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Sage UBS: Product Brochure

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product brochure

Sage UBS
Accounting, Inventory
and Billing.
Sage UBS

The market leading accounting software in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore

and other ASEAN countries. Over 500,000 installations done.

Here at Sage UBS, our objective is to offer Why Sage UBS?

business solutions that make it easier for our • First choice accounting software
customers to streamline business processes for SME in Malaysia
resulting in lower operational costs and • Always compliant with local
reduced risk, leading to a more profitable and tax rules and regulations
sustainable business.
• Easy to set and simple to use
Ranging from Accounting, Inventory and Billing • Stay on top of stock levels with
Modules, Sage UBS is a highly trusted software full inventory management
solution perfect for small and medium sized
companies looking to manage their accounts and • Mobile license that allows you to `take’
financial effectively in a professional way. your license with you and work remotely
on any other workstation (desktop/laptop)
This is achieved by providing quality products outside the office.
and services that are relevant to our customers, • Ability to integrate with our Point of
deployed with appropriate technology and are Sales (POS) system and Building Service
supported by local expertises. Maintenance (BSM) system to give you
the end-to-end full financial functions in
different industries.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 2

Accounting and Billing

Get paid faster and stay on top of your cash flow

It is essential to get your financials right, Sage UBS Accounting and Billing helps you to process customer
and supplier payments faster, manage your sales orders, purchase orders, good receive notes and delivery
notes seamlessly within the software.

With more than 500,000 installations in Malaysia alone, we are now a household brand among Small Medium
Businesses (SMBs). Many institutions of higher learning prefer Sage UBS Accounting & Billing as part of their
course as it is simple to use and has comprehensive reports. This provides a continuous availability of fresh
and quality accountants for SMEs to expand their business.

The modules available in Sage UBS Accounting & The system enables companies to work easier
Billing include: and more efficiently with the following features:
• General Ledger • Wizard Setup to enable users a quick
• Debtors start in the set up processes.

• Creditors • Task flow displayed fir easy reference and

direct access to the required screen.
• Fixed Assets
• Transaction Wizards which provides
Sage UBS Accounting & Billing is suitable for most step-by-step guide to enter transactions.
companies and businesses. Some examples are:
• Accounting Firms • Debtor Receipt & Creditor Payment screens to
give user an overview of all bank balances for
• Co-operative Societies better cash management and the flexibility to
• Construction Companies perform offset process simultaneously.
• Small Scale Manufacturing • Additional Dashboard Reports to provide
• Retail easy access to critical information for better
collection, fund management and business
• Restaurants decision making.
• Trading Companies • Payment Services which serves to improve
• Training Institutions efficiency and security of your transactions.
• Wholesaler • SMS to provide flexibility on retrieving
information directly from the system and
sending it across to customers or suppliers
with a personal message attached.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 3

Inventory and Billing

Stay on top of your stock levels, provides all the information you need
to make smarter business decisions, fast.
Sage UBS Inventory & Billing makes stock control • SMS to provide flexibility on retrieving
easier by putting the control back into your hands. information directly from the system
It provides you with the flexibility to handle all types and sending it across to customers or
of inventory transactions and have instant updates suppliers with personal message attached.
and inventory status at your fingertips. • Option to alert customers immediately
Sage UBS Inventory & Billing performs as an when Delivery Order and Sales Invoice
invoicing system where you can print invoices are generated.
and delivery orders. • Bill of Material (BOM) template to build a
list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies,
Four types of stock valuation methods intermediate assemblies, sub-components,
are included: components, parts and the quantities of
• Fixed Cost each needed to manufacture an end item
• Monthly Average (final product).
• First in; First out (FIFO) • Bar Code consisting of a group of printed
• Moving Average and variously patterned bars and spaces
and sometimes numerals that is designed
Use our detailed inventory management to be scanned and read into computer
functions and features to hold need-to-know memory that provides price and registers
information about your items and stock: inventory information.
• Wizard Setup to enable users a quick
start in the set up processes.
• Task flows displayed for easy reference
and direct access to the required screen.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 4

General Features

Sage UBS One Sage UBS Nine

System Management

Number of Companies Limit to 2 Unlimited

Auto Numbering  

18 Months Accounting Periods  

Open / Close period(s)  

Close Month End  

User Management

Number of Concurrent Users Up to 10 Up to 10

Security Rights by User and User Groups 

Data Management

Manual Backup & Restore  

Scheduled Backup 

Recoding Facility  

Transaction Management

Year End Processing  

Audit Trial  

Information Management

Accounting Dashboard  

Sales / Purchase Dashboard  

Inventory Dashboard  

Interactive Reporting (drill down)  

RSS Feeds  

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 5

The market leading
accounting software
in Malaysia, Brunei,
Singapore and other
ASEAN countries.
Over 500,000
installations done.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 6

