added.
"It should have been chased Royal Challengers Bangalore in halted because of Covid-19 pan- The Guardian has been releas-
down. But the dot balls played by Dubai on Saturday. demic. ing the list of next generation
"He impressed again on loan player every year since 2014.

FRENCH OPEN FINAL ‘Govt committed to create world-class

Sofia vows to give her sports ecosystem for athletes’
best, Iga unperturbed New Delhi (IANS): Union Sports Min-
ister KirenRijiju has stated that the gov-
on the existing facilities and perform-
ance of athletes at those centers.
Paris (IANS): America's Sofia about her title clash against ernment is committed to provide a Speaking about this, the Sports Min-
Kenin, in her second Grand Slam Swiatek. sports ecosystem of global standards for ister said the TOPS NCEOs will have
final of this year, is preparing to
bring out her best when she Shuttler Ajay Jayaram athletes.
Rijiju made these comments during
state-of-art infrastructure, best-in-class
coaches and support sta� as well as
takes on 19-year-old rookie
IgaSwiatek in the summit clash 'not allowed to board' the 53rd Governing Body Meeting of the
Sports Authority of India (SAI) held on
modern sports science support.
Rijiju also announced that talent
of the French Open to be played
on Saturday. flight to Denmark Thursday. A number of key decisions
were taken by the committee.
Podium Scheme National Centre of Ex-
cellence (TOPS NCOE).
scouting committees, consisting of top
ex-athletes, coaches and experts are be-
Kenin went through with a 6- New Delhi (IANS): Shuttler Ajay Jayaram has said It was decided by the committee that The centers will be operated in col- ing formed and will begin the task of
4, 7-5 win over two-time Grand he was not allowed to board a flight on Friday to provide additional impetus to the laboration with national sporting fed- identifying sporting talent in various
Slam champion Petra Kvitova morning from Bengaluru to Denmark, where he preparation of Olympics 2024 and 2028, erations. Both SAI and non-SAI sport- disciplines from across the country
while Swiatek brought a halt to is scheduled to play in the Denmark Open Super some of the country's best training cen- ing facilities across the country will be within the next four-five months, once
Argentine qualifier Nadia Podor- Meanwhile, giant-killer Series. The rest of the Indian squad, including Lak- treswill be notified as Target Olympic earmarked as TOPS NCEOs, depending the Covid-19 situation improves.
oska's magical run with a 6-2, 6- Swiatek, who is the first Polish shyaSen, KidambiSrikanth and ShubhankarDey,
1 win on Thursday. woman to play in the final of flew with Air France from Delhi the previous night,
"I've already done it in Aus- Roland Garros during the Open while Jayaram was flying with the British Airways
tralia," WTA website quoted Era and the first at any major on Friday morning.
Kenin as saying after her semi- since AgnieszkaRadwanska at In a series of tweets, the 33-year old said he was
final win against Petra Kvitova. Wimbledon 2012, is not wor- not allowed to board the flight, despite carrying
"I've had tough matches these ried about the result of the final the same Type C Schengen Visa, as well as Covid-
past two weeks and I'm so ex- and is just focussed on playing 19 negative certificate like the rest of the players.
cited to be in the final. It's in- her "best" tennis. On her way "I need to travel from Bangalore to Denmark
credible. I'm going to enjoy this to the finals, she caused what tonight for the Denmark Open. I have a valid type
moment today and get ready was probably the biggest upset C visa with Covid negative certificate and invita-
for the final tomorrow." of the tournament defeating tion letter from organisers stating my cause is wor-
The fourth-seeded player top seed SimonaHalep and has thy. I want to know if I can travel by Air France.
boasts a 16-1 winning record in grown into confidence with Please let me know," he tweeted while appealing
majors in 2020, having started each passing match since then. to Air France to let him fly with them while tagging
the year with a title win at the "Sofia, she's on fire this year," the airline along with BWF and BAI.
Australian Open after defeating she said after her win against Ar- "I wasn't allowed to board British Airways flight
GarbineMuguruza in the final. gentine qualifier Nadia Podor- this morning. The rest of the Indian team has
"We played in juniors in the oska in the semis. "Usually I'm flown out with Air France last night from Delhi
French Open. It was a close that kind of player who is playing having the same type C schengen Visa as me.
one. I'm going to prepare for better under pressure. If I'm not Kindly help," he wrote in another tweet, tagging
the final and I'm going to do my going to choke up, I think every- Sports Minister KirenRijiju and the Prime Minis-
best," said the 21-year-old thing will be fine." ter's O�ce Twitter handle.

Test series
against India will
be compelling: CA
interim CEO
Sydney (IANS): Cricket Aus-
tralia interim CEO Nick
Hockley is looking forward
to hearing how SEN experts
would cover a "compelling"
Test series against India
scheduled to be played in
the month of December and
Australia will host India
this summer for four Tests,
three ODIs and three T20Is Following increase of water levels in the Hussain Sagar post-monsoon, sports enthusiasts shake off
from November to January. their rust by performing rowing rege�as amid pandemic. Photo: Adulakrishna
"We're proud to deepen
our partnership with Sports
Entertainment Network
(SEN), in what's already
shaping up as a massive sum-
LaLiga Club series launched for
mer of cricket," said Hockley
as per a Cricket Australia me-
dia release. "SEN is increas-
young aspirants in India
ingly becoming a go to desti- Mumbai (IANS): LaLiga on Friday an- mental aspects such as the youth academy
nation for sports radio across nounced the launch of the LaLiga Club se- system, scouting processes, player evalua-
the country, and we're look- ries program to their football school cur- tion and much more. Additionally, students
ing forward to hearing their riculum in India in association with India will also get an opportunity to participate
experts cover what is going to On Track (IOT). Students of LaLiga Foot- in technical topics such as match analysis,
be a compelling Test series ball Schools will get an opportunity to un- strength and conditioning sessions, and
against India," he added. derstand the technical and institutional master-classes with the academy coaches.
SEN's chief sports caller session with experts from LaLiga clubs LaLiga Club series will be available for all
Gerard Whateley will head a such as Real Betis, Sevilla FC, and Celta de the LaLiga Football Schools students in the
stellar commentary team for Vigo over a span of six weeks. These virtual country across the age group of 5 to 18
the series which will be an- sessions will feature informational topics years. Real Betis will host the first session
nounced in due course of like the history of the club, legacy, club ri- on October 9, followed by Celta de Vigo on
time. valries, along with focusing on develop- October 16 and Sevilla FC on October 23.

Printed and Published by K. Hanumanta Rao, on behalf of Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Limited, Flat.No.609, 6th Floor, Kirti Shikhar Building, Plot.No.11, Dist.Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 110058.
and Printed at M/s. Marutinandan Printers & Publishers, A-15, Bara Bagh, G.T Karnal Road, Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110033. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: DELENG/2017/74095

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