Test Paper 8th Grade
Test Paper 8th Grade
Test Paper 8th Grade
8th grade
● Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din
oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 de minute.
1. John lives in a house a- which keeps food fresh.
2. A watch is a machine b-who landed on the moon.
3. This is the book c- which flies in the air.
4. Sheep are the animals d-which is used for sewing clothes.
5. A fridge is a machine e-which give us milk and wool.
6. An airplane is a vehicle f- which is about the earth pollution.
7. Mrs. Smith is the teacher g-which tells the time.
8. A tin-opener is a tool h-which is used for opening tins and cans.
9. A sewing machine is a machine ı-that is 100 years old.
10. Neil Armstrong is the first man j-who loves her students so much.
PART II ( 30 points)
Pam is very sad. Her parents won’t let her go to a party, because she didn’t do so well at school
and took bad marks. Send her a letter and give her some pieces of advice about how to solve the situation
with her parents. 2p
10 points granted
8th grade
● Se puncteaza oricare alte formulari/modalitati de rezolvare corecta a cerintelor
● Nu se acorda punctaje intermediare, altele decat cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se acorda
fractiuni de punct.
● Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finala se calculeaza prin impartirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.
PART I (60 points)
1. Present Continuous; 2. Present Simple; 3. Past Simple; 4. Future Simple; 5. Present Perfect; 6. Past Simple;
7. Past Perfect; 8. Past Simple; 9. Past Continuous; 10. Present Perfect Continuous.
V. Put the words in brackets in the right form: (1p x 5 = 5p)
a) information, b) revision; c) education; d) energetic; e) conclusion
PART II ( 30 points)
10 points granted