International Journal of Chemtech Research: Alexander Mathew, Akanksha Dubey, Amit B. Mahindrakar

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International Journal of ChemTech Research

CODEN (USA): IJCRGG, ISSN: 0974-4290, ISSN(Online):2455-9555

Vol.9, No.11 pp 87-95, 2016

Study of Constructed Wetland for Treatment of Landfill


Alexander Mathew, Akanksha Dubey, Amit B. Mahindrakar*

School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore-632014,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract : Constructed wetlands are engineered systems that have been designed and
constructed to utilize the natural processes involving plants, soils, and their associated
microbial assemblages to assist in treating wastewater. The main purpose of this study was to
treat organic pollution, nitrates and phosphates present in landfill leachate by the use of
constructed wetland systems by studying the effect of retention time and plant species variation.
A lab-scale study was conducted on horizontal mode subsurface flow constructed wetland
systems using gravel, sand and garden soil as media. Retention time was varied from 1 hour, 2
hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours to study the variation in efficiency of
treatment of two locally available plants species namely; Cattail (Typha Latifolia) and Bulrush
(Scirpus Californicus). Maximum removal efficiencies of Turbidity, COD, Total Solids,
Nitrates and Phosphates achieved were 84%, 82%, 91%, 65% and 89%, respectively with the
retention time of 8 hours. The plant species Cattail (Typha Latifolia) showed better results as
compared to Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus).
Keywords: Constructed Wetland; Landfill Leachate; Organic Pollution; Nitrates ; Phosphates.

One of the major methods of disposing municipal solid wastes in the world today is landfill disposal.
The main purpose of landfill disposal of solid wastes is to stabilize the waste and to make it hygienic through
the use of natural decomposition. Landfill leachate is an important pollution factor resulting from municipal
landfill sites. Leachate produced from municipal landfill sites contains concentrated toxic chemicals. Leachate
is produced as a result of rainfall and surface runoff or groundwater entry into the landfill site 1. Water that
percolates into landfill takes up the soluble constituents from the wastes and may enter either the ground water
or the surface water and thus act as a vehicle, carrying potentially toxic matter from the landfill to the water

There has been an increased concerned caused to ground water and public health due to the presence of
large quantity of hazardous chemicals in solid waste disposal sites close to residential areas3.Leachates are
classified as problematic wastewaters and a dangerous source of pollution and cannot be treated along with
conventional municipal wastewater because of its variable characteristics such organics with low
biodegradability, toxic components such as heavy metals, inorganic constituents such as ammonia, sulfate and
cationic metals and low pH4. In order to achieve environmental friendly criteria for landfill leachate, the
pollutants levels in leachate should be minimized to discharge standards. Hence, landfill leachate must be
collected and treated5. It is difficult to be treat leachate to satisfy the discharge standards due to variable
composition and high proportion of refractory materials6.Advanced leachate treatment systems are being used
by many developed municipal corporations. But biological and chemical treatment methods require high
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 88

investment and operating costs, hence limiting their application to a very great extent 7. For small communities
with small scale landfills in particular, this cost represents a higher percentage of the budget 8. Hence, many
communities of the developing countries cannot afford the construction and operation of conventional treatment
systems. For these communities, alternative natural treatment systems, which are simple in the construction and
operation, yet inexpensive and environmentally friendly, seem to be appropriate. Natural based treatment
systems such as constructed wetland would to be more appropriate and practical for their treatment as these
systems have the attractive advantages of low cost and efficient removal mechanisms.

Constructed Wetlands (CWs) are a natural, eco-technological biological wastewater treatment

technology designed to mimic processes found in natural wetland ecosystems, which is now standing as the
potential alternative or supplementary systems for the treatment of wastewater 9. Treatment of wastewater in
constructed wetland systems includes biological and biochemical processes 10. Constructed Wetland takes
treatment systems use rooted wetland plants and shallow flooded or saturated soil for wastewater treatment.
Constructed wetlands takes are designed to take advantage of the chemical and biological processes of natural
wetlands for removing contaminants from wastewater11. Various factors play an important role in the treatment
includes the availability and accessibility of contaminants for Rhizomes microorganism, the extent of soil
contamination and uptake into roots. The main advantage of constructed wetlands is that it is extremely easy
and cost effective to build, operate and maintain. Since all process involved in the treatment are natural, there
are no chemicals used which in turn help keeping secondary pollution limited. Constructed wetlands are of two
types, namely, surface flow and subsurface flow wetlands. Subsurface flow is again classified as horizontal flow
and vertical flow. Extensive studies have been carried out on many types of constructed wetland with various
media, plant species and other variations. The main objective of this work was to construct a lab scale
horizontal sub surface flow constructed wetland, and hence study the effect of two plant species, Bulrush
(Scirpus Californicus) and Cattail (TyphaLatifolia) on the removal efficiency of organic and inorganic
contaminants of synthetic landfill leachate and to study the variation of retention time and the efficiency of the
constructed wetland.

