" Spread Your Wings and Fly High Above": A Motivational Speech

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“ Spread your Wings and Fly High Above”: a

Princess Joy E. Alfanta OBTEC 1-2

motivational speech
Dream Big. Work Hard. Stay Focused. Surround yourself with good people.

In this world full of ups and downs we should never forget the reason why we are
striving hard to reach our hopes and dreams. We are born with a purpose and mission
that we should satisfyingly accomplish. Everyday is a blessing that we should be
thankful of and another day of chance to continue what we’ve started.

We always hear the phrases “Life is too short” and “You Only Live Once “ or
YOLO. These phrases remind us that Time is Gold thus we should never waste time
and as well remind us how lucky we are to be able to witness how beautiful the world is.
In these times, we are doing things to make our lives better and meaningful. We have
many plans and we act upon it. We go to school, we started business, have jobs to
sustain our needs and etc. As long as we live dream big and pray for it. We should be
patient in achieving those for the process is not that easy there are many bumpy roads
that will test our dedication to it and as well as good road that results because of
determination. Working hard is also a key for success for we cannot achieve things
without action . While we are working hard ,always Stay focused don’t ever let
negativities affect you hence, always be optimistic. Positive thinker gets a positive
result. Lastly, surround yourself with good people because this will make you stronger
and motivated.

Our life experiences, socializing with others and learning school are one of the
ways to equip ourselves with necessary things we need to help us pave our way that
might cause too much pain and danger to us. For every problem never learn to
surrender for there are thousands of solutions. Delays are God’s way to say that better
days are coming what he require from you is patience. Never be afraid to fail for failure
is the best teacher.

To everyone especially my fellow future professionals, never stop dreaming and

reaching your goals. Spread your wings and fly high above. We can be who we are
when we trust in God’s plan and wait for the right time that God will give us what we
prayed for. Life is not a race thus don’t be in a hurry and compare yourself with others
for we have different paths and procedures to follow on our own story of life .It’s never
been too late nor early for its just a perfect time.

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