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Kalinga National High School Folder Redirection Module in TVL12 - Information and Communication Technology

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Tabuk City
Folder Redirection
Module in TVL12 – Information and Communication
Second Quarter – Week 2



Department of Education. Cordillera Administrative

What I Need to Know

Welcome to the world of Computer Systems Servicing

This module contains training materials and activities for you to

complete. This module helps you achieve the required Third Core
competency in Computer Systems Servicing. This will be the source of
information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this trade, with
minimum supervision or help from your teacher. With the aid of this
material, you will acquire the competency independently and at your own
This module contains activities for you to complete. It covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required to complete the competency
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to
complete each of the learning outcomes of this module. In each learning
outcome, Learning Elements and Reference materials are available for your
further reading to assist you in the required activities. You are expected to
accomplish all the required activities and to answer all the activities given.
Please note that you need to have 100% correct answers to each activity to
be rated competent. You are required to obtain answer sheets, which are
available from your teacher or provide at the last part of the module, to
reflect your answers for each activity. If you have questions, please do not
hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance.
You are expected to finish the following:
1. Understand the valuable meaning and advantage of performing
folder redirection.
2. Know how to configure folder redirection.

What’s In

Answer the following question based on the previous lesson you have read
and understand. Be guided by the questions and rubric below.

1. What is GPO.

2. What is the different between Local and Domain in GPO?




Content (Related to the Lesson) 5 points
Organization (style of writing) 5 points
Mechanics (grammar) 5 points
TOTAL 15 points

What Is It

Folder Redirection allows you as an administrator to point a number of

special folders, such as Documents, Music and Downloads, to
locations of your choice. The most common use of this is to locate
folders such as My Documents on a network share so that it can be
centrally backed up.

As of Windows Server 2008 R2, the folders you can redirect are as follow
AppData (Roaming)
Start Menu
Saved Games

One of the most useful things you can do is redirecting the Documents
folder (or My Documents for Windows XP and earlier). This allows you
to store a user’s files on a network share, rather than in their local user
profile. This has a number of advantages, including allowing you to back
up these files centrally, and giving users access to their files even if they
log on to a number of different computers. You can couple Folder
Redirection with Offline Files to ensure that people can continue to work
on their files even when they are not connected to your network.


1. Create a folder in a server for file container.

2. Right click in new created folder > Click Properties

3. Choose sharing tab> click share

4. Click the drop down arrow then choose everyone then click Add
(Image 4.2)

5. Set the permission level to Read/Write then click Share then click
Done (Figure 5.2) to setting the permission level then click Close
(Figure 5.3)

6. Open server manager

7. Click Features select Group Policy Management select Forest
(e.g. itsmeismael.com) select domain then click your domain e.g.

8. Right click in your domain (e.g itsmeismael.com) choose Create a

GPO in this domain, and Link it here…

9. Create a name for new GPO

10. Right click in your newly created object then choose Edit

11. Click (-) sign of User Configuration click (-) sign of Polices click
Folder Redirection choose Documents then proceed to next step.

12. Right click in Document then click Properties.

13. Now choose Target tab then choose Basic- Redirect everyone’s
folder to same location.

14. Open your redirection folder then right click choose Properties
then click Sharing Tab then copy your Network Path (e.g.
\\SERVER\New Folder Redirection) then close the window. Then
proceed to your target root path (Step no. 15)

15. Paste the copied network path on to your Root Path click Apply
then click
OK to exit.

16. Warning dialog box will appear just click Yes to continue.

After closing the warning message box, close your Group Policy
Management Editor then proceed to next step.
17. Open your command prompt. Press windows + r then type CMD
then press Enter key in your keyboard. In your command prompt type
gpupdate /force then wait for a moment. You can also try Image 17.2
for alternative method

18. After excuting gpupdate /force command there will be a warning
texts appeared in your command prompt. Read carefully the warning
then type Y to Log off your machine.

Why do we need to log off the machine?

We need to log off our machine in order to apply the configured policy.

Requisites and Application

Do this first in your Computer Server then log off your server, do the
same thing in your connected clients.


19. Open your configured redirection folder (e.g. New Folder

Redirection) in your windows server 2008 R2 OS

20. Open the user’s folder, it usually named after the name of the
user logged in a machine (e.g. itsmeismael).

21. Open your redirected folder (Document).

22. We cannot open the redirected folder by default. The permission

dialogue box will appear then click continue to grant ownership for
this folder.

23. To take ownership for this folder just click security tab then
proceed to next procedure.

24. Click continue

25. Click other users or group

26. Type Everyone in Enter the object name to select then click
Check Names Click OK.

Note: In this method I used “Everyone” permission. Using “Everyone”

permission level is strongly not recommend for the network that implements
high level of security measure. You can use your domain restrictions and
security groups or any equivalent privileges that you need within your enterprise
27. Check Replace owner on sub container and objects

28. Granting permission. Click yes to continue

29. Click Ok

30. Click OK

31. Click Close

32. Open your client computer (eg. Windows 7) then click your
redirected folder. Put some files or create some folder then go back to
your server.
Note: Redirected folder is a folder that pertains to specific
configured folder inside our server. See step no. 12

33. Open your redirected folder that resides in your server (Windows
Server 2008 R2) then see the result.

What’s More
Identification, Identify the following folder you can redirect? Used the word
below and the description for the clues.
Desktop Start Menu Pictures Contacts Music

1 2 3 4 5

What I Have Learned

Matching: Place the letter of the matching answer in the space
preceding each numbered question
1. _____ It is used to store picture files. 
2. _____ Is a designated location on your computer where files can copy
from your media player.
3. _____ a folder included in Windows that serve as convenient repositories
for various types of media files. Some of these folders include: Pictures,
Music, and Videos.
4. _____ This folder is usually located on the drive where Windows is
5. _____ It is a virtual folder that provides a view of all email items that
match specific search criteria.

a. Pictures b. Music c. Video d. Downloads e. Searches

What I can Do
Explain the question’s Briefly?
Why folder redirection important in Setting-up computer


Should the Folder Redirection be included in Setting-up computer



Choose the LETTER of the BEST answer. Write your answer on the SPACE
provided before each number.
1. Which of the following is not a folder?
a. Music b. documents c. links d. IP address
2. What will you do to store a user file on a network share.
a. Install server and con figure server manager
b. right click computer and change user group on domain name.
c. right click network and configure IP address
d. All of the above
3. In setting-up folder redirection, what is the first step you will configure?
a. Create a folder in a server for file container
b. Choosing of sharing tab
c. Set the permission level to read/write
d. All of the above
4. The following folders you can redirect are as follow (except)
a. Music b. documents c. links d. IP address
5. If you want to duplicate your file what settings in server manager you will
a. Forder redirection b. Group redirection c. user redirection
d. All of the above

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