Experimental Methodology

Two trays of dimensions 0.45X0.30X0.125m were taken and pipes of diameter 1.75cms were attached
to both the sides of the tray as the inlet and outlet. The inlet was above the outlet with respect to the distance
from the bottom of the tray. The plants chosen are aquatic plants and depend on their adaptability to the climate.
The plants used for the lab scale model are Cattail (TyphaLatifolia) and Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus) which
are locally available. Extensive studies have been carried out on both these plants by Gallardo-Williamsa,
M.T.13and Al-Baldawia, I.A. 14These aquatic plants have the characteristic ability of transporting air (oxygen)
from the atmosphere to the roots from where a part diffuses into the liquid substrate. They have relatively deep
routes and rhizosomes which create a large volume of active rhizosomes per unit surface area. They supply
oxygen to the microorganisms in the substrate and help stabilize the organic matter applied 15. There were three
layers of purification, namely gravel, sand (sieved with 1.18mm sieve) and garden soil in the tray setup so as to
explicably recreate a soil stratum. Garden soil growing a variety of plants was taken, preferably loamy,
containing silt and clay. Each of these layers had specific roles to play in the purification process of a
constructed wetland. Technical Specifications of the setup have been given in Table 1. The ability of gravel to
make biofilms, the efficiency of sand to remove phosphates and nitrates from the water and adsorptive
properties of the garden soil because of binding sites on the organic soil particles which allow cation exchange,
are some of the mechanisms kept in mind while selecting constructed wetland media.
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 89

Table1: Technical Specifications of Lab Scale Model

Operational Specifications Value

CW Type Subsurface Flow
CW Configuration Horizontal Flow (HF)
CW Substrate Garden Soil, Sand, Gravel
Type of Influent Synthetic Leachate
Tray Dimensions 45cm*30cm*12.5cm
Saturation Volume of tray 5.5 Litres
Dilution Factor 6
Type of feeding Intermittent
Plant Species Cattail (TyphaLatifolia)
Bulrush (ScirpusCalifornicus)
Depth of Gravel 7 cms
Depth of Sand 9 cms
Sand Sieve size 1.18 mm
Depth of Garden Soil 9 cms
Slope of Setup 2%
Plant spacing 20cm

Leachate Characteristics

Leachate was prepared in the laboratory and was tested for various characteristics. locally available
waste such as fruit peels, dry food waste, wet food waste, garden waste, paper waste, plastics and some wood
waste was collected, and mixed well with water. It was kept to decompose for 7 days and only the leachate was
collected by sieving out the solid particles. This leachate was diluted using water to maintain a COD of 4000-
5000 mg/l because of leading constraints on the constructed wetland. Then this fresh leachate was immediately
tested for parameters such as pH, turbidity, Total Solids, Fixed Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, Chemical
Oxygen Demand, Total Nitrates and Total Phosphates. All the analyses were performed according to standard
methods 16for the examination of water and wastewater. The characteristics of the influent leachate are
presented in the Table 2.

Table 3: Leachate Influent Characteristics

pH 4.50
Turbidity 197 NTU
COD 4480 mg/l
Phosphates 23.67 mg/l
Nitrates 9.75 mg/l
TS 9650 mg/l
TDS 9200 mg/l
TSS 450 mg/l
FS 3350 mg/l

Retention time

Diluted synthetic leachate was fed into the inlet and allowed to flow slowly because of the slope
through the porous medium under the bed horizontally until it reached the outlet zone. Water was allowed to
flow into the setup and kept for different Retention Times of 1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs, 4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs and 24hrs. This
water when passed through soil stratum, witnessed breaking down of the particles due to the microbial action of
the plants and also the collective action of soil layers. The treated water was then collected from the outlet pipe.
Each of the given samples obtained were tested for pH, turbidity, Total Solids, Fixed Solids, Total Dissolved
Solids, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Nitrates and Total Phosphates.
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 90

Results and Discussion

The treatment efficiency of the horizontal subsurface constructed wetland unit was examined by
wastewater quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, Total Solids, Fixed Solids, Total Dissolved Solids,
Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Nitrates and Total Phosphates, in the outlet of wastewater at intermittent flow
of retention times of 1hr, 2hrs, 3hrs, 4hrs, 8hrs, 12hrs and 24hrs.

The maximum change in pH values were obtained in Cattail (Typha Latifolia) ranging from 4.5 to 6.88
at a retention time of 24 hours and 4.5 to 6.71for Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus) at a retention time of 24 hours
for the inlet and outlet respectively as seen in Figure 1. This increase of pH value may be due to formation of
some acidic components in the bioremediation process17.

