Annex B - TOR of 6 Water Projects in Ninveh
Annex B - TOR of 6 Water Projects in Ninveh
Annex B - TOR of 6 Water Projects in Ninveh
Section Content
1. Background Many public infrastructures in all Nineveh governorate were destroyed during the
period of conflict and the displacement. Water supply systems which include
borehole sources, pump houses, storage tanks, generators and supply network
were damaged. Since the military takeover started in October 2016, many IDPs
have started returning to their places of origin, however inadequate safe water
continues to limit the progress of return and increases the risk to diarrheal disease
outbreak. UNICEF in partnership with Nineveh Water Directorate is planning to
respond to the humanitarian needs of about 285,000 vulnerable (including host
communities) in various locations in Nineveh government specifically in the
districts of Telafar and East and West of Mosul for rehabilitation of water systems.
2. Objectives, The multiple projects aim to benefit approximately 285,000 affected communities
Purpose & in Western Nineveh governorate and East and West of Mosul City to have access
to appropriate quantity and quality of safe drinking water, cooking and good
personal hygiene by rehabilitation of the water systems (mainly boreholes) and
upgrading of the water network.
3. Location and 1. All the six (6) projects are situated in Telafar districts, East and West of Mosul
Description of city. Group1 includes Four projects, three of them are in Old Mosul City (West
Mosul) and one in East Mosul. Group2 includes Two projects, located in Rabea
(in Owinat village) and in the village of Al Nakhwa Al Arabia in Telafar. See the
summary sheet.
2. Depending on the specific project, the works will comprise the following:
4.2 UNICEF shall make any variation in the form of quality or quantity of the works
that may in its opinion be necessary and for that purpose or if for any other
reason, it shall have the power to order the contractor to do and the contractor
shall do any of the following:
a. Increase or decrease the quantity of any work included in the contract.
b. Omit any work included in the contract.
c. Change the character or quality or kind of any work included in the
d. Execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the
works. And no such variation shall in any way violate or invalidate the
contract but the value (if any) of all such variations shall be considered in
ascertaining the amount of the contract price. No such variation shall be
made by the contractor without an order in writing by UNICEF who shall
determine the amount (if any) to be added to or deducted from the sum
named in the tender in respect of any extra or additional work done or
work omitted by its order. All such work shall be valued as follows:
e. Where there are rates for comparable work in the bills of quantities such
rates are to be used.
f. Where no such comparable rates are available from the bills of quantities
UNICEF shall determine such rates as it considers fair and reasonable, due
allowance shall be made for the market value of articles purchased, the
intricacy and the location of the work involved and the current value of
similar work in other contracts.
4.3 Should the contractor fail to fulfil any of his obligations under the contract,
UNICEF may in the absence of any other remedy provided under the terms of
the contract and after giving the contractor seven days’ notice in writing of its
intention so to do cause such obligations to be carried out by other persons or
contractors and deduct the costs incurred from the moneys due or payable to
the contractor or UNICEF may recover them as a debt from the contractor and
in such case UNICEF shall certify the reasonable costs incurred.
4.4 There will be no variation in the contract price as a result of any variation in
the costs of materials for permanent or temporary works or of consumable
stores fuel or power or in the rates of wages or allowances payable to or in
respect of labour or as a result of any changes in the labour employment
conditions or as a result of the introduction or operation of any law statute or
4.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for preparation and actualization of
detailed Health & Safety and Accident Prevention Plans, Detailed Time
Schedules and Cash Flow Estimates, site Protection and ensure people and
traffic mobility.
4.6 The Contractor shall transport and on his expense all demolished rubbles and
exceeded building materials to locations minimum distance of 10 km or as
specified by the municipality and shall be responsible for cleaning out the site
and it is surrounding areas at the end of usage.
4.7 The latest issue of the “Conditions for Construction Contracts” issued by the
government of Iraq shall be applicable to this contract especially clauses
concerning Settlement of Disputes, Arbitration, etc.
5. Reporting 5.1 Joint monitoring report shall be completed and signed during joint field
mission by UNICEF and the Supervision Committee nominated by the Nineveh
Water Directorate (NWD).
5.2 Site handover letter to be signed by Supervision Committee, UNICEF and
Contractor representative after 5 days of signing of contract.
5.3 The contractor should submit weekly progress report and to be submitted to
UNICEF officially by email.
5.4 UNICEF shall work in collaboration with the Supervision Committee to
supervise the works and jointly certify all works completion.
5.5 UNICEF shall conduct regular performance evaluation throughout the duration
of the contract, and the final evaluation at the closure of the contract.
5.6 Each Contractor will furnish a detailed activity schedule within 7 days after
commencement of the works which will be used to guide all parties with the
monitoring and supervision of the progress of the works. The contractor may
also be requested to prepare periodic progress reports as requested by
supervising engineers and submit to Nineveh Water Directorate and UNICEF.
5.7 Upon satisfactory completion of the works the Supervision Committee shall
issue Certificate of Completion to the Contractor.
5.8 Upon the official completion of the project, the contractor is obliged to
commence a workshop training to train the system operator in new system
operation assigned by NWD and to train him/her in preparing the daily
production chart registration.
6. Duration 6.1 The contractor must commence the contract works within a maximum period
of five (5) days from the signing date of the contract.
6.2 Duration of the implementation is (50) calendar days starting from the date
of commencement.