Accounting Features

Sage UBS One Sage UBS Nine

Advanced Features

Tax  

Project 

Multi Currency 

Entry Method

Quick Entry  

Wizards  

Task Row  

Journal Entry  

Recurring Entry 

Cash Flow Management

Receipt / Payment  

Electronic Credit Card Terminal  

Offset/Reverse Matched (Knocked-off) Documents  

Cheque Handling 

Bank Reconciliation 

Cash Flow Statement  

Information Management

Fixed Assets  

Accounts Consolidation 

Budget 

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 7

Inventory Features

Sage UBS One Sage UBS Nine

Inventory Valuation Methods

Fixed Costs Standard Costing  

First-in, First-out Costing  

Average Price Costing 

Inventory Management Feature

Handling of Negative Stock  

Inventory Adjustment  

Inventory Transfer 

Inventory Issue 

Item Assembly 

Inventory Count 

Inventory Attributes

Stock item  

Non-stock item  

Assembly Item 

Serialized Item 

Matrix Item / Batch Item / Graded Item 

Bar Code 

Bill Of Materials (BOM) 

Item Location Single Single

User-Defined Fields 

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 8

Billing Features

Sage UBS One Sage UBS Nine

Purchase Processes

Purchase Order  

Goods Received Notes (via Receive) 

Supplier Invoice (via Receive) 

Purchase Return 

Purchase Debit Note / Credit Note (via Purchase Journal) 

Sales Processes

Quotation 

Sales Order  

Delivery Order  

Sales Invoice  

Sales Return (via Credit Note)  

Sales Debit Note/ Credit Note  

Cash Sales  

Consignment Order 

Price Management

Customer Pricing 

Supplier Pricing 

Toolkits (Add-on Modules)

Sage Connect ID  

Sage Connect PAY  

SMS  

Email us at [email protected] to get a FREE quote.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 9

Get Sage UBS protected
with Sage Cover!
We know how much you depend on your Sage Solution which is why we have made it easy for you to keep
your system in top form with our software assurance plan, Sage Cover. The Sage Cover plan provides
software updates, upgrades and information, giving you total investment protection in the long run.

With Sage Cover, you do not need to worry about keeping up to date with the latest version because it will
be made available to you automatically. Each new version includes features that help your team maximize
their productivity and performance. And best of all, it cost significantly less on an annual basis than
sporadically purchasing new software licenses.

Why do you need Sage Cover?

Stay compliant and improve Manage your investment
productivity by keeping your product effortlessly and cost-effective
capabilities current Time is your most valuable asset, and
Sage Cover ensures you receive the latest how you leverage it can be critical to
major software releases, security patches the success of your organisation. That’s
and bug fixes. The product are continually why you wisely invested in our software,
added and enhanced with new features which delivers enormous time savings in
and functionality to meet new challenges business operations. With Sage Cover,
in your business. And that means you can you can continue to make the best use
rest assured you’ll always have the current of your time while taking full advantage
functionality to simplify your tasks. of product capabilities and the continual
improvements we make. And guess what?
Protect your software with the Sage Cover secure you from price increase,
latest security upgrades and no one promise you on no price increase
performance improved in future.
With Sage Cover, you are entitle to a
full year of free upgrades where the Dedicated friendly support team
upgrades are designed in order to with experts for fast answers on your
address and fix issues encountered product issues
by users. These upgrades improve the You can’t afford to be without expert
overall performance and functionality of technical assistance through our highly
the software. Moreover, they enable the experienced professionals who are
software to last longer by increasing its committed to your satisfaction. Our partner
life cycle. network and/or support services ensure
quick resolution to your product issues.
Streamline your license management Our support team operates from 9am to
License keys are like passwords. You might 6pm on weekdays.
have several of them and when you need
to find one, it may not be obvious where
to look. Sage Cover provides you with
licensing assistance in case you need to
request a new license key, transfer your
license to a new machine. It’s your one-stop
shop for all things licensing.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 10

Sage Training Centre

The Sage Training Centre provides standardized and certified courses for Sage UBS Accounting Inventory
& Billing and Payroll as well as annual courses covering payroll principles and introduction to Bookkeeping.
Conveniently located within a stone’s throw away from the transport hub of KL Sentral, our 70,000 square
feet location comes equipped with the proper facilities and certified trainers.

Why a Sage Certification? You will then join a community of certified users
Sage is a market leading provider of business of Sage products whom benefit from the latest
software solutions to the SMEs worldwide, therefore updates on products and activities.
a certification in a Sage product could just be the
door opener to employment opportunities that you Why a course at the Sage Training Centre?
have been looking for. In addition, a certification • Small and focused classes
formalizes your experience and expertise as a • Practical hands-on training
trained user of Sage products, increasing the value • Year-round courses available for your
of your experience in your resume. convenient planning

Email us at [email protected] to find out more.

Sage UBS - Accounting, Inventory & Billing 11

Sage Software Sdn Bhd
Suite 1B-6, Level 6, Block 1B,
Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
12pt DB Intro Copy
Address Line 2
[email protected]
Address Line 3

©2017 The Sage Group plc or its licensors. Sage, Sage logos,
Sage product and service names mentioned herein are the
©2019 The Sage
trademarks of TheGroup
Sageplc or itsplc
Group licensors. Sage, Sage
or its licensors. logos, Sage
All other
product andare
trademarks service names mentioned
the property herein are
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owners. NA/
WFThe Sage Group plc or its licensors. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners. AS/WF 512856.

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