Figure 1: Change in pH obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

Figure 2: Change in Turbidity value obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

As seen in Figure 2, the turbidity of the outlet showed significant reductions from that of the inlet. The
reduction efficiency at the retention time of 8 hours for Cattail was 85.7% and that for Bulrush (Scirpus
Californicus) was 81%.
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 91

Figure 3: Change in COD value obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

The maximum COD removal was seen at the retention time of 8 hours for Cattail. It was reduced
significantly from 4480mg/l to 716 mg/l providing a removal efficiency of 84% as seen in Figure 3. The
removal efficiency of Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus) at the same retention time was observed to be 81.5%. The
COD removal is believed to occur rapidly through settling and entrapment of particulate organic matter in the
void spaces of the substrate. The substrate is the main supporting material for plants and microbial growth. Fine
gravel promotes higher growth of plants and therefore increases the quantity of contaminant removal.

The constructed wetland showed significant reductions in the phosphate levels as seen in Figure 4. The
level of phosphate fell from 23.6mg/l to 2.55mg/l during which it attained maximum efficiency of 89.9% in the
setup with Cattail and 81% while using Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus). The soil contains low concentrations of
minerals with reactive Fe or Al hydroxide or Ca which can promote phosphate precipitation.

Figure 4: Change in Phosphate value obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

The maximum nitrate removal was obtained in Cattail changing from an inlet value of 9.35mg/l to
3.37mg/l with a removal efficiency of 65% in comparison with 63% efficiency for Bulrush (Scirpus
Californicus) at a retention time of 8 hours as seen in Figure 5.
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 92

Figure 5: Change in Nitrate value obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

Macrophytic plants encourage the assimilation and breakdown of nutrients within a wetland system.
They have the ability not only to bind high amounts of nutrients within their system, but also to create an
environment conducive to decreasing nutrients 18. Nitrification of ammonia–nitrogen can occur in the oxidized
root zone of the Typha Latifolia and denitrification occurs into reduced environments in water column or in the

Figure 6: Change intotal solids value obtained for Typha Latifolia and Scirpus Californicus

The maximum removal was seen during the retention time of 8 hours for Cattail. It was reduced
significantly from 9650mg/l to 1750 mg/l providing a removal efficiency of 81.7% as seen in Figure 6. The
removal efficiency of Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus) at the same retention time was observed to be 77%.

The reduction in Fixed Solids obtained in Cattail changed from an inlet value of 3350mg/l to 350mg/l
with a highly efficient removal efficiency of 91% in comparison with 88% efficiency for Bulrush (Scirpus
Californicus) at a retention time of 8 hours as seen in Figure 7.The microorganisms within the leachate quickly
adhere to the bead surface thereby lowering the drainable porosity and hence causing more leachate to stick to
the film/bead surface 20.
Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 93

Figure 7: Change infixed solids value obtained for TyphaLatifolia and ScirpusCalifornicus

Figure 8: Change intotal suspended solids value obtained for TyphaLatifolia and ScirpusCalifornicus

The reduction in Total Suspended Solids ranged from 450mg/l to 100mg/l at a retention time of 12
hours and to 150mg/l for a retention time of 8 hours for Cattail as seen in Figure 8. The maximum reduction
efficiency was seen in Bulrush (ScirpusCalifornicus) (from 450mg/l to 150mg/l) at a retention time of 8 hours.

Figure 9: Change inTDS value obtained for TyphaLatifolia and ScirpusCalifornicus

Amit B. Mahindrakar et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 87-95. 94

As shown in Figure 9, the TDS values of the outlet showed significant reductions from that of the inlet.
The reduction efficiency at the retention time of 8 hours for Cattail was 82.6% and that for Bulrush (Scirpus
Californicus) was 78.26%.

These pollutants may be reduced due to trickling process and biofilm of aerobic and an anaerobic
microorganism. The difference in the efficiency of each parameter in both plant species indicates that the use of
Cattail at a Retention Time of 8 hourswill be helpful for better treatment of leachate.

In this study, subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland was applied for the treatment of synthetic
waste leachate. Results from the study show that Cattail (Typha Latifolia) and Bulrush (Scirpus Californicus)
can be used effectively for treatment of landfill leachates. However, Typha Latifolia showed better contaminant
removal as compared to Scirpus Californicus. It was observed that retention time of 8 hrs showed better results
for both the species. Maximum removal efficiencies of Turbidity, COD, Total Solids, Nitrates and Phosphates
achieved were 84%, 82%, 91%, 65% and 89%, respectively with the retention time of 8 hours.

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