6.3 After 100% completion of work, a warranty (maintenance) period of 3 months
will be applied by the related directorate (NWD in this case), from the date of
certification of completion by UNICEF and the Supervision Committee.
6.4 Notification of extension or changes of the contract expiry date will be
approved by UNICEF.
6.5 The contract will be considered completed when a Handover Certificate from
Nineveh Water Directorate is delivered to UNICEF stating that the works have
been completed and maintained to their satisfaction.
7. Qualification 7.1 The contractor shall appoint a qualified project supervisor with at least five
years of professional experience to work full time in supervising the
implementation of work during the whole contract and warranty periods, and
both the contractor and his engineer should work closely with the
Supervision Committee members nominated by Nineveh Water Directorate
and UNICEF to appoint engineers to supervise the implementation of the
7.2 The contactor shall appoint qualified Electrical Engineer with at least five
years of professional experience in installation and operation of Solar Power
System and to be daily monitoring of all the ongoing activities.
8. Evaluation 8.1 The Bid shall be evaluated based on technical and financial criteria. The ratio
process and weight between technical and financial criteria is (60:40).
8.4 The total weight of the bidder will be the cumulative of the two above
formulas (Technical and Financial).
9. Administrative 9.1 The bidder shall attend a meeting organized by UNICEF to explain any
question raised by the bidder in relation to the project. UNICEF shall notify
the bidder of the dates in pre bidding meeting.
9.2 Interviews if necessary indicating for which experts/position (in general, the
evaluation of experts is conducted based on their CVs).
9.3 Whenever possible, bidder should be requested to provide an all-inclusive
cost in the financial proposal. Bidder should be reminded to factor in all cost
implications for the required service / assignment
9.4 When travel is expected as part of the assignment, it shall be clearly specified
(e.g. location, duration, number of journeys …etc.) in the TOR. Bidder shall
be required to include the estimate cost of travel in the financial proposal. It
is essential to clarify in the TOR that travel cost shall be calculated based on
economy class travel, regardless of the length of travel and ii) costs for
accommodation, meals and incidentals shall not exceed applicable daily
subsistence allowance (DSA) rates, as promulgated by the International Civil
Service Commission (ICSC).
9.5 Unexpected travels shall also be treated as above.
10. Payment 10.1UNICEF shall make payments in US Dollars through electronic bank transfer.
Schedule The contractor shall provide UNICEF with details of bank account in Iraq. In
case of payment by cheque the contractor shall provide UNICEF with a letter
authorising an individual to receive the cheque. The letter should include full
name and ID number of the person.
10.2 Measurement of the works shall be based on only fully completed activities
or works in the line items of the BoQ. Partially completed works under the
line item in the BoQ will not be included in the measurement.
10.3 There will be a maximum of 2 payments:
10.4 The first payment will be paid after completing of these BOQ’s
- Upgrading of Al Rashidiya water network: A1, A6, B1 and B9.
- Upgrading of water network of 8” ductile pipeline: A1, A2 and A3.
- Upgrading of water network of 10” ductile pipeline: B1, B2, B3 and B4.
- Upgrading of water network of 12” ductile pipeline: C1, C2, C3 and C4.
- Upgrading water network in Owinat village: B1, B2 and B6.
- Upgrading water network in Al Nakhwa village: 1 to 6.
10.5 The second payment will be paid after completing all remaining BOQs line
items as below:
- Upgrading of Al Rashidiya water network: A2 to A5, A7 to A11, B2 to B8,
B10 to B14.
- Upgrading of water network of 8” ductile pipeline: A4 to A9.
- Upgrading of water network of 10” ductile pipeline: B5 to B11.
- Upgrading of water network of 12” ductile pipeline : C5 to C10.
- Upgrading water network in Owinat village: A1 to A3, B3, B4, B5, B7, and
- Upgrading water network in Al Nakhwa village: 7 to 12.
10.6 The guarantee amount shall be returned to the contractor upon satisfactory
completion of remedying all defects as per the instructions of the Supervision
Committee and upon submission of certificate of handover.
10.7 Payments will be released within 30 days of receipt of the contractor’s
invoices which should be certified by UNICEF & Nineveh Water Directorate on
the progress of work achieved in each project.
10.8 If the contractor fails to complete the works within the time prescribed, then
the contractor shall be fined for each day delay an amount of money as
liquidated damages of 0.5% of the value of the contract per day of delay, up
to a maximum of 10% of the value. Without prejudice to any other method
of recovery UNICEF may deduct the amount of such damages from any
moneys in its hands due or which may become due to the contractor. The
payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the contractor from
his obligation to complete the works or from any other of his obligations and
liabilities under the contract.
11.Project 10.1 The projects will be managed by UNICEF WASH section in Duhok. All matters
management pertaining to the contract should be referred to both Supply Section in Erbil (Sadeq
S Mohamed Tel:07507949317) and WASH section in Duhok (Eng. Mohammed
Barwary Tel: 07504506166 or Eng. Ammar Yonan Tel: 07504641345).
12. Any other 11.1 Contractors from the same geographic area are most welcomed to apply for
information this Bid.
11.2 All funds will be wire transferred to the vendor’s bank account. All vendors
must have a bank account registered under the name of the company and
not individual.
11.3 The contractor is obliged to use workers from the same geographic area but
in case if the skilled labours are not available then he/she has the right to
hire from different area.
11.4 It is highly recommended that the bidder to register in the UNICEF’s system
even if not awarded. (Contact the college Mr. Abdulrahman for registration
details: 0750 431 4158)