Chapter I. Problem Solving
Chapter I. Problem Solving
Chapter I. Problem Solving
students should be expected Objectives of the University module, Google online discussion Class Recitation Cooperation
to: and the College Classroom, Participation Log Week 1
Google Meet, FB Brainstorming
Requirements of the subject
Develop a scheme on how Messenger
they can contribute to the
attainment of the aims and
objectives of the university.
At the end of the unit, the Chapter I. Problem Solving Lecture Teacher led-class
students should be able to: Discussion online discussion Class Recitation Organization
a. Definition of problem through module, Participation Log
1. differentiate between solving and its types Google Brainstorming Neatness Week 1-5
routine and non-routine Classroom, Answer Key
problems b. Different kind of Google Meet, FB Written activities Online quiz Cooperation
problems Messenger Rubric
2. identify range of problem solving Appreciation
c. Solving routine and Peer online problem set of the
strategies to solve non-
non-routine math teaching Mathematical concepts
routine problems Deductive
problems Modeling activities presented
Video reasoning
3. articulate the processes d. Real-world problems concept mapping Accuracy
used to solve non-routine Portfolio
problems Guided Discovery
4. identify and solve Written
accurately non-routine Exercises
problems used in the Mathematical
real-life situations. Modeling